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Little Duck/Quotes
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Little Duck quotes. For quotes regarding her involvement in Disruption missions, go here.
In Fortuna[edit | edit source]
Introduction[edit | edit source]
- "Well well well. Another Tenno. This ain't my usual line a work, y'understand. I'm not from around here. But I got a fast tractor and know how to jump a rail, so a new friend in Cetus set me up with all this. Name's Little Duck: fortune hunter, rail agent and the girl your Mumsie warned you about. And, now, somehow, the local Quill-endorsed purveyor of amps and assorted paraphernalia. So, what'll it be?" (download, history)
Idle[edit | edit source]
- "You want to see something? Well, don't stand in one place." download, history) (
- "Got a minute?" download, history) (
- "Hey hotshot, over here!" download, history) (
- "Biz once told me, an abandoned conscience finds its way home with a gun in its hand. He was talking about sticking to values about living with decisions. But I'd like to think of meself as Fortuna's conscience returned home. Ready to make some hard, correct choices." download, history) (
Greetings[edit | edit source]
- "Ready to dance on some faces?" download, history) (
- "If Solaris United is gonna be what it once was, things need getting done. Run your optics over this." (download, history)
- "Feel like getting into trouble?" download, history) (
- "We keep meeting like this, people are gonna talk." download, history) (
- "Been seein' a lot of your kind since a certain incident with a blind girl and a Void Gate." (download, history)
Farewells[edit | edit source]
- "Keep your eyes open matey. The universe ain't looking to make friends." download, history) (
- "May your marks be easy." download, history) (
- "Cheers." download, history) (
Browsing Offerings[edit | edit source]
- "Any of this useful?" download, history) (
- "Authentically hand-crafted by colorful locals." download, history) (
- "Oi. See anything you fancy?" download, history) (
Purchasing an Item[edit | edit source]
- "Anything else?" download, history) (
- "You've got a deal." download, history) (
- "Works for me. All yours." download, history) (
Exiting Offerings Without Purchase[edit | edit source]
- "Your call." download, history) (
- "No skin off my proverbial, matey." download, history) (
- "Easy come, easy go." download, history) (
Exiting Offerings After Purchase[edit | edit source]
- "Don't get too comfy, now." download, history) (
- "See you on the Rails." (download, history)
- "See you when I see you." download, history) (
Ranking up[edit | edit source]
Viewing rewards[edit | edit source]
- "Any of this useful?" download, history) (
- "Authentically hand-crafted by colorful locals." download, history) (
- "Oi. See anything you fancy?" download, history) (
When talking to her as a Warframe[edit | edit source]
- "I deal with people, not machines, mate." download, history) (
- "Can't say I like the way you look, if you catch my drift." download, history) (
- "If you knew who I was, who I represent, you wouldn't have walked in here lookin' like that." download, history) (
- "You don't know the Quills. If you knew the Quills, they'd have mentioned your name. You'd best be goin'." (download, history)
- "You wanna deal with me? Lose the rig. Know what I mean?" download, history) (
Amp Assembly[edit | edit source]
- "Okie doke. You choose the bits and I put them together, so you can go off and kill people with your brain. I assume that’s how these things work. Never been game to try one meself." download, history) (
- "The Quills tell me you need to be careful pickin' what bits you want. An extension of your will or something. I guess you don't want to go plugging in somethin' unfriendly to your software." download, history) (
- "Amps are powered by the human brain, I guess. So, choose wisely, yeah? You wind up with a head full of fried bacon, I don't have a lot of ways to air this room out." download, history) (
If Player has no Amp[edit | edit source]
- "Kid, I got what you're after. I got a - oh right, another one. Look, an initiation to the mysteries of the universe is a bit above my wage bracket mate, so piece of advice, get yourself to Cetus and find the quill, he'll sort you out, okay? Tata for now. Poor kid, have no idea what they are in for." (download, history)
- "Get to Cetus, find the Quill, then talk to me. Just find a bloke who looks and sounds like the opposite of normal." download, history) (
Idle While Choosing Components[edit | edit source]
- "Choice paralysis matey?" download, history) (
- "First time putting one of these together?" download, history) (
- "Fortune favors the bold, matey. Just pick something." download, history) (
No Components[edit | edit source]
