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“You're not supposed to be in here! You're going to ruin the surprise!”
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Eidolons are heavily fragmented Sentients. They are typically moribund (i.e. close to death) and wander aimlessly in search of fragments to revitalize itself. The most notable examples of Eidolons are the Eidolon Teralysts that roam the Plains of Eidolon.

History and Lore[edit | edit source]

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

“Orokin secrets cannot remain secret forever! Start talking!”
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The term 'Eidolon' refers to a Sentient that is on the brink of death and heavily fragmented. A Sentient may become an Eidolon when they take fatal damage, or when they are drained of life. This can be reversed if the fragments are put back together, or if the Sentient receives enough energy to revitalize itself.

Despite being splintered apart, the fragments of an Eidolon are still alive, but display a feral and simple-minded personality. Until it is reformed, a Sentient Eidolon will always display an urge to reform.

Eidolons generally have a shattered and fractured appearance, with masses of ghostly tendrils taking up the truncated stumps of its limbs. The tendrils may also be used to reattach an Eidolon's lost fragments, however they tend to grab anything that's close to them, such as a Teralyst's petrified tree, the Gantulyst's stone obelisk, or the Hydrolyst's landing strut of an ancient spacecraft to replace their missing right arm.

The Gara Legend[edit | edit source]

Main article: Fragments/Fish

During The Collapse, a colossal Sentient crash-landed on Earth, where it would destroy and ravage every Orokin Tower it came across. It would attack only at night, as daylight hurt and blinded it. It would attempt to destroy the Tower of the Unum, but was hindered by her shields that bordered the Plains.  Gara, the closest companion of the Unum, was forbidden to attack the Sentient at night, and so would search for it during the day. To aid in her search, the Unum and The Quills seeded Temple Kuva to the wildlife, which would connect her consciousness and allow the Unum to discover the Sentient's hiding place.

However, the Sentient captured the fauna and discovered it could use the Kuva to restore its long-lost ability to reproduce. The Sentient became reckless and wild, throwing itself at the Unum in a frenzy, forcing Gara to take decisive action. Carrying a bomb in her chest, Gara gave her life to destroy the Sentient as it descended on her mortally wounded body, detonating the bomb and scattering the Sentient’s fragments and bones across the land, ending the threat to the Unum.

The Lost One seen emerging from a lake

Mask of the Revenant[edit | edit source]

Following Gara's sacrifice over the colossal Sentient, at the very site of her decisive battle which the Ostrons now call Gara Toht Lake, a Warframe known solely as the  Warden would arrive to drive away the Eidolon. It would attempt to emerge from it's watery purgatory, sending ethereal tendrils to grasp for a way out. Night after night, the Warden would strike, cutting it down and hindering it’s regeneration.

This trial would continue until one fateful evening, where the Warden foolishly tried to make contact with the Eidolon and was overwhelmed. Discovering that the Eidolon was using him to pull itself from the water, the Warden cast himself into the lake to anchor it to the bottom. The time spent as an "anchor" to the Sentient would infuse the Warden with its eldritch energies, becoming "the Lost One".

During the events of the quest, the Warden emerges from the the Lake, now corrupted by the Eidolon's influence. Under it's command, the Eidolon would attempt to use the Warden to rebuild itself until it was defeated by the Tenno.

Shwaak Amp Prism - Created from the smaller fragments of a Sentient

The Plains of Eidolon[edit | edit source]

After the shattering of the colossal Sentient, the Plains of Eidolon outside Cetus became littered with its numerous fragments. It’s petrified bones can be seen all throughout the Plains, while its fossilized blood can be mined as for use in fabrication. Some of the smaller, more workable pieces of the colossal Sentient are used by the The Quills to create Amps. These are distributed among the Tenno, who use them to hunt and fell the mighty Eidolon beasts.

Despite the endeavors of  Gara and the  Warden, some of the Sentient’s fragments still roam the bone-littered plains. The Eidolon Teralyst aimlessly trudges around, filling the air with wailing howls, desperately trying to remember being whole and complete. During nighttime, the Eidolons will energize the water, causing magnetic shocks to anything that goes into it. 

