The Foundry is the section of the player's Orbiter responsible for the crafting of Warframes, Archwings, Sentinels, weapons, and other equipment in Warframe. Accessing the Foundry requires completion of "Locate the Foundry Segment" tutorial mission from the Vor's PrizeQuest, and then installing the Foundry Segment reward from said mission, which will permanently unlock the Foundry for use.
Forging an item involves acquiring the blueprint for that item, gathering the necessary components specified by that blueprint, initializing the build process, and waiting for the item to complete in real-time. The foundry will continue to build the item even when the player is logged out, allowing for items with long build times like Warframes to be available in a set number of days regardless of in-game playtime. The build process for any item except for Clan Key may be canceled any time before completion by clicking the X icon next to the build progress bar, refunding the resources and blueprint with the exception of Argon Crystals. Completed items can then be claimed, putting them in the player's inventory for use.
The Foundry can have an unlimited number of builds progressing at once, the only restriction being that it cannot have two builds of the exact same item going simultaneously.
When crafting an item in the Foundry, a solid mass of energy in the shape of said item will be shown floating within it. The mass will properly acquire the item's color and textures once crafting is complete. When forging complete Warframes or Warframe alternate helmets, the mass will be in the shape of the Warframe's head. If multiple items are being crafted, the first item to start construction will be the one shown in the Foundry.
While many blueprints for many different items can be purchased from the Market module in the Orbiter or from Research rooms in a Dojo, some blueprints are only available as rewards from bosses, Nightwave Offerings, or Orokin Void and Orokin Derelict missions. Blueprints require materials, either in resources or intermediate parts, and some Credits{"Type":"Currency","Description":"Warframe's standard currency. Obtain Blueprints, Equipment, and other Credit items from the Market.\r\n\r\nEarn Credits by playing Warframe.","Link":"Credits","SellPrice":"1","Image":"Credits.png","Name":"Credits","Introduced":"Vanilla","InternalName":"","Tradable":false} in order to realize the final item. Certain weapons may even require another weapon or two to construct, usually in regards to dual-wielded secondary weapons. A list of those weapons is here. The player's current collection of materials can be seen under the Components button.
Items are commonly built from intermediate parts, items that are the result of other blueprints. There are just a small number of complex weapons that are built from simpler ones, but the majority of Warframes require players to buy a Warframe blueprint and gather three intermediate part blueprints to craft the components (Neuroptics, chassis, and systems) of the Warframe itself. These component blueprints are typically dropped from bosses, with most frames having a specific boss associated with them. Exceptions to this include Banshee{"Sprint":"1.1","Description":"Banshee's call heralds death. She maintains crowd control and identifies enemy weak points with sonic attacks. Few can hold their position when struck by her force.","Conclave":true,"Shield":"270","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Sound, Wailing Spirit","Tactical":"Silence","Image":"Banshee.png","Type":"Warframe","Introduced":"7","Armor":"105","FullImages":{"Portrait":"BansheeFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Banshee/Banshee","Passive":"Weapon noises are hushed so that enemies cannot hear them.","Progenitor":"Electricity","SquadPortrait":"BansheeLargePortrait.png","Health":"270","Link":"Banshee","Portrait":"BansheeIcon272.png","Polarities":["V","V"],"Abilities":["Sonic Boom","Sonar","Silence","Sound Quake"],"InitialEnergy":"100","Subsumed":"Silence","AuraPolarity":"V","Name":"Banshee","Sex":"Female","Playstyle":"Crowd Control","SellPrice":"10000","Energy":"175","CodexSecret":false}, Nezha{"Sprint":"1.15","Description":"The mercurial firemonger protects the innocent. Nezha's multifaceted tactics give him high