- "Gonna need parts to work with here, friend. Maybe... come back when you’re good to go?" download, history) (
Amp Built[edit | edit source]
- "Tab A into Slot B and... there we go. One Amp, as requested. Maybe just step outside before you fire that up." download, history) (
- "O...kay. Okay. Right. Here y'go. Good luck." download, history) (
- "I think I'm gettin' better at this! And they told me I needed 'training'." download, history) (
Gilding an Amp[edit | edit source]
- "You want somethin' dolled up? All right. Can't be any different to repainting a rail tractor." download, history) (
- "Sure. Let's take a look at it." download, history) (
- "Show us the piece. Let's see if it's worth it." download, history) (
If Amp Is Not At Max Rank[edit | edit source]
- "Amp gilding. Right. Look. If it ain't battle-proven it doesn't get no love. Strict orders. Quills. You know what they're like. "Power, Will, blah blah blah, co-author the future, endings and beginnings nyah nyah nyah." Honestly, I'd never hear the end of it." download, history) (
Naming an Amp[edit | edit source]
- "So, apparently, I'm supposed to ask if you want to... name it?" download, history) (
- "Onkko said some of you like to name these things? Any requests?" (download, history)
- "So, naming is a thing, yeah? Got your heart set on anything?" download, history) (
Confirming New Name[edit | edit source]
- "Hey, whatever works." download, history) (
- "I dub thee... what they said." download, history) (
- "So, is that, like, a regular name where you come from?" download, history) (
Skipping Naming[edit | edit source]
- "Probably for the best." download, history) (
- "Yeah, just thought I'd ask." download, history) (
- "Hey, they said to ask so I'm askin'."download, history) (
After Gilding[edit | edit source]
- "Now she looks right expensive. Don't go waving this around. Wouldn't do having you getting stabbed for it." download, history) (
- "Good luck to you. I'd never be able to relax owning something that pretty." download, history) (
- "Looks like a whole new amp dunnit? I don't trust them. Too pokey mindy. I'd stick with the old Buzlok. Give me homing rounds and a crap eatin' grin any day." (download, history)
Donating an Amp[edit | edit source]
- "Wanna pass it on? Right you are." download, history) (
- "Oh. A giver. Step this way." download, history) (
- "If you're sure, matey. No idea what they do with these things." download, history) (
Confirming Donation[edit | edit source]
- "You're a good sort." download, history) (
- "I'm sure someone'll know what to do with this." download, history) (
- "Done. So, like, uh, do I give you a receipt, or...?" download, history) (
Amp is not a max rank[edit | edit source]
- "I don't know what to tell you, matey. Quills are a fussy lot. Won't take any kind of donation if the Amp ain't, their words, 'proven'. So, just FYI, yeah?" download, history) (
Other Services[edit | edit source]
- "Oh, a serious customer, are we? Alright, then." download, history) (
- "Interesting." download, history) (
- "All right. I'm listening." download, history) (
Exclusive Dialogue[edit | edit source]
Rank 5 - Shadow[edit | edit source]
Re-introduction[edit | edit source]
Rank 5 - Shadow Spoilers ▾▾
Greetings[edit | edit source]
- "Spoke to The Business lately? How is he? Does he ever...? Nevermind. You and me, we need to talk." (download, history)
- "Me old mate. 'Tween you and me, I ain't just here just to sell this stuff. There's... somethin' to this place. Somethin' other. I'm stickin' around 'til I crack it." download, history) (
- "Hotshot! The once and future maker of all trouble. Pull up a pew." download, history) (
- "What kept you, hotshot?" download, history) (
- "So here we are: just the two of us, and me with somethin' to make your day. Check this out." download, history) (
From Fortuna Fragments[edit | edit source]
- "Quills want me sellin' arms to the Tenno. Back in Fortuna. Not bloody likely. Quills. Shady, side-mouthed, doubletalking, ambidexter-feeling muckers. Never trust anyone who don't speak plain. Told 'em thanks but hop it. I'd a previous commitment: a contract to extract a Corpus defector name of Jubb Lott. Quill smiled that smile. The smile I hate the most. The smile of a body who thinks he's two steps ahead. The more I think about it, the more I know he was. Pratoo. That was his name. Quill Pratoo Secondary Sahd."
- JUBB LOTT: "Today?! I didn't know you were coming today!"
LITTLE DUCK: "That's how hostile extractions typically work, Jubb! (blam) Unless! (blam) you'd like! (blam) to pencil me in! (blam) for a two-thirty next week! (blam) Maybe copy in your supervisor and half the security team?"
LITTLE DUCK: "What is their problem?!"
LITTLE DUCK: "What files? I wasn't told about any files!"
JUBB LOTT: "That's because I didn't tell them!"
LITTLE DUCK: "Tell who? Tell who, Jubb!"
JUBB LOTT: "The Quills, alright? The Quills!"
