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Dragon Key

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Dragon Key
Update 10.3 (2013-10-09)

Dragon Keys are craftable Keys that enable access to Orokin Vaults located in the Orokin Derelict tileset on Deimos. A random key is required for each vault.

Stated as being very powerful, they also have negative side effects while they are equipped.

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

Blueprints may be obtained through the Clan Dojo's Orokin Lab research (use the "Solar Rail" console, which is near the hologram/fast travel).

Manufacturing Requirements



Time: 1 m
Rush:  1
 Market Price: N/A  Blueprints Price:  500
Orokin Lab Research • 3,000



Time: 1 hr
Prereq: N/A
Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100

Variants[edit | edit source]

Bleeding Key:
-75% Health
Decaying Key:
-75% Shield
0.33s Shield Gate Duration
Extinguished Key:
-75% Damage
Hobbled Key:
-50% Speed
Symbols shown left of shield/health bar during missions

Usage[edit | edit source]

Once a Dragon Key is used to open the vault, it will immediately be removed from your inventory. If you were only carrying one of that type of key, the debuff from the Dragon Key will be removed, as it is no longer equipped.

Picking up the Orokin artifact will add another Dragon Key penalty to both the player's Warframe and the Operator, even if it is the same one. Dragon Key penalties can be stacked on one Warframe, so for example, a player could have the effects of two Hobbled Keys which will reduce the speed of Warframe to 25% of what it normally would be.

Bugs[edit | edit source]

  • The Orokin artifact debuff reapplies every time you switch to the Operator. For example, if you received the effect of the Bleeding Key, you'll continue to lose health every time you activate the Operator, down to a cap of 10 HP.
  • The Orokin artifact debuff reapplies every time you die and respawn.
  • The Hobbled Key stacks slow effect when the player starts Glassmaker's detective maps.
  • Damage from  Condition Overload and similar mods is unaffected by the Extinguished Dragon Key.

Tips[edit | edit source]

  • While it is possible for a lone player to carry all 4 Dragon Keys, a four-person squad is ideal for speed-running the Orokin Vaults, as each player would carry a different Dragon Key. This not only ensures that at least one player will always have the appropriate key to access Orokin Vaults but also allowing each player to only suffer the effect of one Dragon Key at a time. The other strategy is to have one player with all four keys, and the three other players fully effective to do the mission and search the Orokin Vaults.
  • If a player has completed The War Within, they can use their Operator to accomplish the objective before opening the vault, since Operators are not affected by Dragon Key debuffs. Most Amp compositions are strong enough to kill anything on Deimos, and the Operator's void abilities (particularly Void Dash) can be used to traverse the map quickly, easily, and safely. This also makes Operators the best way to accomplish Orokin Vault runs as a solo player, especially with the Way-Bound Focus abilities unlocked.
  • The easiest way to obtain a Corrupted Mod is to play the exterminate node (Phlegyas), since fewer rooms are likely to spawn.
  • Be sure to remove any keys from the gear when playing normal missions, as the key will apply the debuff as long as you have it equipped.

Dealing with penalties[edit | edit source]

  • Overguard in general can be used to take damage, making it incredibly useful for players who choose to carry the Bleeding and/or Decaying Keys.
  • The Hobbled Dragon Key only reduces walking and sprinting speed, not the speed of Maneuvers like Bullet Jumps.
  • As the Hobbled Key is applied via a hidden pulsing status effect, any form of status immunity can negate its effects. Sources of Overguard, or abilities such as  Scarab Shell and  Poise are recommended.
  •  Volt can cast  Speed to temporarily counter Hobbled Dragon Key penalties, while  Gauss can ignore it outright via  Mach Rush.
  •  Nezha and  Kullervo can respectively use  Blazing Chakram and  Wrathful Advance to teleport short distances, and Nezha can rely on his increased slide distance Passive to further bypass the Hobbled Dragon Key penalties.
  • Since  Inaros,  Nidus, and  Kullervo have no shields, they can avoid the penalties of the Decaying Dragon Key altogether.
  • Alternatively, Warframes with high shield/overshield values, and a means of shield recovery such as  Harrow or  Hildryn could hold a Bleeding key and minimally affect their health. Care must be taken around Toxic Ancients however.
  •  Revenant can use  Mesmer Skin to avoid taking damage, allowing him to carry a Bleeding or Decaying Key without issue.  Mesmer Shield also grants the damage immunity to nearby teammates.
  • The damage penalty from the Extinguished Dragon Key does not reduce the damage done by  Concealed Explosives or  Thunderbolt, as they do bonus flat damage.
  •  Limbo can use his passive and travel to the Rift Plane, becoming immune to most forms of damage and helping him survive with the effects of Bleeding and Decaying Dragon Keys.
  •  Yareli's  Merulina is unaffected by the Hobbled Dragon Key's penalty, and the 90% damage reduction it provides can help deal with the Bleeding and Decaying Dragon Keys.

