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Eidolon Vomvalyst

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Eidolon Vomvalyst
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 38d3
A lost soul. Part energy, part physical shell, these Sentient remnants seem to have a symbiotic relationship with the much larger Eidolons.
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 8d69
General Information
Homing Projectile
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 3c47
--  ++  ++
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX fed4
Level Scaling
Selected Level
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 6f98
Update 22.0 (2017-10-12)
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 90ef
 Fury 0.37%
 Ammo Drum 1.26%
 No Return 0.37%
 Reach 1.26%
 Reaping Spiral 0.37%
 Stinging Thorn 0.05%
15  Endo 1.26%
80  Endo 0.05%
 Intact Sentient Core 100.00%
10x  Shard Black Pigment 10.00%
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 463e

A lost soul. Part energy, part physical shell, these Sentient remnants seem to have a symbiotic relationship with the much larger Eidolons.

Eidolon Vomvalysts are spectral Sentient creatures firstly found roaming in the Plains of Eidolon at night. Another Vomvalyst variant, simply called "Vomvalyst", can be encountered on Veil Proxima inside of Murex ships, spawning from unique pedestals, similar to Immunodes. They possess 2 forms: a default physical form and a ghostly energy form after their physical form is killed.

Tactics[edit | edit source]

  • Vomvalysts have two stages:
    • The physical form takes damage like any normal enemy.
      • In this form they attack by launching pairs of semi-guided energy projectiles at enemies, which deal a considerable amount of damage.
    • After their health has been depleted, they will turn into their energy form.
      • The energy form can only be damaged by the Operator's  Void damage attacks.
      • If their spectral form is not killed after 20 seconds, they will regain their physical form with full health.
      • Energy-form Vomvalysts will attack by performing a charged dash towards any nearby enemies, similar to  Revenant's  Reave.
    • Both forms possess 50% Damage Reduction.
  • On Plains of Eidolon, once they are destroyed, energy-form Vomvalysts drop a guaranteed energy sphere marked with a blue beacon, which can be picked up by Warframes and Operators and delivered to Eidolon Lures to charge them. These energy charges dissipate after a short time, however.
    • Alternatively, Eidolon Vomvalysts in their energy form can be directly absorbed by an Eidolon Lure if they enter its effective range.
  • Eidolon Vomvalysts spawn in pairs, unless spawned by a Eidolon Teralyst.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Vomvalysts have a chance to drop the Shard Black Pigment in packs of ten.
  • A variant of Vomvalyst appears as Interference Drones in every mission during Rising Tide quest.
    • However, this particular variant has no energy form and thus can be completely killed with conventional weapons.
      • Anu Mantalysts boarding a Railjack during a Murex Raid can deploy Anu Interference Drones, that disable turrets and engines until they are destroyed. Even these variants have no Spectral form.
  • Currently only the Eidolon variant has a Codex entry.

Tips[edit | edit source]

  • A good place to farm Eidolon Vomvalysts is along the eastern force-field boundary of the Plains of Eidolon, pairs of them will spawn every 40m or so right next to the force-field.
  • Along with Intact Sentient Cores, Eidolon Vomvalysts will also drop a glowing blue orb, which will charge the Warframe or the Operator with blue energy when picked up. The affected Warframe or Operator can then move near a friendly Eidolon Lure, transferring the energy to the Lure to charge it. Only one orb can be active per Warframe or Operator at any time. This is especially useful during early stages of the Teralyst encounter, as Vomvalysts are often scarce.
  • Eidolon Vomvalysts count towards Riven Mods challenges requiring Sentient kills, and are the easiest Sentient unit to kill.
    • Do not underestimate them, though; the basic projectile attack of Vomvalysts is still reasonably powerful. When hunting Eidolon Teralysts, they should not be ignored - both due to the fact they support/protect the Teralyst, and due to their damage output.
  • Ivara can steal loot from the Vomvalysts using  Prowl.
    • Vomvalysts cannot be stolen from while they are in spectral form.
  • Vauban's  Minelayer in Tether Coil mode has a curious interaction with Eidolon Vomvalysts, where it will rapidly attempt and fail to tether them, dealing damage each time, rapidly killing their physical forms with little difficulty.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Eidolons in Greek literature are spirit-like images of a living or dead person.
  • Still in Greek, vómva (βόμβα), means bomb, probably a reference to their explosive projectiles, how they explode when killed or when they enter their ghost form.

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Hotfix 31.5.10 (2022-05-17)

  • Fixed script error related to the Eidolon Vomvalyst’s dash.

Hotfix 29.2.2 (2020-10-06)

  • Fixed script error when picking up Vomvalyst energy buffs while on a K-Drive then dismounting, or mounting K-Drive while you have the buff.

Update 28.1 (2020-07-08)

  • Fixed Vomvalysts appearing to move slower than usual.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • Reduced the pulsing FX frequency and size on the Eidolon Vomvalysts in their energy form.

Hotfix 23.3.2 (2018-08-13)

  • Fixed Vomvalysts facing the move direction instead of target during combat.

Update 22.17 (2018-03-28)

  • More Visual Effect intensity changes to reduce visual noise from Vomvalyst ability FX.

Update 22.16 (2018-03-15)

  • Fixed a potential script error when being attacked by a Vomvalyst.
  • No longer drop Sentient Cores when auto-'killed' at sunrise. Unlike vampires, Vomvalysts are not killed by the sun, they just “go back to where they came from”.

Hotfix 22.14.1 (2018-03-01)

  • Increased the amount of Affinity earned by 5x to help Operator Amp leveling.

Hotfix 22.13.3 (2018-02-21)

  • Lowered particle burst for charge up attacks.

Update 22.10 (2018-01-25)

  • Increased the drop chance of Intact Sentient Cores to 100%.

Update 22.9 (2018-01-17)

  • Fixed Vomvalysts sometimes spawning at level 9999.

Update 22.6 (2017-12-07)

  • Vomvalysts in energy-form now only feed charge to a single Lure.
  • Added resistance, armor type, and health type information to Codex entry.
Last update: Hotfix (2018-03-28)

Media[edit | edit source]