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When we woke the Orokin terraforming engines, we also revived species long since extinct. I need your help to save these beasts from the Corpus' Feed and Research Division... 'scientists'. Track-and-tranq. Now: let's get you sorted out with a tranq rifle and echo-lure.
The Eidolon-Moh has weathered the introduction of many invasive species, but none more destructive than the Grineer themselves.
Deimos is unfolding before us like a puzzle-box. I must have more samples.

Conservation is a non-combat activity available in Landscapes that involves tranquilizing (and, for optionally-targeted conservation, tracking and luring) and capturing the local fauna alive, to be protected from the habitat destruction caused by Corpus, Grineer, and Infested activities.

Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Tranq Rifle[edit | edit source]

Preparing to Hunt[edit | edit source]

Once players have enough Standing with Solaris United in Fortuna or Entrati in Necralisk they will need to purchase a Tranq Rifle from The Business or Son respectively. Aside from this, they can acquire additional gear to partake in the full targeted activity:

  • Echo-Lures are reusable gear items that target specific animals to hunt and may be purchased from The Business for Orb Vallis animals, Master Teasonai for Plains of Eidolon animals, or Son for Cambion Drift, for players with enough Standing with those factions.
  • Pheromone Synthesizers (Orb Vallis), Pheromone Oota (Plains of Eidolon), and Pheromone Gland (Cambion Drift) are one-use gear items that increase the chance of rarer animals spawning. They are purchased from the above reputation vendors for standing.
  • Only the Tranq Rifle and Echo-Lures are needed for the activity. Pheromones are optional.

Once a Tranq Rifle and Echo-Lure have been purchased, players can equip them in the Gear menu through their Arsenal. Note that it is not necessary to equip more than one item, as all available Echo-Lures and the rifle will be selectable through the conservation menu once any of them has been readied.

Now properly equipped, players can head out into the Landscape to begin. Once the player has armed themselves with a Tranq Rifle (default hold Q  and select the rifle), the conservation gear menu will automatically appear on the bottom right of the screen, indicating the Tranq Rifle and currently equipped Echo-Lure. Players can change their current selection by holding the respective key (1  for Tranq Rifle, 2  for Echo-Lures, or 3  for Pheromones), while pressing the respective key will ready that displayed item. Consequently, use of Warframe abilities (bound to the number keys) will be suppressed while equipped with a conservation item, but any alternative 'last/selected ability' and 'next/previous ability' keys may still be used.

Equipping the Tranq Rifle will highlight animal tracking spots on the map for any Echo-Lures in possession, indicated by unique animal-specific icons at the start points of the activity, but also being useful to find animals without the full activity. Equipping the Echo-Lure will only show start points for the selected animal type.

Capturing Fauna[edit | edit source]

Fauna can be encountered when roaming, signified by the creature's audible sound, and the player only needs to use their Tranq Rifle on them. If they see or hear the player, the animal will attempt to flee, and animals that are tranquilized before noticing the player result in a "perfect capture" and provide the maximum reward. However, the rarest subspecies of Orb Vallis fauna (e.g. Subterranean Pobbers and Kubrodon Incarnadines) do not roam, due to being driven to near extinction.

Optionally, the full tracking activity can be performed by interacting with the start point of a trail, especially being required to capture the rarest subspecies. After interacting, there are four steps involved in capturing a creature:

  1. The player must locate a calling point within the marked area. A trail of footprints will appear from the starting trail, leading to the calling point. The calling point can also be located and scanned through a Codex Scanner or Synthesis Scanner.
  2. On reaching the calling point, the player must lure out the creature using an Echo-Lure corresponding to the creature. After a short wait, the creature will call back and a "lure guide bar" appears on the pitch monitor, and following the pitch changes by aiming up or down will ensure the target creature is attracted.
    • If the player has a Pheromone, they can use it here before calling the animal to increase the chance of spawning a rarer variant of that animal.
  3. The creature will spawn and approach the calling point, and the player should get to a vantage point out of sight and equip the Tranq Rifle to stealthily capture the creature. If they see or hear the player, the quarry will attempt to flee.
    • The creature will spawn in the direction that it calls from, so listen closely to the calls it makes and reposition yourself to avoid being seen or smelled.
    • The shot has minor travel time, so be sure to lead any moving targets.
    • The Tranq Rifle is innately silent, so quarry won't be alerted if the shot misses.
    • Be mindful of the direction of the wind, as they can carry the player's scent towards the fauna causing it to be suspicious. The direction can be checked by looking for where dust pickups, plants, or the player's own Syandana are blowing towards.
    • The point at which the creature spawns is the best time for a player to immediately use their Warframe's invisibility ability (such as  Ivara's  Prowl), if available.
  4. Once the creature has been tranquilized, the player can safely approach them and call for a remote pickup. The quality of the capture depends on how startled the creature was when caught.
    • A "Perfect" rating is given if the fauna never sensed the player and no Warframe abilities were used to tranquilize the creature (except for  Ivara's  Quiver,  Navigator, and  Prowl,  Baruuk's  Lull, and Night form  Equinox's  Rest & Rage).
    • A "Good" rating is given if the fauna has seen or smelled the player or if various Warframe abilities were used to tranquilize it.
    • A "Bad" rating is given if the fauna was hurt or if the player has taken a significant amount of time to catch the fauna.
    • The tranquilizing effects last for a short amount of time and once it wears off the creature will get up and flee.

Animal Rarity[edit | edit source]

Each animal has three variants. The following table shows approximate spawn chances[1].

Approximate Spawn Chances
Common Rare Very Rare
Normal 4/7 (57%) 2/7 (29%) 1/7 (14%)
Pheromones - 1/3 (33%) 2/3 (67%)

Cambion Drift rarer variants of Predasite, Vulpaphyla, Avichaea, and Undazoa are affected by the appearance of Fass and Vome, of which only one rare variant will appear.

Rewards[edit | edit source]

When a creature is caught, any player within Affinity Range is awarded Standing (if applicable) and species-specific tags (which can be affected by a Resource Booster and  Loyal Retriever/ Resourceful Retriever) in proportion to capture quality. Son also sells a selection of tags under Today's Special for  .

Tags can be redeemed with Master Teasonai, The Business, and Son for Orbiter Floofs, Emblems, and Beast Claw Mods.

View Master Teasonai Tags List
View The Business Tags List
View Son Tags List

Duviri[edit | edit source]

Conservation in Duviri does not use the Tranq Rifle. Instead, the wildlife have been tainted by Void corruption, producing a sentry-like gaze and will flee from the player if they spot them. Koral will alert the player if a Void-corrupted animal is nearby.