survivability as he inflicts damage and provides crowd control. His fire is the clarion of hope.","Conclave":true,"Shield":"135","ShieldRank30":"185","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Third Lotus Prince","Tactical":"Divine Spears","Image":"Nezha.png","SquadPortrait":"NezhaLargePortrait.png","Introduced":"18.1","Armor":"200","FullImages":{"Portrait":"NezhaFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Nezha/Nezha","Passive":"Slide 60% faster and go 35% farther.","Progenitor":"Heat","Type":"Warframe","Health":"365","Link":"Nezha","Portrait":"NezhaIcon272.png","Polarities":["D","V"],"Abilities":["Fire Walker","Blazing Chakram","Warding Halo","Divine Spears"],"InitialEnergy":"125","Subsumed":"Fire Walker","AuraPolarity":"Bar","Name":"Nezha","Sex":"Male","Playstyle":"Survival, Damage, Crowd Control","SellPrice":"10000","Energy":"175","CodexSecret":false}, Volt{"Sprint":"1","Description":"Electricity flows through Volt. His attacks deal high damage. Enemies will be shocked.","Conclave":true,"Shield":"455","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Electricity","Tactical":"Speed","Image":"Volt.png","Type":"Warframe","Introduced":"Vanilla","Armor":"105","FullImages":{"Portrait":"VoltFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Volt/Volt","Passive":"Grounded movement generates an electrical charge building up 1000 Damage per meter that is unleashed with the next attack.","Progenitor":"Electricity","SquadPortrait":"VoltLargePortrait.png","Health":"270","Link":"Volt","Portrait":"VoltIcon272.png","Polarities":["Bar","V"],"Abilities":["Shock","Speed","Electric Shield","Discharge"],"InitialEnergy":"50","Subsumed":"Shock","AuraPolarity":"V","Name":"Volt","Sex":"Male","Playstyle":"Damage","SellPrice":"10000","Energy":"100","CodexSecret":false}, and Zephyr{"Sprint":"1.1","Description":"Command the power of the wind. Zephyr's cyclonic abilities protect her, deal high damage, and provide crowd control. She swoops in from above and leaves a path of destruction.","Conclave":true,"Shield":"455","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Air Elemental, Avian","Tactical":"Tornado","Image":"Zephyr.png","Type":"Warframe","Introduced":"12","Armor":"105","FullImages":{"Portrait":"ZephyrFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Tengu/Tengu","Passive":"Zephyr moves faster and falls slower while airborne. Also gain 150% Critical Hit chance with weapons while airborne.","Progenitor":"Impact","SquadPortrait":"ZephyrLargePortrait.png","Health":"455","Link":"Zephyr","Portrait":"ZephyrIcon272.png","Polarities":["V","Bar"],"Abilities":["Tail Wind","Airburst","Turbulence","Tornado"],"InitialEnergy":"50","Subsumed":"Airburst","AuraPolarity":"D","Name":"Zephyr","Sex":"Female","Playstyle":"Damage, Crowd Control","SellPrice":"10000","Energy":"100","CodexSecret":false}, whose parts come from clan research; Mirage{"Sprint":"1.2","Description":"Mirage's sleight of hand complements her might. Her dazzled foes take heavy damage. Doppelgangers, lasers, and traps are elements of her stagecraft.","Conclave":true,"Shield":"200","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Harlequin, Illusionist","Tactical":"Sleight of Hand","Image":"Mirage.png","Type":"Warframe","Introduced":"14","Armor":"105","FullImages":{"Portrait":"MirageFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Harlequin/Harlequin","Passive":"Sliding lasts 85% longer and acrobatic maneuvers are 50% faster.","Progenitor":"Radiation","SquadPortrait":"MirageLargePortrait.png","Health":"200","Link":"Mirage","Portrait":"MirageIcon272.png","Polarities":["D","V"],"Abilities":["Hall of Mirrors","Sleight of Hand","Eclipse","Prism"],"InitialEnergy":"125","Subsumed":"Eclipse","AuraPolarity":"Bar","Name":"Mirage","Sex":"Female","Playstyle":"Damage","SellPrice":"10000","Energy":"175","CodexSecret":false}, Limbo{"Sprint":"1.15","Description":"Master the rift between shadow and substance. Limbo disrupts time-space to provide crowd control. He is at home where others struggle with what is real.","Conclave":true,"Shield":"180","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Magician, Planes of Existence","Tactical":"Cataclysm","Image":"Limbo.png","Type":"Warframe","Introduced":"15","Armor":"105","FullImages":{"Portrait":"LimboFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Magician/Magician","Passive":"Dodge