A Login Reward is a randomly selected item given to a player once a day for logging in. If a player is eligible, they will receive a login reward window when they log in, which will roll for a few seconds before stopping on a random item. The reward is available once a day, where the "day" resets at Greenwich Mean Time's midnight.
Random Selection
The rewards that a player may receive are based upon the number of consecutive days on which a player has logged in at least once. Three tiers for these rewards exist: common rewards for players having logged in for 0 to 2 consecutive days, common to uncommon rewards for 3 to 6 days, and common to rare rewards for 7 or more days. The counter does not reset after day 7. A single day spent offline will reset the counter to 1 day.
Rewards are weighted, meaning that certain rewards will appear far more rarely than others (anything that cannot be obtained in-game without the use of platinum tends to be rarer, such as Orokin Reactors).
Credits{"Type":"Currency","Description":"Warframe's standard currency. Obtain Blueprints, Equipment, and other Credit items from the Market.\r\n\r\nEarn Credits by playing Warframe.","Link":"Credits","SellPrice":"1","Image":"Credits.png","Name":"Credits","Introduced":"Vanilla","InternalName":"","Tradable":false} • Orokin Ducats{"Image":"OrokinDucats.png","Description":"Currency exchanged for Prime components and used to purchase items from the Void Trader.","Introduced":"15.6","Link":"Orokin Ducats","Name":"Orokin Ducats","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/PrimeBucks","Type":"Currency"} • Endo{"Link":"Endo","Type":"Currency","Description":"Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.","Introduced":"The Silver Grove","Tradable":false,"Name":"Endo","InternalName":"","Image":"Endo.png"} • Platinum{"Link":"Platinum","Type":"Currency","Description":"Warframe's premium currency.\r\nGain instant access to Warframes, Weapons, Cosmetics & more.\r\n\r\nSelect to open the Platinum store.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Tradable":true,"Name":"Platinum","InternalName":"PlatinumCredits","Image":"PlatinumLarge.png"} • Aya{"Introduced":"30.9.4","Type":"Currency","Description":"Raw Orokin memory plasma. Varzia's Foundry can consume Aya to create Void Relics.","Amount":["1","1"],"Name":"Aya","Link":"Aya","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/SchismKey","Image":"Aya.png"} • Regal Aya{"Image":"RegalAya.png","Description":"Premium quality Aya, available from the Market. Varzia uses Regal Aya to reconstruct Prime Warframes and equipment. ","Introduced":"30.9.4","Link":"Regal Aya","Name":"Regal Aya","InternalName":"PrimeToken","Type":"Currency"} • Standing{"Link":"Standing","Type":"Currency","Description":"","Introduced":"15","Tradable":false,"Name":"Standing","InternalName":"","Image":"ReputationLarge.png"}
Corpus{"Image":"IconCorpusOn.png","Description":"The Corpus embody the cold vacuum of space - heartless and bent on taking anything left unprotected. Driven by profits, the Corpus Board’s small numbers are supplemented by their legion of robot proxies, optimized for quick and efficient destruction.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Corpus","Name":"Corpus"} • Grineer{"Image":"IconGrineerOn.png","Description":"They say there is power in numbers - the Grineer are living proof. Wretched from centuries of cloning that has left their genetics in decay, this horde expands their vile empire through brute force, conquering anyone who tries to stop them.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Grineer","Name":"Grineer"} • Infested{"Image":"Infestation_w.svg","Description":"The Infestation is more than a disease - it is a horror of twisted flesh, monsters made into reality. The blight consumes its victims, transforming them into unrecognizable atrocities controlled by rabid impulse.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Infested","Name":"Infested"} • Orokin{"Image":"IconOrokinOn.png","Description":"The highly revered Orokin civilization built sovereignty on a culture of art, technology and architecture. To prove oneself worthy of elevated social status, one must face Orokin trials in the golden and majestic Halls of Ascension. At one time a utopian society of omniscient leadership, the great Orokin Era ended in a divine realization of their own ignorance.","Introduced":"8","Link":"Orokin","Name":"Orokin"} • Sentient{"Image":"SentientFactionIcon.png","Description":"Whispers from the Old War have begun to escape the deepest shadows. What terrible secret calls out to be discovered?","Introduced":"17","Link":"Sentient","Name":"Sentient"} • Narmer{"Image":"IconNarmer.png","Description":"A nightmare is over. Finally we see clearly. Finally we speak freely. Savor the taste of liberty, my friends. Don't ever relax your vigilance. All as one. Future generations won't remember the Tenno oppression, but we do. We bear the scars, we mourn the dead, and we must never allow ourselves to forget. All as one.","Introduced":"31","Link":"Narmer","Name":"Narmer"} • The Murmur{"Image":"MurmurIcon.png","Description":"Known by many names, The Murmur are the hands, feet, and eyes of The Indifference. They are attempting to break through Albrecht’s Laboratories into the Origin System - something Tenno will need to stop at all costs.","Introduced":"35","Link":"The Murmur","Name":"The Murmur"} • Scaldra{"Image":"ScaldraIcon.png","Description":"Ruthless aggression was Höllvania's answer to the Techrot. Wielding highly corrosive Efervon, Scaldra soldiers now patrol the streets to purge any Infestation. With martial law now declared, the Scaldra have total control. Led by Major Neci Rusalka, her command brings the entire military might of Höllvania to bear against you.","Introduced":"38","Link":"Scaldra","Name":"Scaldra"} • Techrot{"Image":"TechrotIcon.png","Description":"Left to fester in Höllvania's underground, the rapidly mutating Infested has created all new threat varieties capable of wreaking havoc on the unprepared.","Introduced":"38","Link":"Techrot","Name":"Techrot"} • Duviri{"Image":"DuviriIcon.png","Description":"","Introduced":"33","Link":"Duviri","Name":"Duviri"} • Wild{"Introduced":"9.5","Image":"IconWild.png","Name":"Wild","Link":"Wild"} • Tenno{"Image":"TennoIcon.png","Description":"They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Tenno","Name":"Tenno"}
