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Tenno Armor

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Succeeded by
Damage/Tenno since Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)
Tenno Armor
 True N/A

Tenno Armor is one of the three health types of  Tenno Warframes, Operators, Archwings, Railjacks and Necramechs, serving as their armor. Its weaknesses and resistances are neutralized across the board, meaning it neither receives increased or decreased damage from any damage type.

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Hotfix 36.0.2 (2024-06-19)

  • Player Necramech changes:
    • Player Necramechs have also had their weaknesses/resistances standardized to match Tenno Health.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

Ship Combat Changes:
  • Changed all Health, Shield and Armour to use the new Tenno versions introduced in Warframe Revised.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

Player Changes:

Player Shields, Health, and Armor used to be shared with all AI, so they had all the weaknesses and resistances that their AI counterparts did.

Now Players have their own unique Shield, Health, and Armor type classified as TENNO! These have all weaknesses and resistances neutralized (for now). Player Shields now reduce 25% of incoming damage. Player Shields now recharge with custom player-only logic. Shield recharge delays are based on depleted or partial depleted shields. Partially depleted shields (any amount) is a 1 second recharge delay. Full depletion is a 4 second recharge delay.

These changes to Player shields are in addition to coming Shield Gating changes, which you can read about in our Shield Gating section!

Why: Armor Scaling and enemy Damage Reduction was the nucleus for this change. For years Tenno have had the tools to deal with these things, but the tools were uniform: Use Corrosive Projection, or else. While this is a simplification, it removed the feeling of choice. With these changes, we hope players experience a feeling of variety and choice when taking on enemies. By changing the scaling for Armor, we could consistently change the scaling for all!

See Also[edit | edit source]