The wildlife, which appears as either a Krubie, a Kexat, or a Tamm, can be approached with stealth to interact with them. If spotted, the player will need to destroy the three orbs surrounding them in order to subdue them. Once interacted, the player is prompted a quick-time event to remove the corruption (default tap E , can be changed to hold in Settings > Accessibility > "Repeated Button Presses"). Purified wildlife can be petted, who will then lead the player to a treasure chest containing 3 Drifter Intrinsics, Duviri resources, and a Decree.

Non-hostile wildlife can appear throughout Duviri. They can be freely pet and do not react to attacks, nor can they be harmed.

View Farming Tips List

Plains of Eidolon Species[edit | edit source]

Kuaka[edit | edit source]

"A timid rodent that is easily frightened."

When roaming, Kuaka may appear in groups of one through three, but when called from a calling point three will always spawn.

Perfect Good Bad
 400  300  200
A common Kuaka subspecies.

Condroc[edit | edit source]

"A carrion-eater and opportunistic bird-of-prey. Condrocs gather, feed upon carrion, and occasionally, hunt in groups known as 'committees'. Several committees will be led by an Emperor."

When roaming, Condrocs may appear in groups of one through four and are already stationed on the ground, but when called from a calling point only one will spawn.

Condrocs are a flying species, making them difficult to capture until they land at the calling point.

Perfect Good Bad
 800  600  400
A common Condroc subspecies.

Mergoo[edit | edit source]

"An avian of ridiculous appearance found along coastal regions and around large bodies of water. Mergoo circle and squawk at the sight of marine predators. Many an Ostron fisher owes their lives to these odd little birds. Killing one is considered very bad luck."

Like Condrocs, Mergoo are a flying species, making them difficult to capture until they land at the calling point.

When roaming, Mergoo may spawn in pairs, but when called from a calling point only one will spawn.

Perfect Good Bad
 1200  900  600
A common Mergoo subspecies.

Vasca Kavat[edit | edit source]

"The Vasca strain is a symbiotic blood-borne virus transmitted via the saliva of infected kavats. Existing solely to propagate itself the virus makes the host increasingly dependent upon the ingestion of blood, thereby spreading itself further and faster through the population. Vasca-infected kavats, over time, lose all sense of themselves becoming increasingly cunning, violent and ravenous."

Vasca Kavats only appear during nighttime in the Plains of Eidolon.

Additionally, Vasca Kavats are resistant to Warframe Abilities, with their sleep duration being reduced to half of its potency. For example,  Ivara's  Sleep Arrow with 20 seconds would be reduced to 10 seconds. This resistance can accumulate, causing consecutive use of the same Ability to have even less duration, eventually becoming outright immune.

When roaming, Vasca Kavats may appear in groups of one through four, but when called from a calling point only one will spawn.

Perfect Good Bad
 500  375  250
A common Vasca Kavat subspecies.

Orb Vallis Species[edit | edit source]

Pobber[edit | edit source]

"Native to the fungal forests of Venus, the Pobber is a skittish rodent possessed of an objectionable odor. Always found in groups, they flee at the slightest hint of trouble. They are a primary food source for the Virmink and Sawgaw."

When roaming, Pobbers may appear in groups of one through three, but when called from a calling point three will always spawn.

Perfect Good Bad
 400  300  200
A common Pobber subspecies.

Virmink[edit | edit source]

"Sleek and silky, the adorable appearance of the Venusian Virmink belies its aggressive demeanor. Favoring rocky landscapes Virmink packs nose the air, scenting for Pobbers - their primary food source."

Perfect Good Bad
 600  450  300
A common Virmink subspecies.

Sawgaw[edit | edit source]

"'Soar Gore' as the Solaris call it, this crimson-faced bird of prey circles and stalks the cliffs and fungal groves of Venus, searching for rodent prey."

Sawgaws are a flying species, making them difficult to capture until they land somewhere. They usually prefer to perch on top of the giant mushrooms.

When roaming, Sawgaws may appear in groups of one through three and are sometimes already stationed on the ground, but when called from a calling point only one will spawn.

Perfect Good Bad
 800  600  400
A common Sawgaw subspecies.

Bolarola[edit | edit source]

"Favoring thunder, lightning and cratered-out areas Bolarolas are all about defense. Their armored plates protect them from most predators, tucking-and-rolling to make good their escape."

Bolarolas are covered in an armored plating that neutralizes tranquilizing shots. Only their underbellies are vulnerable, and they will occasionally lean back to expose this weakness. Should they sense danger they will curl up to shield themselves, and when fleeing they will roll away.

Perfect Good Bad
 1,000  750  500
A common Bolarola subspecies.

Horrasque[edit | edit source]

"This hideous creature is terrible to behold but will not attack unless provoked. When it does, its roar will shake the bowels of even the most steadfast tracker."

Between the starting point and the calling point, a trail of  Toxin damaging scat will line next to their footprints.

Horrasques will crawl underground, periodically exposing their heads. If they reach the calling point they will surface and expose their whole body, making perfect captures much easier. Must be shot twice with the Tranq Rifle to be brought down.

Perfect Good Bad
 1200  900  600
A common Horrasque subspecies.

Stover[edit | edit source]

"The Stover is a kind of proto-Kubrow that resurrected when Venus thawed. When grouped in a pack, Stovers are relentless opponents."

Stovers make their appearances within caves, whose narrow passageways make confrontation almost unavoidable. Instead of immediately fleeing, they will viciously attack their pursuers. Must be shot twice with the Tranq Rifle to be brought down.

Perfect Good Bad
 1600  1200  800
A common Stover subspecies.

Kubrodon[edit | edit source]

"The apex predator of the Venusian plains. These massively framed beasts travel in groups and mark the territory surrounding Orokin cooling towers as their own. Kubrodons are a danger best avoided."

True to its status as the apex predator, the Kubrodon's more acute sense of smell allows them to locate their pursuers, and will use a ramming attack to make good their escape. Must be shot twice with the Tranq Rifle to be brought down.

Additionally, Kubrodons are resistant to Warframe Abilities, with their sleep duration being reduced to 1/4th of its potency. For example,  Ivara's  Sleep Arrow with 20 seconds would be reduced to 5 seconds. This resistance can accumulate, causing consecutive use of the same Ability to have even less duration, eventually becoming outright immune.

Despite being mentioned to travel in groups, only one Kubrodon will respond to the lure's call.

