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Total amount of Damage a Warframe can take before going into Bleedout.
—In-game Description
Critical to Railjack integrity. When the Hull goes, the Railjack goes.
—In-game Description

Health (Hull for Railjacks) is a value that represents how much damage an entity can sustain; if the value is reduced to zero, the entity will be incapacitated in some manner. Warframes, Kubrows, Kavats, Rescue targets, and Alad V will enter "bleedout" when their health values are reduced to zero, while all other entities will instead be killed.

A Warframe's health is indicated as a red number at the top right of the screen. The health of other entities can be displayed over their heads, should the player aim directly at them. While a Warframe is losing health, the screen's edges will begin to flash red at a pulse. Once the Warframe reaches 10% health or below, a loud, heartbeat-like sound will play, and a slight ringing can be heard. This sound also plays when bleeding out and when dead.

Most attacks will only damage health after the entity's shields have been fully drained, but there are a few exceptions.  Toxin damage, which is commonly dealt by units like Toxic Ancients, Toxic Crawlers and Venomous Eximus, will bypass shields and strike the target's health directly, which can also proc a  Toxin damage-over-time effect.  Viral procs, such as those dealt by Grineer Powerfists, will temporarily increase the damage to the victim's health (+100% with 1 stack, up to +325% with 10 stacks) even if the attack itself is absorbed by shields).

Health Types

There are ten health types, three shield types, and four armor types—these seven act differently from health and are covered on the Shields and Armor pages. The nine health types are partitioned into four standard Factions, the  Corrupted and  Narmer factions borrows from these.

Faction Health Types
 Grineer Cloned Flesh Machinery
 Corpus Flesh Robotic
 Infested Infested Infested Flesh Fossilized
 Sentient Robotic Flesh
 Tenno Tenno Flesh
 Corrupted Corrupted units are copies from other factions; they have identical health to their originals.
 Narmer Narmer units are copies from other factions; they have identical health to their originals.
 Murmur Indifferent Facade
Special Overguard (unique to Eximus) • Object Health

Cloned Flesh
Infested Flesh
 Slash +50%
 Heat +50%
Tenno Flesh

* Tenno Flesh and Object Health have no resistances or vulnerabilities.

Modifying Maximum Health



Elemental Ward

Depending on Chroma's elemental alignment, an offensive area-of-effect is created. Chroma and his nearby allies are imbued with defensive energy.

Introduced in Update 16.0 (2015-03-19)

Strength: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 ( Heat damage per second)
15 / 20 / 30 / 55 % (health bonus)
Duration: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s
Range: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 m (aura range)
Misc:2 / 5 / 7 / 10 % ( Heat status chance)
5 m (burn radius)

Subsumable to Helminth



Like most attribute values, Health is increased by single multiplier formed from effects that additively stack with each other. The health gained from leveling is an exception, stacking additively with base health before multipliers

Total Health = (Base Health + Warframe Rank Bonuses) × (1 + Modifier from Mods) + Other Bonuses

  • Base Health refers to the Warframe's health at Rank 0.
  • Warframe Rank Bonuses are increases to a Warframe's health that apply as the Warframe goes from rank 0 to 30. These are normally +100 at rank 30, though there are exceptions. Importantly, unlike capacity, they are not impacted by mastery rank, meaning that two players with newly built frames will always have the same bonuses regardless of their mastery.
  • Modifier from Mods is from mods such as  Vitality and  Vigor, increasing the Health by 100% and 50% at their maximum ranks, respectively. The  Physique Aura mod increases it by 20% at maximum rank. Each additional squad member that brings Physique will increase your Modifier by an additional 20%, to a maximum 80% addition in a four-player mission, which can be further increased with  Coaction Drift. Lastly, the bonus from some Arcane helmets contribute to this modifier.

Health Reduction

Having equipped a Bleeding Dragon Key reduces total health by 75%, after all other calculations. During missions, this is indicated by a symbol to the left of the shield/health bar (shown on the right).


