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Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 38d3
General Information
Max Rank
Burst / Charge
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 8d69
Very High
●●●●○ (1.25x)
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 3c47
Charged Shot
( 10%)
( 80%)
( 10%)
100 (80.00%  Puncture)
Very High
Ammo Cost
3.33 attacks/sec
1 (100.00 damage per projectile)
25.00° (0.00° min, 50.00° max)
Projectile Type
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX fed4
Burst Shot
( 25%)
( 50%)
( 25%)
25 (50.00%  Puncture)
Ammo Cost
0.0500 s
6.67 attacks/sec
1 (25.00 damage per projectile)
3.50° (2.00° min, 5.00° max)
Projectile Type
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 6f98
Update 10.4 (2013-10-16)
Sell Price
 Ballistica Prime
 Rakta Ballistica
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 90ef
Vendor Sources
    Expand/Collapse Ballistica Categories
    For the similarly named enemy, see Ballista.
    The Ballistica crossbow features a unique dual firing mechanism, choose between a four bolt volley or a deadly accurate charged shot.

    The Ballistica is a secondary crossbow that shoots four arrows in quick succession with a tap of the trigger, or a single arrow if charged.

    This weapon can be sold for  5,000.


    • This weapon deals primarily  Puncture damage.
    • Uncharged shots burst-fires four bolts consecutively.
    • Charged shots fire a single round.
    • On kill, bodies will follow the bolt that killed them, damaging anyone in their path and pinning the corpse to walls.

    Advantages over other Secondary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

    • Silent.
    • No projectile arcing.
    • Charged Shot (wiki attack index 1)
      • Above average total damage (100)
      • Above average ammo max (210)
    • Burst Shot (wiki attack index 2)
      • Above average magazine (16)
      • Above average ammo max (210)
      • High fire rate (6.67 attacks/sec)

    Disadvantages over other Secondary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

    • Projectiles have travel time.
    • Burst shots have low accuracy and high horizontal recoil.
    • Burst shots consume 4 ammo per shot, resulting in a 4-shot magazine. Linearly less efficient – sometimes a target may only die with five projectiles, which requires an entire second burst to be fired.
    • Charged Shot (wiki attack index 1)
      • Below average crit chance (15.00%)
      • Low reload speed (2.00 s)
      • Low fire rate (3.33 attacks/sec)
      • Low status chance (10.00%)
      • Very low crit multiplier (1.50x)
    • Burst Shot (wiki attack index 2)
      • Very low crit chance (2.50%)
      • Low reload speed (2.00 s)
      • Very low total damage (25)
      • Very low status chance (2.50%)
      • Very low crit multiplier (1.50x)

    See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.


    •  Ballistica (Charged Shot), compared to  Rakta Ballistica (Burst Shot):
      • Higher base damage per projectile (100.00 vs. 75.00)
        • Lower  Impact damage ( 10 vs. 18.75)
        • Higher  Puncture damage ( 80 vs. 37.5)
        • Lower  Slash damage ( 10 vs. 18.75)
      • Higher total damage (100 vs. 75)
      • Higher base critical chance (15.00% vs. 5.00%)
      • Higher base status chance (10.00% vs. 5.00%)
      • Lower average damage per tap (107.5 vs. 307.5)
      • Lower burst DPS (107.5 vs. 512.5)
      • Lower sustained DPS (95.55 vs. 307.5)
      • Lower fire rate (3.33 attacks/sec vs. 6.67 attacks/sec)
      • Smaller magazine (16 vs. 20)
      • Less accurate (4 vs. 28.6)
      • Tighter first-shot spread (0.00° vs. 2.00°)
      • Wider maximum spread (50.00° vs. 5.00°)
      • Less polarities ( vs. )
      • Lower Mastery Rank required (2 vs. 6)
      • Higher disposition (●●●●○ (1.25x) vs. ●●●●○ (1.20x))
      • No innate Blight effect
    •  Ballistica (Charged Shot), compared to  Ballistica Prime (Charged Shot):
      • Higher base damage per projectile (100.00 vs. 76.00)
        • Higher  Impact damage ( 10 vs. 3.8)
        • Higher  Puncture damage ( 80 vs. 41.8)
        • Lower  Slash damage ( 10 vs. 30.4)
      • Lower total damage (100 vs. 304)
      • Lower base critical chance (15.00% vs. 20.00%)
      • Lower base critical multiplier (1.50x vs. 2.00x)
      • Lower base status chance (10.00% vs. 15.00%)
      • Lower average damage per tap (107.5 vs. 364.8)
      • Lower burst DPS (107.5 vs. 456)
      • Lower sustained DPS (95.55 vs. 384)
      • Lower multishot (1 vs. 4)
      • Smaller magazine (16 vs. 32)
      • Less ammo cost per shot (1 vs. 4)
      • More shots per magazine (16 vs. 8)
      • Slower reload time (2.00 s vs. 1.20 s)
      • Lesser projectile speed (100.0 m/s vs. 140.0 m/s)
      • Less polarities ( vs. )
      • Lower Mastery Rank required (2 vs. 14)
      • Higher disposition (●●●●○ (1.25x) vs. ●●●●○ (1.20x))


    The Ballistica's blueprint can be purchased from the Market.