to enter and exit the Rift. Entering leaves behind a small Rift portal lasting 5s. Energy slowly recharges in the Rift, and each enemy killed in there also gives 10 Energy.","Progenitor":"Electricity","SquadPortrait":"LimboLargePortrait.png","Health":"270","Link":"Limbo","Portrait":"LimboIcon272.png","Polarities":["V","V"],"Abilities":["Banish","Stasis","Rift Surge","Cataclysm"],"InitialEnergy":"100","Subsumed":"Banish","AuraPolarity":"Bar","Name":"Limbo","Sex":"Male","Playstyle":"Crowd Control","SellPrice":"10000","Energy":"175","CodexSecret":false}, Inaros and Chroma{"Sprint":"1","Description":"Unleash the draconic. Chroma employs Heat, Electricity, Toxin, and Cold to deal high damage while maintaining survivability. Soar with winged fury.","Conclave":true,"Shield":"270","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Dragon, Elemental Power, Hunter","Tactical":"Elemental Ward","Image":"Chroma.png","Type":"Warframe","Introduced":"16","Armor":"370","FullImages":{"Portrait":"ChromaFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Dragon/Dragon","Passive":"Wings sprout for an additional jump and bullet jump.","Progenitor":"Heat","SquadPortrait":"ChromaLargePortrait.png","Health":"270","Link":"Chroma","Portrait":"ChromaIcon272.png","Polarities":["Bar","V"],"Abilities":["Spectral Scream","Elemental Ward","Vex Armor","Effigy"],"InitialEnergy":"75","Subsumed":"Elemental Ward","AuraPolarity":"V","Name":"Chroma","Sex":"Male","Playstyle":"Damage, Survival","SellPrice":"10000","Energy":"175","CodexSecret":false}, whose parts come from a quest; and Vauban{"Sprint":"1","Description":"Vauban is the model of innovative technology. He deploys clever inventions to provide crowd control. His tenacity and focus make him formidable.","Conclave":false,"Shield":"180","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Combat Engineer","Tactical":"Photon Strike","Image":"Vauban.png","Type":"Warframe","Introduced":"7.11","Armor":"160","FullImages":{"Portrait":"VaubanFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Trapper/Trapper","Passive":"Deal 25% Extra Damage to incapacitated enemies.","Progenitor":"Heat","SquadPortrait":"VaubanLargePortrait.png","Health":"270","Link":"Vauban","Portrait":"VaubanIcon272.png","Polarities":["Bar","V"],"Abilities":["Tesla Nervos","Minelayer","Photon Strike","Bastille"],"InitialEnergy":"75","Subsumed":"Tesla Nervos","AuraPolarity":"Bar","Name":"Vauban","Sex":"Male","Playstyle":"Crowd Control","SellPrice":"10000","Energy":"175","CodexSecret":false}, whose parts are awarded as Nightwave Offerings.
A blueprint with unlimited uses denoted with a gold tint and text
Most blueprints may only be used to craft an item once, whereupon it is consumed. Others, meanwhile, will have no limit as to how many times they may be used. Those that have no crafting limit will have a gold-tinted background and "REUSABLE BLUEPRINT" at the bottom. Single-use blueprints will display the number of blueprints left. If a blueprint produces multiple items, then the number of items will be specified in the name.
For most items, claiming a fully-built item is as simple as selecting it and pressing the related button. In the case of Warframes and weapons, there must be available inventory slots. If a vacant slot of the corresponding type is not available, the Warframe or weapon will remain in the Foundry until an available slot can be acquired. Warframe slots cost 20 Platinum 20 each, while weapon slots are purchased in pairs at 12 Platinum 12 per pair.
Rushing Construction
Foundry construction can be rushed by paying Platinum{"Link":"Platinum","Type":"Currency","Description":"Warframe's premium currency.\r\nGain instant access to Warframes, Weapons, Cosmetics & more.\r\n\r\nSelect to open the Platinum store.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Tradable":true,"Name":"Platinum","InternalName":"PlatinumCredits","Image":"PlatinumLarge.png"} to instantly finish the item, with different items requiring different amounts of payment for rushing. This amount is fixed until it reaches 50%, from there on it decreases down to 50% of its initial costs.
e.g. An initial rush cost of 30 Platinum 30 will decrease to 24 Platinum 24 once the item reaches 70% craft completion.
