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1999 Calendar

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The 1999 Calendar is a reward system for activities performed in Höllvania. It is unlocked after completing The Hex quest, using the Pom-2 in the Orbiter, Höllvania Central Mall, or Backroom.

Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Seasons[edit | edit source]

There are four seasons that span across the entire in-game year: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. This affects the environment encountered in Höllvania.

The seasons span three months of in-game time:

  • Winter: January, February, March
  • Spring: April, May, June
  • Summer: July, August, September
  • Autumn: October, November, December

Seasons advance weekly at Monday 00:00 UTC.

Next Season
will become available in:
02 days 06 hours 12 minutes 04 seconds

Progress[edit | edit source]

Each season will provide a set of To Do challenges, Hex Overrides, Rewards, and Birthdays for the player to complete, listed in in-game dates. Once a task is completed, the calendar will advance to the next in-game date. Future days in the calendar can be previewed by selecting the day, although no selection can be made until the date advances. When the season ends, any tasks that are not completed are lost.

To Do[edit | edit source]

To Do tasks are challenges that are completed in Höllvania missions during the calendar year. Two challenges are offered per month, totaling to 6 per season. Tasks are given one at a time and must be completed in order of appearance.

View To Do List

Prizes[edit | edit source]

Each in-game month has two prizes to select per month, awarding 6 prizes per season, offering a selection between two items.

  • One or two of the following Arcane Enhancements:
    •  Arcane Bellicose
    •  Arcane Truculence
    •  Arcane Impetus
    •  Arcane Crepuscular
    •  Arcane Camisado
    •  Primary Crux
    •  Secondary Enervate
    •  Melee Doughty
  • Base Archon Shards
    •  Crimson Archon Shard
    •  Amber Archon Shard
    •  Azure Archon Shard
    •  Topaz Archon Shard
    •  Violet Archon Shard
    •  Emerald Archon Shard
  •  Exilus Warframe Adapter
  •  Exilus Weapon Adapter (built or blueprint)
  •  Primary Arcane Adapter
  •  Secondary Arcane Adapter
  •  Melee Arcane Adapter
  •  Aura Forma
  •  Forma (built or blueprint)
  •  Orokin Catalyst Blueprint
  •  Orokin Reactor Blueprint
  • Riven Mod:
    •  Rifle Riven Mod
    •  Shotgun Riven Mod
    •  Melee Riven Mod
    •  Pistol Riven Mod
    •  Zaw Riven Mod
    •  Kitgun Riven Mod
    •  Companion Weapon Riven Mod
  • 3-Day  Affinity Booster/ Mod Drop Chance Booster/ Resource Drop Chance Booster
    • These become active immediately when claimed.
  •  Kuva
  •  Vosfor
  •  Endo

Hex Override[edit | edit source]

Hex Overrides provide a selection of 3 buffs, for use exclusively within Höllvania missions. One override is offered per month, for a total of 3 per season. Buffs last for the entire in-game year until the next appearance of Winter 1999. Each Hex Override is attributed to a different member of The Hex, however selecting one will not grant chemistry with the related member.

Hex Overrides are one of two types: a Hex Boost or a Hex Factor. A Hex Boost is a passive effect, while a Hex Factor is an active effect that has some sort of trigger condition to apply (e.g. on casting abilities or hitting with a weapon). The same Hex Boost can be claimed again if it appears later in the calendar, and its effects will stack.

View Hex Boost List
View Hex Factor List

Hex Birthday[edit | edit source]

Each member of The Hex has a birthday. Chatting with them will award Chemistry with that member, though this is optional and can be skipped.

  • Leticia: February 14th (Winter)
  • Amir: May 23rd (Spring)
  • Aoi: July 10th (Summer)
  • Eleanor: November 2nd (Autumn)
  • Arthur: November 3rd (Autumn)
  • Quincy: December 4th (Autumn)

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Hotfix 38.0.11 (2025-02-14)

  • Fixed incomplete 1999 Calendar Tasks resetting on the first attempt if players returned to Höllvania Central Mall from their mission.

Hotfix 38.0.9 (2025-02-07)

  • Fixed the "Ex-Eximus" 1999 Calendar task appearing to reset once completed.
    • This was just a UI bug, but a persistent one at that!

Hotfix 38.0.8 (2025-02-06)

  • Reduced Faction-specific kill requirements for 1999 Calendar tasks by ~50% for Scaldra and ~25% for Techrot.
    • Since the Techrot often make an appearance even in Scaldra missions, Tenno come across fewer Scaldra overall -- thus their kill requirements have been adjusted accordingly.
  • An exclamation mark will now appear on the POM 2’s monitor when there is a notification available (Calendar Prize to claim, messages in KIM, etc.).
  • Removed the mention of “Status” in the Static Buildup Override’s description, since it grants Electricity Damage and not Status.
    • Now reads: Each meter traveled grants Electricity Damage. Attacking consumes 10% of the accumulated charge.
  • Fixed 1999 Calendar Tasks’ progress being reset after Host migration.
  • Fixed cases of 1999 Calendar Tasks appearing to reset after completing the challenge (UI only issue, challenge was properly marked as complete in 1999 Calendar upon completing mission).
    • Known issue: this UI bug still applies to the Ex-Eximus task.

Hotfix 38.0.7 (2025-01-14)

  • The Overpower Hex Override (casting abilities increases Ability Strength by 2% and efficiency by -1% per unit of energy used by the ability for 5s) is now capped at +150% Ability Strength and -75% Efficiency.
    • In addition to reaching unintentionally high damage numbers, without a cap players could crash from the infinite stacking after rapidly recasting abilities.

Hotfix 38.0.6 (2025-01-09)

  • Once you complete all months in a 1999 Calendar Season, the sidebar in the Calendar screen will now indicate how long until the next season.
  • Fixed 1999 Calendar date change SFX not respecting sound settings.

Hotfix 38.0.5 (2024-12-18)

  • Fixed 1999 Calendar no longer displaying the “current” date once all events in the season have been completed.
    • Now, it will display the last day in the month of the season once you’ve completed it.
    • Also fixed the wrong date appearing on the desk calendar in a spoiler location.
  • Fixed Birthday events in the 1999 Calendar not specifying a Protoframe and instead saying “The Hex” when accessing from the Höllvania Mall garage Pom-2.

Hotfix 38.0.4 (2024-12-17)

  • Fixed black square appearing as the "More the Merrier" Hex Override HUD buff icon.

Hotfix 38.0.3 (2024-12-16)

  • Fixed being able to send a Birthday message to Lettie from the 1999 Calendar more than once, allowing you to earn more than the intended Chemistry per Birthday interaction.
  • Fixed PH tag appearing in the Broadened Horizons Hex Override description in the HUD buff list.

Hotfix 38.0.1 (2024-12-14)

  • Fixed the "Kill X Eximus" 1999 Calendar To Do challenge not progressing when killing Eximus in Höllvania.
  • Fixed description for the Arcane 1999 Calendar Prize not making sense. It now explains that Arcanes can be equipped on your gear.

Update 38.0 (2024-12-13)

  • Introduced.