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Mirror Defense/Quotes
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“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
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xTransmissions during mission and other dialogue related to Citrine 's story.
Trailer[edit | edit source]
- Otak: "Ooh! I love this story!"
- Otak: "About Belric... and Rania, and... ...Citrine."
- Loid: "I know you do."
- Otak: "Tell it again, Loid! ...Pleasssse?"
- Tyl Regor: "Doomed lovers. Real tearjerker. Had good genes, though. Genes for my tubemen."
Inbox Message[edit | edit source]
- Otak: "Hey Chip! So there's a super secret place. On Mars. Tyana Pass. Nothing to do with any OLD LEGENDS or AWESOME CRYSTALS or anything. Probably doesn't even exist. I marked it on your map for ya. So you can make sure you DON'T go there ON ACCIDENT. And you better not come see me afterwards either. WINKY FACE!" (download, history)
During Mission[edit | edit source]
Introduction[edit | edit source]
- Lotus: "Tenno, the Corpus and Grineer seek to destroy two crystal formations so intertwined with Void energy that a tunnel forever links them. Protect them at all costs." (download, history)
- Lotus: "Tenno, you're here to defend something that defies my own understanding of the Void. These crystals need you. Stop the Grineer and Corpus." download, history) (
Collecting Citrine's Remnants Hints[edit | edit source]
- Lotus: "Seek out Citrine's Remnants to protect Belric and Rania's crystals." download, history) (
- Lotus: "Collecting a critical mass of Citrine's Remnants will create a Prismatic Ward to these crystals." download, history) (
- Lotus: "Amass Citrine's lost Remnants to manifest her protective power." download, history) (
- Lotus: "As the enemy is eliminated, Citrine's Remnants appear. The Void manifesting her last wish to protect Belric and Rania." download, history) (
- Lotus: "Somewhere, Citrine still seeks to protect Belric and Rania. Collect her Remnants to fulfill her final wish." download, history) (
First Grineer Wave Start[edit | edit source]
- Tyl Regor: "Old War, Warframe made, crystal caskets. Caskets for who? Belric and Rania. Mighty good genes they had. Yes! Genes for the tubemen. Smash the crystals. Take the genes. Do the science. My tubemen get stronger." (download, history)
First Corpus Wave Start[edit | edit source]
- Lotus: "Corpus forces are mounting an assault on the Venus crystal. Stop them." (download, history)
- Lotus: "Corpus forces have regrouped. Go." download, history) (
- Lotus: "Trouble on Venus. Get through that Void tunnel." download, history) (
- Lotus: "Do you know the story of Belric and Rania? Lovers whose guardian Warframe tried to save them by encasing them in her crystal. It is their remains and the connection forged between them that you are protecting." download, history) (
Subsequent Corpus Wave Start[edit | edit source]
- Lotus: "These crystals formed on Deimos ages ago. Now they are being exploited by smugglers. Belric and Rania deserve better than that." (download, history)
- Lotus: "When extreme emotions meet pure Void energy, they can change reality. Bend and break the laws of nature. Might this explain the connection between these crystals?" download, history) (
- Lotus: "If either crystal is destroyed, the tunnel, their connection collapses. Do not let that happen." download, history) (
Corpus Wave End[edit | edit source]
- Tyl Regor: "Tubemen, try again." download, history) (
- Tyl Regor: "One more trip through the tunnel of love, Tenno." download, history) (
- Tyl Regor: "My tubemen are endless, Tenno. Are you?" download, history) (
Grineer Wave Start[edit | edit source]
- Tyl Regor: "Pitter pitter pitter. Rodents snatch crystals from sick sick Deimos. Stashed one on Venus. Stashed one on Mars. Void kissed, tangled up-like crystals. Tubemen! Smash this tunnel, stop the rodents." (download, history)
- Tyl Regor: "'Belric the bold. Rania the clever. Unleashed the Infested on Deimos forever.' Never liked that rhyme. Garbage rhyme." download, history) (
- Tyl Regor: "Having a wee kavat nap, Kril? Rodents in your house, Kril. Thieving rodents, make me come to Mars. Do your job for you. Smash the crystals, break the tunnel. No genes for you." (download, history)
- Tyl Regor: "Getting tired, Tenno? Getting sleepy. I can go all day and all night. Watch me." download, history) (
Otak's Unearth Citrine Shop[edit | edit source]
This section is transcluded from Otak/Quotes§ Unearth Citrine. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
First Visit[edit | edit source]
- Otak: "Ooh! Ooh! You know about Citrine? And Belric and Rania. I love that story! Loid says it isn't true, though, boo." (download, history)
Subsequent Visits[edit | edit source]
- Otak: "Citrine was made out of minerals? I wish I was made out of minerals." download, history) (
- Otak: "Citrine's story happened back in Old War times. At least a week ago, maybe more." (download, history)
- Otak: "Can you believe Belric and Rania got their home kablooied by the Infestation on purpose?" (download, history)
- Otak: "Belric and Rania were such good buddies, they wanted to be together forever! Just like me and Loid!" download, history) (
- Otak: "So Chip, you ever wondered how this place got Infested? Me too!" (download, history)
- Otak: "Citrine's a great name! But maaaaybe Chunky Mclumpylumps is better?" (download, history)
- Otak: "Belric and Rania got turned into crystal! That's even shinier than glass." download, history) (
- Otak: "Nothing says true love like minerals!" download, history) (
- Otak: "Infestation can't eat crystal. So what do you do when your pals are gonna be eaten? Turn them into crystals!" download, history) (
- Otak: "Citrine was a Warframe! You know what that means... Warframes were real!" download, history) (
- Otak: "I love geodes! There's a surprise in every one!" download, history) (
- Otak: "Citrine wanted Belric and Rania to be together... in her!" download, history) (
- Otak: "And then Citrine punched the asteroid. Pow!" (download, history)
- Otak: "Loid says the Citrine story is sent-i-mental fiction. I guess Loid forgot we got invaded by the sentiments." (download, history)
- Otak: "Some folks say Citrine's story happened right here on Deimos." download, history) (
- Otak: "Being turned into crystals is kind of romantic, isn't it? Loid?" download, history) (
- Otak: "They say the two are connected through the Void to this day!" (download, history)
- Otak: "Stealing the crystals and using 'em as a shortcut! Can you believe it?" download, history) (
Belric's and Rania's Crystal Decorations[edit | edit source]
- Belric: "Detonator's primed. That's it, then."
- Rania: "How long do we have?"
- Belric: "About a minute. By the time the Sentients get here, this place will be nothing but Infested. Should buy the Seven some time, at least.
- Rania: "All the skin-blistering showers shift after shift, scrubbing every pore. I was never going to let it infect me. And now..."
- Belric: "A final toast?"
- Rania: "Let's die with some sincerity. You are finally free of me, this place. Why didn't you leave, Belric?"
- Belric: "Because I never forgot the first time I saw you. Too sincere?"
- Rania: "I should have -"
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