"And that's when it all make a cruddy kind of mucking sense. I'd been set up."
- "It was hairy but I managed to get us behind a sealed bulkhead, and into Lott's office."
LITTLE DUCK: "They don't fight like this for mid-level pencilnecks! Who are you?"
JUBB LOTT: "Jubb. Lott. Secondary Sub-Architect of Nef Anyo's Venusian Restoration. I... have information."
"And then he said it."
JUBB LOTT: "For Solaris United."
"And then he got killed."
JUBB LOTT: "Unf!" - "So. Solaris United was on its feet again. I've got friends in Fortuna. The first time SU tried to knock the crown off Nef's head it almost got every last one of them killed. Some of them, it did. (pause) Biz once told me how he survives atrocity. "If there's a fire on Deck 12, you seal off Deck 12. You don't go in. That's how you burn up. You wait 'til the fire's starved of oxygen. That's when you go in, assess the damage and clean up." I can't seal off Deck 12. Deck 12 is where I live."
LITTLE DUCK: "What information? Tell me! Now! (blam blam)"
JUBB LOTT: "Nef. Vallis. Orb Mothers... It's been developed..."
LITTLE DUCK: "What? What's been developed?!"
JUBB LOTT: "Shielding... Satellites... The Orb Mothers... cannot be..."
LITTLE DUCK: "Jubb? What? The Orb Mothers cannot be what? Jubb!"
- "Biz saved me from a life of swabbing latrines on Phobos. He made me what I am. But only because I left before I became what he was. Now... now I had to go back. Everything Jubb knew... Biz had to know. Eudi had to know. They, and everyone in Fortuna, could be proper beached if I didn't. Pencilnecks like Jubb don't rick their hide unless they mean it. Whatever Nef was doin' with those Orb Mothers would be a hammer on the head of SU. Had to go back. If I didn't, if somethin' happened to Fortuna, I'd never sleep proper again. So. No more treasure hunting for LD. No more rescues. Back to where it all happened, and the hope that this time it wasn't burning, and me along with it."
During Profit-Taker Orb Fight[edit | edit source]
Mission Briefing[edit | edit source]
- "So we gonna pull the trigger on this thing? I got a card game to get to."
- "Uh..."
- "Alright, look. It might be that it turned out that those satellite protocols didn't shut the overcharger down, just realigned it. And it might be that you sounded so pleased about the whole thing that, uh, I didn't tell you."
Profit Taker reached[edit | edit source]
- "There she is."
After killing an enemy[edit | edit source]
- "Better you than me."
- "How many more of you are there?"
- "Another one down. You Outworlders can thank me later."
- "Scratch one."
- "Scratch another."
- "Nighty-night."
Final Phase[edit | edit source]
- "Uhhh, is this a bad time?"
- "Satellite just moved. Nef's crew must've figured out our bypass. It's realigning!"
- "Suppressing fire!"
Epilogue (After Profit-Taker explodes)[edit | edit source]
- "I need a drink. Let's never do that again."
- "Quills don't make mistakes, and there's always an agenda. Always."
During Disruption missions[edit | edit source]
Start of Mission[edit | edit source]
- "Alad V's sellin' the latest in "asset security". Conduits. Put the key in, and ya can pull the shinnies out. Trick is, you gotta wait to open. Somethin' happens to the Conduit before you can pull the goods? You don't get the goods. Ever. Also, the bleeders Alad sold the tech to will try to kill you." download, history) (
- "This isn't your regular vault job. Alad V sold the Conduits with interference routines, specifically designed for the Tenno. Don't you worry though. I've got some work arounds." download, history) (
- "This isn't your regular vault job. Alad V sold the Conduits with interference routines, specifically designed for the Tenno. Things might get a little weird." download, history) (
- Hacking door
- On Ur, Uranus
- "Well, looks like the Infested snagged this one. I haven't seen this many zits since puberty. Fortunately for us, the Conduits are still operational. Unfortunately for us; so are the security mechanisms." (download, history)
First Conduit[edit | edit source]
- "Conduit keys are carried by high-ranking muckity-mucks. Knock 'em down, see what they got." download, history) (
Picking First Key[edit | edit source]
Activating First Conduit[edit | edit source]
- "They key worked. Protect the Conduit and watch out for Demo units. They're going try and blow that thing up." download, history) (
Activating Conduit[edit | edit source]
- "Demo unit incoming. Don't let them near the Conduit." download, history) (
- "Hear that beeping? Demo unit's on its way." download, history) (
- "Demo unit coming in fast. That thing blows and you can kiss the Conduit goodbye." download, history) (
- "Demo units lookin' to depart this mortal coil and take you with it. Keep it clear of that Conduit." download, history) (
- If debuff is rolled
- "You're about due for more a those whatsits: Interference routines. Demo units too." download, history) (