The Foundry is also the place where players can manage their Arcane Enhancements under the Arcanes button to the bottom right of the screen. This section allows players to view any Arcanes acquired, as well as the ability to upgrade them to improve their effectiveness.
Foundry Upgrades
The Foundry can be upgraded with various Orbiter Segments that add the ability to construct specialized items in it:
When the Arcane Segment was added to the Orbiter in 2022, this button was left in the Foundry as a means for players to get used to the new location. Now that it’s been over a year, the Arcane Segment is officially the spot for all things Arcanes!
Players can now see how many open Slots they own when hovering over an item that requires Slots in the Foundry! The number and slot type will appear at the bottom of the Foundry screen when hovering over an applicable Blueprint.
Knowing how many open Slots you have is an important part of expanding your Arsenal, but this information can be hard to find if you don’t know where to look! This change allows players to get that information much more quickly, and offers more transparency on how the Slot mechanic works for those unfamiliar with it!
If you’ve engaged in the Adversary hunts with Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos, your Foundry might be suffering from some unavoidable clutter. The amount of Hounds and weapons sitting in your Foundry have grown to not only take up room in your list but also within the database itself!
To alleviate this clutter, you can now Sell a Hound and/or Adversary weapon directly from your Foundry without having to claim the item and use a Slot, granting yourself some Credits! Get cleaning up your (H)Foundry. Ordis’ orders!
Fixed Crafting finish sound not playing when triggered close together.
Fixed several areas (Foundry) around the Orbiter not having any collision for the Roller Floofs from Dog Days Tactical Alert, causing them to clip through.
Fixed Foundry timers being unreliable for Blueprints when playing with a high frame rate.
Items claimed while in the foundry's "In Progress" tab will now stay in the tab until the tab is changed so you can choose to build it again right after.
The Foundry now shows how many more uses are available per Blueprint, and if the Blueprint has unlimited uses. Unlimited use Blueprints also now have a yellow tinted icon background.
When choosing to build an item in the foundry, the foundry will now try to instantly return to the item being built, instead of scrolling down the list.
Fixed an issue with Archwing components not appearing in the Archwing tab of the Foundry.
Added offer to sell more slots to user if none left when attempting to claim or rush an item, followed by offer to buy platinum from store if user has insufficient amount.
Credits{"Type":"Currency","Description":"Warframe's standard currency. Obtain Blueprints, Equipment, and other Credit items from the Market.\r\n\r\nEarn Credits by playing Warframe.","Link":"Credits","SellPrice":"1","Image":"Credits.png","Name":"Credits","Introduced":"Vanilla","InternalName":"","Tradable":false} • Orokin Ducats{"Image":"OrokinDucats.png","Description":"Currency exchanged for Prime components and used to purchase items from the Void Trader.","Introduced":"15.6","Link":"Orokin Ducats","Name":"Orokin Ducats","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/PrimeBucks","Type":"Currency"} • Endo{"Link":"Endo","Type":"Currency","Description":"Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.","Introduced":"The Silver Grove","Tradable":false,"Name":"Endo","InternalName":"","Image":"Endo.png"} • Platinum{"Link":"Platinum","Type":"Currency","Description":"Warframe's premium currency.\r\nGain instant access to Warframes, Weapons, Cosmetics & more.\r\n\r\nSelect to open the Platinum store.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Tradable":true,"Name":"Platinum","InternalName":"PlatinumCredits","Image":"PlatinumLarge.png"} • Aya{"Introduced":"30.9.4","Type":"Currency","Description":"Raw Orokin memory plasma. Varzia's Foundry can consume Aya to create Void Relics.","Amount":["1","1"],"Name":"Aya","Link":"Aya","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/SchismKey","Image":"Aya.png"} • Regal Aya{"Image":"RegalAya.png","Description":"Premium quality Aya, available from the Market. Varzia uses Regal Aya to reconstruct Prime Warframes and equipment. ","Introduced":"30.9.4","Link":"Regal Aya","Name":"Regal Aya","InternalName":"PrimeToken","Type":"Currency"} • Standing{"Link":"Standing","Type":"Currency","Description":"","Introduced":"15","Tradable":false,"Name":"Standing","InternalName":"","Image":"ReputationLarge.png"}