    Manufacturing Requirements
    📝 Edit blueprint requirements

     Nano Spores
    Time: 1 Day(s)
    Rush: 25
     Market Price: 240  Blueprints Price:40,000


    •  Gunslinger and  Lethal Torrent affect the speed between bursts and the speed of the bursts themselves. These mods also speed up the charge time when holding down the trigger.
    • This crossbow has very little vertical recoil on burst fire. However, it spreads sideways, usually the initial shot on center, one to the right, then two to the left.
    • Both the four-burst shot and the charged shot deal 100 damage, assuming all shots connect for the former.
      • The charge shot only consumes one ammo while the burst consumes four, making the charge shot four times as efficient with ammo.
      • Using charge shots can result in a burst shot firing less than four shots, if there is less than four ammo left in the magazine.
    • You can only fire the Ballistica four times when using normal attacks, so a reload speed mod is recommended.
    • Consider Ballistica as a burst-fire version of the single  Bolto pistol. Although it bears a lower damage per bolt, its DPS in general is greater due to its higher rate of fire aspect. It also has a slightly larger magazine size, faster reload speed and it is the only secondary weapon that can charge fire. The downside of Ballistica is being very expensive to build and its burst fire has a greater recoil.
    • Normal burst-fire attacks do not seem to pin enemies to walls.


    • Track your targets constantly when burst-firing, as the recoil shifts sideways when firing.
    • Crowd control with burst fire can also be generally effective, and will be benefited further when using a maxed  Seeker.
    • With enough fire rate, it has more DPS when fired charged compared to semi-auto firing.
    • Due to significant horizontal recoil you may consider using the  Steady Hands mod.
    • Unlike the other magazine based charge weapons ( Lanka and  Ogris), there is a period between charge shots in which, if clicked too soon after a charge shot, the Ballistica will neither charge nor fire, roughly 0.5-0.8 seconds after firing a charge shot. This lowers the actual DPS of a charge build. Increasing the fire rate decreases this delay however.


    • Name is likely based on the medieval siege weapon, the Ballista, due to both being related to crossbows and the similarity in the names.
      • It may also be a pun on ballistic, and as a propelled projectile the Ballistica may be considered a ballistic weapon.
    • Upon reload, the magazine will be dropped onto the ground and can be seen for a short time before disappearing.
    • This gun has a non-static model as the strings glow and the arms cock back as a shot is charged. Additionally the arms fold in when the Ballistica is holstered and open up when it is selected, with a unique sound effect.
    • The Ballistica is the first secondary to utilize a charge function, and the third to utilize burst-fire.
      • It is so far the only weapon of any class to combine both.
    • Although not entirely similar to bow weapons, due to the fact it uses pistol ammo and has a burst fire mode, it is similar to bows such as the  Paris and  Dread, as they are capable of firing both charged and uncharged shots. The bows, however, are silent, whereas the Ballistica has reduced-awareness properties.
    • During the weapon's demonstration video, its damage stat is shown as 10, while the in-game value is 25.


    • It would seem that the Ballistica does not retract its bows whenever its wielder performs a melee strike, as the Ballistica is forced on its holster. This is considered a bug as holstering the weapon usually retracts itself when switching.
    • The Ballistica will open and retract in a split second while selecting customization options on Warframes and weapons, such as selecting an alternate helmet.


    Ballistica Skins


    Patch History

    Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)

    • Fixed the Ballistica missing their charged shot stats in the Arsenal UI.

    Update 27.3 (2020-03-24)

    • Fixed the Ballistica firing its arrows sideways when equipped with the Dali Skin.

    Update 27.1 (2020-02-04)

    • Fixed performance issues with the Ballistica projectile trail FX over long distances.

    Update 25.8 (2019-10-01)

    October 2019 Riven Disposition Change
    • Ballistica: 1.05->1.1

    Hotfix 25.0.7 (2019-05-30)

    • Fixed the Ballistica Energy color persisting as default on the strings.

    Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)

    • Fixed not being able to draw your bow while sprinting (you could always charge your bow while sprinting, but pinky-friendly sprint changes have made this more obvious).

    Update 22.8 (2017-12-21)

    • Fixed animation issue when charging an arrow immediately after firing a shot using Bows.

    Update 21.4 (2017-08-10)

    • Increased the damage for all Bow's charged shots in Conclave.

    Update 21.0 (2017-06-29)

    • Ballistica now available for use in Conclave.

    Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

    • Adjusted the Market icon size of the Ballistica.

    Update 18.13 (2016-05-27)

    • Fixed incorrect icon sizing of the Ballistica in the Market.

    Hotfix 18.5.5 (2016-03-08)

    • Fixed the Ballistica's projectile trail not using selected energy color.

    Update 17.8 (2015-10-21)

    • Fixed enemies becoming alert to players using a charged Ballistica shot.

    Hotfix 15.1.3 (2014-11-08)

    • Fixed an issue with the Ballistica where it would only burst fire on the first attempt. After that the "tap fire" would only shoot once.
    • Fixed an issue where Ballistica's magazines floated after reloading.

    Update 10.4 (2013-10-16)

    • Introduced.

    Last updated: Hotfix 24.1.5 (2018-12-13)

    See Also

    •  Rakta Ballistica, the Red Veil custom counterpart.
    •  Ballistica Prime, the primed counterpart.