- "Can't do anything about that last interference routine. You'll just have to wear it. Maybe I can catch the next one." download, history) (
- "Right, they're havin' a go. Keep the demos away from that Conduit." download, history) (
- "Next verse same as the first. Mind you don't get flanked." download, history) (
- "More of the old ultraviolence. Keep your back to the objective, old mate. Lock it down 'till she pops." download, history) (
Receiving a Conduit Boon[edit | edit source]
- "Routine subverted and you're juiced. Nice. Shoulda been a boffin. Missed me callin'." (download, history)
- "Looks like Alad was so keen to make the sale he didn't close every back door. Greed makes a person sloppy, Hotshot, remember that. Enjoy the boost." download, history) (
- "Perforrrmaaaance[sic]... improvement? Won't be looking that Kubrodon in the mouth..." (download, history)
- "Fiddlin' with an incoming routine. Howzat feel?" download, history) (
Conduit Failsafe Found[edit | edit source]
- "What's this now? A failsafe? Yeah, heard about these. They'll cancel any running interference routines, but there's only one per system. Don't waste it." download, history) (
- "Conduit failsafe. Put that duck in a console and it will cancel out any active interference routine. This is the only one." download, history) (
Conduit Failsafe Used[edit | edit source]
- "Inteference routines wiped. Your timing is impecable." download, history) (
- "Good choice. That failsafe will make the next few moments bareable." download, history) (
- "Failsafe in effect. Pay no mind to the interference routine for the next little bit." download, history) (
Conduit Destroyed[edit | edit source]
- "Arse. Conduit down." download, history) (
- "Conduit destroyed. Won't be seeing those goods again." download, history) (
- "Conduit down. Look. Mumsie may have raised you believin' winnin' ain't the most important thing, but piece of advice? It is." download, history) (
- "They killed the conduit." download, history) (
- "That mucker got past you and now the conduit's blown. Move on. Move on!" download, history) (
- "Conduit blown. Mate: this is not how bills get paid." download, history) (
- "Conduit blown. Find another one." download, history) (
- "Conduit destroyed. Dust yourself off. There'll be another around here someplace." download, history) (
Round Completed[edit | edit source]
- Early rounds
- "Hope you're not done. Had to pay Maroo a small fortune in rations for this "tip"." (download, history)
- "Taking squared away. Right, send again?" download, history) (
- "Got a few seconds before the system resets. We can take them again. You game?" download, history) (
- "Care to live up to your reputation and try again?" download, history) (
- "Not going home yet. Just got here." download, history) (
- Later rounds
- "Why's ol' Alad call you lot Betrayers anyway? Ah, no matter care for another kick at the Conduit?" download, history) (
- "Alright... it's gettin' a little hairy. One more round, whaddya say?" download, history) (
- "Conduits about to reset. Feelin' lucky?" download, history) (
- "The longer we stick around the more likely we'll get our arses handed to us. Still, with great stupidity comes great reward. Whaddya reckon?" download, history) (
- "Gettin' a little hot. The gloves are comin' off. Got another round in ya?" download, history) (
Round Start[edit | edit source]
- "Wakey. Wakey. Here. We. Go." download, history) (
- "Lock and load." download, history) (
- "Right. They're back, and they're well pissed off." download, history) (
- "Eyes open, sunshine. Here we go." download, history) (
- "Bulk signal return. Dig in." download, history) (
- "Safeties off. We kicked a clown car. Here we go." download, history) (
All Conduits Destroyed After Completing One Round[edit | edit source]
- "Nothing ventured. You want round two? Ping me." download, history) (
- "Such is life eh?" download, history) (
- "All Conduits sealed. I'm pulling you out." download, history) (
Mission Extraction[edit | edit source]
- "You got out while you could. Smart move." download, history) (
- "Way ahead of you. Time to hit the pub!" download, history) (
- "Chekchek. Ejectin'." download, history) (
- "Shinnies secured and we're in the wind. I'll send your cut via the usual. Have a good one." download, history) (
- "We got as much as we're gettin' hotshot. We're a vapor trail." download, history) (
Mission Failed[edit | edit source]
- "Hotshot? Come on pal, get up. Hotshot?" download, history) (
- "I've lost the feed. Where are ya?" download, history) (
- "I'm punching out. Hotshot, if you can hear me make contact at the usual locale. Little Duck out." download, history) (
- "Sorry kid. It was a bad play." download, history) (
During Operation: Scarlet Spear[edit | edit source]
- Main article: Operation: Scarlet Spear/Quotes
Dialogue during Operation: Scarlet Spear.
