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Drusus Leverian
First Appearance
Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)
Voice Actor(s)

Drusus Thelonius Leverian, or simply Drusus, is the mysterious curator and narrator of the Leverian; a little-known museum dedicated to recording the stories and historical feats of the  Tenno and their Warframes.

The Leverian[edit | edit source]

Main article: Leverian

The Leverian, named after its own avid curator, is a humble museum of artifacts dedicated to preservation of histories and stories. Not wanting history to be forgotten and repeated, Drusus created the museum in hopes of sharing and preserving history for future generations to experience.

Despite receiving donations, Drusus mostly curates his museum independently, gathering and presenting the various artifacts that can be found throughout the Leverian, all while personally narrating the story behind each exhibit.

Lore & History[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

An avid historian and storyteller, Drusus is a humble man who only seeks to preserve history and share it with future generations. Despite losing his body and becoming a Cephalon, he is still able to fulfill his duties to the Leverian. Before being cephalized, Drusus was a long-standing associate of Albrecht Entrati's assistant, Loid; a friendship that continues to exist even in the present day.

Even though Drusus acts as the main curator of the Leverian, it is only due to the efforts of its one and only chronicler, and dearest friend of Drusus, the Warframe  Dante, that much of the museum's exhibits even exist in the first place.

Dante Unbound[edit | edit source]

Threatened with bankruptcy from the Leverian's lack of visitors and low donations, Drusus reluctantly agrees to help Parvos Granum in collecting artifacts pertaining to Albrecht Entrati. But when failing to make payment on time, the artifacts from  Dante's gallery are confiscated as compensation, forcing Drusus to turn to the  Tenno for assistance. With the help of Drusus' old friend Loid, the Tenno use Albrecht's old Arterial Conduit network to gather enough artifacts.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • When narrating the Leverian, Drusus is only shown as subtitles. He was not shown until Update 35.5 (2024-03-27), contacting the Tenno to assist Deimos Disruption and revealing himself with what appears to be a Cephalon with an avatar resembling a face.
    • Prior to his reveal as a Cephalon, Drusus made comments alluding to not being human:
      • When donating 1 million  Credits, he may comment "Ahh... with that... I could buy my bod-".
      • In the end of  Styanax's Leverian entry, Drusus says, "I would visit Aria's temple myself, but I am indisposed at present... a... long-standing condition."
  • Drusus is voiced by Martin Oldfield.