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Kuva Lich/Quotes/LichD

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Manic male Kuva Lich voice lines.

Birth of Kuva Lich[edit | edit source]

These voice lines are affected by the weapon's element used to kill the Larvling.

Dismemberment[edit | edit source]

  • "You took my arms, yes. And my legs. Yes, yes. And yet here I am. For the old blood never lets a chosen one sleep. Not even when ripped lengthwise, yes."  (download, history)
  • "All debts, Tenno, must be paid, Tenno. To me is owed arms and legs. Arms for the ones you hacked off, legs for the ones you took from me. All debts must be paid."  (download, history)
  • "I remember the dismembering. The sight of the world spinning away from my tumbling head, landing amidst my own scattered limbs. Revenge, yes, I think."  (download, history)
  • "You picked me apart; a perverse child plucking legs from a fly. Grotesque. Nasty. Got m'limbs back, new ones, better ones. Gonna take yours."  (download, history)

Generic[edit | edit source]

  • "Back from the dead I am. With business to settle. But done smartly. Wisely. Take from you quick smart, never know I was there, yes."  (download, history)
  • "I carry the old blood. Cannot kill the Queen's Kuva. Was small once, am now the vessel of their red message. Hear it and die."  (download, history)
  • "The old blood pumps within me. Bit-a-bump, bit-a-bump. The sound of your funeral march it is. Death's gaunt steed, and me astride it. Bittabumpbittabumpbittabump AHAHAHAHAA!"  (download, history)
  • "Hellooo! Back again. Can't die, won't die. Hahahahaaa...!"  (download, history)

 Heat/ Radiation[edit | edit source]

  • "What you did to me... In my dreams, I still burn, Tenno. In my dreams, I still burn!"  (download, history)
  • "Rolled in pitch I was by your dark desires. Set alight by your evil intent. But soon, soon, all score shall be settled."  (download, history)
  • "I've not felt a thing since the day you scored away my nerve endings with unholy fire. Not a wince, not a tickle. What's left of fear now that you hose my pain away?"  (download, history)
  • "Flame had its way with me, by the mocking flicker of firelight. Undid me. Remade me. And now I come a'calling."  (download, history)

 Cold[edit | edit source]

  • "How long I slept, I do not know. But deep is the sleep of the one you froze."  (download, history)
  • "Kuva is stronger than blood. Would not be stilled. By blizzard and flurry, I'll see you killed."  (download, history)
  • "To an endless winter, you thought me consigned, by the power of your infant will. No. I think not."  (download, history)
  • "By the power of your chilling will, you imagined me dispatched. But I carry the old blood, and the old blood learns. Learned from you. Now, now my will knows your secrets!"  (download, history)

 Electricity/ Magnetic[edit | edit source]

  • "Lightning struck more than twice, wicked one. Struck me again, and again. I strike you now, as your lightning once struck me."  (download, history)
  • "The lightning-struck oak is the strongest of all. And so, the lightning stuck Grineer? (crackles)"  (download, history)
  • "Your eletrickery robbed me of life, made me wish I were dead. I was not. Make you wish, I think I will."  (download, history)
  • "And zap! Just like that, I am back. Crackling with your eletrickery! You Ten-en-zero wish to be hero! Hoist upon your staff and baton! You will be."  (download, history)

 Toxin/ Gas/ Viral[edit | edit source]

  • "The old blood learns fast. Passes on to me the secrets of your poison. Now those I posess, and soon, more."  (download, history)
  • "Your gift of poison has served me well. Rapidly through Grineer ranks I have risen leaving bodies of friend and superior in my wake. Now, I return your toxic favor."  (download, history)
  • "A little poison in your ear, Tenno, a little blackness to shred your veins, muscle lock those lungs, vary the life from you on a wave of bile and nausea."  (download, history)
  • "Swoolen with nausea, I return! Your terror is a panacea. Yes, your pain... reprieve."  (download, history)

After Logging In[edit | edit source]

  • "Kill you, I will. Yes, in a time of my choosing."  (download, history)
  • "I know where you are, floating in your little ship! But I wait! You'll never see me coming!"  (download, history)
  • "I am alive, not dead! I am dead, not alive! Kill and live! Live and kill! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"  (download, history)
  • "The old blood smells what it hates. And it smells YOU. Nowhere to hide."  (download, history)
  • "Nice, Tenno. Good, Tenno. We can be... friends, yes? Tell me where you are, yes? Tell your friend WHERE YOU ARE!"  (download, history)

