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Open World

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Open World (or also referred to as Landscapes[1], or by their mission type of Free Roam) are open-world mission environments that take place in vast, expansive maps several square kilometers in area, on which players can freely roam and explore.

Unlike the traditional Tilesets, Landscapes do not use procedurally-generated segments, but instead use large, seamlessly fixed environments, on which players can encounter random enemy spawns, mission objectives, hidden quests, and other objects of interest.

Each Landscape will have a central town that acts as a player hub, which can support up to 50 players on a shared server, and players can exit the town in the traditional 1 - 4 man squads to explore the vast area outside.

Landscapes[edit | edit source]

Plains of Eidolon[edit | edit source]

The first of the Landscapes introduced in Update 22.0 (2017-10-12), the Plains of Eidolon is set on Earth, at the site of an ancient battle between the Orokin and the Sentients, who were defeated during their attempted assault on the Orokin Tower in the area. The site of the Orokin Tower, now known as Cetus, has since become home to a community known as the Ostrons, who harvest the tower's parts for a living. The Ostrons are constantly on guard against the Grineer who roam the fields to study and excavate the Sentient remains dotting the landscape, as well as more sinister threats that emerge at night.

  • The plains offer a unique, hijackable Dargyn which is scattered around in the greater plains. The player may hijack a Dargyn by either stealing one, directly interacting with them mid-air, and shooting the pilot off the vehicle.

Orb Vallis[edit | edit source]

The second Landscape to be introduced, Orb Vallis is a large, mountainous valley region located on Venus. Based around the still active remains of an Orokin terraforming tower, which produces a perpetual snowstorm to create the titular 'orb' in the midst of the blazing surface of Venus for harsh but livable conditions. The main hub is called Fortuna, a subterranean Corpus debt-internment shanty town and home to the Solaris.

  • Scattered around in Orb Vallis only are Ventkids K-Drive races which, along with performing tricks, rewards standing with them.

Cambion Drift[edit | edit source]

The third Landscape to be introduced, the Cambion Drift is set on the infested moon of Deimos. Beyond the gates of the main hub of the Necralisk, home of the Entrati Family, the Infested have taken control of the landscape, as all the inhabitants are Infested Grey Strain units.

  • In the Cambion Drift are broken Entrati Necramechs, which can be entered using Transference. Necramechs also appear as enemies in the Cambion Drift.

Duviri[edit | edit source]

The fourth Landscape, Duviri is a mysterious, colorless, and paradoxical world within the Void, a prison for the enigmatic Drifter. Changing both in vibrancy and color depending on the mood of their ruler, Dominus Thrax, the Drifter is often accompanied by the stories of the courtiers serving the king: Lodun for Anger, Bombastine for Envy, Sythel for Fear, Mathila for Joy, and Luscinia for Sorrow.

Unlike other landscapes, Duviri lacks any dedicated Syndicate, with Teshin's Cave serving as a preparation room rather than a true hub.

Features[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

Landscapes have several mechanics unique to them due to their expansive nature:

  • Landscapes have a dynamic time cycle where the time of the day will change as players spend time on the map. The time cycle determines the types of fish and faunas being spawned, as well as the behavioral pattern of certain factions and enemies.
    • In the Plains of Eidolons, the cycle is represented with a day/night cycle 150 minutes long. Each cycle consists of 100 minutes of day and 50 minutes of night.
    • In the Orb Vallis, it is represented by a rotating cold/warm temperature cycle, 26 minutes and 40 seconds long. Each cycle consists of 20 minutes of cold/freezing weather and 6 minutes and 40 seconds of warm weather.
    • In the Cambion Drift, it is represented by the Wyrm siblings Fass and Vome, who are constantly fighting each other, 150 minutes long, similar to the Plains. Each cycle consists of 100 minutes of Fass time and 50 minutes of Vome time.
    • In Duviri, it is represented by the emotional states of Anger, Joy, Envy, Fear, and Sorrow, which directly alter the landscape and affect many points of interest. Each "spiral" lasts 120 minutes.
  • Enemy levels increase the further away the player is from the central hub.
  • The Hub towns on Landscapes will feature various vendors that can provide unique services for the Tenno and NPC's that can provide quests which Tenno can accomplish outside in the wilds.
  • Players will be able to perform various non-combat activities in Landscapes to progress in lieu of bounties, including fishing, mining, and conserving.

Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Archwing[edit | edit source]

Players will be able to call down Archwings at any time with an equippable Archwing Launcher gear, which they can use to travel and fight while in mid-air. While in an Archwing, players will have the Shields, Health and Abilities of the Archwing instead of their Warframe, however they will only use standard primary and secondary weapons while in Archwing, instead of Archguns and Archmelee. Gravity will pull players down if they exceed the maximum altitude of the landscape. Companions will also be disabled while in the Archwing.

Players can exit their Archwings by performing melee attacks (default E ) or returning to landscapes' gates. Players can also get knocked out of Archwing when damaged by seeking anti-air missiles, which certain units from both the Grineer and Corpus deploy.

The Tranq Rifle is also useable while in an Archwing, which could make hunting animals easier in some situations. Fishing spears are not useable.

K-Drive[edit | edit source]

Players may also use K-Drives at any time with an equippable K-Drive Launcher gear, which acts as a highly mobile hoverboard. They initially will not be holding any weapons while on the board, but the hoverboard itself is moddable for damage and the Weapon Switch key (default F ) will let them draw their Secondary Weapon if one is equipped.

