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Electricity Damage

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Electricity Damage

x1.5 damage to Corpus Amalgam
x1.5 damage to The Murmur


 Electricity chains between nearby enemies, temporarily applying a stun effect and dealing damage over time.
—In-game Description

 Electricity Damage is one of the four primary elemental damage types. Deals increased damage to Corpus Amalgam and The Murmur. Its Status Effect creates an electric chain that stuns and damage over time.

Status Effects[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

The status effect of  Electricity damage is Tesla Chain. It stuns the affected target and deals a tick of damage every second for 6 seconds to all enemies in a 3-meter radius.

Enemies affected by an  Electricity proc have their bodies covered in blue electricity, with electric lines connecting to each afflicted.

Damage Over Time[edit | edit source]

Each tick dealing  Electricity damage equal to:

Modded Base Damage=Base Damage×(1+Base Damage Bonuses)×(1+Faction Damage Bonuses)

Notice that modded base damage calculation used for DoT is not the same as normal damage calculations, ignoring physical and elemental damage bonuses.

Electricity Proc Damage per Tick=0.5×Modded Base Damage×(1+Electricity Damage Bonuses)×(1+Faction Damage Bonuses)×(1+Status Damage Bonuses)×Additional Multipliers

Additional Multipliers include modded critical multiplier on Critical Hit and multipliers on Enemy Body Parts; these stack multiplicatively with each other.

Multiple instances of the effect can stack with each instance having its own timer. If a proc occurs together with a headshot, stealth bonus, and/or critical hit, the damage is also affected by their respective multipliers.

The Tesla Chain is able to hit heads and other body parts by itself. However, Tesla Chain itself has a 1x damage bonus when headshotting. This can be increased with the use of mods such as  Target Acquired, zoom bonuses on some sniper rifles, or  Primary Deadhead/ Secondary Deadhead.

For example, tick damage for a weapon with an innate 100 damage,  Serration,  Stormbringer,  Bane of Grineer, and  Rifle Elementalist will be:

Base Damage = 100 × (1 + 1.65) × (1 + 0.3) = 344.5
Electricity Mod Multiplier = (1 + 0.9) × (1 + 0.3) = 2.47x
Tick Damage = 0.5 × 344.5 × 2.47 × (1 + 0.9) = 808.3692

As can be seen in the above calculations for tick damage, Faction Damage is applied twice, making their effective bonus = (1 + Faction Damage bonus)2. Which is +69% for the 30% Faction Damage mods and +140.25% for the 55% Primed Faction Damage mods.

Electricity tick damage and proc duration
Time from initial proc 0s 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s
Tick damage occured?

Crowd Control[edit | edit source]

Enemies affected by this status effect will also be standing up stunned, preventing them from taking any other action for about 3 seconds (Ospreys, Bosses, and Tenno are immune to this). Note that only the original target will be stunned, and others around it will only take damage, and Status Duration mods will not extend this stun effect.

Railjack[edit | edit source]

Railjack <DT_ELECTRICITY>Electricity Damage results in a Scramble Status Effect which temporarily disables enemy ship flight controls.
—In-Game Description

The status effect of  Electricity damage against Railjack space enemies is Scramble, causing enemy ships to spiral erratically in a forward direction while being unable to use weaponry for 6 seconds, with subsequent procs refreshing the duration. Against the Tenno's Railjack, it causes an Electricity Hazard which scrambles the minimap and disables use of the Tactical Menu.

Elemental Combinations[edit | edit source]

 Electricity damage mods can be combined with other elemental mods to create a new elemental damage type.

  •  Electricity +  Heat =  Radiation
  •  Electricity +  Cold =  Magnetic
  •  Electricity +  Toxin =  Corrosive

Electricity Sources[edit | edit source]

Main article: Category:Electricity Damage

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Main article: Category:Electricity Damage Weapons
Weapons with Electricity damage
Name Slot Class Attack Name  Electricity Majority
 Alternox Primary Rifle Normal Attack 62 100.00%  Electricity
 Ambassador Primary Rifle Auto 24 100.00%  Electricity
 Amprex Primary Rifle Normal Attack 22 100.00%  Electricity
 Balefire Charger Prime Secondary Exalted Weapon Uncharged Shot 500 100.00%  Electricity
 Balefire Charger Secondary Exalted Weapon Uncharged Shot 500 100.00%  Electricity
 Basmu Primary Rifle Auto 39 100.00%  Electricity
 Cadus Melee Staff Normal Attack 60 53.85%  Impact
 Castanas Secondary Thrown Mid-Flight Detonation 160 100.00%  Electricity
 Ceti Lacera Melee Blade and Whip Normal Attack 100 46.30%  Electricity
 Crescent Claws Beast Unique Normal Attack 50 50.00%  Electricity
 Falcor Melee Glaive Charged Throw Recall Explosion 1380 100.00%  Electricity
 Fulmin Prime Primary Rifle Full Auto Mode 25 75.76%  Electricity
 Fulmin Primary Rifle Full Auto Mode 25 75.76%  Electricity
 Galvacord Melee Whip Normal Attack 96 45.71%  Electricity
 Grimoire Secondary Tome Normal Attack 100 100.00%  Electricity
 Lacera Melee Blade and Whip Normal Attack 100 46.30%  Electricity
 Lanka Primary Sniper Rifle Charged Shot 525 100.00%  Electricity
 Lavan Pulsar MK I Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 146 62.93%  Electricity
 Lavan Pulsar MK II Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 228 57.87%  Electricity
 Lavan Pulsar MK III Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 343 54.36%  Electricity
 Lavan Vort MK I Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 482 100.00%  Electricity
 Lavan Vort MK II Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 819 100.00%  Electricity
 Lavan Vort MK III Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 1310 100.00%  Electricity
 Lecta Melee Whip Normal Attack 56 55.45%  Electricity
 Ninkondi Prime Melee Nunchaku Normal Attack 90 38.46%  Electricity
 Ninkondi Melee Nunchaku Normal Attack 100 52.63%  Electricity
 Ohma Melee Tonfa Normal Attack 110 49.11%  Electricity
 Plasma Sword Melee Sword Normal Attack 66 44.00%  Slash
 Prisma Ohma Melee Tonfa Normal Attack 124 49.60%  Electricity
 Prova Vandal Melee Machete Normal Attack 118 59.60%  Electricity
 Prova Melee Machete Normal Attack 76 59.38%  Electricity
 Pulsar MK I Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 132 61.11%  Electricity
 Pulsar MK II Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 206 55.98%  Electricity
 Pulsar MK III Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 322 54.67%  Electricity
 Pulsar Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 70 58.33%  Electricity
 Quanta Vandal Primary Rifle Beam 13 100.00%  Electricity
 Quanta Primary Rifle Beam 10 100.00%  Electricity
 Quatz Secondary Pistol Auto 11 37.93%  Electricity
 Rumblejack Melee Dagger Normal Attack 180 60.00%  Electricity
 Sancti Castanas Secondary Thrown Mid-Flight Detonation 300 100.00%  Electricity
 Secura Lecta Melee Whip Normal Attack 80 45.45%  Electricity
 Serro Melee Polearm Normal Attack 138 58.97%  Electricity
 Shedu Primary Arm-Cannon Radial Attack 87 100.00%  Electricity
 Tazicor Robotic Rifle Normal Attack 5 100.00%  Electricity
 Tenet Agendus Melee Sword and Shield Normal Attack 140 53.85%  Electricity
 Vidar Pulsar MK I Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 132 61.11%  Electricity
 Vidar Pulsar MK II Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 206 55.98%  Electricity
 Vidar Pulsar MK III Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 322 54.67%  Electricity
 Vidar Vort MK I Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 450 100.00%  Electricity
 Vidar Vort MK II Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 765 100.00%  Electricity
 Vidar Vort MK III Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 1224 100.00%  Electricity
 Vort MK I Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 450 100.00%  Electricity
 Vort MK II Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 765 100.00%  Electricity
 Vort MK III Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 1224 100.00%  Electricity
 Vulklok Robotic Sniper Rifle Normal Attack 175 100.00%  Electricity
 Xoris Melee Glaive Charged Throw Recall Explosion 1000 100.00%  Electricity
 Zetki Pulsar MK I Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 161 57.30%  Electricity
 Zetki Pulsar MK II Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 279 58.37%  Electricity
 Zetki Pulsar MK III Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 443 57.83%  Electricity
 Zetki Vort MK I Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 585 100.00%  Electricity
 Zetki Vort MK II Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 995 100.00%  Electricity
 Zetki Vort MK III Railjack Turret Turret Normal Attack 1592 100.00%  Electricity

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Mods[edit | edit source]

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Prismatic Gem

Deploy a gem that shoots prismatic beams. The gem targets enemies that are taking weapon damage from Citrine and her allies. Its beams inflict Heat, Cold, Toxin, and Electricity Status Effects. Status Chance and Status Duration increase for nearby allies.

Introduced in Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

 Strength:500 / 650 / 800 / 1,000  Heat,  Cold,  Electricity,  Toxin damage
60 / 70 / 85 / 100% status chance
 Duration:23 / 25 / 27 / 30 s (gem duration)
60 / 70 / 85 / 100% status duration
 Range:10 / 12 / 13 / 15 m

Misc: 5 m placement distance
1 beam per ally
0.4 s retarget delay
∞ beam range
4 primary elemental status on hit
1 stack per status
1 gem limit


  • Citrine expends 75 Energy to summon her Prismatic Gem, launching it forward horizontally for 5 meters from her location before it ceases movement. The Prismatic Gem is an untargetable Invulnerable floating object that lasts for 23 / 25 / 27 / 30 seconds, during which it emits a rainbow aurora spanning a radius of 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 meters.
    • The gem object is not affected by gravity and remains intangible to other entities, allowing players, enemies, and their attacks to phase through it.
    • When deploying, the gem slides above higher terrain elevation in its travel path and stops movement on collision with walls.
    • Citrine can move the aiming reticle during the casting animation before she fully summons the gem, to push it forward to the desired direction.
  • Prismatic Gem's rainbow aurora enhances Status Effect application from Citrine and her allies' weapons in various ways:

Status Bonuses
  • Citrine and allied Warframes inside the aurora gain a 60% / 70% / 85% / 100% Status Chance bonus for their weapons, and 60% / 70% / 85% / 100% Status Duration bonus for both weapons and abilities.
    • Citrine and allies gain or lose status bonuses whenever they enter or leave the aurora.
    • Companions and allied NPCs do not benefit from status bonuses.
    • Status Chance bonus is additive to mods such as  Rifle Aptitude,  Sure Shot, and  Melee Prowess.
    • Status Duration bonus is additive to mods such as  Continuous Misery,  Perpetual Agony, and  Lasting Sting.
    • Multiple Citrines in the squad can stack Prismatic Gem's status buffs.
  • Status chance percentage bonus is displayed as a Prismatic Gem buff icon beside Citrine and her squadmates' hitpoints indicators. Status duration bonus remains hidden.
  • While affected by status bonuses, Citrine and her allies are visually followed by burrowing mineral deposits that puncture through the horizontal surface directly below them. Movement causes the minerals to retract and re-emerge in response while creating digging sounds.