In Kuva Lich Profile[edit | edit source]

Navigating controlled sectors in the Star Chart[edit | edit source]

  • "Sector is MINE!"  (download, history)
  • "I claim this sector for the grineer! For the old blood! For the queens! See how i serve you mistresses. SEE!"  (download, history)
  • "Think you so smart, but see how i take! A whole sector! just for me. none for you! Smart. Smart me. YES!"  (download, history)
  • "Oh yes! Sector falls into my hands! All gone, all mine! Yes! Sector! YES!"  (download, history)

Completing a Mission on an affected Node[edit | edit source]

  • "You earn. I take! Now I make the rules! Yes?"  (download, history)
  • "My sector. My rules. Your money. My money!"  (download, history)
  • "Everyone who passes through my sector pays tax to lord me! Yes. My sector. My kingdom. You pay."  (download, history)
  • "This all you got? Hmm. Next time you pay more. Tenno. Now go!"  (download, history)

After Revealing a Requiem Mod / Upgrade Rank of the Kuva Lich[edit | edit source]

Fighting the Kuva Lich[edit | edit source]

Spawning[edit | edit source]

  • "I seeeee you... hahahaha..."  (download, history)
  • "Where you look... I am not. And then, suddenly, I am."  (download, history)
  • "Never safe no no no. I find you. My blade soon calls your heart its home."  (download, history)
  • "So certain you were, so safe. You will not be remembered."  (download, history)
  • "I find you. I take you. Like plucking fruit from a tree."  (download, history)

Taunts[edit | edit source]

One Health Bar Left / After Attacking with Correct Requiem Mod[edit | edit source]

Downing a Player[edit | edit source]

  • "*Laughs triumphantly*"  (download, history)
  • "Now. The sticking and the cutting and the wetness. YES!"  (download, history)
  • "See you now! Wriggling like a grub. Waggling like a flipped little terrapin. Belly all white and succulent. Hahahahaha"  (download, history)
  • "Now you die Tenno. Now you die."  (download, history)

Killing a Player[edit | edit source]

  • "I win? I WIN! Now you see! NOW EVERYONE SEES!"  (download, history)
  • "Yes tenno! Now you slack body! Now you fish cold! Now you understand! Me is old blood! you is just. bloody! Hahahaha"  (download, history)
  • "You fight! You lose! You get! I take! You learn, yes? Queens knew. Me special! Now. you. learn. too!"  (download, history)

Failing a Requiem Attempt[edit | edit source]

  • "I grows ups! I gets bigger! Yes. Yes!"  (download, history)
  • "More power! More stronger! MORE RESPECT! Thank you queens! proud. I make you proud!"  (download, history)
  • "Pain. You give pain! The old blood likes it! old blood learns from pain! Grows! I grow tenno! I GROW!"  (download, history)
  • "More! MORE! MORE!"  (download, history)
  • "Waa! It hurts! IT HURTS! yes! YES! *laughs* Next time slippery tenno. Next time we meet. you meet stronger lich! Next time. you get squashed!"  (download, history)
If ranking to 5
  • "Has your lich made you proud queens? Have they? For this one, this one HAS ASCENDED! Is strongest! Now and FOREVER!"  (download, history)
  • "*Maniacal laughter* "No longer a squishy little lich! Now big, important! GOD! YES! YESS!"  (download, history)

Fleeing[edit | edit source]

  • "NO!"  (download, history)
  • "You will not slay, i slip away to return to stab again one day! Yes, yes, yes"  (download, history)
  • "You let me live, yes? you not follow, yes? Let lich go. Live and let live, yes? yes? yes?"  (download, history)
  • "I am sorry mighty tenno! kind tenno! Lich did offend! Bad lich! Lich departs, yes? Lich bothers nevermore! Kind tenno. Good tenno."  (download, history)
  • "I run! I run! WAAAH!"  (download, history)

Taking down the Kuva Lich in Railjack[edit | edit source]

Nearing the ship[edit | edit source]

  • "Found me you did. Hate you I do. Hold your heart in my hand I will, whisper shhhhhhh shhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Boarding the ship[edit | edit source]

  • "Tenno? Tenno?! HERE?!? Protect me! You! And you and you and you! Alla you! Protec' your Lich! I... I needs to think! GO!"

Traversing the ship[edit | edit source]

  • "Tenno comes to kill me. Kill me! Will. Not."

Arriving at the Kuva Lich[edit | edit source]

  • "No. No! NO! Found me! Found me you did! I's not ready! I'S NEED MORE TIIIIIME!"
  • "Tip-toe tip-toe comes the Ten-no. Heheheheheheheh..."