A Grineer-made Eidolon Lure

The Grineer Tusk Corps[edit | edit source]

The Grineer have dispatched the Tusk corps in an attempt to understand and harness the Eidolons, and seek to loose it against the walls of Cetus itself. Due to the dangers the Eidolons cause, some of the Tusks may evacuate the Plains every night, resulting in less Tusks inhabiting the plains. They perform numerous excavations and experiments, exhuming any part of the ancient Sentient, attempting to glean any valuable info into how they might control the Eidolons. The Eidolon Lures may have been a result of such endeavors, and were created to lure in Eidolon Vomvalysts to capture and store their energy.

The New War[edit | edit source]

“You're not supposed to be in here! You're going to ruin the surprise!”
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The New War

The Duviri Paradox[edit | edit source]

The Duviri Paradox

Tech and Weaponry[edit | edit source]

Weapons that have been created from Sentient Eidolons share the same aspects as normal Sentient tech, with the use of organic curves and symmetry. However, Eidolon tech displays muted and darker colors, and the appearance of ghastly, ethereal tendrils.

Eidolon weapons have mainly been used by the Tenno, and mainly consist of simple forms hiding surprising amounts of destructive power. These include weapons such as a  beam shotgun that launches globs of irradiated plasma, a  long sword that can launch a swarm of skull-like soul projectiles from slain enemies, and even an  ancient bow carved from the bones of Sentients, granted to the Tenno by Hunhow himself.

Known Eidolons[edit | edit source]

  • The Eidolon Teralysts are simple-minded, spectral fragments of a giant, shattered Sentient. These still-living fragments now roam the Plains of Eidolon at night.
    • The Teralyst is the first-tier bipedal Eidolon boss found roaming at nighttime.
    • The Gantulyst is the second-tier bipedal Eidolon boss that is significantly larger and more mobile than the Teralyst.
    • The Hydrolyst is the third-tier bipedal Eidolon boss. The largest of the trio, it is capable of channeling thunderstorms.
  • Vomvalysts are small, hovering Eidolons that roam the Plains of Eidolon that transform into spectral beings after sustaining enough damage, making them immune to all forms of attack, the Operator Void Beam being an exception.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Though not referred to as an Eidolon in-game, both the community and developers often refer to the Ropalolyst as "Flydolon" or "flying Eidolon" ever since Devstream 100. However, its location then was moved to Jupiter. The boss fight shares a lot of similarities with the Eidolons fights, such as the Synovia weak points and shields which can be depleted using the Operator's Void Beam.
  • The Eidolon Phylaxis description reveals that Sentients are immune to the Infestation.
  • Interestingly, Eidolons are also possessing spirits in Greek mythology, and they could control mortals and monsters alike. Perhaps the Eidolon Vomvalyst's spectral form could be a reference to the spirit form of Greek Eidolons
  • Eidolons (and the Ropalolyst) feature weak points called Synovia. In real life, synovial joints are joints in the body filled with synovial fluid, such as the knees, wrists, and elbows.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

  •  Breath Of The Eidolon - Resource available in Bounties.
  •  Cetus Wisp - Strange stone lifeforms that may be harmless, minuscule fragments of a shattered Sentient.
  •  Sentirum - Minerals that are the fossilized blood of an ancient Sentient.
  •  Eidolon Lens - The second highest tier of Focus Lenses.
  •  Eidolon Shard - The shattered core of an Eidolon. It still beats with life.
  •  Eidolon Phylaxis - A consumable item that can be used during Operation: Plague Star to make the Thrax Toxin be more powerful against the Infested boil.
  •  Venato - A scythe said to have been forged from an Eidolon's limb.
  • Eidolon Lure - Grineer machines found at night on the Plains of Eidolon used to capture Eidolons.
  • Eidolon Ephemera - Move as the Eidolons and burn the ground coldly with footsteps of shimmering Void energy.