Perfect Good Bad
 2000  1500  1000
A common Kubrodon subspecies.

Cambion Drift Species[edit | edit source]

All species in the wild can appear in groups of 1-3. When called from a lure, Cryptilex, Avichaea, and Undazoas can appear in groups of 2-4.

Unlike the small and timid Kuakas or Pobbers, the Cryptilex are an aggressive species that will relentlessly attack their pursuers. Companions will not attack Cryptilexes directly, though they may kill them if they attempt to engage an enemy while armed with explosive weapons such as the  Helstrum.

The most abundant variety of Cryptilex, this aggressive insect will slash anything it deems a threat.

A common Cryptilex subspecies, and the most abundant. Burrowing Cryptilexes can often be found in the Catabolic Gutter.

When captured via Conservation, they will reward the following:

Perfect Good Bad
3x Burrowing Cryptilex Tag 2x Burrowing Cryptilex Tag 1x Burrowing Cryptilex Tag

Equipment[edit | edit source]

The Tranq Rifle can be purchased from The Business or from Son for standing. Echo-Lures, as well as Pheromone Oota, Pheromone Synthesizers, and Pheromone Glands can be purchased from Master Teasonai, The Business and Son respectively.

  • The Rifle is used to nonlethally put a creature to sleep.
  • Echo-Lures are used to draw a specific creature out of hiding.
  • Pheromones are used before the Echo-Lure to increase the chance of attracting rarer subspecies.

The Tranq Rifle is innately silent and has 3 rounds in its magazine, with a reload time of 2 seconds. When zoomed in (RMB ), the rifle scans for fauna, with a greater detection range than Codex Scanners and Synthesis Scanners, and makes an audible beeping noise if any are close by, as well as highlighting the creature with a yellow pulse in time with the beeping, visible even through terrain obstacles.

Master Teasonai[edit | edit source]

The Business[edit | edit source]

Son[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Most creatures are found at their base level of 1 and their health is usually low enough to be killed in a single hit, and Master Teasonai, The Business, or Son will reprimand the player should they do so.
    • The Tranq Rifle deals 0 damage and any "bonus damage on next shot" effects (be it from Mods, Abilities, or  Volt's Passive) do not apply, preventing the rifle from harming the creature.
    • As soon as the player interacts with a tranquilized creature to capture it, it will become invulnerable to damage, preventing players or enemies from killing the animal by accident during the recovery.
  • When zoomed in with the Tranq Rifle and wildlife are within 180 meters, the scope will produce an audible beep and creatures that are in sight will flash yellow through terrain. Creatures in range but out of sight are identified with a paw icon and a direction marker.
  • If the player interacts with a starting point and leaves its general area for a period of time, the tracking will be canceled.
  • Horrasque's Toxic Scat is both scannable and destructible.
  • Upon capturing Kuakas, Condrocs, or Mergoos they may drop Energy Orbs.
  • Resource Boosters and some Retriever Mods affect the amount of animal tags collected from any capture.

Tips[edit | edit source]

  • Bringing a Beast companion equipped with  Resourceful Retriever or  Loyal Retriever, can increase tag gains.
  • To find a specific animal, use the appropriate Echo-Lure to highlight the specific trail nodes rather than the Tranq Rifle.
  • Grineer, Corpus, or Infested enemies should be cleared before calling the creature, as they may attack it and chase them off.
    • Grineer have significantly reduced spawns during nighttime in the Plains of Eidolon.
    • If attempting to acquire a "Weakened" Predasite or Vulpaphyla, lure Infested enemies before calling, then wait for them to attack the creature before capturing it.
  • Animals can be affected by immobilizing Warframe Abilities such as:
    •  Ivara's Sleep Arrow,  Equinox's Rest, or  Baruuk's  Lull, which will tranquilize them from a single use, even if the creature requires multiple Tranq Rifle darts to subdue.
      • Their area of effect nature also bypasses Bolarola's and Nexifera's armor, and affects underground Horrasques and creatures traveling in packs.
    •  Trinity's  Well of Life can suspend creatures harmlessly off the ground.
    •  Excalibur's  Radial Blind or  Excalibur Umbra's  Radial Howl can inflict a harmless stun.
    • Equinox's  Peaceful Provocation augment,  Nova's  Molecular Prime, or  Sevagoth's  Gloom can slow creatures down.
    •  Revenant's  Enthrall can also pacify creatures to not be scared away.
    • However, using Warframe Abilities on the creature will decrease the quality of capture.
      • This does not apply to Ivara's Sleep Arrow, Equinox's Rest, and Baruuk's Lull.
  •  Enemy Sense,  Vigilante Pursuit,  Enemy Radar, and Ivara's Passive work on conservation targets.
  • Ivara's  Navigator can pilot the Tranq Rifle projectile.
  • The Tranq Rifle's innate silence does not break Ivara's  Prowl.
  • The Tranq Rifle can be equipped while the Archwing is in use.
  • Helios and Helios Prime can auto-scan dung, calling points, and wildlife with  Investigator.
  • To spawn tier 1 variants, use the Echo-Lure only. To spawn tier 2 variants, use the Pheromone but be slightly inaccurate with your Echo-Lure callback. To spawn tier 3 variants, use a Pheromone and use your Echo-Lure as accurately as possible.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Conservation was introduced in Update 24 (2018-11-08) and was originally exclusive to Orb Vallis, only being added to the Plains of Eidolon in Update 24.6 (2019-04-04).
    • At first, the only creatures players could capture on the Vallis were Pobbers, Virmink, Bolarolas, and Kubrodons. Sawgaws, Horrasques, and Stovers were be added in Update 24.2 (2018-12-18). Even before the update, however, The Business would mention Sawgaws when the player was looking for Pobbers, and a male Dappled Horrasque can be seen sleeping in The Business's stall back in Fortuna.
    • Prior to Update 24.6 (2019-04-04), Kuakas and Condrocs could be encountered in the Plains, but players were limited to killing them for their drops or leaving them be.
  • Master Teasonai, The Business, and Son have different ideals toward conservation: Master Teasonai prefers to prioritize maintaining a balanced ecosystem, The Business wishes to preserve the wildlife at any cost, and Son wishes to acquire samples in order to understand Deimos for himself.
    • The Business's ideal is somewhat ironic, considering that he originally worked for the "strategic deletion of life".
  • The Ventkids have subdivisions named after the Pobbers and Kubrodons.
  • According to The Business's dialogue when a Red-Crested Virmink is successfully captured, the fauna on Venus, and presumably on other planets, was originally created/engineered by the Orokin using a device called Geneforge.
    • This suggestion emphasizes the superiority of Orokin technology in genetic engineering. As mentioned several times throughout the game, they can create obedient subjects like Dax Soldiers, or something more sinister, such as the Infestation.
    • The Grineer partially inherited this technology when they rebelled. It is mentioned that every Grineer is engineered to be violent and to unquestioningly obey the Grineer Queens.
  • The Cryptilex found on Deimos use the same Model as that of player-aligned Maggots spawned by  Nidus's Ravenous ability and the Helminth Charger Strain Set.
    • Similarly, Nexifara share the same model as the infested tendril growths spawned from the ground when using the same ability.
  • The Duviri wildlife's Krubies, Kexats, and Tamms are Duviri-style versions of Kubrows, Kavats, and Rams, named after the incorrect pronunciations that a young child would make when trying to say their names[3].

