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Suspicious Shipments/Quotes

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Transmissions during Suspicious Shipments alerts.

Introduction[edit | edit source]

  • Lotus: "This vessel appears to be part of a larger operation. Its purpose remains unclear but the threat is obvious. Do not let this ship reach its destination. Eliminate the crew."  (download, history)

During Mission[edit | edit source]

  • Lotus: "Tenno, the level of resistance you are encountering is far beyond anything I had predicted. Something valuable is aboard this ship."  (download, history)
  • Lotus: "Tenno, the security force on this ship is unlike anything I've seen on a Corpus transport. We need to find out what is going on here."  (download, history)
  • Lotus: "Radio silence and intense security indicate that someone is trying very hard to keep this ship and its cargo a secret. Look out for anything out of the ordinary."  (download, history)