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It's Naberus! You... do know what that is, right? The ancient Orokin festival of death, darkness and deviance? The happiest time of the entire year? I've dug out all the old family decorations! Take a look. One of them even tells a story...

Naberus is an Orokin festival that celebrates immortality by dressing up as the dead, as if mocking death. It takes place once a year at night.

Folktale[edit | edit source]

Whispering Naberus Mobile[edit | edit source]

Main article: Nights of Naberus

Players can purchase an interactable Whispering Naberus Mobile Orbiter Decoration for 100  Mother Tokens from Daughter during the Nights of Naberus event. After placing the decoration, the Whispering Naberus Mobile has a prompt to "Listen", triggering a cutscene where an ancient folktale is narrated by Grandmother.

Whispering Naberus Mobile Tale
Disfigured Ostron bodies used as costumes according to Grandmother's story

The Orokin's rituals of Continuity and Kuva allowed them to cheat death by transferring their consciousness out from their old, rotten bodies into younger, healthier ones. Considering death beneath them, the Orokin decreed a day to make fun of it by masquerading as the dead. This day was known as Naberus.

On one eventful Naberus, three Orokin grew bored of the festival. One of them had an idea to reinvigorate their spirits: they kidnapped three Ostrons and mutilated their bodies, and then used Blue Kuva to temporarily transfer their consciousness into these mangled corpses to be used as costumes for the night.

However, a servant girl approached the three Orokin's original unconscious bodies. Taking a flask of Crimson Kuva, the permanent seal of Continuity, she tipped it down their throats. The girl vanished thereafter, and when Naberus ended, none shrieked more loudly and were more terrified than the three Orokin who found themselves permanently trapped in the Ostron corpses.

Dagath's Hollow[edit | edit source]

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Dagath's Hollow Tale

Dagath's story is told in a Naberus tale narrated by Grandmother. The story cutscene can be accessed in Dagath's Hollow at the shrine located near her resting place.

The Warframe known as Dagath was originally a Dax cavalrywoman, who served an  Orokin couple named Corphel and Irilia, and was secretly their lover. The couple never used the cavalrywoman's original name, instead calling her by pet names, for names have great power. Among other gifts, the couple gave her a horse, on the one condition that she never named it, for she would love the horse more than the couple. Unable to bear the sadness of not giving it a name, the Dax named the horse after all, giving it the name Rakhali, meaning "freshness-after-rain". As the couple's fears came to pass, they arranged for the horse's 'accidental' death. However, the rider was accidentally mortally injured as well. As she coughed up blood, the couple pleaded with Ballas to allow her to live forever. He complied, and after some time, returned the rider to the couple, now a Warframe of living steel, with a smiling face that would never fade.

However, the rider was not the same. Vacant of emotion, she would simply stand idly by, like a nonliving doll, staring at them with her perpetual smile. The couple quickly tired of their lover, and since she was no longer a Dax, their relationship was abandoned. They made a deal with an unknown master of industry, and took the rider to his facility. There, she was secured with restraints, and killed via a disintegration beam to the face, which burned a hole clean through her head.

However, the Warframe survived, and clambered out of the facility's trash heap. Still believing herself to be a Dax, the rider sought for her Nikana, but only found the whip-blade of the facility's overseer. She would remember what her masters had done to her, and with a head full of despair and betrayal, the renegade summoned a ghostly Rakhali to her side. Before the following sunrise, she took revenge on Corphel and Irilia, leaving them as faceless as she was.

On a lonesome Naberus night, wandering without purpose, she later encountered Grandmother, and as per Naberus tradition, demanded a gift. But the old woman had nothing to give but her name. So the Warframe rode away, now named Dagath, meaning "the mirror that accuses". And Grandmother was then only known as Grandmother.

With Dagath's name came her new purpose: she would ride throughout the land, her empty face acting as a mirror to show others their sins – and always ready to deliver the sentence thereafter.

Wild Hunt Totem[edit | edit source]

Main article: Nights of Naberus

Players can purchase an interactable Wild Hunt Totem Orbiter Decoration for 100  Mother Tokens from Daughter during the Nights of Naberus event. After placing the decoration, the Whispering Naberus Mobile has a prompt to "Listen", triggering a cutscene where an ancient folktale is narrated by Grandmother.

Wild Hunt Totem

On one lonesome Naberus, a Grineer found himself lost in the deep woods alone. Overcome by fear from a piercing howl, the Grineer was hunted by a ferocious monster. Upon catching sight of the creature - an Infested Kubrodon - the Grineer dispatched it with a single shot from his  Marelok.

As the Grineer indulged in his hubris, he realized too late that he was surrounded by the Kubrodon's pack, who proceeded to tore into him. The Grineer fought back like the beasts around him.

Ultimately, the Grineer miraculously survived the encounter, only to let out the same piercing howl the Kubrodons had made. Having turned feral, the hunted had become the hunter and continued to inspire fear.

Naberus Treats[edit | edit source]

Daughter sells Naberus Treats in exchange for  Mother Tokens during Nights of Naberus.

  • To buy all event-exclusive (or at the very least time-exclusive) items at least once, players need 1,950 Mother Tokens.

The Whispering Naberus Mobile and Wild Hunt Totems are Orbiter Decoration that, once placed, can be interacted with to "Listen" to a Naberus Folktale narrated by Grandmother.

Media[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]