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Color Picker Extension

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Color Picker Extension
Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Color Picker Extensions are items which expand the range of colors that a player can customize their Warframes, Weapons, Companions and other items with. They can be bought from the Equipment section of the market, and most are sold for  75 each.

Upon purchase, the colors are tied to the player's account and they will be able to use the selected color palette without limits.


Two bundles can be purchased to save the player some platinum. Choice A features 5 color sets: Classic, Saturated Classic, Storm, Ice, and Fire; Choice B features 3 color sets: Grineer, Infested, and Smoke.

Legacy Color Palettes

Until Hotfix 14.0.9 (2014-07-26) there was bug that caused the gamma values for all the color palettes to be higher than normal, which had the affect of making all the colors (with the exception of 'true' black from the smoke color palette), to be a few shades lighter than intended. This issue was fixed in the aforementioned update, and gave every Tenno who logged in during the next two weeks the Gamma color palette for free.

In Hotfix 14.1.2 (2014-08-01), the Legacy Color Palettes option was added in the Gameplay tab of Settings menu. This toggle option reverts the color palettes to the pre-Hotfix 14.0.9 (2014-07-26) color schemes.


Purchasable Palettes


This color palette features more drab and less saturated color compared to the other palette, Classic Saturated. This is the palette players start the game with, but just the column in the middle is available to use. Buying the Classic color palette unlocks all the other columns.

← These are the colors that are unlocked at the start of the game when an account is first created.

The full palette is unlocked upon purchase. →

Classic Saturated

More saturated color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

This color palette has more vibrant colors compared to the Classic one. Available for  75 on the market.

  • When first released, it was sold for  1 only for a week due to a promotion.


Unlocks a collection of colors inspired by Corpus crewmen and robots.
—In-game description

Available for  75 on the market.


Rise up with these additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

A palette of colors that resemble those seen during the early hours of the day. Available for  75 on the market.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Awarded for 11th Year Anniversary Minigame.


Unlocks a collection of colors inspired by Dojo pigments.
—In-game description

Features the Polychrome colors that can be used to customize the Clan Dojo. Available for  75 on the market.

Ember Heirloom

Unlocks a collection of fiery colors.
—In-game description

Available for in the Market for  80 or as part of the Ember Heirloom Singe Collection for  400.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Available for  220,000 +  220 from Baro Ki'Teer. Note that Baro Ki'Teer's stock changes with each appearance and this palette may not be available on a succeeding appearance.


A set of colors derived from the uniforms of Eximus adversaries.
—In-game description

This palette features a series of colors inspired by the uniforms of Eximus units. Available for  75 on the market.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Contains a series of warmer colors inspired by fire, alongside a simple grayscale gradient. Available for  75 on the market.


Unlocks a collection of colors inspired by Grineer marines.
—In-game description

This palette features the color scheme of the Grineer. Available for  75 on the market.


Cool off with these additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

This color palette contains a series of cooler colors inspired by ice and snow. Available for  75 on the market.


Unlocks a collection of colors inspired by Infested denizens.
—In-game description

This palette features infested like colors. Available for  75 on the market.


Express perfection with this distinctive palette of colors.
—In-game description

This color palette features the color scheme of the Void Trader, Baro Ki'Teer. Available for  300,000 +  150. Note that Baro Ki'Teer's stock changes with each appearance and this palette may not be available on a succeeding appearance.


The following palettes are only obtainable via the Kuva Lich Hunter Collection from the Market for  835:

Light & Shadow

Invoke the play of light and dark with this selection of colors.
—In-game description

This palette was released alongside Jade Shadows and is available as a part of the Jade Chorus Pack or bought separately for  75.


A set of colors inspired by the Lotus.
—In-game description

This palette contains a range of colors similar to those used by the titular Lotus. Available for  75 on the market.


A selection of colors inspired by the Narmer cult.
—In-game description

This color palette was included in The New War Supporter Packs of any tier. Available for  75 on the Market.