Corpus{"Image":"IconCorpusOn.png","Description":"The Corpus embody the cold vacuum of space - heartless and bent on taking anything left unprotected. Driven by profits, the Corpus Board’s small numbers are supplemented by their legion of robot proxies, optimized for quick and efficient destruction.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Corpus","Name":"Corpus"} • Grineer{"Image":"IconGrineerOn.png","Description":"They say there is power in numbers - the Grineer are living proof. Wretched from centuries of cloning that has left their genetics in decay, this horde expands their vile empire through brute force, conquering anyone who tries to stop them.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Grineer","Name":"Grineer"} • Infested{"Image":"Infestation_w.svg","Description":"The Infestation is more than a disease - it is a horror of twisted flesh, monsters made into reality. The blight consumes its victims, transforming them into unrecognizable atrocities controlled by rabid impulse.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Infested","Name":"Infested"} • Orokin{"Image":"IconOrokinOn.png","Description":"The highly revered Orokin civilization built sovereignty on a culture of art, technology and architecture. To prove oneself worthy of elevated social status, one must face Orokin trials in the golden and majestic Halls of Ascension. At one time a utopian society of omniscient leadership, the great Orokin Era ended in a divine realization of their own ignorance.","Introduced":"8","Link":"Orokin","Name":"Orokin"} • Sentient{"Image":"SentientFactionIcon.png","Description":"Whispers from the Old War have begun to escape the deepest shadows. What terrible secret calls out to be discovered?","Introduced":"17","Link":"Sentient","Name":"Sentient"} • Narmer{"Image":"IconNarmer.png","Description":"A nightmare is over. Finally we see clearly. Finally we speak freely. Savor the taste of liberty, my friends. Don't ever relax your vigilance. All as one. Future generations won't remember the Tenno oppression, but we do. We bear the scars, we mourn the dead, and we must never allow ourselves to forget. All as one.","Introduced":"31","Link":"Narmer","Name":"Narmer"} • The Murmur{"Image":"MurmurIcon.png","Description":"Known by many names, The Murmur are the hands, feet, and eyes of The Indifference. They are attempting to break through Albrecht’s Laboratories into the Origin System - something Tenno will need to stop at all costs.","Introduced":"35","Link":"The Murmur","Name":"The Murmur"} • Scaldra{"Image":"ScaldraIcon.png","Description":"Ruthless aggression was Höllvania's answer to the Techrot. Wielding highly corrosive Efervon, Scaldra soldiers now patrol the streets to purge any Infestation. With martial law now declared, the Scaldra have total control. Led by Major Neci Rusalka, her command brings the entire military might of Höllvania to bear against you.","Introduced":"38","Link":"Scaldra","Name":"Scaldra"} • Techrot{"Image":"TechrotIcon.png","Description":"Left to fester in Höllvania's underground, the rapidly mutating Infested has created all new threat varieties capable of wreaking havoc on the unprepared.","Introduced":"38","Link":"Techrot","Name":"Techrot"} • Duviri{"Image":"DuviriIcon.png","Description":"","Introduced":"33","Link":"Duviri","Name":"Duviri"} • Wild{"Introduced":"9.5","Image":"IconWild.png","Name":"Wild","Link":"Wild"} • Tenno{"Image":"TennoIcon.png","Description":"They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Tenno","Name":"Tenno"}
Critical Hit{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"CriticalDamageBuff.png","Description":"Critical Hit Damage is multiplied by this value. The added Damage is doubled for orange Critical Hits, and tripled for red.","Link":"Critical Hit"} • Damage{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"DamageBuff.png","Description":"Damage dealt to a certain target. Damage results are modified by several mechanics – damage type modifiers, armor, critical hit bonuses, stealth bonuses, Warframe ability debuffs, body part modifiers, faction modifiers, and other sources of damage reduction.","Link":"Damage"} • Damage Redirection • Damage Reduction{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"DamageReductionBuff.png","Description":"When a player or enemy deals damage to their targets' health or shields, that damage may be mitigated by sources of damage reduction. In other words, players may deal less damage than the listed Arsenal value due to armor; damage type modifiers from different health, armor, and shield classes; and/or other sources of damage reduction.","Link":"Damage Reduction"} • Damage Reflection • Damage Type Modifier • Damage Vulnerability • Health{"CssClasses":"","Image":"HealOrb.png","Description":"Total amount of Damage a Warframe can take before going into Bleedout.","Link":"Health"} • Self-Damage • Status Effect