Players may dismount from their hoverboard by pressing melee hotkey (default E ) or the 'interact' key (default X ). Players may get knocked off their board by crashing into an obstacle or failing to land a trick properly, in which case their body will ragdoll about keeping the momentum from their board.

Necramech[edit | edit source]

Players can create customized Necramechs with the Necraloid faction that can be summoned in any landscape. They are heavy combat platforms with their own set of abilities, although not as agile as Warframes.

Kaithe[edit | edit source]

Exclusive to Duviri, Kaithes are horse-like creatures capable of flight. They are the only source of travel in Duviri, as the Drifter has no access to other gear. They can be unlocked for use in other Landscapes via progression in Duviri.

Media[edit | edit source]

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Hotfix 38.0.8 (2025-02-06)

  • Fixed doors to extraction zones in Open Landscapes not opening while riding Atomicycle.
    • Now, upon approaching the doors you will be auto-dismounted from the Atomicycle in order to enter and extract.

Hotfix 38.0.3 (2024-12-16)

  • Improved Open Landscape public matchmaking, giving players a better chance to find and join other squads.
  • Fixed Nova dealing self-damage when attempting to extract from Open Landscape while riding Atomicycle while Null Star is active with the Neuron Star Augment.

Hotfix 38.0.1 (2024-12-14)

  • Fixes towards crashes when leaving Open Landscapes and certain Höllvania tiles.

Hotfix 37.0.9 (2024-11-13)

  • Fixed a script error in the Map Legends.

Hotfix 37.0.4 (2024-10-10)

  • Made further tweaks to color accuracy in realtime lighting areas (Plains of Eidolon, Orb Vallis, Duviri, etc.) to help with oversaturation and color inaccuracy issues – more specifically for certain colors on Warframe metallic materials.
  • Fixed mining nodes not respawning after leaving and re-entering an Open Landscape.

Hotfix 37.0.1 (2024-10-02)

  • Fixed controller binding to open map legend in Open Landscape advanced maps not working.

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)

  • Open Landscape Maps now feature a Legend for the Advanced Map view and new icons for the Extraction Points (ie. Cetus, Fortuna, and Necralisk).
    • Open Landscapes operate differently from normal Warframe missions, which can be hard for new players to grasp at first. Saya’s Vigil has received changes to reinforce the “Enter and Exit through the Cetus Doors” mechanic, and this addition expands upon that goal.
    • Duviri’s Advanced Map has also been given a Legend!
  • Made further optimizations to memory usage in Open World levels (e.g. Orb Vallis).
  • Made micro-optimizations to foliage memory footprints in Open Landscape levels (e.g. Orb Vallis).
  • Fixed animations no longer playing if players meleed while in Archwing in Open Landscapes and/or transitioned back and forth between Landscapes and Hubs.
  • Fixed holding the melee input while summoning Archwing in Open Landscapes causing players to continually Melee while in Archwing.
  • Fixed a crash caused by bullet jumping through an Open Landscape door to a Town with Exodia Contagion equipped.

Update 36.1 (2024-08-21)

  • Increased innate Player Enemy Radar in Open Landscapes from 30m to 80m.

Hotfix 36.0.5 (2024-07-20)

  • Fixed Wisp being unable to teleport to her Reservoirs after entering an Open Landscape mission from its respective town (ex: the Plains of Eidolon accessed via Cetus).

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

  • Improved Open Landscape graphical fidelity on low-end machines.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

  • You can now chat link any and all fish types from the Open Landscapes!
  • Made level memory and level load time optimizations to the Open Landscapes (Orb Vallis, Plains of Eidolon, and Cambion Drift).
  • Fixed hitch that could occur when opening the Pause menu in an Open Landscape.
  • Fixed several Open Landscape Resources missing the Planet they originate from in their description.

Hotfix 35.1.2 (2024-02-28)

  • Fixed Clients being unable to use the interactable Blinkpads in Open Landscapes.

Hotfix 35.1.1 (2024-02-21)

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when traveling between a town and Open Landscape.

Update 35.1 (2024-02-20)

  • Fixed opening pause menu while transitioning from Open Landscape to Town (ex: Orb Vallis to Fortuna) leading to a loss of function.

Hotfix 35.0.3 (2023-12-18)

  • (Missed note from last Hotfix) Fixed a rare crash going from hub to Open Zone.

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

  • Fixed Host’s Warframe being invisible to Clients after they load into an Open Zone mission.

Hotfix 31.7.2 (2022-08-17)

  • Fixed experiencing a Host Migration when attempting to join a public session from a Town to an Open World (Cetus > Plains, etc).

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)

NEW: Open Landscape Fast Travel - Blinkpads!

You can now fast travel in Open Landscapes (Plains of Eidolon, Orb Vallis, and Cambion Drift) using Blinkpads! Blinkpads can also be interacted with while in Archwing, but upon arrival you will be returned to foot so that you can choose your next mode of transportation.

Players can teleport to other Blinkpads by interacting with ones they come across within the Landscape, or by selecting the Blinkpad they wish to travel to from their Advanced Map (accessed by holding their bound Show Level Map key).

  1. (2023, November 23). Returning Player Guide. Warframe. Accessed 2024-05-27. Archived from the original on 2024-05-27. Devs do use the term "Landscape" to refer to open world content: "Traverse massive Landscapes dense with secrets.".