A set of colors derived from the relics of the Orokin Empire.
—In-game description

This color palette features the color scheme of Orokin-Era Prime Gear. It was added in Update 16.2 (2015-04-01). Available for  75 on the Market.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Available for 5 Aya on Varzia's Prime Resurgence Market.

  • When first released, it was obtained as part of Amazon Prime Gaming rewards from August 14, 2021 to September 13,2021.

Prime Finish

The exquisite colors of the Prime collection.
—In-game description

This palette is part of the Color pack: Prime (alonside Prime Lacquer), available on Varzia's Prime Resurgence Market for 1 Regal Aya.

Prime Lacquer

The exquisite colors of the Prime collection.
—In-game description

This palette is part of the Color pack: Prime (alonside Prime Finish), available on Varzia's Prime Resurgence Market for 1 Regal Aya.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

This palette features a grayscale gradient ranging from Off-White to True Black. This alongside PSIV are the only palettes that contain True Black (Hex Code #000000). Available for  75 or from the What Stalker? bundle on the Market.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Available for 5 Aya on Varzia's Prime Resurgence Market.

  • When first released, it was obtained as part of a "Prime Day Bundle" via Twitch Prime: July 12 to August 11, 2018.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Available for  75 on the market.


Unlocks additional color options reflecting the default colors used on each standard Warframe.
—In-game description

This palette features the default color schemes of the first 18 Warframes (from the original 8 Warframes to  Zephyr, barring any Prime counterparts) arranged in alphabetical order. Available for  75 on the market.

Tenno II

Unlocks additional color options reflecting the default colors used on each standard Warframe.
—In-game description

This palette features the default color schemes of the second 18 Warframes (from  Hydroid to  Revenant, again barring any Prime counterparts as well as  Excalibur Umbra) arranged by release date in descending order. Available for  75 on the market.

Tenno III

Unlocks additional color options reflecting the default colors used on each standard Warframe.
—In-game description

This palette features the default color schemes of the first 18 Warframes (from  Garuda to  Dagath, again barring any Prime counterparts) arranged in ? order. Available for  75 on the market.


Features earthen hues of brown, and dusky shades of blue and purple.
—In-game description

Available for  75 on the market.

Void Trader

A color palette inspired by Baro Ki'Teer, the debonair Void Trader.
—In-game description

This color palette features the color scheme of the Void Trader, Baro Ki'Teer. Available for  250,000 +  200. Note that Baro Ki'Teer's stock changes with each appearance and this palette may not be available on a succeeding appearance.

Limited-Time Palettes


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Sold by Nakak in Cetus for 100 Nakak Pearls during Tactical Alert: Dog Days.


Unlocks a collection of lovely colors.
—In-game description

This color palette is sold by Ticker during the Star Days event for 25 Familial Debt-Bonds.


Unlocks a collection of lovely EASTER colors.
—In-game description

This palette features very light shades of colors, and is only available during Easter weekend for  1 only.


A desaturated variation of the Classic color set.
—In-game description

This color palette features less saturated colors compared to the classic palette. It was added in Hotfix 14.0.9 (2014-07-26) and distributed to anyone who logged in from July 26, 2014 to August 9, 2014.

In the Developer Workshop, DE_Steve explained that this color palette was a gift to compensate players who may have become used to the desaturated colors that resulted from a bug in the color picker.

This color palette was awarded after reaching Rank 5 in Nightwave: Intermission I.

Hallow's Eve

Unlocks a ghastly collection of colors to customize your Warframe with.
—In-game description

This color palette is sold by Daughter during the Nights of Naberus Event for 125 Mother Tokens.


Unlocks a collection of Ghastly Greens, Pumpkin Orange and Blood Red colors to customize your Warframe with.
—In-game description

This color palette features shades of red, orange, yellow, and green. It is available during Halloween for  1 on the market.

  • During Halloween 2014, it was given away to all players for free as a "Gift from the Lotus".


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Available during Xbox One release anniversary celebration.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Available during Nintendo Switch release anniversary celebration.

