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Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 38d3
General Information
Max Rank
Auto / Held
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 8d69
Very High
●●●●● (1.40x)
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 3c47
Normal Attack
( 20%)
( 10%)
( 70%)
100 (70.00%  Slash)
Very High
Ammo Cost
3.00 attacks/sec
1 (100.00 damage per projectile)
0.00° (0.00° min, 0.00° max)
Projectile Type
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX fed4
( 10%)
( 10%)
( 80%)
100 (80.00%  Slash)
Very High
Ammo Cost
2.00 attacks/sec
1 (100.00 damage per projectile)
6.0 m
0.00° (0.00° min, 0.00° max)
Projectile Type
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 6f98
Update 15.10 (2015-01-15)
Sell Price
 Panthera Prime
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 90ef
Vendor Sources
    Expand/Collapse Panthera Categories
    Firing high-velocity blades, this weapon can also be used as a battle-saw, shredding anything unfortunate enough to get into range.

    The Panthera is a  Tenno blade launcher that launches circular sawblades. Its Alternate Fire levitates a spinning saw blade in front of it, dealing continuous damage to enemies within range.

    This weapon can be sold for  7,500.

    Characteristics[edit | edit source]

    • This weapon deals primarily  Slash damage.
    • Primary fire shoots bouncing miniature saws in full automatic, consuming 2 ammo per shot.
    • Alternate Fire deploys a single levitating sawblade 6 meters away that deals continuous damage and staggers enemies, only consuming ammo when dealing damage.
      • Can be deployed without consequence when no targets exist.
    • Can use the Panthera-exclusive  Disarming Purity Augment mod.

    Advantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

    • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
      • Above average magazine (60)
      • Above average ammo max (540)
      • High disposition (●●●●● (1.40x))
    • Alt-Fire (wiki attack index 2)
      • Above average ammo max (540)
      • High status chance (35.00%)
      • High disposition (●●●●● (1.40x))

    Disadvantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

    • Double ammo consumption reduces overall ammo efficiency.
    • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
      • Low crit chance (12.00%)
      • Below average fire rate (3.00 attacks/sec)
    • Alt-Fire (wiki attack index 2)
      • Below average total damage (100)
      • Below average fire rate (2.00 attacks/sec)
      • Low crit multiplier (2.00x)

    See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.


    •  Panthera (Normal Attack), compared to  Panthera Prime (Normal Attack):

    Acquisition[edit | edit source]

    The Panthera's blueprint can be purchased from the Market.

    Manufacturing Requirements
    📝 Edit blueprint requirements

     Orokin Cell
     Polymer Bundle
    Time: 12 Hour(s)
    Rush: 35
     Market Price: 225  Blueprints Price:20,000

    Notes[edit | edit source]

    • The Panthera's primary fire mode shoots fast-moving sawblades that will ricochet off walls and enemies up to 3 times.
    • The Panthera has a Alternate Fire mode initiated by holding down the alternate fire key (default MMB ). This levitates a spinning sawblade up to 6 meters in front of the weapon, dealing continuous damage to enemies that make contact with it, as well as staggering them.
      • The sawblade floats out of the weapon towards its levitation point, taking around half a second to reach its maximum range. The sawblade retracts back into the launcher once the trigger is released.
      • Ammo is only consumed when the weapon deals damage, whether to an enemy or a damageable object.
      • If an enemy moves inside the space between the user and the sawblade, the sawblade will instantly retract to damage that enemy.
      • Punch Through allows the secondary fire mode to hit enemies behind cover as long as the enemy is within the secondary fire's range, and the punch-through depth is sufficient to penetrate through the intervening cover.
      • Can use both  Combustion Beam and  Sinister Reach. Combustion Beam works on kills made by the secondary attack and also the primary attack.
      • The primary fire mode cannot be used while this is active.
    • Although the Foundry will claim that the Panthera can be crafted if a  Hikou Prime is present in the inventory, it won't allow the Hikou Prime to be consumed to build the weapon.
    • Compared to the  Miter (based on the ranged attacks and on uncharged shots):
      • Lower total damage on uncharged attacks (100.0 vs 125.0)
        • Higher  Impact damage (20.0 vs. 6.25).
        • Higher  Puncture damage (10.0 vs. 6.25).
        • Lower Slash damage (70 vs. 112.5).
      • Faster fire rate (3.0 vs 0.526).
      • Larger magazine size (60 vs 20).
        • Primary fire consumes 2 ammo per shot, compared to one ammo per shot for the Miter.
      • Larger ammo capacity (540 vs 72).
        • Uses rifle ammo, unlike the Miter, which uses the relatively rarer sniper ammo.

