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Sanctuary (Cephalon Simaris)

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For the Mod, see Sanctuary (Mod).

The Sanctuary is a Relay enclave where Cephalon Simaris currently resides. The room houses a variety of functions related to the lore of WARFRAME, mainly simulations and a mechanic known as Synthesis. Inside the Sanctuary, players can interact with Simaris, which is crucial for completing The New Strange Quest, as well as keeping track of the Synthesis progress, and purchasing offerings from Simaris.

Lore[edit | edit source]

As Cephalon Simaris refers it, the Sanctuary is a data oasis. Through Synthesis, the Sanctuary will uncover in-depth lore behind the WARFRAME universe, information that surpass the capacity of the personal Codex.

Synthesis[edit | edit source]

Main article: Synthesis

Synthesis is a community-driven research that will uncover knowledge of the WARFRAME universe, similar to the Codex. Once a Synthesis research has been completed, the Tenno will be rewarded with detailed lore relevant to the WARFRAME universe.

Sanctuary Onslaught[edit | edit source]

Main article: Sanctuary Onslaught

The Sanctuary Onslaught is an endless game mode introduced in Update 22.18 (2018-04-20). It is similar to Survival, though players are limited to one big room from a random tileset and opposing faction which is also randomized from round to round.

Players must complete The New Strange to access this game mode. To begin, players must talk to Cephalon Simaris at his Sanctuary in any Relay or select "Sanctuary Onslaught" in the Syndicate World State Window tab.

Simulacrum[edit | edit source]

Main article: Simulacrum

The Simulacrum is an artificial arena similar to the ones in Mastery Rank tests, that allows players to create multiple Mimeographs of enemies that the player had completed their Codex research on. Currently only the Mimeographs of normal enemies except Bosses and most Characters can be created.

The entrance of the Simulacrum is located on the left of the Sanctuary's entrance. Players must acquire a Simulacrum Access Key with  50,000 to gain access to the arena.

There are two Simulacrums to enter:

  • The Citadel Simulacrum is the default Simulacrum with a wide open space featuring many tall pillars. The empty pits and lack of barriers make it possible to fall out of bounds.
  • The Ballroom Simulacrum is a reward from Operation: Scarlet Spear, Operation: Orphix Venom, and as a treat from Nights of Naberus. It is a much more enclosed space with several ramps and walkways, and invisible walls make it hard to fall out of bounds. It also features large statues of  Baruuk and  Gara standing side-by-side.

The maximum capacity of the number of Mimeographs that can be generated is set at 20. Enemy level can be set by the player, up to 5x their Mastery Rank plus 30. Although one can only generate 20 Mimeographs at one time, enemies with spawning capabilities such as Brood Mothers or Drahk Masters can create subsequent Mimeographs while engaged.

An overview of The Citadel Simulacrum as of Update 18.0 (2015-12-03)
Behind the Simulacrum where the Arsenal can be accessed
Dying in the Simulacrum, notice that there is no option to revive or abort

The location is in an open space area with white walls and pillars, similar to the ones in Mastery Rank tests. One of the rectangular pillars is a spawn stage where the player can interact with the console on top of it to create Mimeographs. There are also various Pickups dispensers including Energy Orb, Health Orb and Ammo on top of the stage which regenerates rapidly when consumed.

Once the Mimeographs are generated upon player request, they will begin engaging the player, though some enemies with limited engagement range will remain idle until the player jumps off the stage. Falling off the Simulacrum area will lead to an instant respawn to the last valid location. Since there is no way to "complete" the session, the player must leave the session by accessing the Main Menu via Esc . Hence, any progress such as Affinity(enemies do not give Affinity here upon defeat) and Standing gain will not remain after the simulation. Various components and items will drop similar to the Orokin Void but, with the exception of Credits, will not be retained after exiting the Simulacrum.

If the player dies, they will simply respawn at the normal spawn point and will not be given the choice of using revives or aborting the mission. As of Update 21, the Simulacrum is capable of multiplayer of up to 4 players in one instance.

Gear items will be limited until the player goes back to the arsenal, where they will be refilled to the player's current amount. Specters will always spawn at level 1, regardless of the level of enemies on the field or if there are not.

