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Conclave:Gorgon Wraith

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Gorgon Wraith
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 38d3
(parts and/or blueprint only)
General Information
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 8d69
××××× (0.00x)
10 rounds
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 3c47
Normal Attack
( 85%)
( 10%)
( 5%)
24.84 (85.00%  Impact)
13.30 attacks/sec
Headshot Multiplier
Projectile Type
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX fed4
Update 12.4 (2014-03-05)
 Gorgon Wraith
 Prisma Gorgon
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 6f98
Vendor Sources
    Expand/Collapse Gorgon Wraith Categories
    The Gorgon Wraith is a powerful variant of its precursor that features unique styling.

    The Gorgon Wraith is the Wraith variant of the  Gorgon, featuring a slight increase in damage, accuracy, fire rate, and magazine size, but sacrifices  Puncture and  Slash damage.

    This weapon can be sold for  7,500.

    Manufacturing Requirements
    📝 Edit blueprint requirements




    Time: 12 Hour(s)
    Rush: 50
     Market Price: N/A  Blueprints Price:N/A

    Acquisition[edit | edit source]

    This weapon was first introduced from the Tethra's Doom event, awarded for scoring 500+ points in a hijack mission, complete with a free weapon slot and a pre-installed Orokin Catalyst.

    The Gorgon Wraith was awarded again from an alert in the Infested Nightmares Bonus Weekend, once again with a free weapon slot, but did not come with a pre-installed Orokin Catalyst.

    On May 9, 2017, Hotfix 20.4.4 (2017-05-08) and Hotfix 20.4.5 (2017-05-09), a bug allowed Gorgon Wraith parts to drop from Jackal. This was a very short-lived bug, but dissemination of information on the forum allowed many users to learn of and exploit this bug before DE quickly corrected it. The parts and weapon were not removed from users' inventories.

    The blueprint and parts are now obtainable from the Razorback Invasion via Assassination. All the components can be traded, although players must have a Mastery Rank of at least 7 to acquire the blueprint.

    Characteristics[edit | edit source]

    This weapon deals primarily  Impact damage.


    • Good base damage.
      • High  Impact damage – effective against shields.
    • High sustainable fire rate.
    • Large magazine size.
    • Can use the Gorgon-exclusive mod  Gorgon Frenzy.


    • Low  Puncture and  Slash damage – less effective against health.
    • Has a short wind-up time of 10 rounds to reach optimal firing rate.
    • Inefficient beyond medium range.
    • Inefficient ammo economy.
    • Very slow reload speed.


    •  Gorgon Wraith (Normal Attack), compared to  Gorgon (Normal Attack):
      • Lower base damage per projectile (24.84 vs. 30.50)
        • Lower  Impact damage ( 21.114 vs. 22.875)
        • Lower  Puncture damage ( 2.484 vs. 4.575)
        • Lower  Slash damage ( 1.242 vs. 3.05)
      • Lower total damage (24.84 vs. 30.5)
      • Lower average damage per tap (24.84 vs. 30.5)
      • Lower burst DPS (330.37 vs. 381.25)
      • Lower sustained DPS (198.42 vs. 203.33)
      • Higher fire rate (13.30 attacks/sec vs. 12.50 attacks/sec)
      • Faster reload time (3.00 s vs. 4.20 s)
      • Faster spool-up (10 rounds vs. 15 rounds)
      • More accurate (16.7 vs. 12.5)
      • Higher Mastery Rank required (7 vs. 3)
    •  Gorgon Wraith (Normal Attack), compared to  Prisma Gorgon (Normal Attack):
      • Higher base damage per projectile (24.84 vs. 23.00)
        • Higher  Impact damage ( 21.114 vs. 17.25)
        • Lower  Puncture damage ( 2.484 vs. 3.45)
        • Lower  Slash damage ( 1.242 vs. 2.3)
      • Higher total damage (24.84 vs. 23)
      • Higher average damage per tap (24.84 vs. 23)
      • Higher burst DPS (330.37 vs. 325.91)
      • Lower sustained DPS (198.42 vs. 212.82)
      • Lower fire rate (13.30 attacks/sec vs. 14.17 attacks/sec)
      • Smaller magazine (60 vs. 80)
      • Less shots per magazine (60 vs. 80)
      • Smaller max ammo capacity (180 vs. 240)
      • Faster spool-up (10 rounds vs. 12 rounds)
      • Less accurate (16.7 vs. 20)
      • Lower Mastery Rank required (7 vs. 11)

    Tips[edit | edit source]

    • After the spool-up time, it is possible to use the Gorgon in quick short bursts, allowing you to keep up the high rate of fire, but with less recoil and less bullets wasted, making the Gorgon usable at medium to long ranges.
    • You can retain the "charge" of the fire rate by sprinting. This way the weapon stops shooting but as long as you keep LMB  held down, the fire rate will not reset and the weapon will resume fast firing once you stop sprinting.

    Trivia[edit | edit source]

    • The Gorgon Wraith is the second Primary Wraith weapon ever released, following the  Strun Wraith.
    • The Gorgon Wraith only has an upgrade in stats and comes with no default polarities.
    • The Gorgon Wraith can use both the Desert Tactics skin and the Day of the Dead skin.

    Media[edit | edit source]


    Gorgon Wraith Skins


    Patch History[edit | edit source]

    Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)

    • Mastery Rank increased from 3 to 7
    • Status chance increased from 15% to 21%
    • Critical chance increased from 10% to 15%
    • Critical Damage increased from 1.5x to 1.9x
    • Ammo capacity increased to 900
    • Increased accuracy while aiming

    See Also[edit | edit source]

    •  Gorgon, the regular version.
    •  Prisma Gorgon, the Void Trader exclusive version.
    • Wraith, a special weapon variant.

    References[edit | edit source]