Prismatic Beams
  • When Citrine or her allies inside the aurora lands a weapon attack on an enemy, or when an enemy inside the aurora is hit by a weapon attack from Citrine or her allies from anywhere, the Prismatic Gem projects 1 light beam for each individual ally onto the targeted enemies. Each beam attacks 1 target then induces a 0.4 seconds delay before Prismatic Gem can generate another beam triggered by the same ally.
    • Eligible allies include other Warframes, Companions, summoned allied units such as Specters, Air Support Charges or On Call Crew, allied Invasion units, Hostages, converted Liches and Sisters, Kavor Defectors, and Sortie and Arbitrations Defense Operatives.
    • Prismatic Gem does not require line-of-sight with its target to strike them with its beams.
    • Multiple consecutive hits from continuous fire, beam, and other rapid-fire weapons will allow the gem to focus its beams onto the same target.
    • Multiple beams for different allies from the same Prismatic Gem may attack separate numbers of targets per second.
    • Weapons with deployable extensions such as  Azima and  Zenistar trigger Prismatic Gem when the owner is standing in the aurora or when they hit enemies inside it.
  • Each beam deals 4 hits in rapid succession per attack, dealing 500 / 650 / 800 / 1,000  Heat,  Cold,  Electricity, and then  Toxin damage, with each hit proccing its respective damage type.
    • The gem's beam possesses unrestricted range and bypasses all obstacles in the environment to strike its target.

  • Ability Synergy:
    • Enemies hit by  Fractured Blast while Citrine is inside the Prismatic Gem's aurora will extend its  Impact and  Slash status duration, while the gem sweeps its beam to each impacted enemy individually in rapid succession to inflict one instance of damage and a set of status effects.
    • Prismatic Gem contributes kills and assists to increase  Preserving Shell's damage reduction.
  • Can be recast while active. Only 1 gem may be active at once; recasting will remove the previous crystal and place a new one.
  • Casting Prismatic Gem is a full-body animation that interrupts all movement, Maneuvers, and other actions.
  • Ability is not dispelled when Citrine herself enters an ability nullification zone. The gem is destroyed when it enters an ability nullification zone or when Citrine falls out of bounds.

Tips & Tricks

    • Greatly synergizes with  Galvanized Aptitude,  Galvanized Savvy,  Galvanized Shot, and  Condition Overload. Even weapons with low status chance will make highly effective use of these mods when used in the gem's range.
    • Because of its ability to inflict status effects, Prismatic Gem synergizes well with some of the Archon mods such as  Archon Continuity,  Archon Flow,  Archon Stretch and  Archon Vitality.
    • Synergizes well with status-activated weapon arcanes such as  Primary Frostbite,  Conjunction Voltage, and  Cascadia Flare. These buffs will stack and refresh their duration each time Citrine or any of her allies cause Prismatic Gem to fire a beam at any target.
    • Prismatic Gem reacts to weapon attacks made by Companions, allowing for semi-automated gem beams within the companion's attack range.
      • Equip a Sentinel with the continuous beam weapons ( Artax,  Cryotra,  Tazicor, and  Verglas), or high fire rate weapons ( Burst Laser,  Multron,  Stinger, and  Deth Machine Rifle) to maximize auto-target acquisition frequency by the gem.
      • Control the Sentinel's attack range by equipping targeting mods, such as  Carrier's  Striker (10 meters),  Assault Mode (30 meters),  Djinn's  Thumper (60 meters), and  Diriga's  Calculated Shot (70 meters). Zoom mods such as  Eagle Eye equipped on their weapon further extend this targeting range.
    • In cooperative squads, deploy the gem near her allies to assist them with status bonuses and help Citrine secure assists and kills to sustain  Preserving Shell's damage reduction. This is particularly useful whenever Citrine does not have line of sight to enemies from her position to fire her ranged weapon or use  Fractured Blast to focus-fire the gem.
      • Due to the sheer quantity of various damage per second from  Heat,  Electricity and  Toxin status effects, Prismatic Gem excels at securing the lethal hit on enemies for Citrine.
    • Be cautious around destructible objects such as explosive and nitrogen canisters, as the  Blast and  Cold status effects are affected by Prismatic Gem's status duration buff.


Spectral Scream

Exhale a deep breath of elemental destruction. Chroma's energy color determines the element.

Introduced in Update 16.0 (2015-03-19)

 Strength:200 / 250 / 300 / 400 (damage)
 Range:4 / 5 / 6.5 / 10 m (cone length)

Misc: 100% (status chance)
10 m (spread range)
?% (stagger chance)
90° (horizontal aim angle)
45° (vertical aim angle)


  • Wielding mastery over the deadly elements, Chroma can selectively change his elemental alignment, by tapping the ability key to freely cycle the selection wheel between  Heat,  Electricity,  Toxin, or  Cold.
    • Chroma's initial element once he enters a mission is determined by the primary emissive color in his Appearance customization; otherwise it will default to  Heat.
  • Hold down the ability key (default 1 ) to expend 10 Energy to activate Spectral Scream. While active, Chroma holsters his weapons away and continuously exhales elemental energy in a cone 4 / 5 / 6.5 / 10 meters long that inflicts 200 / 250 / 300 / 400  Heat,  Electricity,  Toxin, or  Cold damage per second with a 100% status chance and a ?%  Stagger chance; each enemy hit directly by Spectral Scream's cone will also spread its ability effects via an elemental energy stream to one other enemy within 10 meters.
    • Damage bypasses obstacles in the environment and does not decrease with distance.
    • Damage type is based on Chroma's current elemental alignment which is determined by Chroma's emissive color.
    • Spectral Scream's cone emits from Chroma's mouth, which changes direction based on where Chroma's model is facing (not the player camera) and can only be aimed within 90 degrees to each side and 45 degrees above or below Chroma.
    • While Chroma cannot use his primary and secondary weapons with Spectral Scream active, he is still able to melee, cast abilities or maneuver just as freely.
  • Spectral Scream drains 3 energy per second and will remain active as long as Chroma has energy. Spectral Scream will end if Chroma runs out of energy or if deactivated by holding down the ability key again (default 1 ).
    • Chroma cannot replenish energy using  Energy Vampire,  Rally Point, Rift Plane's innate energy regeneration, Squad Energy Restores,  Energy Siphon,  Energy Nexus,  Dreamer's Bond, and/or  Wellspring while Spectral Scream is active.
    • Energy Orbs, Orokin Void Death Orb's energy restores,  Rage,  Hunter Adrenaline,  Spellbound Harvest,  Arcane Energize, and  Emergence Dissipate's Energy Motes can still replenish Chroma's energy during Spectral Scream.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • Elemental alignment determines the ability effects of  Elemental Ward and the elemental damage type of  Effigy.
    • Spectral Scream's damage can be boosted by the Fury aspect of  Vex Armor.
  • The AoE cone is directed from the point of the animation as opposed to toward the crosshair. This means that diving rolls will divert the aim.
  • A visual effect lingers after the cone of damage, dependent on element.


Main article: Afterburn

Afterburn is a Warframe Augment Mod usable in both PvE and Conclave for  Chroma's  Spectral Scream that launches a single damaging elemental attack upon deactivating the ability.


Tips & Tricks

  • This ability can come in handy when used as a form of Crowd Control and can both be used as a damage ability, or with Heat or Electricity elemental damage creating a continuous crowd control stun.
  • This ability can be used to resist knockdowns, making it usable for walking through Corpus laser doors or shockwaves caused by MOAs or death orbs.
  • Rolling can be used to counteract the movement speed reduction and cover a large area in a short period of time.
  • Spectral Scream's conical area of effect can also break containers, as well as hazards such as explosive barrels. Regardless, increasing range, and having Elemental Ward active along with Spectral Scream will make it easier to clear rooms of containers.


Elemental Ward

Depending on Chroma's elemental alignment, an offensive area-of-effect is created. Chroma and his nearby allies are imbued with defensive energy.

Introduced in Update 16.0 (2015-03-19)

Strength: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 ( Heat damage per second)
15 / 20 / 30 / 55 % (health bonus)
Duration: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s
Range: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 m (aura range)
Misc:2 / 5 / 7 / 10 % ( Heat status chance)
5 m (burn radius)

Strength: 2.5 / 3 / 5 / 10 x (damage reflection multiplier)
10 / 15 / 20 / 30 % (shield bonus)
10 / 15 / 20 / 25 % ( Electricity status chance)
50 / 60 / 100 / 200 (minimum  Electricity damage)
Duration: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s
Range: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 m (aura range)
5 / 6 / 8 / 10 m (discharge range)

Strength: 25 / 35 / 40 / 50 % ( Toxin damage chance per second)
15 / 25 / 30 / 35 % (holster damage)
Duration: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s
3 / 3 / 3 / 3 s (holster damage duration)
15 / 25 / 30 / 35 % (reload speed bonus)
Range: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 m (aura range)
Misc:5 m (poison radius)
5 % (enemy health to  Toxin damage)
100 % ( Toxin status chance)

Strength: 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 x (damage reflection multiplier)
25 / 70 / 90 / 145 % (armor bonus)
10 / 15 / 20 / 25 % ( Cold status chance)
Duration: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s
Range: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 m (aura range)

Subsumable to Helminth


  • Chroma expends 50 Energy to emit an aura of elemental energy, empowering himself and nearby allies within 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 meters for 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 seconds, providing both offensive and defensive buffs.
  • Elemental Ward exhibits different effects depending on Chroma's current elemental alignment, determined by Chroma's primary emission color or the selected element of  Spectral Scream.