Mastery Rank Test Trials[edit | edit source]

At the right side of the enclave is a corridor that houses multiple entrances of Mastery Rank test trials.You must have all types of weapons equipped to access them. Upon entering an entrance, the player will be transferred to a Mastery Rank test session of the specified Mastery Rank. Players can access any tests already completed, as well as the test for the next higher Mastery Rank.

This system will not affect the player's progress, allowing players to prepare for tests of their prospective Mastery level without penalties.

Conclave Maps[edit | edit source]

There are currently 2 maps for Conclave from this tileset.

Cephalon Citadel 
Cephalon Spires 

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Currently, players are able to scan mimeographs that spawn within the Simulacrum, but daily standing actually does not increase after exiting the Simulacrum.
    • Scans taken within the Simulacrum don't affect the scan count in the Codex.
  • Some enemies cannot be spawned as mimeographs, such as most bosses and Archwing enemies.
  • If a player remains idle for an extended period of time, energy and health orbs will become manual pickups that can only be collected with the context action key (default X ); Moving away will reset the idle period.

Bugs[edit | edit source]

  • Juggernauts can spawn enemies that are hundreds of levels higher than the level set by the player, and above their own levels.
  • Juggernaut Behemoths will always spawn at level 500
  • Currently, while it is possible to generate Lynx mimeographs, it is not possible to generate Mimeographs of Sprag or Ven'kra Tel.
    • Lynx will always spawn at level 1.
  • Non-sniper weapons that utilize sniper ammo (e.g. the  Ogris) start with 72 maximum ammo, regardless of the weapons normal maximum ammo. Affected weapons will be unable to restore ammo until their reserves have fallen below their normal maximum ammo.
  • Equipping or changing an Aura mod on a warframe will not apply the associated buff until the player is killed by an enemy and respawns.
  • If, as Limbo, a player enters the rift with the dash, then enters the arsenal and changes warframes, they will be unable to leave the rift until they switch back to Limbo, die or leave the Simulacrum. (Falling off the map, doesn't change this either.)
  • After the Simulacrum was open to multiple players, the option to pause the session was removed, even when solo. This is the same with the now open Captura mode.
  • Switching the Holster Style of a melee weapon causes Finisher attacks to always use  Nikana animations, no matter what melee weapon the player is using.
  • Switching an item, an equipment, or go to an upgrade window will give a much higher damage multiplier to your melee weapon. Glitch is removed when interacting with the spawner.

Media[edit | edit source]

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Hotfix 31.6.4 (2022-07-14)

  • Fixed Prosecutor enemies being incorrectly named as ‘Guardian Eximus’ in the Simulacrum menu.
  • Fixed script error when casting Nidus’ Ravenous in the Simulacrum and then switching Warframes via Arsenal before the Maggots explode.

Hotfix 31.5.4 (2022-05-02)

  • Fixed being unable to spawn the Demolisher Machinist in the Simulacrum despite it being fully unlocked in the Codex.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Fixed Client crashing in Simulacrum when transferring to Operator.
  • Fixed script error when spawning enemies that have shockwave abilities in the Simulacrum.

Update 31.1 (2022-02-09)

  • Fixed inability to spawn Deimos Saxum Eximus, Battalyst, Brachiolyst, Choralyst, Conculyst, Oculyst, and Symbilyst in the Simulacrum.

Hotfix 31.0.9 (2022-01-20)

  • Added a ‘Narmer’ category to the Simulacrum Spawner screen.

Hotfix 31.0.4 (2021-12-21)

  • Fixed Sentient kills in the Simulacrum counting towards Protovyre Armor Challenge progress.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)

  • Fixed certain screens (Simulacrum selection) losing functionality if you typed into the search bar before the items showed up.
  • Fixed a flickering texture on the floor of Ballroom Simulacrum.

Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)

  • Fixed Inaros’ Scarab Swarm HUD still showing up after switching Warframes in the Simulacrum.
  • Fixed Dragon Key UI/HUD not updating after swapping them in your Gear in the Simulacrum.
  • Fixed textures on Mirage breaking in Simulacrum while changing to a Deluxe skin after using Mirage’s Eclipse.
  • Fixed an issue where Clients would get disconnected when entering the Arsenal in the Simulacrum while having the same Warframe as the Host.
  • Fixed Dargyn Pilots in the Simulacrum having randomized levels once they drop from their destroyed Tusk Dargyns.
  • Fixed UI locking in place while camera relocates after  dying in the Simulacrum Arsenal Mod window.
  • Fixed Dargyn Pilot not being paused in the Simulacrum when “Pause AI” is enabled and the Pilot has been removed from the Dargyn.