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Hotfix 36.0.3 (2024-06-20)

  • Fixed equipped Dragon Keys impacting Stalker in the Jade Shadows Quest.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

Warframe Shield Changes

There are many avenues for Tenno to approach Warframe survivability. Usually, it’s through increasing Health and Armor values, or making use of damage resistance features of certain Mods or Abilities, etc. For Shields, however, there is an incentive to do the opposite: the meta prior to this update encouraged players to reduce Shield values as much as possible to make use of Shield Gating mechanics.

As Developers, we’re stuck in a strange position. On one hand, we see player ingenuity and creative ways of engaging with mechanics, but on the other, we see proof that Shields are not offering the same value to players as other survivability tools - to the point where you are rewarded for having the lowest Shield stat possible.

We have changed this so that Tenno are incentivized to increase their Shield stat instead of reducing it. To do so, we have approached this challenge in two key ways:

Secondly - we’ve reworked Shield Gating!
Shield Gating was added to the game back in 2020 with Update 27.2.0 as a way to prevent one-shots, especially at higher-level content. We feel that this mechanic accomplished that goal, but the implementation of it had an unintended side-effect: players were rewarded for having the smallest Shield stat and fastest Shield Recharge stat to make use of the Full Shield Break mechanic.

As mentioned above, our intention is to offer players more benefits for having larger Shield values, so Shield Gating has been reworked. The core mechanic is staying: when you lose all Shields, you gain a period of invulnerability. What has changed is how this period of invulnerability scales with the amount of Shields you have.

The changes outlined below have been made with that vision in mind:

Part 4 - Decaying Dragon Keys have been updated to debuff both Shields and Shield Gating.
With revised Shield Gating, we felt it was important to update Decaying Dragon Keys as well. These Gear items were previously used to lower the threshold needed for Full Shield Breaks with Shield Gating, and while we loved to see players finding unique interactions between various mechanics, Dragon Keys are intended to increase difficulty when equipped.

With that intention in mind, Decaying Dragon Keys now cap player Shield Gates to 0.33s maximum.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • Fixed Dragon Key debuff indicator appearing as a red dot in the HUD when Piloting the Railjack.
  • Fixed a large game hitch that could last up to 10 seconds when replacing a Dragon Key in the Gear wheel with a K-Drive Launcher.

Hotfix 24.0.9 (2018-11-21)

  • Fixed the Gear Spiral sometimes not letting you equip more than one item in the same group (i.e. multiple Dragon Keys, etc).

Hotfix 23.10.3 (2018-10-15)

  • The Gear Spiral now restricts duplicate Gear items (Apothics, Stims), with the exception of Dragon Keys! The bug turned feature of ability to equip all Dragon Keys shall live to hobble another day!

Hotfix 22.0.3 (2017-10-16)

  • Fixed a broken Dragon Key UI icon.

Hotfix 19.0.2 (2016-11-12)

  • Fixed Orokin Labs Research shutting out all tech and not just Solar Rails (IE: you can get your Dragon Key Blueprints again).

Hotfix: The Silver Grove 2 (2016-08-22)

  • Fixed the Extinguished Dragon Key causing the Scanner to work very slowly.

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Dragon Keys will now require 10 Void Traces to craft instead of Void Keys. Their blueprints have also been moved to a more appropriate place: the Orokin Lab!

Hotfix 18.0.2 (2015-12-04)

  • Fixed Corrupted Dragon Keys not being craftable in the Foundry.

Update 17.1 (2015-08-12)

  • Fixed the player HUD becoming unresponsive when a Dragon Key is equipped.

Hotfix 15.10.2 (2015-01-16)

  • Fixed players not being able to build Corrupted Dragon Keys in Foundry.

Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

  • Fixed instance where a grey box would appear when selecting a Dragon Key to be crafted in the Foundry.

Hotfix 11.7.3 (2014-01-17)

  • Fixed hosts being able to consume the same Void key that was used to initiate the lobby when building a Derelict Dragon key in the Foundry.

Hotfix 10.3.1 (2013-10-09)

  • Fix for New Dragon key blueprints not explicitly stating they are reusable.
  • Fix for Clients joining Derelict Missions holding a Dragon Key not seeing Key indicator on HUD.

Update 10.3 (2013-10-09)

  • Introduced.

Last updated: Hotfix 28.0.5 (2020-06-17)

See also[edit | edit source]