    Tips[edit | edit source]

    • The Panthera has a high chance of cutting corpses into pieces, making it an ideal candidate for a Desecrating  Nekros to bring along, as the game considers the cut corpses as separate entities, essentially giving multiple corpses to desecrate from a single enemy and thus yielding more chances to create more drops.
      • This also applies to the secondary fire, which will not consume ammo when used on a corpse.
    • As of Hotfix 24.2.15 (2019-02-15) Heavy Caliber affects this weapon differently. It increases the spread between shots with multishot. resulting in a uniform spread not randomness.
    • Although the Panthera has lower total damage compared to uncharged Miter shots, it has higher  Impact and  Puncture damage, making it more effective against Grineer and Corpus, respectively.
    • Multishot mods cause the sawblades to be fired adjacent to each other if no accuracy penalty mods are equipped. This may cause the blades to miss when firing directly at far targets.

    Bugs[edit | edit source]

    • With Punch Through mods equipped, the blades shot from the gun will go through terrain, but not enemies.

    Trivia[edit | edit source]

    • Panthera is a genus within the Felidae family that includes the tiger, lion, jaguar and leopard. They are characterized by morphological structures in their throats that allow them to roar.
    • Despite the green decal depicted in the Panthera's portrait, the default decal color of the Panthera is blue.
    • This is the third weapon that requires two different pre-made weapons in order to craft (following the  Redeemer and the  Tipedo), and the first weapon that requires weapons from 2 different factions (the Tenno-made  Hikou and the Grineer-made  Miter).
    • The Miter, one of the prerequisite weapons needed to construct the Panthera, is similar in that it also fires sawblades.
      • The Miter's sawblades are horizontally aligned, whilst the Panthera launches vertically aligned sawblades.
    • The blades fired by Panthera have a design similar to the  Glaive.
    • Tied with  Panthera Prime and  Zhuge for the highest base damage of all fully automatic rifles.
    • Slowest fire rate of all fully automatic rifles.

    Media[edit | edit source]

    Panthera Skins


    Patch History[edit | edit source]

    Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)

    • Fixed Panthera firing its primary and alt fire simultaneously and repeatedly after casting Wukong's Cloud Walker.

    Update 32.1 (2022-11-02)

    • Fixed Panthera’s primary fire punch-through not working if the first target is killed.

    Hotfix 32.0.13 (2022-10-14)

    • Fixed Panthera primary fire punch through going through the environment but not through enemies.

    Update 22.20 (2018-05-17)

    • Fixed Panthera’s Punch Through not going through enemies.

    Hotfix 22.13.4 (2018-02-22)

    • Panthera Alt Fire now consumes 1 Ammo instead of 4.
    • Fixed the Panthera Alt Fire consuming Ammo when hitting surfaces other than enemies.

    Hotfix 22.13.3 (2018-02-21)

    • Alt-fire damage changed from 250 Physical per sec to 100 Physical per tick.
    • Alt-fire fire rate increased from 1 to 2.
    • Alt-fire range increased from 5m to 6m.
    • 4 ammo consumed per hit (Not intended consumption - will be changing to 1 in next Hotfix).
      • Please note that Ammo will be consumed when hitting surfaces other than enemies at the moment. We are aware and will fix as soon as we can!

    Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)

    • Status chance increased from 20% to 24% (Primary Fire).
    • Critical chance increased from 10% to 12% (Primary Fire).

    Hotfix 15.10.2 (2015-01-16)

    • Adjusted Panthera audio when hitting flesh or metal. Firing your weapon on stone will now make the appropriate metal grinding noise!

    Hotfix 15.10.1 (2015-01-16)

    • Secondary fire Slash damage increased from 75 to 225.
    • Increased secondary fire status chance.
    • The Panthera’s secondary fire will now stagger enemies on impact.
    • Increased secondary fire rate from 150 to 200.

    Update 15.10 (2015-01-15)

    • Introduced

    See also[edit | edit source]

    •  Miter, a Grineer sawblade launcher used in the Panthera's construction.
    •  Hikou, a Tenno crafted throwing star weapon used in the Panthera's construction
    •  Panthera Prime, the primed variant.