Pride Celebration

A set of colors to celebrate Pride. Available for the month of June!
—In-game description

Available for  1 during Pride month celebration.

  • First introduced on the Market during June 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Available during Playstation 4 release anniversary celebration.

  • This color palette was first distributed to PS4 players logged in between November 3 and November 10, 2015 in celebration of Warframe's second anniversary on the PlayStation 4.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Available for  75 in the Market during Tactical Alert: Dog Days.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Available for  1 on the Market during Saint Patrick's Day.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Obtainable as a reward for reaching Rank 2 during Nightwave: Nora's Choice and for reaching Rank 17 during Nora's Mix Volume 6.

  • First awarded for watching any Warframe Partner on Twitch or Mixer for 30 minutes between Friday, August 30, 2019 at 2pm ET, until Friday, September 6, 2019 at 2pm ET.


Unlocks a collection of lovely colors.
—In-game description

This color palette features shades of red, purple, and pink only. It is sold for a limited time during Valentine's Day for  1 on the Market. During Valentine's Day 2014, it was given away to all players for free as a "Gift from the Lotus" alert.

Unavailable Palettes


Unlocks a collection of specialized colors.
—In-game description

This is the color palette used to customize HUD colors in the "Customize HUD Colors" menu in the Accessibility Tab in Options. Outside of the HUD customization menu, this color palette cannot be obtained and used by any means.


Unlocks a collection of symbolic colors, found in datamass detailing the record of an ancient battle.
—In-game description

This palette features shades of red, white, and blue arranged to look like the French flag. It was sold for a limited time during France's Bastille Day 2013 for  75. No longer obtainable.


Unlock a collection of colors inspired by the Cavia
—In-game description

Available for purchase during Operation: Gargoyle's Cry for 9 Grotesque Splinter. No longer obtainable.

Deca Heirloom

Unlocks a distinguished colors.
—In-game description

Part of 10 Year Anniversary Heirloom. Obtainable from August 25, 2023 to December 31 ,2023. No longer obtainable.


Unlocks a collection of Blurple, Greyple and not quite black colors.
—In-game description

A PC exclusive color palette obtained only by purchasing the Warframe Discord Nitro Pack. No longer obtainable.


Unlocks a collection of colors, found in a database with alongside a mysterious code: 255-0-255
—In-game description

This color palette features shades of Magenta only. It was obtainable by players through a special promotion by Steelseries.

Before that, there was a promotion for United States T-Mobile users. No longer obtainable.

"255-0-255" is the RGB code for Magenta.


A set of colors to celebrate Pride. Available for the month of June!
—In-game description

Available for  1 on the Market during June 8, 2021 to June 30, 2021. No longer obtainable.


Unlocks a collection of patriotic colors.
—In-game description

This palette features Shades of Red, White, and Blue arranged to look like the American flag. It was sold for a limited time during US Independence Day 2013 for  75. During July 2015, this palette was made available to everyone who logged in for the Tenno United Celebration. No longer obtainable.


Unlocks additional color options for Warframe customization.
—In-game description

Included in "Warframe PC Prominence Bundle" on Twitch for $9.99.
Obtainable with the "Twitch Prime Starter Pack" starting December 18th, 2019. No longer obtainable.


Unknown color palette.
—No in-game description is available.

Undocumented color palette, unknown when it was available, or when it will be available. This palette features a collection of dark greens, and browns of various shades. No in-game description is available. Currently not obtainable.


  • Accessibility, Smoke Colors, and PSIV are the only palettes that contain True Black (#000000), though colors from Accessibility are restricted to customizing HUD colors. Pride Celebration contains a near-true black color (#010101) but it is not true black. Accessibility also contains True White (#FFFFFF), though neither Smoke Colors or PSIV do. The following color palettes contain True White as well:
  • If added to your favorites, colors from the Accessibility color palette can be used outside of the HUD customization menu. This is only temporary however, as colors applied this way will be removed from your favorites and reset to their default values when the session ends or the game is closed.