  • Generates a flame aura around Chroma and affected allies that increases base Health by 15% / 20% / 30% / 55% and inflicts 25 / 50 / 75 / 100  Heat damage per second within a radius of 5 meters with a 2% / 5% / 7% / 10% status chance. The radius of this damage effect is not increased with ability range.
    • The health bonus stacks additively with base health modifiers.
      • A rank-3 Elemental Ward with  Intensify and a maxed  Vitality will increase Chroma's health to ⌊370 × (1 + 1 + 0.55 × 1.3)⌋ = 1,004.
    • Damage bypasses obstacles in the environment and decreases with distance.

  • Infuses Chroma and affected allies with an electric current that increases base Shields by 10% / 15% / 20% / 30% and converts incoming damage into arc discharges. An arc discharge inflicts 250% / 300% / 500% / 1,000% incoming damage as  Electricity damage to a single target within 5 / 6 / 8 / 10 meters with a 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% status chance. Arc discharges will inflict a minimum of 50 / 60 / 100 / 200  Electricity damage.
    • The shield bonus stacks additively with base shield modifiers.
      • A rank-3 Elemental Ward with  Intensify and a maxed  Redirection will increase Chroma's shield capacity to ⌊370 × (1 + 1 + 0.3 × 1.3)⌋ = 884.
    • Arc damage bypasses obstacles in the environment.
    • The final damage of an arc discharge is determined by the amount of shields and/or health lost by incoming damage. For example with a maxed  Intensify, losing 100 shields from a single instance of damage will produce an arc that inflicts 100 × 10 × 1.3 = 1,300  Electricity damage at rank 3 to a single target as long as it's within range.
    • Damage from environmental hazards can also be converted into arc discharges.
    • Arcs can strike the same target multiple times, and arcs can be produced in quick succession should Chroma and allies receive multiple instances of damage that exceed the minimum threshold.

  • Emits an aura of noxious fumes around Chroma and affected allies that increases base Reload Speed by 15% / 25% / 30% / 35%, as well as weapon damage when Holstering by 15% / 25% / 30% / 35% for ? / ? / 3 / 3 seconds. Within a radius of 5 meters, the noxious fumes also have a 25% / 35% / 40% / 50% chance per second to deal 5% of an enemy's maximum health as  Toxin damage with a 100% status chance.
    • The Toxin damage will only be applied to an enemy if it is not already affected by a Toxin proc, but can occur as soon as an existing Toxin proc expires. As such, its effect cannot stack with itself but can refresh itself every 7 seconds.
    • Damage bypasses obstacles in the environment and does not decrease with distance.

  • Encases Chroma and affected allies in a layer of frost that increases base Armor by 25% / 70% / 90% / 145% and creates an ice shield that reflects incoming gunfire back to its source. Reflected damage is increased by 150% / 200% / 250% / 300% and has a 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% status chance.
    • The armor bonus stacks additively with base armor modifiers.
      • A rank-3 Elemental Ward with  Intensify and a maxed  Steel Fiber will increase Chroma's armor to ⌊370 × (1 + 1 + 1.45 × (1 + 0.3))⌋ = 1,437.
      • As with all other additive armor bonuses, Elemental Ward's bonus is applied before multiplicative armor bonuses.
    • Incoming hitscan and non-hitscan projectiles are physically redirected after hitting Chroma. As such, obstacles in the environment can prevent reflected damage from hitting enemies.
    • Hitscan projectiles are reflected directly to the source enemy regardless of distance from Chroma. Melee attacks are not reflected.
    • Non-hitscan projectiles are reflected in the direction of the source enemy.
    • Does not prevent damage to Chroma aside from the additional armor bonus and other damage reduction rules; Chroma will be hit normally before reflecting weapons fire.

  • Elemental Auras of any type from two or more Chromas do not stack and only the first aura will apply its benefits as long as the player is within buff range. For example, two  Heat auras do not increase damage nor health values, and possessing a  Heat aura will negate receiving a  Cold aura.
  • Has a casting delay of 1 second. The animation interrupts movement and other actions.
  • Elemental Ward cannot be recast while active.
  • Elemental Ward does not work on Nekros' Shadows.
  • Subsuming Chroma to the Helminth will offer Elemental Ward and its augments to be used by other Warframes. The Ward's effects are determined by the Warframe's primary emission color.


Main article: Everlasting Ward

Everlasting Ward is a Warframe Augment Mod for  Chroma that allows allies to retain  Elemental Ward's effects upon moving out of its range, lasting for a percentage of Elemental Ward's remaining duration.

Everlasting Ward

Tips & Tricks

  • In a pinch, the bonus Health provided by the Ward can be used as a quick heal, as the Health granted is automatically added to your remaining health and is not reduced from your remaining health when Elemental Ward wears off.
  • The Ward is capable of damaging containers and hazards, albeit fairly slowly. Combining Elemental Ward with Spectral Scream and range mods will make for a useful farming tool so long as you have the energy to maintain it.

  • Can be used to great effect on Survival and Exterminate missions where enemies approach you from all directions and are often difficult to locate or target. At maximum Ability Strength, the damage reflected can easily finish off weaker enemies and potentially stun any survivors.

  • Works very well with weapons that require you to reload frequently or have long reload times.
  • Its damage increase is considered as a Universal base damage increase, same as  Vex Armor and  Arcane Arachne
  • Can reduce recharge delay for  Cycron or a Kitgun equipped with  Pax Charge, however, it does not affect recharge rate.

  • Properly modded, a  Cold-oriented Ward can provide an armor bonus high enough that can counteract the armor penalty generated when casting  Effigy.
  • The damage reflection is calculated using the damage before any damage reduction.


  • Allies who enter, leave, then re-enter the radius of  Heat-oriented Ward will not regain the buff on the same cast of Elemental Ward. This results in an empty space where the bonus health should have been, even if they took no damage at all.
    • This causes  Medi-Ray and other healing abilities to attempt to heal the player, but if the player gets out of Elemental Ward's range, their health will return to normal again, wasting the health restored in the process.
  • The in-game UI shows the armor bonus from the  Cold aura as a flat bonus rather than a percentage.



Chroma turns his pelt into a massive sentry that strengthens nearby allies and engulfs enemies in elemental attacks.

Introduced in Update 16.0 (2015-03-19)

Strength: 100 / 200 / 300 / 400 (damage/tick)
500 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 (damage/second)
1000 / 2000 / 4000 / 8000 (health)
Duration: N/A
Range: N/A
Misc:200 (sentry armor)
20 m (attack range)
?% (status chance)
5 (ticks/second)
5 m (knockback radius)
200 (knockback damage)
Ragdoll on Knockback
30 m (stun radius)
15 / 30 / 45 / 60 % (credit chance)
10 m (credit bonus drop zone)
25 / 50 / 75 / 100 % (credit bonus)

Strength: N/A
Duration: N/A
Range: N/A
Misc:+20% (movement speed bonus)
-50% (armor reduction)


  • Chroma expends 50 Energy to shed his outer pelt, imbued with elemental energy while sprouting wings and converting it into a stationary floating sentry with 1000 / 2000 / 4000 / 8000 health and 200. The sentry will attack all enemies within 20 meters with a continuous stream of elemental energy, dealing 100 / 200 / 300 / 400  Heat,  Electricity,  Toxin, or  Cold damage per tick with a ?% status chance at 5 ticks per second. If enemies come within 5 meters of the sentry, it will periodically unleash a radial knockback that inflicts 200  Heat,  Electricity,  Toxin, or  Cold damage and  Ragdoll. The sentry can also unleash a radial roar to temporarily stun all enemies within 30 meters.
    • Damage type is based on Chroma's current elemental alignment, determined by Chroma's primary emission color or the selected element of  Spectral Scream.
  • Enemies killed by the sentry have a 15% / 30% / 45% / 60% chance to drop additional credits. In addition, all credits that drop within 10 meters of the sentry yield 25% / 50% / 75% / 100% additional credits.
    • For enemies killed by the sentry within the percentage credit bonus range, credit income is increased by an average of 43.75% / 95% / 153.75% / 220%. This assumes the credit chance on kill results in double credits from that enemy.
  • While Effigy is active, Chroma can fight in his lightened form, gaining 20% Movement Speed but with a 50% armor reduction.
    • The armor reduction is a multiplicative penalty that's applied to Chroma's total armor (e.g., with a maxed  Steel Fiber and  Intensify, Chroma with  Vex Armor at full capacity will have his armor lowered to 350 × (1 + 1.1 + 3.5 × 1.3) × 0.5 = 1,163.75 when Effigy is activated).
  • Effigy drains 10 energy per second while active, and will deactivate if Chroma runs out of energy, sentry health is depleted, or if manually deactivated by pressing the ability key again (default 4 ).
    • Channeling energy cost is affected by Ability Efficiency and Ability Duration.
    • Chroma cannot gain energy from  Energy Vampire,  Rally Point, Rift Plane's innate energy regeneration, Squad Energy Restores,  Energy Siphon,  Energy Nexus,  Dreamer's Bond, and/or  Wellspring while Effigy is active.
    • Energy Orbs, Orokin Void Death Orb's energy restores,  Rage,  Hunter Adrenaline,  Spellbound Harvest,  Arcane Energize, and  Emergence Dissipate's Energy Motes can still replenish Chroma's energy while Effigy is active.
  • Ability Synergy: Effigy's damage per tick and knockback damage can be boosted by the Fury aspect of  Vex Armor.
    • Effigy will only maintain the damage increase from Fury so long as Chroma's Effigy is within range of  Vex Armor.
  • When deactivated, Chroma can teleport his pelt from anywhere onto himself. This will stop movement and interrupt any action Chroma is doing, such as reloading, leaving a player vulnerable.
    • When deactivated while sliding, Chroma's pelt will be reapplied to him without triggering the animation, even if the player immediately cancels his slide.
  • Both the initial cast and the return of Chroma's pelt will cease any actions as they are a two-handed ability.


Main article: Guided Effigy

Guided Effigy is a Warframe Augment Mod for  Chroma's  Effigy that allows him to control the Effigy, dealing rapid damage to enemies in its path while recovering energy and stunning enemies at the destination.