Critical Hit{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"CriticalDamageBuff.png","Description":"Critical Hit Damage is multiplied by this value. The added Damage is doubled for orange Critical Hits, and tripled for red.","Link":"Critical Hit"} • Damage{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"DamageBuff.png","Description":"Damage dealt to a certain target. Damage results are modified by several mechanics – damage type modifiers, armor, critical hit bonuses, stealth bonuses, Warframe ability debuffs, body part modifiers, faction modifiers, and other sources of damage reduction.","Link":"Damage"} • Damage Redirection • Damage Reduction{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"DamageReductionBuff.png","Description":"When a player or enemy deals damage to their targets' health or shields, that damage may be mitigated by sources of damage reduction. In other words, players may deal less damage than the listed Arsenal value due to armor; damage type modifiers from different health, armor, and shield classes; and/or other sources of damage reduction.","Link":"Damage Reduction"} • Damage Reflection • Damage Type Modifier • Damage Vulnerability • Health{"CssClasses":"","Image":"HealOrb.png","Description":"Total amount of Damage a Warframe can take before going into Bleedout.","Link":"Health"} • Self-Damage • Status Effect
Attributes (Armor{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"ArmorBuff.png","Description":"Reduces damage to Health by <AMOUNT>%. Shields are not affected by armor.","Link":"Armor"}, Energy{"CssClasses":"","Image":"EnergyOrb.png","Description":"Used to cast Abilities and can be replenished during missions.","Link":"Energy Capacity"}, Health{"CssClasses":"","Image":"HealOrb.png","Description":"Total amount of Damage a Warframe can take before going into Bleedout.","Link":"Health"}, Shield{"CssClasses":"","Image":"IconShield.png","Description":"Shields reduce Damage by 50% for all Damage Types except {{D|Toxin}}, which bypasses shields.","Link":"Shield"}, Sprint Speed) • Abilities (Augment, Casting Speed, Helminth System, Passives, Duration{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"AbilityDurationBuff.png","Description":"Modifies the Duration of Warframe Abilities and the Energy cost of toggled Abilities. Hover over each Ability to see how its stats are affected.","Link":"Ability Duration"}, Efficiency{"CssClasses":"","Image":"EnergyOrb.png","Description":"Modifies the Energy cost of Warframe abilities. The minimum Energy cost is 1/4 of the Base value.","Link":"Ability Efficiency"}, Range{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"AbilityRangeBuff.png","Description":"Modifies the Range of Warframe Abilities. Hover over each Ability to see how its stats are affected.","Link":"Ability Range"}, Strength{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"AbilityStrengthBuff.png","Description":"Modifies the Strength of Warframe Abilities. Hover over each Ability to see how its stats are affected.","Link":"Ability Strength"})
Amp • Focus (Madurai{"SealImage":"SealMaduraiCloud_b.png","Image":"FocusLensMadurai_b.png","Description":"They followed the path of Engage The Enemy. Their swift, uncompromising onslaught, holding nothing back and recklessly attacking their foes, could vanquish an opponent before he had the chance to steel himself. Speed and savagery characterized this school.","Link":"Focus/Madurai","InternalName":"/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/Attack/AttackFocusAbility","Name":"Madurai"}, Vazarin{"SealImage":"SealVazarinWave_b.png","Image":"FocusLensVazarin_b.png","Description":"They trained to Counter the Enemy, and move with an opponent's attacks in order to nullify them. They maintained constant awareness in order to defend against all aggression.","Link":"Focus/Vazarin","InternalName":"/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/Defense/DefenseFocusAbility","Name":"Vazarin"}, Naramon{"SealImage":"SealNaramonTree_b.png","Image":"FocusLensNaramon_b.png","Description":"This discipline focused on Knowing the Enemy, and the tacticians of Naramon believed that to truly understand a foe would confer the greatest advantage upon a warrior.","Link":"Focus/Naramon","InternalName":"/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/Tactic/TacticFocusAbility","Name":"Naramon"}, Unairu{"SealImage":"SealUnairuMountain_b.png","Image":"FocusLensUnairu_b.png","Description":"They pushed themselves to Outlast the Enemy, to withstand all aggression without retreat. They believed that if the enemy could not match their endurance, then a battle could be won without having even commenced.","Link":"Focus/Unairu","InternalName":"/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/Ward/WardFocusAbility","Name":"Unairu"}, Zenurik{"SealImage":"SealZenurikCrystal_b.png","Image":"FocusLensZenurik_b.png","Description":"They believed the clearest path to victory was to Dominate the Enemy. They sought to choke an opponent of all resources; that sheer strength could erase any resistance.","Link":"Focus/Zenurik","InternalName":"/Lotus/Upgrades/Focus/Power/PowerFocusAbility","Name":"Zenurik"}) • Lens