Trailer[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "Look, I won't beat around the topiary: the Sentients are concentrated in the Veil for now. Not for long."
- Little Duck: "Welcome to the flotilla, Hotshot. Gonna require a little coordination to work. Need ground teams to hit the Condrix and Railjack teams to mess up the Murex. Step right up my vengeant angels, we got a system to save!"
Inbox Messages[edit | edit source]
Introduction[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "Hey there hotshot. Look, I won't beat around the topiary: the Sentients are massing in the Veil. Zero doubt it's the tickle before the slap. Invasion, mate. I been set up with a relay. Don't ask me how. You've been recruited. Tell you why when you get here. And if you got anythin' you been meanin' to say to someone, maybe say it now." download, history) (
Murex Wave Won[edit | edit source]
(Attachment: Scarlet Spear Emblem (if applicable) and Scarlet Credits)
Murex Wave Lost[edit | edit source]
(Attachment: Scarlet Spear Emblem (if applicable))
Event End[edit | edit source]
In Scarlet Spear Flotilla Relay[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "Welcome to the flotilla, Hotshot. Got a name for ya: Erra. Remember it. One of the primary Sentient intelligences from the Old War. Right now waves of his 'Murex' ships are massin' in the Veil. Those Murex launch swarms of info-gatherin' Condrix dropships: recon data for the main event. That's why you're here, mate. Fighting off a Sentient invasion is precisely what you were built for. We don't know how to kill one of those big bastards, but me and my network reckon we can give it a muckin' lobotomy. Gonna require a little coordination to work, real hand in-glove, yeah? Ground teams to hit the Condrix and Railjack teams to mess up the Murex. OpLinks tie the whole lot together. So, buy and equip an OpLink. Then take your pick, mate: upstairs or down?" (download, history)
- What's the plan?
- Little Duck: "It's a two-prong attack. Ground team hits the Condrix and swipes their recon data before it beams back to the Murex. We take that friendly data and use it as a Trojan horse for toxic data - think of it as a Kill Code. The Railjack team boards the Murex and broadcasts those Kill Codes right into the Murex's noggin', muckin' up its thinker and making it wanna run home to Daddy. Threat neutralized. Clear as mud? Get to it." download, history) (
- Why are you doing this?
- Little Duck: "I deal with all sorts: low-breeds and the high-born. Everyone wants somethin' they're not s'posed to have. But these days it's a buyer's market. And what's sellin' is stuff that'd get a girl buried. Sentient stuff. And it's been comin' in by the wagonload. My crowd had these Murex rumbled months ago. Back then old mate Teshin wasn't havin' it. Tried warnin' him, but... you know the type. But now? Oh, NOW it's all "tell me all that you know" and "your expertise is required" and "I'm a hoity-toity sod with a hat like a designer bedpan." Shoulda kept me trap shut. I'm no general. But, here we are and I know what I know. So you listen to what I have to say and we'll all be home in time for tea. Yeah... no worries." (download, history)
Idle[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "Grineer. I'd trust a tubers' response to this fiasco about as far as a could spit one." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Look, the Taxmen ain't coming. Last I've check, the Board was still debating whether or not this was an actual threat." (download, history)
- Little Duck: "Each one of their Murex type in info back to deep space and that's our in." (download, history)
- Little Duck: "The Quills must of seen this coming but said nothing. Why? We are gonna have words." (download, history)
- Little Duck: "Konzu? Konzu? Mate, if you don't redirect some of the talent this way, lunch will be the least of your problems. Little Duck out." (download, history)
- Little Duck: "Ground teams this way. Railjack crews that way. Move!" download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Yeah Eudi, anyone you can spare. Yeah. Yeah it is. Gotta go, someone's here." (download, history)
- Little Duck: "Step right up my vengeant angels. We got a system to save! Sign here love." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "They've concentrated in the Veil for now. But not for long. Mark my words." (download, history)
- Little Duck: "They're firing off Condrix on rays of recon missions, building up situation data for a big push. We gotta hit this in the neck before they fire off that info back home." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Hey, your crew did good. Get some rest. You're back on deck in five." download, history) (
Tutorial Text[edit | edit source]
During Ground Assault Mission[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "Need you to skim Condrix recon data, so we can convert 'em to Kill Codes and pass 'em to Railjack crews upstairs. Hop to it." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Condrix. Find them, pacify 'em, and rip their signal. As many as you can. Give the crew upstairs more to cause trouble with." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Neutralize Condrix dropships, rip their signal." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Sabotage team upstairs need as many Condrix signals you can pirate. Get to it." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Using the pirated Condrix recon-data, that you're about to provide, Railjack crews can give the Murex a migraine." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "The Condrix are gathering recon data. You're gonna capture some and the kids upstairs are gonna use it to send some bad bad data." download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "Tenno? Do you want this Tau bounty for yourselves? Or is there something else going on?" download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "What a surprise, the Tenno. This is your doing. I can smell it." download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "Tenno allied with Tau freaks? Shocker." download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "Grineer. Sieze the Condrix and its Sentient treasure!" download, history) (