Guided Effigy

Tips & Tricks

  • The pelt usually unleashes its roar a few seconds after deploying. This allows you to quickly deploy the sentry for a temporary stun to all nearby enemies.
  • The pelt can be  Banished, preventing damage from non-banished enemies while still being able to damage all enemies normally.
  • The pelt gains shields from the Shield Osprey Eximus Specter.
  • As the pelt will not move from the spot it is cast on (unless the Guided Effigy mod is equipped), it would serve quite well as an impromptu turret. As such, it is recommended to place the pelt on top of an objective that needs to be defended such as in a Defense mission. If that is the case, then it is recommended to equip energy-regenerating mods such as Rage or Hunter Adrenaline to keep the pelt active for as long as possible.



Launch a Gyratory Sphere that will deal high damage on impact and periodically deal electrical shocks to nearby enemies. Hit multiple enemies at once with the initial launch to enhance damage.

Introduced in Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

 Strength:1,000 / 1,300 / 1,600 / 2,000 ( Electricity damage on deployment)
100 / 150 / 200 / 250 /s (field  Electricity damage per second)
 Duration:7 / 8 / 9 / 10 s
 Range:4 m (impact radius)
7 m (field radius)

Misc:  Electricity status on hit
2.0x (enhanced damage multiplier)
3 (initial enemies hit for enhanced damage)
3 (active spheres limit)
0% to 300% (ability critical chance)


  • Gyre expends 25 energy to throw a Gyratory Sphere in an arcing trajectory toward the aiming reticle. On impact with a surface, entity, or on manual reactivation by pressing the ability key again (default 1 ), the Arcsphere fully deploys to electrocute all enemies within a 4 meter sight detection radius, inflicting 1,000 / 1,300 / 1,600 / 2,000  Electricity damage with a guaranteed Status Effect.
    • Damage on deployment can damage and break destructible Objects in range.
  • The deployed Arcsphere remains stationary lasting for 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 seconds. It emits an electric field with a 7 meter sight detection radius, shocking all surviving and new enemies in range to inflict 100 / 150 / 200 / 250  Electricity damage per second with a guaranteed status effect. Damage per second inflicted by the electric field is multiplied by 2 times if at least 3 enemies are hit inside the initial impact radius. Gyre may only have 3 Arcspheres active at once.
    • The number of active Arcspheres is shown on the ability icon.
    • The deployed Arcsphere is not a solid object, as such allows entities and projectiles to phase through it unhindered.
    • Due to its projectile properties, Arcsphere's thrown and deployed objects are attracted by  Magnetize.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • Gyre's passive and  Cathode Grace enable ability Critical Hits by granting 0% to 300% critical chance to damage and status effects dealt by Arcsphere, which trigger lightning discharges from  Rotorswell.
    •  Coil Horizon's enemy suction effect assists in Arcspheres' damage enhancement.
    • Direct kills by Arcsphere, its  Electricity status effects, and kill assists from allies extend Cathode Grace's duration.
  • Can be recast while active to halt and deploy an Arcsphere mid-flight, or throw and deploy a new Arcsphere.
  • Casting and manually deploying Arcsphere are upper-body animations that allow player movement and Maneuvers while restricting other actions.
  • Arcsphere visually resembles a spherical cluster of magnetic pentagonal and hexagonal plates surrounding an electric core. Arcs of lightning protrude from within to touch the borders of the electric field which meld into nearby terrain, giving an appearance similar to a large plasma globe.
    • Enhanced damage Arcsphere changes its appearance by expanding its plates from the core, with numerous other plates methodically orbiting the sphere within the confines of the electric field.
  • Nullifier bubbles will only disable an orb when they cross the gyrating core, not the emanating energy aura.
    • The thrown projectile sphere will bounce off of the null bubble on contact.

Tips & Tricks

  • The orbs are extremely effective as crowd control tools especially in areas with tight corridors. Range- and Duration-based mods further amplify the effects.
    • A Range build is also useful at keeping enemies from seeking safety in a nullifier bubble that is already within the orb's effective range, shocking them before getting within unless the bubble manages to disable the electric field's core.
  • Deploy an orb near the party's camping position in Survival missions for an added layer of security in case enemies get too close.
  • Be mindful that Arcspheres can prematurely deploy when they make contact with allied units such as other Warframes, Tenno Specters, companions or Railjack Crews.


Coil Horizon

Throw forward a Gyratory Sphere that will implode after a few seconds or can be manually triggered.

Introduced in Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

 Strength:1,000 / 1,150 / 1,300 / 1,500 /s (contact  Electricity damage per second)
500 / 750 / 1,000 / 1,250 ( Electricity damage on implosion)
 Range:12 m

Misc: Knockdown on hit
 Electricity status on hit
2 s (sphere lifetime)
2 s (implosion lifetime)
0% to 300% (ability critical chance)

Subsumable to Helminth


  • Gyre expends 50 energy to deploy a Gyratory Sphere using an underhand throw with an arcing trajectory toward the aiming reticle. The Coil Horizon sphere is a physics-based object with a high initial velocity as it rebounds against surfaces and obstacles during its 2 second lifetime. Direct contact inflicts  Knockdown and 1,000 / 1,150 / 1,300 / 1,500 Electricity damage per second with a guaranteed status effect.
    • Gyre throws the sphere with her left hand, as such the object is not created directly in front of her and instead travels toward the left-half of the aiming reticle.
    • Due to its physics object properties, Coil Horizon is attracted by  Bastille's vortex mode,  Tornado, and other similar abilities.
  • Upon reaching the end of its lifetime, or when manually triggered by pressing the ability key again (default 2 ), Coil Horizon detonates itself in an electromagnetic implosion spanning a 12 meter radius that lingers for 2 seconds. Enemies in sight detection range are dealt 500 / 750 / 1,000 / 1,250  Electricity damage with a guaranteed status effect. Affected enemies and any enemies that subsequently enter the implosion radius are rapidly pulled into its center in a  Ragdoll state.
    • Damage on implosion diminishes with distance from the center.
    • The implosion can damage and break destructible Objects, bypassing line-of-sight restriction in its range.
    • Any Pickups that spawn from enemies killed and destructible objects broken by Coil Horizon are vacuumed to the center of the implosion. Regular items left on the ground are unaffected by the suction.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • Gyre's passive and  Cathode Grace enable ability Critical Hits by granting 0% to 300% critical chance to damage and status effects dealt by Coil Horizon, which trigger lightning discharges from  Rotorswell.
    • Coil Horizon's enemy suction effect assists in  Arcsphere's damage enhancement.
    • Direct kills by Coil Horizon, its  Electricity status effects, and kill assists from allies extend Cathode Grace's duration.
  • Can be recast while active to detonate the sphere, or throw a new sphere while an implosion vortex exists.
  • Casting and manually detonating Coil Horizon are upper-body animations that allow player movement and Maneuvers while restricting other actions.
  • Gyre visually conjures an alternate Gyratory Sphere core in her left hand as she tosses it forward. The sphere rolls along in its deployed plated form emitting electric sparks until the implosion occurs, then warps the magnetic plates into outward-pointing triangular spikes that individually rotate. Void energy flares and an event horizon appear around the sphere's core, which gradually dissolves away.
  • Subsuming Gyre to the Helminth will offer Coil Horizon and its augments to be used by other Warframes.


Main article: Coil Recharge

Coil Recharge is a Warframe Augment Mod for  Gyre's  Coil Horizon that allows her Gyratory Sphere to be recalled on recast without detonating it, while discharging additional  Electricity damage that chains to other enemies. Upon held cast, the sphere will detonate and enemies that are pulled in from the detonation will receive additional discharges.

Coil Recharge

Tips & Tricks

  • A Range-based build allows the detonated spheres to pull and stagger more enemies, making for more convenient dispatching en masse. It also helps in pulling enemies within Gyre's  Rotorswell when detonated immediately upon deployment.
    • It may be prudent to deploy an  Arcsphere at a location where Coil Horizon will self-detonate to give its bowling ball physics a chance at damaging enemies first before pulling them into the plasma globe.
  • Coil Horizon's pulling ability is useful in assisting allies with modded abilities requiring enemies within their effective range, such as  Hydroid's  Pilfering Swarm,  Khora's  Pilfering Strangledome and  Gara's  Spectrosiphon.
    • Alternatively, infusing Coil Horizon gives such Warframes added options to do the pulling themselves similar to an infused  Larva from  Nidus.
    • In Gara's case, Coil Horizon is able to pull enemies through Mass Vitrify, allowing for easy re-grouping of enemies to create another strong glass wall.



Gyre’s mechanisms spin at incredible speeds, generating an Electric Field that shocks nearby enemies. When Gyre gets a critical hit, a large electrical discharge will chain from the enemy that was hit to nearby enemies.

Introduced in Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

 Strength:100 / 150 / 200 / 250 /s (field  Electricity damage per second)
250 / 350 / 400 / 500 (discharge  Electricity damage)
 Duration:10 / 14 / 18 / 22 s
 Range:4 m (electric field radius)
10 m (discharge range)

Misc: 50% (move speed bonus)
 Electricity status on hit
5 (discharge chained targets)
2 (simultaneous discharges limit)
1 s (discharge cooldown)
0% to 300% (ability critical chance)