Bugs[edit | edit source]

  • Occasionally, the starting points would be spawned on shallow coolant flow, e.g. walkable canal near Harindi Crater. Footprints starting from this spot will be completely obscured by the coolant. The player must look at the minimap to see the quest area to guess the right direction and find visible footprints on dry land.
  • Very rarely, the starting points will appear to start a trail but will not yield a call point or footprints and will no longer be able to be interacted with.
  • Sometimes, when using a hotkey to holster the Tranq Rifle, Conservation Mode will not completely switch off. When this occurs, the player will be able to fire weapons normally but pressing number keys will bring up the wheel menu, such as when selecting Echo-Lures, preventing the use of Abilities. The Tranq Rifle must be equipped and holstered again for this to fix.
  • On a slope, footprints often become invisible when the player gets close.
  • Sawgaws may be hard to find, due to potentially spawning too far away and landing somewhere high that is not immediately visible. They might also clip through the environment when put to sleep, making them impossible to interact with until they wake up and fly away again, resulting in an eventual bad capture.
    • Sawgaws also appear to have a disjointed hitbox, causing many shots to go straight through.
  • Plains Kuakas may randomly die for no reason. Ashen Kuakas do not seem to have this issue. Attempting to pickpocket them with Prowl may also cause them to die.
  • Tranquilizing flying Mergoos or Condrocs sometimes cause them to get stuck in the air, without falling. However, they can still be captured if you use an Archwing to fly close by.
  • Attempting to use Sleep Arrows on Condrocs may cause severe bugs: they may fall through the ground until they 'wake up', covered in the sleep effect while fully awake but unable to be captured, or become invincible and be unable to be attacked or captured.
    • Using Prowl to attempt to pickpocket may instantly kill them.
  • Deimos is unique, because unlike Fortuna or Cetus, the enemies will often attack wildlife. Specifically Vulpaphyla and Predasites will frequently be downed by aggressive Infested. Currently, in The Vallis, and the Plains, all enemies except Drahk and Hyekka will ignore wildlife, even if the creatures have attacked them.

Media[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Hotfix 29.5.3 (2020-11-23) patch notes:
    • Increased chance of rarer Nexifera:
      • Common ~67%->56%
      • Uncommon ~23%->28%
      • Rare 10%->17%
  2. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1374096-rescue-an-animal-in-duviri/
  3. https://youtu.be/7BHNpf4gWAc?t=4756

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Hotfix 38.0.8 (2025-02-06)

  • Fixed script error when selecting Conservation consumable gear.

Hotfix 37.0.7 (2024-10-16)

  • Fixed context action on downed Conservation animals prompting a Melee Finisher instead of collection after using Ivara’s Sleep Arrow on them.
    • This also fixes being unable to collect Velocipods because you could get stuck riding it after using context action.

Hotfix 37.0.4 (2024-10-10)

  • Fixed the “2x” tag missing in the UI for Conservation Tags to indicate that Resourceful Retriever has successfully doubled these pickups.

Hotfix 37.0.2 (2024-10-03)

  • Fixed Resourceful Retriever not applying to Conservation-specific rewards (Conservation Tags, etc).
  • Fixed common Conservation targets having extremely high spawn rate when called with an Echolure.
    • In combination with the weighting towards rare targets when using pheromones, the uncommon variants were almost impossible to find as a result. Now, they should appear more frequently when using an Echolure! (Roaming landscape spawn rates were unaffected)

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

General UI Changes & Fixes
  • Fixed Conservation markers at times not showing the closest target after completing a Capture.
Feral/Wild Kubrow Fur Updates

In the Dante Unbound update we updated the fur on Companion Kubrows to give them a more realistic look and feel. To reiterate:

  • Improved lighting and shading response in different environments for better texture resolution.
  • Improved fur density so that it looks softer and fluffier.
  • Added depth to fur color and shading.

We have applied the same upgrades listed above to the following wild Kubrow-type/adjacent creatures:

  • Sentinel Stover
  • Vallis Kubrodon

Hotfix 35.5.3 (2024-04-04)

  • Fixed using Transference to return to Warframe while capturing a Conservation animal causing a loss of function and inability to complete the Conservation.

Hotfix 35.5.2 (2024-03-28)

  • Fixed the Tranq Rifle unintentionally killing Avichaea instead of tranquilizing them (RIP).

Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)

  • Fixed Velocipods trailing under the Deimos exocrine instead of hovering on top, making it hard to Tranq or mount them.

Hotfix 34.0.1 (2023-10-18)

  • Fixed Tranq Rifle being unequipped from Host after quick meleeing.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

Conservation Accessibility and QOL Improvements

Conservation has had a long storied history with quality of life and accessibility changes, but we can confidently say that this is the biggest batch of improvements yet! Because there’s so much to cover, we’ve broken it down per Conservation stage:

Icons on the map:

  • The animal's name now appears when hovering over the trail icons in the advanced map!
  • Holding your Tranq Rifle will now show the icons of the closest Trail Start Points in your minimap!
    • Only one icon will appear per animal, to help you better plan your route on foot.
  • Each animal trail icon now uses the animal's silhouette (instead of the generic pawprint) and is color-coded for quicker visual identification! The hue matches that of their Echo-Lure.
    • This slipped out a little earlier than planned with Echoes of Duviri (Update 33.6)!
  • Players can now select an Icon on the advanced map to spawn a special waypoint marker to the Trail Start Point. This marker will persist even after putting your Tranq rifle away!