Main article: Healing

Unlike shields, health does not naturally regenerate over time, except when either the  Rejuvenation or  Dreamer's Bond Aura mod is equipped by at least one member of the squad. Otherwise, damage inflicted upon health must actively be healed by picking up Health Orbs, by receiving the effects of certain Warframe abilities, or by using certain mods, weapons, consumable equipment, or Arcane Enhancements.

Bleedout & Death

Main article: Death

When health is reduced to 0, Warframes enter the Bleedout state. In bleedout, Warframes can barely move and are restricted to firing their sidearm. If they do not receive the appropriate attention from an ally within 20 seconds, they are killed in action. It is quite difficult to complete missions successfully when all players are dead, so players typically strive to keep health above 0 at all times.

Prior to update 35.5: Inaros would go into a sarcophagus instead of bleedout and be unable to move or fire weapons. He would drain health from nearby enemies and allies to restore health to himself with the timer for revive being shorter than the last.

Update 35.5: Inaros will summon a sarcophagus at his location standing upright where his 'body' would go and rest while a sand version of himself would be released. The sand version is able to move and attack enemies, regaining health for the revive with every melee attack made. The requirement for revival is number of hits rather than health drained, making it more viable for late game content.

Effective Health

Damage calculations get complicated when damage resistances are involved. Effective health (EHP) is a common metagame concept which states that because each hit point you have actually absorbs more than one point of damage, you effectively have more hit points than indicated. In WARFRAME, effective health can be increased by armor, sources of damage reduction, negative damage type modifiers, resistance mods, and health classes.

For example, an armorless Grineer enemy has 300 health and uses the Flesh health class, and you attack that enemy using  Impact damage:

  1.  Impact attacks deal 25% less damage to Flesh health; if the attack would normally cause 100 damage, it would only deal 75 damage to this enemy.
  2. Therefore, to deal 300 damage to this enemy, you would have to output 400 total points of damage.

In reference to  Impact damage, this hypothetical enemy has 400 effective health even though it has only 300 nominal health. Effective health can only ever be considered in the context of damage because its value depends on the bonuses and penalties of the incoming damage as much as it does on the damage type modifiers of armor, mods, and health.


Effective health against a particular damage type can be calculated as such:

EHP=Nominal HealthNet Armor+30030011Net Damage Reduction11+Damage Type Modifier=Nominal Health(Net Armor+300)300(1Net Damage Reduction)(1+Damage Type Modifier)

Nominal health refers to listed health points as displayed in-game; in other words, it is the total health after mods and buffs are applied
Net damage reduction refers to total damage reduction outside of armor

Enemy Health Scaling

Main article: Enemy Level Scaling

For health, the ranges of level differences from base to current level at which scaling transitions is between 70 & 80.


The formula by which Grineer health scales is as follows:

f1(x)=1+0.015(xBase Level)2.12
When Current Level - Base Level < 70
f2(x)=1+2455(xBase Level)0.72
When Current Level - Base Level > 80


The formula by which Corpus health scales is as follows:

f1(x)=1+0.015(xBase Level)2.12
When Current Level - Base Level < 70
f2(x)=1+3055(xBase Level)0.55
When Current Level - Base Level > 80


The formula by which Infested health scales is as follows:

f1(x)=1+0.0225(xBase Level)2.12
When Current Level - Base Level < 70
f2(x)=1+3655(xBase Level)0.72
When Current Level - Base Level > 80


The formula by which Corrupted health scales is as follows:

f1(x)=1+0.015(xBase Level)2.1
When Current Level - Base Level < 70
f2(x)=1+2455(xBase Level)0.685
When Current Level - Base Level > 80

Murmur, Sentient, and Unaffiliated

The formula by which enemy health scales is as follows:

f1(x)=1+0.015(xBase Level)2
When Current Level - Base Level < 70
f2(x)=1+2455(xBase Level)0.5
When Current Level - Base Level > 80