  • With a graceful whirl, Gyre expends 100 energy to overcharge her coil gown as its rotors gyrate rapidly and conductive plating lift apart, granting her a 50% movement speed bonus lasting for 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 seconds. A sustained radial electrical surge contained within a ring of Gyral Blocks surrounds Gyre, shocking all enemies within a 4 meter sight detection radius around her to inflict 100 / 150 / 200 / 250  Electricity damage per second with a guaranteed status effect.
    • Damage per second can damage and break destructible Objects in range.
    • Gyre's player camera positions itself further away while Rotorswell is active to expand her field of view.
    • Electric field is a spherical radius around Gyre that affects enemies above and below her, despite the visual indicator being represented by the horizontal Gyral Block ring.
  • While active, inflicting a Critical Hit from Gyre's weapons or abilities against an enemy target triggers a lightning discharge that chains outward, striking the target plus up to 5 other enemies within a 10 meter sight detection radius around the source enemy. The source enemy and chained enemies are inflicted 250 / 300 / 400 / 500  Electricity damage with a guaranteed status effect. Up to 2 lightning discharges from 2 separate critical hits can occur simultaneously; after discharging, Rotorswell undergoes a 1 second cooldown before it can create discharges again.
    • Discharge damage is independent of the used weapon's damage.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • Gyre's passive and  Cathode Grace enable ability Critical Hits by granting 0% to 300% critical chance to damage and status effects dealt by Rotorswell.
      • Critical hits dealt by  Arcsphere,  Coil Horizon, Rotorswell's electric field and its discharge will trigger the discharge effect.
    • Direct kills by Rotorswell, its  Electricity status effects, and kill assists from allies extend Cathode Grace's duration.
    • Killing enemies with  Cathode Current active releases an additional discharge from Rotorswell while extending its duration equal to Cathode Grace's bonus duration.
  • Can be recast while active to briefly cancel the ability then renew into a new instance with full duration.
  • Casting Rotorswell is a full-body animation that interrupts Gyre's grounded movement and other actions.
  • In Landscapes, deploying and riding an Archwing or a K-Drive while Rotorswell is active will retain the gyrating transmitters and will keep dealing damage.
    • This is also true when casting Rotorswell before getting off a Railjack to fly via Archwing, giving an additional damaging source while engaging enemy craft in melee.
  • Gyre visually performs a clockwise pirouette from where she stands, ending the whirl with a right-footed stomp as she braces her arms to the sides for the electrical overcharge. Gyre's body is enveloped in electricity, as 8 Transmitter Drones launch outward and take flight in a zigzagging pattern, following Gyre wherever she goes to detect her critical hits and discharge a lightning strike against her targets. Her coil gown's crinoline splits apart and lifts the conductive plating up to the sides to provide her ample legroom for swift movement. A persistent horizontal ring of 72 Gyral Blocks materializes and surrounds Gyre to denote her electric field's radius, while the electric surge spreads from her coil gown out toward the ring and concentrates itself within Gyre's proximity as the electrical current stabilizes.
    • Transmitter Drones use the same model as  Vauban's grenades and default to the silver coloration and white energy. They travel their own flight paths and attempt to follow Gyre once she moves away.
    • All Gyral Blocks have a stylized engraving that resembles Mastery Slate Decorations, rapidly spinning counterclockwise along the X axis and pulse together in a wave-like pattern. The spacing between Gyral Blocks widens or tightens depending on Gyre's Ability Range stat.

Tips & Tricks

  • Synergizes particularly well with high ammo, high fire rate guns even if they have low damage and/or critical chance such a full-auto  Tiberon Prime, as the lightning arcs' damage is independent of said weapons' damage and the fire rate may compensate for the low chances at critical hits.
    • Can also work for high fire rate, high multishot but mediocre critical chance shotguns such as the  Boar Prime, as their individual pellets have their own chance at striking a critical hit.
  • As the electrical discharges from Rotorswell require only critical hits and not critical kills to trigger, weapons with high potential for extremely high critical chance and high fire rate/attack speed - such as the  Grakata,  Soma Prime with  Hata-Satya, or  Tekko - will synergize extremely well with the ability.
  • Activating Rotorswell before riding an Archwing or a K-Drive will make Gyre deadly against enemies that get too close.



Weave the threads of destiny. Enemies who touch the threads suffer a random Elemental Status Effect. A roll of triple sixes creates threads that inflict one of every Elemental Status Effect.

Introduced in Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

 Strength:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 x dice roll (elemental damage)
 Duration:6 / 8 / 10 / 12 s
 Range:10 / 15 / 20 / 30 m (maximum travel distance)
15 m (threads length)
5 / 8 / 10 / 15 (threads formed)

Misc: ? m/s (star travel speed)
Random elemental status effect on hit
2 m (threads spacing)
30 (maximum threads active limit)
All elemental status effects on hit on triple sixes


  • Koumei expends 25 Energy to guide a Weaver Star toward the reticle over a distance of 10 / 15 / 20 / 30 meters, weaving 5 / 8 / 10 / 15 threads of destiny in the environment as the star soars. Each thread of destiny spans a length of 15 meters and remains active for 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 seconds. Kumihimo threads inflict randomized elemental Status Effect on contact with enemies; damage is equal to 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 multipied by the total dice roll number from Koumei's Passive between 1 and 30, evenly split between  Impact,  Puncture, and  Slash.
    • Eligible status effects inflicted by Kumihimo include:
      • Primary Elemental ( Cold,  Electricity,  Heat,  Toxin)
      • Secondary Elemental ( Blast,  Corrosive,  Gas,  Magnetic,  Radiation,  Viral)
    • Kumihimo cannot apply the following:
      •  Impact,  Puncture,  Slash,  Void,  Tau,  Knockdown,  Stagger,  Ragdoll,  Lifted, and  Microwave
    • Weaver star flies toward the reticle direction on cast until reaching its maximum range, allowing threads to form in open air. If cast toward the ground, the weaver star floats along the horizontal surface and accounts for terrain elevation difference.
      • Weaver star does whatever damage type it procs to each hit enemy.
      • Threads attempt to adhere to the walls and floors with a distance of 2 meters between each thread, but will try to catch enemies in their path as the threads form when possible.
      • Threads are positioned diagonally, with each subsequent thread flipped opposite to the previous thread. Threads do not have collision and can phase through walls.
      • Upon reaching a wall the star will stop adhering to the floor and ricochet.
    • Each thread deals its damage and status only once per physical contact. To reapply the damage the enemy must first move away from the thread then touch it again.
      •  Ragdolled enemies will rapidly take damage as long as they are touching the thread potentially causing hundreds of damage instances within a few seconds.
      • Threads constantly emit different primary elemental particle visual effects and become briefly invisible when players aim their weapons.
    • Number of maximum threads is capped at 30, achievable with multiple casts or from a single cast with 600% / 375% / 300% / 200%  Ability Range. Creating additional threads will remove the oldest thread active, even if it was created within the same cast.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • When Koumei's Passive Five Fates dice roll score triple sixes, Kumihimo's threads of destiny become silver threads that inflict 1 stack of all types of elemental status effects to enemies on contact.

Tips & Tricks

  • Due to the hard to control ricochet and thread limit, builds with high range can potentially cause threads to form very far from the player and/or at high elevations(such as n the ceilings of tall rooms) where enemies will not be caught by them.



Koumei glimpses a favorable future and the precise steps needed to reach it. Complete the challenge to earn a Decree. A roll of triple sixes grants a Decree without a challenge.

Introduced in Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)


Misc: ≤12 unlucky dice roll with random penalty
Random Decree awarded on challenge complete
5 / 8 / 11 / 15 % chance to earn rare Decree
5 / 10 / 20 / 35 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 150 s cooldown tiers
150 s cooldown cap
2 s ally kill window
Instant Decree awarded on triple sixes


  • Koumei expends 50 Energy to open an Omikuji sacred envelope, enacting its fated challenge as a bonus side objective shown below the mini-map. If Koumei's passive dice roll total number scores ≤ 12, a random penalty also afflicts Koumei during Omikuji's challenge. Hold down the ability button (default 2 ) to reject the challenge, causing Omijuki to begin cooldown.
    • An Omikuji envelope opens at the center bottom of the screen to reveal the selected challenge, then fades away and displays in the objectives list.
    • While rejecting a challenge, the time required to hold down the ability button is shown on the objectives list.
  • Once the challenge is completed, Omikuji begins cooldown and Koumei earns a random Decree, with a 5% / 8% / 11% / 15% chance to roll a Rare tier. Decrees remain active for the remainder of the mission, and can be seen in the Pause Menu (default ESC ) to review their effects.
    • Completing the challenge in Duviri will instead open the Decree selection window.
    • Challenges and Decrees are preserved in the event of a host migration.
  • Omikuji has an increasing cooldown after each use.
    • The 1st cast has a 5 second cooldown.
    • The 2nd cast has a 10 second cooldown.
    • The 3rd cast has a 20 second cooldown.
    • The 4th cast has a 35 second cooldown.
    • The 5th cast has a 50 second cooldown.
    • The 6th cast has a 75 second cooldown.
    • The 7th cast has a 100 second cooldown.
    • The 8th and all subsequent casts have a 150 second cooldown.
  • If Koumei were to exhaust all Decree during a mission (i.e. collected all of them), the ability will be rendered unusable.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • When Koumei's Passive Five Fates dice roll score triple sixes, Omikuji instantly grants her a Decree without requiring a completed challenge.
  • Fate randomly decides on the myriad of challenges and Decrees that Koumei foresees in her future:

  • Kill a number of enemies while meeting a condition.
    • Number of kills determined by the total dice roll. Higher rolls will yield lower kill count and vice versa.
    • When an enemy is hit by Koumei and she fulfills the conditions listed below, there is a 2 seconds window to count the kill made by her teammates for Omikuji's challenge.
  • Possible conditions are as listed below:
    • While sliding.
    • While wall latching.
    • Within 10 meters.
    • From 20 meters away.
    • While you are airborne.
    • While they are affected by a status effect.
  • When rolling triple sixes, the message instead says "Destiny aligns. Koumei seizes a decree."

  • Afflicted with  Heat or  Toxin or  Puncture status effect.
    • Status debuffs are refreshed to full duration when almost ending.
  • Energy drain per second.
    • Number of energy points drained are shown as a debuff icon beside the hitpoints indicator.
  • Shield recharge delay.
    • Seconds of shield recharge delay are shown as a debuff icon beside the hitpoints indicator.