Trail Start Points:

It all starts with scat! Unfortunately, many trail start points can blend into the landscape and otherwise be difficult to find. We’ve made the following changes with this in mind:

  • Trail Start Points will now be highlighted with a diamond marker with the Tranq Rifle equipped. Simply holding the Tranq Rifle will show these markers at 20m away, while aiming down the scope will reveal them from up to 50m away.
    • This diamond marker functionality already existed with Echo-Lures, but we are extending it to Tranq Rifles as well.
  • Trail Start Points will now glow similar to footprints when viewed through the Tranq Rifle scope.     

Follow Tracks:

  • Updated our footprint shader to improve animal footprint visibility and address issues of them disappearing below rocky terrain.
  • Once interacting with a Trail Start Point, a yellow area highlight will appear in your minimap over the last section of the tracks you found. Additionally, we have added diamond markers at key checkpoints in the footprint path that appear when looking down the Tranq Rifle scope.
    • If you happen to lose the trail or get turned around, these two mechanics should help you!    

Locate and Tranquilize:

  • Adjusted the audio and visual cues from the Tranq Rifle to play more or less frequently depending on how far away the animal is.
    • The more often they appear, the closer you are!
  • Ally Character Highlights will apply to Conservation targets as an extra way to distinguish them from the landscape, should you wish to use that system!
  • Added a flashing paw icon that points you in the direction of the animal when looking down the Tranquilizer scope.
    • With the successful use of the Echo-Lure, the replying animal call already comes from the direction that they spawn in. We’re adding this new visual clue for Conservationists in addition to the existing audio cue!
    • Note: This functionality also applies to free-roaming wildlife you find on the Landscape, no Echo-Lure required!
General Fixes:
  • Fixed Clients not receiving Conservation transmissions upon successful capture. Now, all Conservation transmissions are squad-wide!
  • Fixed Virminks losing their original body colors. Happy critter noises.

Update 33.6 (2023-07-27)

  • Updated the Conservation animal map icons to match their respective Echo Lure colors.

Hotfix 33.0.6 (2023-05-04)

  • Fixes towards a crash that could occur if you were pulled into the Undercroft while a member of your squad was doing Conservation efforts in Duviri.

Hotfix 33.0.5 (2023-05-03)

  • Fixed permanent screenshake and cleansing prompt when interacting with a Conservation animal while Transference Surge is active.
  • Fixed script error when cleansing animals in Duviri and leaving.
  • Fixed script error caused by petting the animals in Duviri after cleansing them.

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)


As you traverse through Duviri you may encounter creatures that have been doused in Void corruption and are easily agitated if you stray into their gaze. Koral, a citizen of Duviri who has a particular dedication to these creatures will let you know if there is one in need close by. You’ll be able to spot them from their distinct sentry-like gaze sweeping across the land, which will alert them to you if you stray too close to their inquisitive beams. They all have unique behavior while under the corruptive influence of the Void, tread carefully when attempting to cleanse these influenced beasts.

If they become alerted to your presence, they will attempt to flee if given enough time or if too much damage is accidentally dealt. You will need to rely on a mixture of stealth and cunning to subdue these creatures, saving them from the chaos of the void itself.

Approach the Void-riddled beast and get in close enough to rid it of corruption. If alerted, you will need to subdue the creature before you can cleanse the animal of the Void. Once cleansed, the purified beast will be calm enough for you to pet them. Once pet, these newly freed beasts will lead you to a Hidden Chest as a show of gratitude.

Conservation does require repeated button presses when subduing the creature. Note that there is an accessibility option for this input that will shift the required input from “Tap” to “Hold”. This option can be found under “Repeated Button Presses” within the Accessibility tab in the Options Menu.

You will also encounter these same animals that happen to be perfectly calm and domesticated while exploring Duviri. These beasts are not in need of saving and can simply be pet if you so choose! Fear not, unlike their Void addled brethren, these creatures cannot be harmed or agitated by any stray attacks.

There are three animals you may encounter in need of saving:

Krubies are fiercely loyal. They do not hesitate to risk their own safety for the good of their pack.

Tamms delight in soft grass, fresh water, and companionship. Fortune smiles upon the shepherd who provides such things for the gentle Tamm.

Kexats hunt Paragrimms and Rablits and love to be pampered.

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • Fixed completing multiple Conservation captures immediately one after another (ex: from a group of Pobbers) causing the animation for future captures and Archwing Blink to not play.
  • Fixed Necramechs floating in the Conservation capture screen when a player re-enters the Necracmech immediately after a successful capture.

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

  • Fixed Conservation animals (including natural spawns) being susceptible to damage after being tranquilized. This was fixed to prevent them from accidentally being killed after successfully tranquilizing.
  • Fixed all players in the Squad cutting to the fullscreen Conservation capture screen after a squadmate has successfully captured an animal. Now, once a squadmate makes a successful capture, only they will see the screen, while the others will just get the reward popup as intended.
  • Fixed some of Sons dialogue not playing when capturing a weakened Predasite/Vulpaphyla in the Cambion Drift.

Hotfix 32.0.9 (2022-10-05)

  • Made slight tweaks to the Conservation Lure call and Vasca Kavat escape sound FX.

Hotfix 32.0.3 (2022-09-14)

  • Fixed Tranq Gun randomly running out of ammo and force swapping to your Secondary weapon.

Hotfix 31.6.4 (2022-07-14)

  • Fixed script error when capturing Conservation animals.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Made adjustments to the proximity volume for Conservation targets.
  • Fixed script error resulting in a crash after tranquilizing a conservation target multiple times.

Update 31.1 (2022-02-09)

  • In addition to the already existing Conservation method of Trail & Tranq, all species of animal on Orb Vallis can now be found ambiently in the wild! (Bolarola, Sawgaw, Kubrodon, Horrasque, Stover, Pobber, Vermink). Due to the endangered nature of the species, the rarest subspecies will still need to be tracked down by following their trails.
  • Improved how Pobbers and Kuakas handle sloped terrain.
  • Fixed Cambion Drift animals showing an empty gender stat in the Capture UI. The Infested animals do not have gender variants.
  • Improved how Pobbers and Kuakas handle sloped terrain.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)

  • Fixed Garuda’s Blood Altar affecting Conservation targets.

Hotfix 30.7.4 (2021-09-14)

  • Fixed Conservation animals becoming stuck levitating instead of being taken away if another player joined-in-progress.

Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)

  • Fixed incorrect animal subspecies appearing in Cambion Drift if you used a Pheromone.

Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)

  • Fixed choosing Conservation Lure type while using Archwing not filtering the animal tracking locations on the map.