Attributes (Armor{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"ArmorBuff.png","Description":"Reduces damage to Health by <AMOUNT>%. Shields are not affected by armor.","Link":"Armor"}, Energy{"CssClasses":"","Image":"EnergyOrb.png","Description":"Used to cast Abilities and can be replenished during missions.","Link":"Energy Capacity"}, Health{"CssClasses":"","Image":"HealOrb.png","Description":"Total amount of Damage a Warframe can take before going into Bleedout.","Link":"Health"}, Shield{"CssClasses":"","Image":"IconShield.png","Description":"Shields reduce Damage by 50% for all Damage Types except {{D|Toxin}}, which bypasses shields.","Link":"Shield"}, Sprint Speed) • Abilities (Augment, Casting Speed, Helminth System, Passives, Duration{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"AbilityDurationBuff.png","Description":"Modifies the Duration of Warframe Abilities and the Energy cost of toggled Abilities. Hover over each Ability to see how its stats are affected.","Link":"Ability Duration"}, Efficiency{"CssClasses":"","Image":"EnergyOrb.png","Description":"Modifies the Energy cost of Warframe abilities. The minimum Energy cost is 1/4 of the Base value.","Link":"Ability Efficiency"}, Range{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"AbilityRangeBuff.png","Description":"Modifies the Range of Warframe Abilities. Hover over each Ability to see how its stats are affected.","Link":"Ability Range"}, Strength{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"AbilityStrengthBuff.png","Description":"Modifies the Strength of Warframe Abilities. Hover over each Ability to see how its stats are affected.","Link":"Ability Strength"})
Amp • Focus (Madurai{"SealImage":"SealMaduraiCloud_b.png","Image":"FocusLensMadurai_b.png","Description":"They followed the path of Engage The Enemy. Their swift, uncompromising onslaught, holding nothing back and recklessly attacking their foes, could vanquish an opponent before he had the chance to steel himself. Speed and savagery characterized this school.","Link":"Focus/Madurai","InternalName":"/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/Attack/AttackFocusAbility","Name":"Madurai"}, Vazarin{"SealImage":"SealVazarinWave_b.png","Image":"FocusLensVazarin_b.png","Description":"They trained to Counter the Enemy, and move with an opponent's attacks in order to nullify them. They maintained constant awareness in order to defend against all aggression.","Link":"Focus/Vazarin","InternalName":"/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/Defense/DefenseFocusAbility","Name":"Vazarin"}, Naramon{"SealImage":"SealNaramonTree_b.png","Image":"FocusLensNaramon_b.png","Description":"This discipline focused on Knowing the Enemy, and the tacticians of Naramon believed that to truly understand a foe would confer the greatest advantage upon a warrior.","Link":"Focus/Naramon","InternalName":"/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/Tactic/TacticFocusAbility","Name":"Naramon"}, Unairu{"SealImage":"SealUnairuMountain_b.png","Image":"FocusLensUnairu_b.png","Description":"They pushed themselves to Outlast the Enemy, to withstand all aggression without retreat. They believed that if the enemy could not match their endurance, then a battle could be won without having even commenced.","Link":"Focus/Unairu","InternalName":"/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/Ward/WardFocusAbility","Name":"Unairu"}, Zenurik{"SealImage":"SealZenurikCrystal_b.png","Image":"FocusLensZenurik_b.png","Description":"They believed the clearest path to victory was to Dominate the Enemy. They sought to choke an opponent of all resources; that sheer strength could erase any resistance.","Link":"Focus/Zenurik","InternalName":"/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/Power/PowerFocusAbility","Name":"Zenurik"}) • Lens