General Damage Decrees

  • Smoldering Strike: Melee Attacks are imbued with fire, dealing +70/140/210%  Heat Damage. +20% Status chance.
  • Critical Frost: Critical Hits deal an extra hit with 40/80/120/160/200%  Cold Damage with Status.
  • Bombastine's Malice: On headshots, 30% chance for enemies near the target will be inflicted with 30/60/90/120/150%  Toxin.
  • Rising Agony: Critical melee hits grant +50/100/150% Critical Damage for 7 seconds.
  • Venomous Touch: Every third melee attack deals 100/200/300%  Toxin Damage with Status.
  • Critical Roll: After rolling, increase Critical Damage by +40/80/120% for 4 seconds.
  • Majestic Strike: Melee attacks hit twice.
  • Irresistible Bombardment: Each shot briefly increases fire rate by +10/20/30% cumulatively.
  • Vicious Barb: Critical Damage is doubled.
  • Deadly Momentum: Every second you are moving, gain 5/10/15% damage. Stacks up to 50/100/150%. Stacks steadily decay when you are stationary.
  • Twofold Torment: Status Effects deal double damage.
  • Duelist's Advantage: Your first shot after reloading deals +200/300/400% damage.
  • Shattering Frost: Deal +80/160/240% damage to enemies affected by  Cold Status.
  • Between the Eyes: On headshots, gain +50/100/150% damage for 3 seconds.
  • Dueler's Outburst: On Critical Hit, gain +30/60/90% melee Attack Speed for 3 seconds.
  • Hammer of Retribution: Ground Slam or Power Strike boost Attack Speed by +25/50/75% for 5 seconds. (Power Strike only applicable in Duviri)
  • Fearsome Bonanza: Gain +20/40/60/80/100% Damage for every enemy affected by Status within 20m.
  • Blazing Bombardment: Every fifth shot that hits its target launches a homing fireball at a nearby enemy, dealing 80%/160%/240%  Heat Damage and Status.
  • Wyrmling's Aid: Shots deal an extra hit with 40%/80%/120%/160%/200%  Corrosive Damage and Status.
  • Sythel's Outburst: On Finisher kill, Melee range is increased by 4m for 15 seconds and your Melee is imbued with 60/120/180%  Electricity damage.
  • Storm Caller: 100/200/300% Magazine Capacity. Gain 1  Electricity Damage by every bullet reloaded to your weapon.
  • Fault Finder: Weakpoint kills create a 10m field that deals 10/15/20% of the killing blow’s damage as  Electricity Damage every second for 8 seconds.
  • Salted Wound: Heavy Attacks deal an extra hit with +60%/120%/180%  Corrosive Damage and Status.
  • Sweeping Blow: Melee Heavy Attack create a shockwave, dealing 60/120/180% damage.
  • Swooping Miasma: Gain +3 jumps. Jump Kicks cause 300  Viral Damage and status in an area around hit enemies.
  • Kexat's Pounce: Jump higher. Gain +60%/120%/180% damage while airborne. Effect wears off 2s after landing.
  • Molten Mettle: On Finisher, deal 20%/40%/60% of enemy's maximum Health as  Heat Damage 10m around the target.

Energy Economy Decrees

  • Proficient Fighter: Drifter Ability cooldown reduced by 15/30/45%. Warframes gain +15/30/45%  Ability Efficiency.
  • Morale Boost: With full Health, Warframe regenerate 5 Energy per second and Drifter's Transference bar fills 20% more. (Transference bar only applicable in Duviri)
  • Bounce Back: On Warframe Ability cast, refund 25% of Energy spent. On Drifter Ability cast, the Transference bar fills 30% more for 6 seconds. (Transference bar only applicable in Duviri)
  • Envious Economy: Casting an Ability grants a 30/60/90% chance for the next Ability cast to have no cooldown for Drifter or cost no Energy for a Warframe.

Survivability Decrees

  • Greedy Heal: Killing enemies restores 10/20/30/40/50% Health.
  • Tactical Repositioning: After taking damage, roll immediately to recover 25/50/75% of the damage taken.
  • Corrosive Grit: Each stack of  Corrosive grants 60/120/180  Armor, up to 5x, for 12 seconds.
  • Tamm's Fortune: Finisher attacks grant +500  Armor for 10 seconds.  Armor boost triples for Warframe.
  • Rain of Vitality: Enemies have +60% additional chance to drop Health Orb. Health Orbs increase  Armor by 80/160/240 for 10 seconds. Effect triples for Warframe.
  • Marauder's Nerve: Reduce incoming damage by 3% per Decree up to 75%.

Utility Decrees

  • Temporal Acceleration: Casting Abilities boosts movement speed by +50/100/150% for 5 seconds.
  • Assassin's Rush: On kill, gain 50% parkour speed for 7 seconds
  • Ranger's Reload: Rolling reloads the equipped weapon.
  • Nimble Gunner: Rolling grants 25%/50%/75% Ammo Efficiency for 4 seconds.
  • Stable Stance: Gains 25% resistance to knockdown for each enemy within 20m.
  • Grim Armory: On kill: 5/10/15% chance to refill the ammo for the currently equipped weapon.

Warframe Ability Decrees

  • Brimon's Nerve: Finishers grant +200%  Ability Strength to your next Power Strike or Warframe Ability. (Power Strike only applicable in Duviri)
  • Fortified Will: Every 50  Armor grants 5%/10%/15%  Ability Strength and Power Strike damage. (Capped at 500%  Ability Strength) (Power Strike only applicable in Duviri)

Tips & Tricks

  • When faced with a sliding challenge, melee slide attack kills and any kills made during a slide count toward the progress.
    • Try to hold slide during Aim Gliding to steer Koumei for a slowed descent, while gaining aerial maneuverability and a bird's eye view for your ranged weapon attacks.
  • Equip Aim Glide and Wall Latch mods to extend the time Koumei can spend in those Maneuvers.
  • Kills made by  Kumihimo and  Bunraku count toward Omikuji challenge progress.
    • Lay down Kumihimo to keep enemies at a distance when faced with 20 meters away condition.
    • Tag enemies with Bunraku to chance for damage-over-time status effects like  Toxin,  Heat,  Electricity,  Gas, and  Blast to aid you in securing the lethal hit.



Wield your foe’s fate threads like the strings of marionettes. Koumei’s dice determine how many Status Effects foes in front of Koumei will suffer. A roll of triple sixes maximizes Status Effect stacks and extends Bunraku to enemies behind Koumei.

Introduced in Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

 Strength:200 / 300 / 400 / 500  Puncture damage
 Duration:5 / 10 / 15 / 20 s
 Range:15 / 20 / 25 / 30 m

Misc: 170° cone angle
Number of status stacks based on dice roll
Random status effects on hit
3 s cooldown
30 s status duration pause


  • Koumei expends 100 Energy to bind enemies inside the player camera, Line of Sight and a 170 degrees cone spanning 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 meters. Bunraku entangles and lifts its targets up like marionettes with their fate threads, disabling them for 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 seconds, while inflicting 200 / 300 / 400 / 500  Puncture damage and randomized Physical and Elemental Status Effects. The total stacks count of status effects are divided between different damage types, based on the total dice roll number from Koumei's passive between 1 and 30. Once cast, Bunraku undergoes a 3 seconds cooldown.
    • Eligible status effects inflicted by Bunraku include:
      • Physical ( Impact,  Puncture,  Slash)
      • Primary Elemental ( Cold,  Electricity,  Heat,  Toxin)
      • Secondary Elemental ( Blast,  Corrosive,  Gas,  Magnetic,  Radiation,  Viral)
    • Bunraku cannot apply the following:
      •  Void,  Tau,  Knockdown,  Stagger,  Ragdoll,  Lifted, and  Microwave
    • Status effects caused by Bunraku are paused up to 30 seconds for the duration of the ability then the status duration will resume regardless if the ability is still active, though enemies will remain entangled for the remaining ability duration.
      • Recasting Bunraku will not refresh the pause duration or status effects.
    • Enemies will remain entangled even when they enter a nullifier bubble.
    • Entangled enemies are in a  Ragdoll state, but remain dangling in the air where they stood. When players are nearby, a puppet show ambient music plays.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • When Koumei's Passive Five Fates dice roll score triple sixes, Bunraku inflicts maximum number of status effects (30) and expands its area of influence behind Koumei.



Any damage taken while Link is active will be channeled to a nearby enemy.

Introduced in Update 4 (2012-11-02)

 Strength:1 / 2 / 2 / 3 (affected enemies)
 Duration:14 / 16 / 18 / 20 s
 Range:12 / 14 / 17 / 20 m

Misc: 50% / 60% / 70% / 75% (damage redirection)
100% (damage and status transfer)

Tesla Nervos

Deploy a roller drone that attaches itself to enemies and delivers bursts of arcing electricity to anything in the immediate area.

Introduced in Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)

 Strength:15 ( Blast damage on capsule hit)
80 / 100 / 120 / 150 ( Electricity damage per discharge)
10 / 15 / 20 / 25 ( Electricity damage per second)
 Duration:5 / 6 / 7 / 10 (number of charges)
 Range:4 / 4 / 5 / 6 m (shock radius)

Misc: ? % ( Blast status chance)
1 s (discharge interval)
50 % ( Electricity status chance)
4 (limit of active drones)

Subsumable to Helminth


  • Vauban expends 25 energy to throw a capsule in an arcing trajectory toward the aiming reticle, releasing a Tesla Nervos on impact with a surface. Upon directly striking an enemy, the capsule inflicts 15  Blast damage with a ?% status chance. The Tesla Nervos is an invulnerable Latcher Specter that follows Vauban and seeks to latch onto a nearby enemy, shocking the target and stunning it in place as long as the Tesla Nervos remains attached. The stunned target receives 10 / 15 / 20 / 25  Electricity damage per second, while discharging an electric burst every 1 second to inflict 80 / 100 / 120 / 150  Electricity damage with 50% Status Chance to all enemies within a 4 / 4 / 5 / 6 meter radius; each Tesla Nervos holds 5 / 6 / 7 / 10 electrical charges that last until used.
    • If the stunned target is killed before the Tesla Nervos uses up its charges, the Tesla Nervos will detach and look for another enemy.
    • If the Tesla Nervos uses up all of its charges, it will dissipate and release its stunned target.
    • Tesla Nervos will teleport to Vauban provided it is too far away and not currently attached to an enemy.
    • Multiple Tesla Nervos can attach to the same enemy target.
  • Holding down the ability key (default 1 ) causes Vauban to juggle up to 4 Tesla Nervos capsules once fully charged. Release the hotkey to throw and scatter them toward the direction of the aiming reticle, deploying multiple drones in one cast for no extra energy cost.
    • Deploying new Tesla Nervos past the drone limit causes older drones to dissipate, even when they are still attached to enemies.
    • Number of active drones is displayed on the ability icon.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • Enemies stunned by Tesla Nervos passively receive 25% increased damage from Vauban's weapons and abilities.
    • Tesla Nervos is affected by  Minelayer's Vector Pad and will be propelled toward the pad's direction on contact.
    • Tesla Nervos can attach to enemies already affected by Minelayer's Tether Coil and  Bastille.
  • Can be recast while active to deploy new drones with full charges.
  • While Tesla Nervos are moving, they emit a mechanical clicking sound to indicate their presence.
  • Tesla Nervos do not show minimap icons or waypoints to track their position.
  • Tesla Nervos features a unique model apart from the Grineer Roller and Latcher. Vauban's Appearance colors affect the Tesla Nervos' appearance as well.
  • Subsuming Vauban to the Helminth will offer Tesla Nervos and its augments to be used by other Warframes.


