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The Sergeant/Quotes

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Tranmissions during the boss fight.

During an Assassination Mission[edit | edit source]

  • "In pods you have come, In caskets you will go!"
  • "Is this a gathering of the freaks?"
  • "I'm only just warming up."
  • "This is your final warning, (player name). Leave this system at once."
  • "You call that skill? (clan name) should be ashamed!"
  • "Orokin [knowledge/secrets] cannot remain secret forever! Start talking!"
  • "That (Warframe) would look great hanging on my wall."
  • "I grow tired of waiting, (player name). Will you face me?"
  • "Fashion victims about to become murder victims."

Pre-Update 16.4[edit | edit source]

Lotus Transmissions[edit | edit source]

Mission start
  • Lotus: "Sergeant Nef Anyo oversees operations of the Solar Rails in this district. Intelligence reports indicate that Anyo has been using the rails to acquire recovered cryo-pods containing dormant Warframes. Kill him and save your fellow Tenno."
  • Lotus: "Anyo is stockpiling the pods and selling them to the highest bidders. His clientele includes rogue scientists and splinter groups with nefarious intentions."
  • Lotus: "Eliminate Anyo. When the job is finished we will send in a clean-up team to recover the pods."
During mission
  • Lotus: "Anyo's self-interests are a threat to our ongoing operations. He must be removed immediately."
  • Lotus: "Anyo's venture has afforded him the best in Corpus security robotics. Eliminate anything that moves."
  • Lotus: "Anyo has too much at stake. He will fight to the death."
  • Lotus: "We cannot allow the Warframes to fall into the wrong hands. Taking Anyo out is imperative."
  • Lotus: "Security has tightened in this section. You are nearing Anyo's position."
  • Lotus: "Anyo is aware of your presence. Get the jump on him."
Assassination complete
  • Lotus: "The death of Sergeant Ned Anyo should weaken the Corpus Research and Development operations for quite sometime."

Taunts[edit | edit source]

  • Nef Anyo: "A gathering of the freaks."
  • Nef Anyo: "Fashion victims about to become murder victims."
  • Nef Anyo: "I'm about to fill that suit with blood."
  • Nef Anyo: "You are already wearing your body bag. How convenient."
  • Nef Anyo: "Is that suit a giant diaper?"
  • Nef Anyo: "Orokin secrets can't remain safe forever."
  • Nef Anyo: "From pods you come, in caskets you will go."