Hotfix 29.10.7 (2021-03-26)

  • Fixed Kubrodon Echo Lures and Pheromone Synthesizer not appearing in Conservation wheel on Orb Vallis.

Hotfix 29.10.1 (2021-03-19)

  • Fixed idling Condrocs in Cetus having see-through wings.

Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)

  • When animals ambiently spawn nearby (outside of active Trail encounters) you'll now hear an audio call cue coming from where they spawn, similar to the call you hear when using a Lure. This will help you to roughly know the "when, what, and which direction" when they appear as you wander around the Cambion Drift or Plains of Eidolon.
  • Reduced the minimum range ambient encounters can occur to 25-35 meters from 50 meters to allow animals to spawn closer to your location.
  • Added new ambient Mergoo encounters to the Plains of Eidolon! You can now find them out in the wild flying around or perched on the ground.
  • Added two idle animations for the Mergoo when Captured.
  • Fixed Companions targeting Condrocs, Kuakas & Mergoo in the Plains of Eidolon, thus eliminating any chances for Conservation.
  • Lures and Pheromones now have consistent placement in the Conservation Gear wheel and are both ordered according to the related Conservation animal. Additionally, if you do not own a Pheromone, it will still appear in the wheel but will simply not be usable.
  • Son will now properly chastise you for killing Velocipods like he already does with all the other animals.

Hotfix 29.6.6 (2021-01-12)

  • Fixed Pheromone Synthesizers being subtracted from your Inventory each time you equipped a Cutter/Drill or Fishing Spear.

Update 29.6 (2020-12-18)

  • Fixed Conservation Tag rewards not showing the count when there's more than one Tag given.

Hotfix 29.5.3 (2020-11-23)

  • Increased chance of rarer Nexifera:
    • Common ~67%->56%
    • Uncommon ~23%->28%
    • Rare 10%->17%
      • Only one Nexifera spawns at a time, and because they don't have Vome/Fass restrictions like some of the other animal variants this effectively diluted the table if you were hunting for a specific one. This will provide a bit more variety!
  • A Son Transmission will now play when you fail to mimic an animal with your Echo Lure.

Hotfix 29.5.2 (2020-11-20)

  • A waypoint has been added to Tranq’d animals!
  • Improved the quality and quantity of Nexifera spawns in caves.
  • Improved the ambient spawn behaviours of Avichea.
  • Fixed mission conservation transmissions from Son.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Son’s Conservation tasks have been made more rewarding and accessible! There are two main factors to this change:
    • Higher quality Conservation captures will now provide better rewards, as they do in our other Free Roam landscapes. Scoring a “Good” capture will now provide 2 animal capture Tags instead of 1, and “Perfect” captures will award 3 Tags!
    • Son’s Token exchange has been reorganized, based on player inventory statistics. Smaller offerings will require more commonly found creatures, and larger offerings with more Tokens will require creatures that are harder to come by.

Undazoa and Nexifera now prowl across Deimos. Help Son study these new species of Infested wildlife!


These peculiar creatures inhabit the exocrine, consuming contaminants and depositing their eggs. They will not instigate an attack, but if you provoke an Undazoa, be wary of each variant’s unique defense.

*Acquire the Undazoa Echo-Lure and Pheromone Gland from Son’s Offerings!


These heavy creatures occupy caves, poised to drop from the ceiling onto unassuming victims. Each variant’s landing has a unique effect. Be quick if you hope to catch a Nexifera before it ascends! They will burrow into the ceiling to make a quick escape.

*Similar to Velocipods, the Nexifera is an ambient encounter creature you can find out in the Cambion Drift.

  • Improvements to trails to address some of the more drastic upwards jumps required to follow the path.
  • Made a bunch of updates to Lure sounds and mix effects. Added more variations to scat burst sound (yum). Also made adjustments to transmission timing.
  • Increased number of Avichea spawned at Call Points from 1 to 2-4 and improved spawn position.
  • Increased the number of Cryptilex spawned at Call Points from 1 to 2-4.
  • Expanded number of available call points in the Magna, Infested Seraglio, Undulatum, and Albrechts Prospect areas.
  • Added height arrow indicators to Conservation markers.
    • This reduces the number of call points that end up in caves. For the ones that do spawn in caves, the height arrow indicator should relieve that confusion.
  • Added debuffs to Deimos animals when they’re Wounded by Infested and reduced max Health on wild Predasites and Vulpaphylas so you’re not waiting around for Infested to wound the animals.
  • Added Vome/Fass cycle information to Deimos Conservation creatures in the Codex!
  • Fixed cases of issues with Avichea circling movement used when found ambiently and when they arrived at Call Points that would cause them to float way up into the sky.
  • Fixed Cryptilexes missing their Conservation drone pickup animation, which created an animation pop after capturing.
  • Fixed Conservation start points not regenerating on Deimos which would prevent certain encounters from spawning.
  • Fixed some Conservation call points spawning under the Endocrine.
  • Fixed Son transmissions playing over top of Conservation animal sounds when using the Echo Lure.

CONSERVATION FEEDBACK THREAD: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1236093-deimos-arcana-conservation-changes-megathread/

  • Fixed some depth issues with feathers on the Plains of Eidolon Condrocs.

Update 29.1 (2020-09-17)

  • An accumulation of Community and Developer feedback have brought forth a handful of Avichea changes and fixes:
    • Avicheas now correctly fly in circles around the spawn call area once they reach it instead of hovering directly above it, sometimes widely out of range.
      • This brings Avicheas in line with other flying animals like the Sawgaw, where they fly closer to the call point and land near it.
    • Diversified ambient Avichea encounters so that they can either be encountered flying around an area or low down perched on the ground.
      • Previously ambient Avicheas were only found flying high in the sky, which could easily be missed to the busy eyes.
    • Increased the spawn chances of ambient Avichea encounters.
    • Improvements towards Avichea animations.
      • This also fixes cases of ambiently spawned Avichea’s 'slowly ascending to the heavens'.
    • Fixed Avicheas (and Mergoos) not flying away when gunfire is nearby.
      • Birds do as birds do - Warframe ain’t no different! Being stealthy is key for catching these animals.
  • Fixed some Conservation trail start points appearing under the endocrine goo in the Cambion Drift.
  • Fixed inability to move, shoot, switch weapons or use Warframe abilities after hitting a dissolving corpse with the Infested Ebisu or Spari Spear whilst fishing.

Please note that the Conservation team has more planned in terms of quality changes and fixes - stay tuned!

Hotfix 29.0.7 (2020-09-03)

  • A marker will now appear when spotting Conservation scat through the Trang rifle scope or if a Lure is equipped.