Main article: Tesla Bank

Tesla Bank is a Warframe Augment Mod for  Vauban that allows a  Tesla Nervos mine that has attached itself to an enemy to release absorbed damage on death in a burst of  Electricity.

Tesla Bank


  • If Vauban is playing as client, Tesla Nervos will use its default model rather than their custom models depending on the equipped skin (normal, Prime, or Vauban Citadel Skin).



Launches a shocking projectile. It stuns and deals high damage to a single target and chains damage to nearby enemies.

Introduced in Update 5.3 (2013-01-10)

 Strength:75 / 100 / 125 / 200 ( Electricity damage)
 Range:15 m (chain link range)

Misc: ∞ (cast range)
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 (chain links)
100 % ( Electricity status chance)

Subsumable to Helminth


  • Volt expends 15 energy to release an arc discharge toward the aiming reticle over infinite range, chaining electricity to enemies within 15 meters of each point of contact. The arc can chain a maximum of 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 times and inflicts 75 / 100 / 125 / 200  Electricity damage with a guaranteed Status Effect.
    • Shock chain requires Line of Sight and does not bypass the environment.
  • Can be used while performing many actions without interrupting them, including reloading.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • Casting Shock through an  Electric Shield will electrify it, inflicting 100% of Shock's damage to enemies that pass through it (e.g., Electric Shield will deal 260 damage if Shock's modified damage is 260).
      • The bonus damage from Volt's passive will also be stacked onto the damage from Shock (e.g., Electric Shield will deal 760 damage if Shock's modified damage is 260 and the Passive bonus is 500 at the time Shock is cast).
    • Casting Shock against a target under  Discharge's effect will result in an overcharge, creating an area of effect burst emitted from the target.
  • Subsuming Volt to the Helminth will offer Shock and its augments to be used by other Warframes.


Main article: Shock Trooper

Shock Trooper is a Warframe Augment Mod for  Volt that allows  Shock to be held on cast, creating a wave of energy traveling outward from the user that temporarily grants the caster and nearby allies additional  Electricity damage to all attacks.

Shock Trooper

Tips & Tricks

  • New players may find Shock more useful, due to it's moderate range and chaining effect. This makes it useful in clearing out lower-priority groups quickly.
    • Shock stuns all affected enemies. This is also useful against heavy units, as most enemies will have their weak points (E.g. Moa Backpacks or Heavy Gunner Heads) exposed during it's stun.
  • Since Shock can be used during reloading, it can be used as a mild crowd control when reloading weapons with longer reloads such as the  Strun.
  • Firing Shock directly at enemies may or may not be useful due to its targeting mechanics. Try instead to fire shock at the surfaces near the enemies (the ground, walls, ceiling, etc).
  • Firing Shock at the wall behind a corner will chain damage to nearby enemies around said corner. This can be used to scout for enemies not in your line of sight.
  • Deals 50% more damage to machinery and robotics.


Electric Shield

Volt deploys an obstacle of energy, providing cover in any situation.

Introduced in Update 5.3 (2013-01-10)

 Duration:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s

Misc: +50% (damage bonus)
+100% (critical damage bonus)
6 m x 4.25 m (static shield)
2 m x 3 m (current shield)
6 (shields limit)


  • Volt expends 50 energy to create an electrical energy barrier 4.25 meters high and 6 meters wide that blocks enemy fire, lasting for 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 seconds. Shots fired through the shield made by Volt and his allies gain +50%  Electricity damage and +100% critical multiplier. A maximum of 6 Electric Shields can be created at a time.
    • The critical multiplier is applied after and multiplies other sources of critical damage.
    • The  Electricity damage bonus is an additive bonus that's applied to the weapon's base damage, similar to an elemental mod. For an unmodified weapon that inflicts 100 base damage, firing through a shield will increase the total damage to 100 × (1 + 0.5) = 150. The weapon now inflicts 100 base damage and 50  Electricity damage.
      • Firing through multiple Shields will cause the  Electricity damage bonus to stack additively (e.g., firing through 3 shields will grant a 150%  Electricity damage bonus). The critical multiplier bonus on the other hand does not stack with additional shields.
      • The  Electricity damage bonus does not combine with other elemental types to create secondary elements; the weapon will separately proc the elements present on it and  Electricity from Electric Shield.  Electricity damage bonus from the shield does not increase  Electricity status effect damage.
    • Casting Electric Shields after reaching the maximum will remove the oldest shield.
  • Volt has the ability to pickup one of his Electric Shields through a context action (default X ). Doing so will cause the shield to decrease in size to 2.0 m × 3.0 m and become mobile as a hovering frontal shield that reorients itself to face the player's camera direction, as well as  Ragdolling enemies that come into contact with it. Activating the context action again will place down the shield and revert its size.
    • Only one shield can be equipped at a time.
    • Transference will unequip the shield.
    • Picking up the shield will prevent Volt from gaining energy from sources such as Squad Energy Restore.
  • Electric Shield affects things that pass through it differently:
    • Melee attacks do not gain bonuses from passing through the shield.
      • Projectile based melee attacks such as Warfan heavy attack projectiles, Gunblade shots,  Syam's shockwave,  Tenet Agendus's energy disk, and  Nepheri's fireballs can benefit from Electric Shield's bonuses.
        • Glaive throws do not benefit from Electric Shield.
    • AoE attacks require the main projectile to pass through the shield to gain the bonuses; AoE attacks where only the AoE passes through the shield but not the main projectile will not gain the bonuses.
    • Warframe abilities do not gain bonuses from passing through the shield.
      • Certain projectile based abilities such as  Fireball,  Smite, and Flechette Orb can benefit from Electric Shield's bonuses.
  • Prevents self-stagger from area of effect weapons if the player shoots behind the shield.
  • Ability Synergy: Casting  Shock through an Electric Shield will electrify it, inflicting 100% of Shock's damage to enemies that pass through it (e.g., Electric Shield will deal 260 damage if Shock's modified damage is 260).
    • The bonus damage from Volt's passive will also be stacked onto the damage from Shock (e.g., Electric Shield will deal 810 damage if Shock's modified damage is 260 and the Passive bonus is 550 at the time Shock is cast).


Main article: Recharge Barrier

Recharge Barrier is a PvE and Conclave Warframe Augment Mod for  Volt's  Electric Shield that restores allies' shields when they pass through the barrier.

Recharge Barrier

Main article: Transistor Shield

Transistor Shield is a Warframe Augment Mod for  Volt's  Electric Shield that allows allies to pick up and move Electric Shields. Additionally, a percentage of enemy damage absorbed by the Electric Shield(s) will add up to Volt's Static Discharge passive.

Transistor Shield

Tips & Tricks

  • Multiple instances of the Electric Shield can provide a 360o wall of protection, or can be used once if backing up into a tight space, blocking enemy fire from all angles.
  • Note that Electric Shield does not protect its users from above and below attacks. Placing them above and below the player can be done to counter this.
  • As Electric Shield doesn't buff Warframes directly but instead the weapons fired through it, it's one of the only ways to increase Operator damage output. This is particularly useful for Eidolon hunts.


  • If Shock is cast through Electric Shield with the max bonus damage from Static Discharge (1000) the total damage dealt may be slightly lower than expected (e.g., if Shock adds 100 damage to Electric Shield plus the 1000 bonus damage from passive, the amount of damage inflicted will only be 1098 instead of 1100).



Paralyze nearby hostiles with a damaging electric charge, this also shocks approaching enemies.

Introduced in Update 18.13 (2016-05-27)

 Strength:500 / 750 / 1000 / 1200 ( Electricity damage/second)
 Duration:3 / 4 / 5 / 6 s (stun duration)
 Range:20 m (electric pulse range)
8 m (electric arc radius)

Misc: 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 s (electric pulse duration)
4.5 s (damage delay)


  • Volt expends 100 energy to emit a powerful electric pulse over 20 meters. Any enemies that are hit with the initial pulse or that enter the pulse's area in first 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 seconds after the cast will become stunned for 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 seconds and emit arcs of electricity, shocking hostiles who come within 8 meters to inflict 250 / 375 / 500 / 600  Electricity damage per half second.
    • Does not require Line of Sight and bypasses the environment.
    • Affected targets that are not in range of other hostiles will begin to damage themselves after the first 4.5 seconds of Discharge.
      • If affected targets die but one is left alive, it will begin to damage itself after another 4.5 seconds.
      • If total stun duration or remaining duration is shorter than 4.5 seconds, affected target will take no damage.
      • At the casting point, the Discharge damage, electric arc damage, and stun duration remain at 100%, linearly decreasing until all reach 50% of their respective values at the maximum range from the cast point.
        • Electric arc damage does not falloff over the electric arc radius from individual enemies, only over the Discharge range.
    • Loot crates can also undergo the Tesla effect, but can only be charged once.
    • Volt's passive does affect Discharge, but the bonus damage is not simply added onto the ability's total damage output. Instead, the current bonus damage value is divided by the damage per tick value, rounded down to the nearest whole number, then multiplied by 0.5 seconds. This new value is then subtracted from the 4.5 second damage delay phase of Discharge, meaning Discharge will begin damaging the target sooner.
      • For example, a rank 3 Discharge with a max rank  Intensify and 1,000 bonus damage from Volt's passive will deal:
        • This bonus will be applied only to the first enemy/object Discharge's propagation hits, meaning any other targets hit by Discharge will follow the normal damage calculation without Static Discharge's effects.
  • Ability Synergy: Casting  Shock against a target under Discharge's effect will result in an overcharge, creating an area of effect burst emitted from the target.
  • Has a cast time of ~1 second, affected by Casting Speed.
  • Cannot be recast during the pulse's duration, and recasting will not refresh or stack the effect on already affected enemies.


Main article: Capacitance

Capacitance is a Warframe Augment Mod for  Volt that converts a percentage of damage dealt by  Discharge into shields, split between himself and allies.