Condrix Waypoint[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "Here we go. Impact site marked." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Right. Got one incoming. Marked." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Got one for you. Get over there sharpish." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Condrix impact in your neighborhood. Hit it." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Heads up. Condrix broke atmo." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "New one. Marking ground zero." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "They ain't wastin' time. Drop site marked." download, history) (
Condrix Located[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "Whack the bugs, rip the ship." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Right, deal with these muckers and make off with their signal." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Murex sabotage team on standby. Waiting for your signal." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Railjack's been bust heavy. Murex sabotage team when you are. Make it quick." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "And this is just for one Murex. How many of them are there?" download, history) (
- Little Duck: "That thing's gotta go." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Hit it!" download, history) (
- Little Duck: "This is for impactin' my profit margin, ya bug-faced muckers." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Take out that Condrix." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "There it is. Clear the zone." download, history) (
Midway Through Fight[edit | edit source]
- General Sargas Ruk: "No prisoners. The only interrogations will be autopsies." download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "Kill the Sentients! Kill the Tenno! Kill them all!" download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "Trespassers? Die!" download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "These Tau vermin are a Tenno ruse." download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "Grineer! Make these Sentients wish they stayed in Tau!" download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "Sentients and Tenno. Today we correct two Orokin mistakes." (download, history)
- General Sargas Ruk: "Tenno, why have you brought these things here?"download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "I blame the Tenno. I blame them for everything." download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "Tenno - we should set aside our differences and work together... HAHAHAHA NEVER!"download, history) (
When Condrix Opens Up[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "She's vulnerable! Let's wrap this up." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "It's defenses are down. Take out the Condrix." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Alright, now hit it with everything you got." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Hit it while the hittin's good." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "You got it on the ropes. Let's wrap this up." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Now's your chance. Clean its muckin' clock." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Condrix is vulnerable. Cut loose on it." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Now. Shoot the Condrix now!"download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "Disgusting Sentient filth. Cut it down!" download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "Uhhh... why... why is it doing that?" download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "Make it put that away." download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "They are distracted. Attack." download, history) (
After Taking Down Condrix[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "Drop your OpLink and let's get this done." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Zone clear. Railjack OpLink waiting for that signal." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Green. Your OpLink should do the rest." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "It's getting heavy upstairs. They need that signal. OpLink!" download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Right. Now patch in your OpLink." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Railjack on standby. OpLink when ready." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Upstairs needs those Kill Codes." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Opening channel to Railjack. Drop that OpLink." download, history) (
When Scanning Condrix[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "... and keep an eye out for Grin... never mind." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Keep Sargas' goons away from that OpLink!" download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Grineer. Sargas! We. Are. Trying. To. HELP. YOU. Pillock." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "And cue the Grineer clown car." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Grineer. Keep that OpLink intact. Upstairs can't do squat without that signal." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "3, 2, 1, Grineer. Cover the OpLink." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Railjack has our typing. Uploading killcode. Keep those tubers off that OpLink!" download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Grineer!" download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Incoming Grineer!" download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Sargas' boys are back." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Sargas is cuttin' his own throat, gettin' in our way like this. The bugs want the Grineer dead as much as they do us." download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "The Condrix is weak. Push the attack." download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "You will not take my bounty, Tenno." download, history) (
- General Sargas Ruk: "What are you after, Tenno? Tell me!" download, history) (
- [PLAYERNAME]: "[PLAYERNAME], I have deployed an OpLink Reinforcement Module to your location. Defeat the enemy!"
- [PLAYERNAME]: "We received your Kill Code. Thanks!"