Hotfix 29.0.6 (2020-09-01)

  • Conservation Animal Tags and Wounded Animal Tags will now appear in the UI popup banner (similar to Argon Crystal) upon collecting an Animal.
  • Fixed Pets/Sentinels always targeting Cryptilex.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur if a wild Medjay Predasite was charging towards you while using Paralytic Spores and died, which could cause other enemies to not be vulnerable to finishers.

Hotfix 29.0.4 (2020-08-27)

  • Fixed some Conservation Lures failing to find a path and possibly creating script errors once activated.
  • Fixed script error when a Conservation fails.
  • Fixed a crash caused by fishing and catching a fish at the same time a squad member captures an animal.

Hotfix 29.0.2 (2020-08-26)

  • The Conservation Entrati member now sells a Tranq Rifle for those who have not yet acquired one from Fortuna.
  • Fixed a rampant script error that prevented Conservation from triggering in certain spots in Cambion Drift.
  • More fixes towards missing Conservation Transmissions.

Hotfix 29.0.1 (2020-08-25)

  • Fixed some missing Conservation Transmissions.

Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)


Scattered around the Cambion Drift are new passive creatures known as Velocipods. While they are flighty, if you manage to catch one and mount it you can pilot one like a temporary, organic K-Drive! You will be able to shoot from the back of a Velocipod, just like any other K-Drive! You can also choose to Conserve these creatures with the Tranq Rifle you acquired on your journey through Fortuna!


These Solitary predators return to the same partners each mating season, meeting up in the Swamp. Other times of the year, they disperse across the Cambion Drift. There are three subspecies of Predasites you can encounter in the wild. These subspecies, when captured, can be “Revivificated” into companions at the Conservation Vendor in the Necralisk. Learn more about Predasite companion creation in the “New Infested Companions” section below.


These scavengers roam in small packs, picking at the remains that larger predators have left behind. There are three subspecies of Vulpaphyla you can encounter in the wild. These subspecies, when captured, can be “Revivificated” into companions at the Conservation Vendor in the Necralisk. Learn more about Vulpaphyla companion creation in the “New Infested Companions” section below.


This winged Cambion Drift creature can be found clinging to the walls in groups, or seen flying overhead. A patient approach is best, as they are quick to flee if startled. There are three subspecies of Avichaea you can encounter in the wild.


These burrowing critters can occasionally be found near the Infested plants that grow from the fleshy landscape of the Cambion Drift. There are three subspecies of Cryptilex you can encounter in the wild.

*Each of these species have unique variants - find them all!

  • Fixed losing the ability to jump after equipping the Tranq Rifle while in Archwing.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur if you were downed while doing Conservation.

Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)

  • Added Conservation Glyphs to The Business and Master Teasonai’s Offerings. Visit Fortuna and Cetus to claim yours!
    • Sapcaddy Glyph
    • Delicate Pobber Glyph
    • Common Condroc Glyph

Hotfix 27.5.6 (2020-05-26)

  • Moved some Sawgaw Conservation start points to not start in a cave.
  • Potential fix for a crash when loading into the Orb Vallis as a Client if a Conservation was started by another player.
  • Fixed Conservation waypoints marked at the entrance of a cave even though the start points themselves were outside the cave.

Hotfix 27.5.5 (2020-05-21)

  • Fixed a script error during a Conservation encounter in the Plains of Eidolon.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • Fixed inability to fly up/down in Archwing if the Tranq Rifle or Lure is equipped.
  • Fixed being unable to use Transference to Operator while Tranq Rifle is equipped.

Hotfix 27.2.1 (2020-03-05)

  • Fixed Vasca Kavat Lure meter not moving smoothly.

Hotfix 27.0.12 (2020-01-23)

  • Increased the scan projector FX when Conserving on the Orb Vallis to address colorblind difficulty.

Hotfix 25.7.2 (2019-08-30)

  • Fixed broken animal Conservation notes in Orb Vallis.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

Update 25.5 (2019-07-31)

  • You can now Transfer to the Operator while Conservation.
  • Fixed missing prompt when equipping an Echo-Lure that ‘This item will be automatically available from the Gear Menu while using the Tranq Rifle’.

Hotfix 24.6.2 (2019-04-05)

  • Fixed the sleep abilities of Ivara, Baruuk, and Equinox not giving you the option to capture animals in Plains of Eidolon.

Update 24.6 (2019-04-04)

Plains Conservation

You can now track and tranq animals in the Plains! Master Teasonai will be your source for Echo-Lures and Rarity Boosters as you track down, capture and get these animals to safety. Echo-Lures are not required as these animals continually roam the Plains, but calling them will bring them running (or flying!). A new Conservation Badge and Floofs from Master Teasonai await your efforts.


An avian of ridiculous appearance found along coastal regions and by large bodies of water. Mergoo circle and squawk at the sight of marine predators. Many an Ostron fisher owes their life to these odd little birds. Killing one is considered very bad luck.

Update 24.4 (2019-03-08)

Conservation Changes
  • Lowered the Standing cost of the Tulok and Param Fishing Spears to 500 and made them available at Rank 0.
  • Re-enabled ability to equip multiple Echo-Lures to the Gear Wheel. This allows for quicker access to desired Echo-Lure when in that heated Conservation moment!

Hotfix 24.2.13 (2019-02-06)

  • Increased the Conservation Tranq Rifle clip size from 1 to 3 tranqs!

Hotfix 24.2.9 (2019-01-18)

  • Fixed the Enemy Radar Mod not showing Pobbers, Bolarolas, and Sawgaws on the minimap.

Hotfix 24.2.8 (2019-01-15)

  • Fixed animal Tags used in Conservation having a file path instead of their proper description.

Hotfix 24.2.7 (2018-01-09)

  • The Tranq Rifle is now ‘Silent’! This should ensure you are not startling animals if you miss - it's only on hit they'll react.
  • Fixed missing unique animal capture notes for the Vallis Sawgaw, Stover and Horrasque.
  • Fixed equipping a Bait item to an occupied Gear Spiral Slot resulting in the Slot being cleared.

Hotfix 24.2.5 (2018-12-20)

  • Ivara’s Sleep Arrow now grants a ‘Perfect Capture’ if the shot is a direct hit. The farther off your shot the more distressed the animal gets.
  • Animals will be less stressed the closer you are to them when casting Baruuk’s Lull ability.
  • Reduced the Pheromone Synthesizer Standing Cost from 1000 Standing to 100 - 500 Standing depending on the animal.