Tips & Tricks

  • Casting Discharge when targets are in a close proximity to one another and/or to yourself will ensure that enemies take more damage during the Effect Duration.


  • Can proc Arcanes that trigger off of Critical Hits such as  Arcane Fury.
  • Damage delay is longer than 4.5 seconds. Further testing needed.



Choose and summon a Reservoir filled with Motes that attach to and aid Wisp and her allies. Haste Mote grants increased movement and attack speed. Vitality Mote increases maximum health and heals over time. Shock Mote stuns nearby enemies.

Introduced in Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)

Strength: 300 (max health)
30 s-1 (heal over time)
Duration: 19 / 22 / 26 / 30 s (Mote lifespan)
Range: 5 m (Reservoir range)
Misc:∞ (Reservoir lifespan)
6 (max reservoirs active)
25 % (Sol Gate damage buff)

Strength: 20 % (movement speed)
20 % (attack speed)
30 % (fire rate)
Duration: 19 / 22 / 26 / 30 s (Mote lifespan)
Range: 5 m (Reservoir range)
Misc:∞ (Reservoir lifespan)
6 (max reservoirs active)
100 % (Sol Gate  Corrosive
status chance)

Strength: 10 ( Electricity damage)
Duration: 19 / 22 / 26 / 30 s (Mote lifespan)
Range: 5 m (Reservoir range)
15 m (Shock range)
Misc:∞ (Reservoir lifespan)
6 (max reservoirs active)
100 % ( Electricity status chance)
5 (number of targets)
3 s (Shock cooldown)
25 % (Sol Gate damage buff)


  • Birthed from Wisp's dimensional habitat, three species of Reservoir pods nursing friendly Motes can be selectively summoned by Wisp. Tap the ability key to freely cycle the selection wheel between the Vitality, Haste, and Shock reservoirs. Hold down the ability key to summon the selected reservoir from a portal above Wisp for 25 energy, placing the pod directly in front of her. The reservoir pods have a range of 5 meters and last indefinitely, while the motes retrieved from the pods lasts 19 / 22/ 26 / 30 seconds while outside of the reservoirs. Wisp can summon a maximum of 6 reservoir pods.
    • Casting additional reservoir pods will replace the oldest pod.
    • Up to three different reservoir types can be unlocked as the ability is ranked up:
      • Vitality: unlocked by default (Unranked Warframe)
      • Haste: unlocked at rank 1 (Warframe Rank 7)
      • Shock: unlocked at rank 2 (Warframe Rank 14)
    • Reservoir selection wheel is displayed above the ability icons. The icon for the currently selected type is enlarged and shown on the left of the wheel. Tapping the ability key (default 1 ) will cycle between the reservoir types, while holding the key will deploy the selected reservoir (tap/hold functions can be inverted in the Settings).

  • Reservoir pods are invulnerable static floating objects that are permanently placed until removed by Wisp or by colliding with Nullifier Crewman bubbles.
  • Each reservoir pod spawns a floating Mote above it, which can be plucked an infinite amount of times by Wisp, other Warframes, Companions, summoned allied units such as Specters and Railjack Crews, allied Invasion units, Hostages, converted Liches and Sisters, Kavor Defectors, Sortie and Arbitrations Defense Operatives, and Defense Objects coming into the reservoir's range.
    • This includes at least some allies spawned via Warframe abilities such as  Nidus's Maggots via his  Ravenous ability.
    • Motes attach to the entity that plucked them, floating in orbit and following their target wherever they go.
  • Motes grant the affected entity a specialized buff based on the reservoir type.
  • Motes respawn from their reservoirs after a brief cooldown if taken by an entity.
  • Motes last for a duration, with their timers able to be refreshed and paused indefinitely while the buffed entities are standing in range of the respective reservoir type.
  • Reservoir pods take on Wisp's Ability Strength when placed, and will remain at that Ability Strength percentage indefinitely.
  • If there are multiple reservoir pods, the pod with the highest buff value will take effect, with its corresponding duration.
    • A lower-value pod will still refresh the duration of a higher-value pod.
  • Each entity is limited to 1 active Mote buff per reservoir type.

  • The Vitality Mote increases maximum Health by 300 and restores 30 health per second.
  • Vitality Mote appears made of Infested flesh and sinew, shaped similar to a beetle shell with a red U-shaped crown.
  • Vitality Reservoir appears as a three-petalled plant with a red crown at its base. It constantly emits a flame-like energy particle effect.

  • The Haste Mote increases Movement Speed and melee Attack Speed by 20% and Fire Rate by 30%.
  • Haste Mote appears made of Infested flesh and sinew, shaped similar to a beetle shell with a green oval-shaped crown.
  • Haste Reservoir appears as a three-petalled plant with a green crown at its base. It constantly emits a liquid-like energy particle effect.

  • The Shock Mote stores an electrical charge that zaps up to 5 enemies within 15 meters with chain lightning every 3 seconds, dealing 10  Electricity damage with a guaranteed Status Effect to stun enemies.
    • The electric charge shows as electricity surging around the Shock Mote when ready to discharge.
  • Shock Mote appears made of Infested flesh and sinew, shaped similar to a beetle shell with a blue hammer-like crown.
  • Shock Reservoir appears as a three-petalled plant with a blue crown at its base. It constantly emits an electrical spark particle effect.

  • Ability Synergy:
    • Casting  Breach Surge on an active reservoir pod will teleport Wisp to its location and double Breach Surge's range.
      • Targeting a reservoir pod with the reticle will encircle it with Wisp's chosen energy color to indicate Breach Surge's ability to be cast on it and can be used at any range, provided there is line of sight.
      • Reservoir pods can be targeted through solid surfaces provided there is vision of them (e.g. windows).
      • Wisp cannot teleport to a pod while within less than 10 meters of it.
    • Currently obtained Motes provide additional properties to  Sol Gate.
      • Vitality: Provides a 25% damage increase.
      • Haste: Allows Sol Gate to deal  Corrosive procs on every damage instance.
        • Does not gain  Corrosive damage.
      • Shock: Provides a 25% damage increase.


Main article: Fused Reservoir

Fused Reservoir is a Warframe Augment Mod/Exilus Mod for  Wisp that allows her to spawn a fourth  Reservoir with all three buffs at an increased energy cost. Fused Reservoir counts as 3 summoned Reservoirs out of the 6 total wisp may have at once.

Fused Reservoir

Tips & Tricks

  • Avoid using Shock Motes in Spy missions, as it can hit Grineer Sensor Regulators and alert them.
  • Because motes will refresh the duration of any other mote buff (regardless of power), you can make very effective use of temporary Ability Strength buffs such as Growing Power, Energy Conversion, or (especially) the power increase from a Void Fissure mission. You can put down reservoirs while under these effects, acquire more powerful reservoir buffs, and then endlessly refresh their duration using regular-strength reservoirs. This makes any buff to power strength effectively infinite in duration, so long as you do not let your reservoir buffs expire (or get nullified).
    • Similarly, if there are multiple Wisps in a mission, they can space their reservoirs out to effectively gain all the buff benefits of the strongest Wisp, while also increasing the area covered.


Fighter Escort

Deploys drones that fight alongside the Warframe, each detonating in a destructive blast when killed.

Introduced in Hotfix 15.7.2 (2014-12-19)

 Strength:2 / 4 / 6 / 8 (drones)
1000 / 1500 / 2000 / 2500 (explosion  Blast damage)
 Duration:15 / 20 / 25 / 30 s
 Range:60 / 100 / 120 / 160 m (explosion radius)
80 m (beam range)


  • Itzal expends 100 energy to launch 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 Locust Drones that independently attack enemies within a range of 80 meters using lasers that deal continuous  Electricity damage. The drones last for 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 seconds. If a drone is destroyed by enemy fire or detonates after the ability's duration expires, it will deal 1000 / 1500 / 2000 / 2500  Blast damage within a radius of 60 / 100 / 120 / 160 meters.
    • In Landscape missions, the beam range is reduced to 8 meters the detonation radius is reduced to 6 / 10 / 12 / 16 meters.
    • Explosion damage does not bypass obstacles in the environment and decreases with distance.
    • Drones require line-of-sight for targeting acquisition.
  • Drones will not be transported by Blink, will not open fire while under the effects of  Penumbra, and will not attack while sprinting.
  • Cannot be recast while active.

Tips & Tricks

  • The drones can distract enemies trying to attack you, drawing fire away from you (giving your shields time to regenerate) and dealing a little extra damage. Whilst they are fairly easily destroyed they are also small and agile, which means enemies without beam weapons will have a hard time hitting them. They can also be useful at distracting enemies away from a defense target such as a satellite in a Mobile Defense mission.
  • Whilst ineffective against high-level enemies, the drones can easily destroy lower-level targets by focusing their fire.

Maximization is a form of specialization: mods may be blended to result in values that vary between the top-end limits listed here. Click any maximized link to learn how to build it.


Railjack Battle Mods[edit | edit source]

Sources of Electricity Resistances[edit | edit source]

Mods[edit | edit source]

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Additional Effects[edit | edit source]

Some mods and arcanes add additional effects when an  Electricity occurs or dealing  Electricity damage.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Sentinels are extremely susceptible to heavy damage when the player is under an electric status effect, as they are always within range of the arc. On The Steel Path a single instance of an electric status effect on the player is sometimes enough to outright destroy a sentinel companion.
    • Grineer Powerfist deal heavy electric damage on their slams, stopping natural shield recharge on players for the duration of the electric proc and causing sometimes fatal damage to Sentinels.

Media[edit | edit source]

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Update 38.0 (2024-12-13)

  • Fixed Infested Runners and Leapers freezing and disappearing when dying to electric damage. Now they should convulse in their death throes like the rest of ‘em!

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)

  • Fixed an issue where rag-dolled enemies received more Electrical Status Effects than they should.

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

Simplified Faction Resistances
  • Corpus Amalgam:
    • Vulnerable to Electricity
  • The Murmur:
    • Vulnerable to Electricity

Hotfix 31.0.8 (2022-01-12)

  • Reduced the volume of electricity Status Effect sounds.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • AoE Electric Damage that is part of the Status Effect can now reoccur while the target is still under the stun animation of another Electric Status Effect.

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Introduced.