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Conclave:Arca Plasmor

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Arca Plasmor
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 38d3
General Information
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 8d69
××××× (0.00x)
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 3c47
Normal Attack
( 100%)
160 (100.00%  Radiation)
No Damage Falloff: below 10.0 m (100%, 160 damage)

Linear Falloff: between 10.0 m and 20.0 m (100% - 33.33%)
Max Damage Falloff: over 20.0 m (33.33%, 53 damage)

1.10 attacks/sec
Headshot Multiplier
15.0 m
Projectile Type
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX fed4
Arca Plasmor
Update 21.7 (2017-09-09)
 Arca Plasmor
 Tenet Arca Plasmor
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 6f98
Vendor Sources
    Expand/Collapse Arca Plasmor Categories
    Stagger targets with blasts from this Corpus engineered plasma shotgun. Surviving enemies are consumed with radiation.

    The Arca Plasmor is a  Corpus-built plasma shotgun that fires highly damaging pulses of  Radiation. The Arca Plasmor is a part of the Arca weapons series, which includes the  Arca Scisco pistol and  Arca Titron hammer.

    Manufacturing Requirements
    📝 Edit blueprint requirements

     Control Module
    Time: 1 Day(s)
    Rush: 35
     Market Price: 190  Blueprints Price:15,000
    Energy Lab Research3,000

     Fieldron Sample
    Time: 3 Day(s)
    Prereq: Lanka
    Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100

    Characteristics[edit | edit source]

    This weapon deals high amounts of  Radiation damage.


    • Fifth highest base damage of all shotguns, behind the  Drakgoon,  Tigris,  Sancti Tigris, and  Tigris Prime.
      • Innate  Radiation damage – effective against health.
        • Innate  Radiation damage gives the opposing team the ability to damage their own.
    • Projectiles have a thickness of 3 meters.
    • Good magazine size.
    • Very ammo efficient.
    • Low zoom, making covering wide shots while aiming easier.
    • Innate two polarity.


    • Innate  Radiation damage – less effective against shields.
      • Damage cannot be converted with  Slash,  Impact, and  Puncture mods.
    • Linear damage falloff from 100% to 33.33% from 10m to 20m target distance (distances are affected by Projectile Speed).
    • Projectile has travel time.
    • Limited range of 30 meters (can be increased with Projectile Speed mods).
    • No bonus damage on headshots.
    • Very low reload speed.
    • Lowest fire rate of all shotguns.

    Notes[edit | edit source]

    • Being that it is a pulse shotgun, accuracy mods seems to have no effect on spread.
    • The Plasmor has a reduced zoom by about 60% when aiming.
    • While the weapon uses shotgun mods and it is classed as a shotgun, it does not use standard shotgun status mechanics, due to not having any pellets.

    Trivia[edit | edit source]

    • The magazine for the weapon is a metal cylinder, which rotates clockwise after firing each shot and pumping the mechanism. No shells are ejected with each pump, perhaps implying the cylinder is filled with batteries or charge cells, which are depleted from a single pump and must be rotated to bring a new cell into position.
    • Writings on the side of the weapon seem to translate as "G.S.1.1", and possibly "DANGER EXTREME HEAT".
    • The description of surviving enemies being "consumed by radiation" simply means that their bodies will disintegrate on death, making this weapon viable for stealth (if silenced).

    Media[edit | edit source]

    Patch History[edit | edit source]

    Hotfix 23.10.3 (2018-10-15)

    • Fixed the Arca Plasmor's projectiles bouncing off walls instead of exploding on impact.

    Update 23.10 (2018-10-12)

    • Updated weapon FX for the Arca Plasmor, Castanas, and Sancti Castanas.
    • Fixed certain wave projectiles (e.g. Arca Plasmor) bouncing off hit proxy shields (e.g. Volt’s Electric Shield, Gara’s Mass Vitrify).
    • (Undocumented) Projectile now bounces off walls.

    Update 22.14 (2018-03-01)

    • Tweaked force feedback sound of the Arca Plasmor.

    Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)

    • Mag size increased from 6 to 10

    Hotfix 22.10.3 (2018-01-29)

    • Fixed the Arca Plasmor dealing 0 damage on headshots.

    Update 22.10 (2018-01-25)

    • Headshots no longer deal bonus damage.
      • The Arca Plasmor was designed to hit multiple targets with a high-status chance, but with wide wave projectiles and inherent punch-through, a single shot could result in multiple headshots. With it being a shotgun, it was never intended to behave as a precision weapon, and the bonus pushed it too far out of that mold.
      • Headshots should still deal damage (without the multiplier).

    Update 21.7 (2017-09-09)

    • Introduced.