Vanquished[edit | edit source]

Converting the Kuva Lich[edit | edit source]

  • "I... choose to live! Lich is sure Queens would understand."  (download, history)
  • "Yes, yes, Tenno is boss now, yes, not queen, no more, but Tenno. *spits* Shake."  (download, history)
  • "Okay, as long as you promise not to hurt. Blood swear? Yes? Okay... Lich is loyal... I guess..."  (download, history)

When Converted Kuva Lich Assists the Player[edit | edit source]

Upon Entering[edit | edit source]

Upon Leaving[edit | edit source]

After Dying[edit | edit source]

Quirks[edit | edit source]

Allergic to Nature[edit | edit source]

  • "Nature. Green things, me no like green things! Crawley things, slippery things, bitey things. Nature bad. yes? nature bad!"  (download, history)
  • "Mudsucking, the greeney things whispering, shadows flicking and moving and eyes. eyes everywhere!" Me must flee this wild place. Flee at once. FLEE!"  (download, history)

Always Hungry[edit | edit source]

Bloodhound[edit | edit source]

Coward[edit | edit source]

Deserter[edit | edit source]

  • "No. Get up Eximus! GET UP! Save your liege! Save me from Tenno! AAAH!"  (download, history)
  • "You! You killed my Eximus! Me's did not plan for that! I... I go now. AAAH!"  (download, history)

Fear of Being Alone[edit | edit source]

  • "Wait. Where my backup go? Ohhh... All dead... AAAH!"  (download, history)
  • "Me running now to lull you into a false sense of security. Not because all my backup is dead. AAAH"  (download, history)

Fear of Children[edit | edit source]

  • "AAAH! Children! Like uncooked tubemen. AAAH!"  (download, history)
  • "Away from me kiddies! Little not-men. Little not-right. All wrong! ALL WRONG!"  (download, history)

Fear of Heights[edit | edit source]

Fear of Kubrows[edit | edit source]

  • "Kubrow! With the biting and the gnashing and the bark bark bark. No. NO. NOOO!"  (download, history)
  • "No. Kubrow. Call it off! Good Tenno! CALL IT OFF!"  (download, history)

Fear of Space Travel[edit | edit source]

  • "*gasps for air* Okay enough. Enough time in space! Ground now, yes? Yes? Ground. Ground! GROUND!"  (download, history)
  • "Space! So, so much space! Me so small. Small me. Nothing me. Floating. Floating forever. Forever! WAH. WAA. WAAAGH."  (download, history)

Hatred of Children[edit | edit source]

  • "Me gonna squash the little not-right tubemen! The little brats! SQUASH!"  (download, history)
  • "Me properly cooked! Kiddies half cooked! Not right, all wrong. Me fix the all wrong. FIX"  (download, history)

Hatred of Corpus[edit | edit source]

  • "Corpus? CORPUS! Shiny, smart, think so smart, stupid CORPUS! KILL!"  (download, history)
  • "Corpus! Excuse me tenno. Me have old score to settle. KILL CORPUS!"  (download, history)

Hatred of Infested[edit | edit source]

  • "Infested! Writhing, snotty infested! KILL!"  (download, history)
  • "Ew! Infested! So gross, so disgusting! Hate infested! HATE!"  (download, history)

Loner[edit | edit source]

  • "Finally all alone! Troopers all gone. Room to really flex on stupid tenno!"  (download, history)
  • "You kill my men only make me angrier, stupid tenno! Now you really feel pain!"  (download, history)

Paranoid[edit | edit source]

Prone to Vertigo[edit | edit source]

Pyromaniac[edit | edit source]

  • "Fire. Fire! FIRE! oh! gives me an idea!"  (download, history)
  • "Pretty flame. Pretty FIRE! More pretty, more flame, MORE FIRE!"  (download, history)

Trophy Hunter[edit | edit source]

  • "Wait! Wait wait wait! Pretty animal! Must have pretty animal, YES?" Here, pretty pretty pretty."  (download, history)
  • "*gasps* "Animal! Pretty animal. Here pretty pretty. Me want! ME KILL!"  (download, history)

Vain[edit | edit source]

  • "Me so pretty!"  (download, history)
  • "Me good-looking tubeman! Me prime specimen. Yes, indeed! Ugly Tenno fight because ugly Tenno jealous."  (download, history)

Sound Effects[edit | edit source]

On Death[edit | edit source]

On Hit[edit | edit source]