Eximus health scaling is the same across all factions

The formula by which eximus health scales is as follows:

f1(x)=1+0.015(xBase Level)2
When Current Level - Base Level < 70
f2(x)=1+2455(xBase Level)0.5
When Current Level - Base Level > 80

In addition, the base health is also increased between certain breakpoints:

  • Between level differences 0 inclusive and 15 inclusive, base health stays the same as listed in the Codex.
  • Between level differences 15 exclusive and 25 inclusive, base health is linearly increased from +0% to +25% (e.g. for each level, enemy gains 2.5% base health).
  • Between level differences 25 exclusive and 35 inclusive, base health is linearly increased from +25% to +150% (e.g. for each level, enemy gains 12.5% base health).
  • Between level differences 35 exclusive and 50 inclusive, base health is linearly increased from +150% to +350% (e.g. for each level, enemy gains 13.33% base health).
  • Between level differences 50 exclusive and 100 inclusive, base health is linearly increased from +350% to +500% (e.g. for each level, enemy gains 3% base health).
  • Above level difference of 100, base health will stay +500% (6x) of its Codex value.
Health Multiplier={f1(x),x15(1+0.025*(x15))*f1(x),15<x25(1.25+0.125*(x25))*f1(x),25<x35(2.5+2/15*(x35))*f1(x),35<x50(4.5+0.03*(x50))*[f1(x)×(1S1(x))+f2(x)×S1(x)]50<x1006*f2(x),100>x
Where the Health Multiplier is the value that multiplies an enemy's base health to its current health.
Current health scaling at Base Level = 1.

Enemy EHP

Effective Hit-points is a stat that indicates how much gross damage must be dealt to a target until the net damage thereby inflicted depletes its entire health pool. Effective Hit-points is not a fixed stat for any given enemy, it is heavily dependent on the damage type used against the target, as well as the various buffs and debuffs in effect for both the attacker and the enemy in question. For the following considerations, however, these influences are disregarded, as they do not alter the course of the graphs except for clinching or stretching them as a whole, which manifests as a scaling of the Y-axis.

For Enemies with Health only

For targets without shields and armor, the standardized effective hit-point scaling is synonymous with standardized health scaling, the health graph and formula apply.

For Enemies with Health and Shields

The standardized effective hit-points of shielded enemies are simply the sum of their shields and health, except for the case when the  Toxin damage portion of the gross damage depletes the target's health faster than the rest of the gross damage depletes its shield. Exact effective hit-point calculations considering damage types also become significantly more complex if  Toxin damage is involved, but this is disregarded here. The level scaling of standardized effective hit-points of shielded enemies is influenced by the ratio of base shields to base health:

EHP Multiplier=Health Multiplier+Shield Multiplier×Base ShieldsBase Health

In the cases where you are trying to one-shot shielded enemies without  Toxin damage, their effective hit-points will actually be higher due to their shield gate mechanic. Only 5% of total damage dealt will only damage the enemy's health when their shield gate is active. However, attacking enemy weakpoints ignores the shield gate.

Current EHP scaling with only Health and Shields at Base Level = 1.

For Enemies with Health and Armor

The standardized effective hit-points of armored enemies are simply the health divided by the compliment of the damage reduction granted from armor. Because armor adds damage reduction to incoming damage on health the level scaling of standardized effective hit-points of armored enemies is influenced by the base armor itself:

EHP Multiplier=Health Multiplier×(1+Base Armor×Armor Multiplier300)
Current EHP scaling with only Health and Armor at Base Level = 1.

For Enemies with Health, Shields, and Armor

The standardized effective hit-points of enemies that are both armored and shielded are more complex than the simple EHP cases from the previous sections above. The level scaling of standardized effective hit-points of these enemies is influenced by the ratio of base shields to base health and base armor, making the formula at least 3 variable:

EHP Multiplier=Health Multiplier×(1+Base Armor×Armor Multiplier300)+Shield Multiplier×Base ShieldsBase Health