Hotfix 30.5.3 (2021-07-09)

  • Fixed a script error related to the Simulacrum and Xaku.

Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)

  • Fixed Avichea appearing in Simulacrum spawning list.
  • Fixed script error caused by using the Simulacrum as Operator.

Update 29.8 (2021-02-11)

  • Fixed a harmless script error when Venari respawns in the Simulacrum.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Fixed a rare case of an infinite white screen after casting Titania’s Razorwing in the Simulacrum.

Update 29.3 (2020-10-27)

  • Removed Latrox Une from the Simulacrum (because shooting your friends is mean).
  • Fixed a crash in the Simulacrum while firing a Convectrix that had max ranked Tainted Shell and Narrow Barrel Mods equipped.

Hotfix 29.2.2 (2020-10-06)

  • Fixed Profile ‘Kills’ and ‘Time Played’ Stats being influenced by the Simulacrum.
    • Simulacrum is a testing ground!
  • Fixed sometimes facing the wrong direction when loading into the Simulacrum Arsenal.

Update 29.1 (2020-09-17)

  • Fixed inability to spawn Deimos Saxum/Deimos Saxum Rex in the Simulacrum.

Hotfix (2020-09-10)

  • Fixed changing from Cooperative Loadout to Conclave Loadout in the Simulacrum Arsenal not allowing you to switch back to your Cooperative Loadout.

Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)

  • Fixed The Ballroom Simulacrum Arsenal context action clipping behind the Arsenal.

Hotfix 27.3.13 (2020-04-14)

  • Fixed being punted back to the Relay when attempting to load into the Simulacrum. Also fixed a crash that could accompany this attempt.

Update 27.3 (2020-03-24)

  • Removed Stealth Melee bonus always applying to Simulacrum enemies when ‘Pause AI’ is enabled, thus giving non authentic numbers when testing Loadouts.
  • Fixed a crash while in the Simulacrum with a bunch of Heavy Gunners spawned.
  • Fixed the Simulacrum’s ‘Invincibility’ option not applying to Clients.

Hotfix 27.2.1 (2020-03-05)

  • Fixed becoming permanently invincible in the Simulacrum after toggling Invincibility.
  • Fixed Companion Invincibility option in the Simulacrum resetting if you die or make changes in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed a script error when dying in the Simulacrum.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • Added a ‘COMPANION INVINCIBILITY’ option in the Simulacrum!
  • Increased the Health and Damage Resistance on Simaris’ Sanctuary Targets so that they don’t get accidentally nuked while attempting to scan them.
  • Fixed crash in the Simulacrum caused by Amalgam Arca Heqet’s copy ability.

Update 27.1 (2020-02-04)

  • Fixed Simulacrum Ammo pickup playing the ‘Shield recharge’ sound.
  • Fixed a script error for Clients when changing Arch-Guns in the Arsenal in Simulacrum while another Arch-Gun is already equipped.

Hotfix 27.0.12 (2020-01-23)

  • Fixed a UI error when selecting certain enemies in the Simulacrum that you don’t have fully scanned.

Hotfix 25.7.6 (2019-09-18)

  • Fixed enemies in the Simulacrum not recovering from Stomp cast by a Rhino Specter.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

  • Fixed being able to spawn and “capture” Plains Conservation animals into the Simulacrum.

Update 25.4 (2019-07-18)

  • Added Arch-gun Ammo to the Simulacrum pickup area.

Hotfix 23.0.2 (2018-06-15)

  • Using ‘mouse button 3’ in the Simulacrum will now auto add 5 enemies to the spawn list.

Update 22.0 (2017-10-12)

  • The Simulacrum “Invincibility” option now works on Operators!

Hotfix 19.8.1 (2017-01-27)

  • Removed spawnable Kuva, Sentries, Turrets and Cameras in the Simulacrum.

See Also[edit | edit source]