After Scanning Condrix[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "And that is why they pay us the big credits. Signal recieved. Upstairs on the move." (download, history)
- Little Duck: "Oh, look at all that lovely sig. Sabo crew's gonna do a lot of damage with that." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Typing complete. Upstairs' in receipt." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "OpLink done. Eat it Sargas." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Signal is five by five on their end. Clear out. Got another site on scope." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Upstairs has their signal. Should help choke out that Murex." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "That's a wrap on this bug bomb. Upstairs send thanks." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Done. Upstairs has the goods and we on vapor trail." download, history) (
Extraction Waypoint[edit | edit source]
After Scanning 3 Condrixes[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "So, got another one in ya?" download, history) (
- Little Duck: "I've got another one on scope if you're up for it?" download, history) (
- Little Duck: "So, are we stayin' or goin'?" download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Upstairs can never have too much data. We can keep making codes if you got it in you." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "The sabotage team can use whatever we provide. Watcha say, hit another one?" download, history) (
- Little Duck: "It's a nice day. What say we whack another one?" download, history) (
After Scanning 17 Condrixes[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "Good show. Rest up." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "You did a good thing here. Remember that." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Come on home." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Everyone in one piece? Solid. That's a wrap." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Ain't through yet. Regroup upstairs and back at it." download, history) (
OpLink Destroyed[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "That crud diving sack of muck nailed the OpLink. Sit tight. Let's see if we got another." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "OpLink smashed." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Grineer? What the hell mate? You trying to do a job... Alright, give me a second." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Augh they got it. Sit tight, finding another." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "OpLink down but upstairs' got a partial. Not enough though. Finding another site, one sec." download, history) (
All OpLinks Destroyed[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "You're out of OpLinks, Hotshots. Nothing left to do 'cept hike it back to the flotilla." download, history) (
During Murex Raid Mission[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "Orders received. Crew. Pilot to marked location. Deploy OpLink Satellite. Defend OpLink Satellite." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Orders from Little Duck: tow OpLink Satellite to within the broadcast range of the Murex. Defend OpLink Satellite." download, history) (
Splintrix Nearby[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "Splinters targetting the Railjack. Prepare to be boarded." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Sentients incoming. Prepare to repel Sentients." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Crew. Splintrix on collision vector." download, history) (
Sentient Boarded[edit | edit source]
- High risk
- Cephalon Cy: "Alert. Sentients have boarded the Railjack." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Sentient presense detected on board." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Repel Sentients. We board them. They do not board us." download, history) (
- Low risk
- Cephalon Cy: "Sentients on-board. Spray for bugs." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Crew: the enemy is aboard. They will adapt." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "We are boarded. Eliminate Sentient threat. Vary attacks lest they adapt." download, history) (
Denying Sentient Boarders[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "Auto repel triggered. Entry denied." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Auto repel successful. Boarding attempt neutralized." download, history) (
OpLink Satellite Being Damaged[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "Alert. OpLink Satellite under attack." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Sentient forces targeting OpLink Satellite. Eliminate them." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Alert. Satellite taking heavy damage." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "OpLink Satellite under fire." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Protect OpLink Satellite. If it goes down this mission is a wash." download, history) (
OpLink Satellite At Low Health[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "Satellite is critical. Repeat: satellite is critical." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "You have seconds to save that satellite and this mission." download, history) (
OpLink Satellite Destroyed[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "This whole thing's gone belly up in a sea a sharks. Regroup with the flotilla. We'll take another crack at it." download, history) (
Anu Interference Drones[edit | edit source]
- Battle Avionics disabled
- Cephalon Cy: "Crew. Sentient drones on Avionics. Rectify." (download, history)
- Cephalon Cy: "Crew. Sentients have hit the Avionics. Dispose of them." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Crew. Avionics offline. Kill those drones." download, history) (
- Engines disabled
- Cephalon Cy: "Sentient drones are throttling with our engines. Speeds reduced." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Engines locked." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Crew. Get those things off my engines." download, history) (
- Critical systems disabled
- Cephalon Cy: "Sentient drone blocking critical systems. Deal with them." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "System function blocked. Eliminate Sentient infiltrator." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Sentients attacking critical systems. Respond immediately." download, history) (
- Systems restored
- Cephalon Cy: "All systems restored." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Systems rebooted. We are good to go." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Systems damage repaired." download, history) (
Killing All Sentient Boarders[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "Sentient lifeforms no longer detected." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "On board threats eliminated." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Intruders cleared." download, history) (
After Deploying OpLink Satellite[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "OpLink Satellite released. Connection with Little Duck's ground crews established. Keep it operational." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Satellite in place." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Satellite in broadcast range. Connection established. Keep it safe." download, history) (
Apporaching Murex[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "Away team required. Objective: board that Murex and deploy OpLinks." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Away team, you are up. Board that Murex. Prepare to receive Kill Codes groundside." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Away team: board Murex. Deploy OpLinks strategically. We need that thing brain dead." download, history) (
Uploading Kill Codes[edit | edit source]
At OpLink Deployment Location[edit | edit source]
OpLink Deployed[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "OpLink deployed. Dirt-side connection established. Little Duck, transmit Kill Codes." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "OpLink in position. Awaiting Kill Codes." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Little Duck. OpLink in place. Waiting on Kill Codes." download, history) (
1 Kill Code Uploaded[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "Kill Code uploaded. Energy fluctuations detected. Codes appear to be working." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Codes successfully inserted in the Sentient cognitive nexus. Signal degradation: confirmed." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Kill Code insertion has resulted in Murex cognitive degradation. Continued applications will result in Murex retreating." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Kill Code uploaded. Yeah.. energy fluctuations kickin' off real nice. Signal weakening. Keep doing what you're doing." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Kill Codes are working. The thing's link home is gonna fall apart like a wet cake." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "Ground crews will keep the codes comin', you keep usin' 'em to punch that thing in the brain." download, history) (
- [PLAYERNAME]: "Kill Code has been sent your way. Make it count!"