Hotfix 24.2.3 (2018-12-19)

  • Fixed inability to bring more than 1 Pheromone Synthesizers. You can now bring up to 100!

Hotfix 24.2.2 (2018-12-18)

  • When completing a successful animal Conservation using a Warframe ability, it will yield a ‘Good Capture’, as opposed to sometimes yielding a ‘Perfect Capture’. A successful animal Conservation using the tried-and-true Tranq/Echo-Lure technique was always intended to yield a higher gratitude.

Update 24.2 (2018-12-18)
Three ancient animals have returned to the Vallis, and we need your help to save them. Purchase their new Echo-Lures from The Business, track them down and whisk them away — before the Corpus get to them first.

This crimson-faced bird of prey circles and stalks the cliffs and fungal groves of Venus, searching for rodent prey.

This hideous creature is terrible to behold but will not attack unless provoked. When it does, its roar will shake the bowels of even the most steadfast tracker.

The Stover is a kind of proto-Kubrow that resurrected when Venus thawed. When grouped in a pack, Stovers are relentless opponents.

Conservation Additions, Changes & Fixes:

  • Animal Pheromone Synthesizer items have been added to The Business’ Offerings! When deployed before using an Echo-Lure, these increase the chance of attracting a Rare variant of the respective animal.
  • Increased range of Tranq Rifle pulsing sound from 100m to 180m.
  • Fixed the UI breaking and Echo-Lure/Tranq/Mining Lasers not functioning after dismounting a K-Drive.
  • Fixed having no weapon when getting downed while the Echo-Lure or Tranq is equipped.
  • Fixed Tranqing an animal during its despawn animation would cause instant disappearance.
  • Fixed Echo-Lure’s not changing pitch for Clients.
  • Fixed a case of the Echo-Lure UI indicator not matching true pitch of the animal call.
  • Fixed Conservation UI (and other custom scopes) being disabled when dismounting a K-Drive.
  • Fixed potential cases of the Conservation start point or the call point spawning too far into the edge of the map, making it unreachable.

Hotfix 24.1.2 (2018-11-29)

  • The Conservation gear when tracking animals now functions similar to the Fishing gear, where tapping the bound key will auto-equip the respective item, instead of having to hold the key and re-select the item.
  • Fixed continued issues with hunting footsteps not being visible. This includes a key issue with AMD graphics cards as well as general visibility.
  • Echo-Lures no longer need to be equipped in your Gear Spiral, they are auto-equipped in the Conservation gear when a Tranq is equipped.
  • Increased the fire rate of the Tranq Rifle so that it enters the reload state faster.
  • Fixed animals sometimes spawning in range and instantly running away.
  • Fixed animals vanishing too quickly instead of being ‘taken away’ after being captured in Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed not seeing the correct UI text when the Conservation gear is active when using a controller with the default ‘classic controls’.
  • Fixed the controller binding to switch between options in the Conservation gear not functioning.
  • We now show the 'Infinity' symbol for Conservation gear, indicating the fact that it is not consumed on use.
  • Fixed various poop decals not being correctly hooked up.

Hotfix 24.1.1 (2018-11-23)

  • Removed The Business’ unnecessary VO of "You need to practice the Echo-Lure more" when the animal escapes.
  • Fixes towards potential cases where animal tracks don't appear.
  • More fixes towards an animal appearing to be left behind when two players attempt to collect it at the same time.
  • Fixed animals potentially spawning way too far away from the call point.
  • Fixed Kubrow and Kavat Companions sometimes attacking/using abilities on animals.
  • Fixed some Orb Vallis fungus covering up animal tracks.

Hotfix 24.0.9 (2018-11-21)

  • Conservation UI now scales correctly and matches Fishing UI.
  • Fixed a case where the animal capture screen might not open for Clients and the animal doesn't get whisked away.
  • Fixed ability to Tranq an already-captured animal resulting in obtaining numerous Tags.
  • Fixed Clients sometimes not getting the HUD to show up after starting an animal tracking trail.
  • Fixed incorrect icon displaying in the Conservation HUD when you select a Lure from the main wheel.
  • Fixed 2 players capturing an animal at the same time resulting in one animal being left behind.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur when capturing an animal.

Hotfix 24.0.7 (2018-11-15)

  • Animals that wake up from their invulnerable sleep due to certain Warframe Abilities will become vulnerable once again. Timing and speed is your best bet for that Perfect Capture!
  • Fixed a captured animals age sometimes showing as ‘4 years 12 months’.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur when capturing an animal in Orb Vallis.

Hotfix 24.0.4 (2018-11-12)

  • Resource Boosters now apply to Tags procured from capturing animals in Orb Vallis! May your Floof stockpiles grow!
  • Improved animal spawning give players more time to ‘get down wind’, instead of animals spawning almost instantly right beside you and getting spooked.
  • Increased reliable and size of the Bolarola hitboxes.
  • Removed 'next shot damage bonus' from Mods or other sources being applied to the Tranq Rifle. This also prevents Volt’s Passive from unintentionally killing animals.
  • Removed Warframe Ability immunity on animals so that they can be put into a peaceful slumber by special Abilities like Ivara’s Sleep Arrow, and Equinox’s Rest.
  • Fixed Conservation HUD (top center 'diamond' HUD when tracking) not using HUD scale.
  • Fixed a script error on the animal capture screen if multiple animals were captured in quick succession.

Hotfix 24.0.3 (2018-11-10)

  • Fixed single lures being applied to multiple conservation trails in some cases.

Hotfix 24.0.2 (2018-11-09)

  • Tweaked the animal capture logic to allow for better Perfect/Good captures. Bad/Good/Perfect Captures are stressed based, which rises when the animal comes in contact with a player. A quick tranq of a non-startled animal would yield you a ‘Perfect Capture’ - so get down wind and don’t miss!
  • Animals that have been Tranq’d are now invulnerable to avoid teammates/enemies killing them by accident (or on purpose).
  • Increased the animal tracking footprint pulse brightness to improve visibility.
  • Fixed the animal trail pulse FX not being visible for Clients.
  • Fixed a case where a Virmink trail would spawn Pobbers in the mountains.
  • Fixed multiple Pulse sounds in a row for multiple animal encounters.
  • More fixes towards Lure's not working when Master Volume is muted in Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed a Darvo transmission perpetually playing in Fortuna if you captured an animal in Orb Vallis.

Update 24.0 (2018-11-08)

  • Introduced.

Last updated: Hotfix 24.2.13 (2019-02-06)