- [PLAYERNAME]: "[PLAYERNAME], I have deployed an OpLink Reinforcement Module to your location. Defeat the enemy!"
5 Kill Codes Uploaded[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "Murex signal cohension failing. Maintain pressure." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Kill Codes are working. Persist." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Murex cognition is becoming highly erratic." download, history) (
8 Kill Codes Uploaded[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "Murex cognition almost 100% garbage. That thing is about to run." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Away team, you almost have that thing beat." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Murex trashed. It is close to crashing out." download, history) (
All Kill Codes Successfully Uploaded[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "Murex retreating. Recalling away team to Railjack." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Murex on the move. Recalling away team." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "It is running. Pulling you out." download, history) (
- Little Duck: "There it goes. Running back to daddy. Nicely handled all neat and tidy. Catch a breath. Guaranteed you'd send a replacement." download, history) (
OpLink Destroyed[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "OpLink destroyed. Not good." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "OpLink down. Rectify." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "They took out an OpLink." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "OpLink rendered nonfunctional." download, history) (
OpLink Required[edit | edit source]
- Cephalon Cy: "Crew. Replacement OpLink necessary." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Without additional OpLinks, our odds of success are greatly diminished." download, history) (
- Cephalon Cy: "Ground team requesting active OpLink. Get on it." download, history) (
Another Murex Spawn[edit | edit source]
- Little Duck: "Here it is. Right on schedule. Load up. Second verse same as the first." download, history) (
During The New War[edit | edit source]
Stolen Plates[edit | edit source]
- "Allo allo - missing your brain-buster then?" download, history) (
- "Hah! Can't risk what? Jank-ciphered comms? Already blew it. But listen, if you're here to muck with Narmer, I'm keen to lift with ya." download, history) (
- "Then you'll be wanting to pay a visit to that bleeding brain-buster factory. I know a shortcut. Might grab yourself a K-Drive if you've got the legs for it." (download, history)
- "Name's Little Duck. And you... you must be that stick in the spokes I've heard about. You weren't in with the Tenno back in the day, were ya?" download, history) (
- "Fresh shipment of brain-busters... and there's one with your name on it. See... security's lax on account of how the only way inside is wearing one of those sticky things." (download, history)
- "'Fraid not." download, history) (
- "Pops my plugs to think that some people take the veil by choice! Warm lies are more comfort than cold, hard truths, eh?" download, history) (
- "Ready? Veil up, and I'll mark the shuttle uplink once you're inside. Think happy thoughts, yeah?" download, history) (
- "Blending in nice, but I'd still give those Deacons a wide berth. Did you know they can detonate those veils if they smell a rat?" (download, history)
- "Ya shammin' brainless real nice, but I'd still give those Deacons a wide berth. They smell a rat, your Veil[sic] detonates. Take your whole face off an' no mistake." download, history) (
- "It did. And I didn't. Needed you focused." download, history) (
- "Oi! Focus! Jab that console, quick!" download, history) (
- "Ah, guts! You've been rumbled! Right, leg it out the back before ya mumblin' with the rest! I've sorted your ship... and a little nugget for myself while I was there." download, history) (
- "Ah... takes me back to the good old Tenno days... expect those brain-busters might be on backorder for a while. Been a pleasure lifting with you, Drifter." (download, history)
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