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Speargun is a subclass of Primary Weapons that can be thrown on Alternate Fire. Spearguns can equip Rifle Mods.

Weapon Comparison[edit source]

Name Weapon
Trigger Attack Main
Multishot Fire
Crit Crit
Status Reload Mag
Avg. Procs
per sec
PT Accuracy Avg. Spread Min. Spread Max. Spread Dispo MR Introduced
Ferrox Speargun Charge Charged Shot 70.00%  Puncture 350.00 1 1.33 attacks/sec 0.79 32.00% 2.80x 10.00% 1.80 s 10 551.6 733.62 811.17 0.07 20 100 1.5 m 16.7 6.00° 0.00° 12.00° ●●●●○ (1.25x) 14 2017-03-09
Ferrox Speargun Charge Radial Attack 100.00%  Impact 100.00 1 1.33 attacks/sec 1.33 32.00% 2.80x 10.00% 1.80 s 10 157.6 209.60 169.12 0.13 20 100 0.0 m 16.7 N/A N/A N/A ●●●●○ (1.25x) 14 2017-03-09
Ferrox Speargun Semi Spear Throw 70.00%  Impact 50.00 1 1.00 attacks/sec 1 4.00% 2.00x 33.00% 2.00 s 10 52 52 43.33 1.33 20 100 0.0 m 16.7 6.00° 0.00° 12.00° ●●●●○ (1.25x) 14 2017-03-09
Ferrox Speargun Charge Attraction Field 100.00%  Electricity 150.00 1 0.50 attacks/sec 0.5 4.00% 2.00x 50.00% 1.80 s 10 156 78 71.55 0.25 20 100 0.0 m 16.7 N/A N/A N/A ●●●●○ (1.25x) 14 2017-03-09
Scourge Prime Speargun Auto Projectile Impact 100.00%  Corrosive 80.00 1 2.67 attacks/sec 2.67 10.00% 2.00x 30.00% 2.20 s 40 88 234.96 204.87 0.80 60 360 0.0 m 100 0.00° 0.00° 0.00° ●●●○○ (1.10x) 14 2021-12-15
Scourge Prime Speargun Auto Explosion 100.00%  Corrosive 60.00 1 2.67 attacks/sec 2.67 10.00% 2.00x 30.00% 2.20 s 40 66 176.22 153.65 0.80 60 360 0.0 m N/A N/A N/A N/A ●●●○○ (1.10x) 14 2021-12-15
Scourge Prime Speargun Semi Spear Throw 70.00%  Impact 200.00 1 1.00 attacks/sec 1 10.00% 2.00x 30.00% 0.60 s 40 220 220 216.74 0.3 60 360 0.0 m 16.7 6.00° 0.00° 12.00° ●●●○○ (1.10x) 14 2021-12-15
Scourge Prime Speargun Auto Spear Explosion 100.00%  Corrosive 55.00 1 1.00 attacks/sec 1 10.00% 2.00x 30.00% 2.20 s 40 60.5 60.5 57.34 1.3 60 360 0.0 m N/A N/A N/A N/A ●●●○○ (1.10x) 14 2021-12-15
Javlok Speargun Auto Charge Projectile Impact 100.00%  Heat 160.00 1 3.33 attacks/sec 1.66 20.00% 2.00x 25.00% 1.90 s 6 192 639.36 311.35 0.41 60 150 0.0 m 100 0.00° 0.00° 0.00° ●●●●○ (1.30x) 7 2016-12-16
Javlok Speargun Auto Charge Projectile Explosion 100.00%  Heat 120.00 1 3.33 attacks/sec 3.33 20.00% 2.00x 25.00% 1.90 s 6 144 479.52 233.39 0.83 60 150 0.0 m N/A N/A N/A N/A ●●●●○ (1.30x) 7 2016-12-16
Javlok Speargun Semi Spear Throw Impact 50.00%  Puncture 150.00 1 1.00 attacks/sec 1 20.00% 2.00x 25.00% 0.60 s 6 180 180 163.63 2.25 60 150 0.0 m 16.7 6.00° 0.00° 12.00° ●●●●○ (1.30x) 7 2016-12-16
Javlok Speargun Auto Charge Spear Throw Explosion 100.00%  Heat 300.00 1 1.00 attacks/sec 1 20.00% 2.00x 25.00% 1.90 s 6 360 360 273.41 2.25 60 150 0.0 m N/A N/A N/A N/A ●●●●○ (1.30x) 7 2016-12-16
Scourge Speargun Auto Projectile Impact 100.00%  Corrosive 70.00 1 2.67 attacks/sec 2.67 2.00% 1.50x 30.00% 2.50 s 40 70.7 188.76 161.77 0.80 60 200 0.0 m 100 0.00° 0.00° 0.00° ●●●●○ (1.20x) 6 2017-06-29
Scourge Speargun Auto Explosion 100.00%  Corrosive 55.00 1 2.67 attacks/sec 2.67 2.00% 1.50x 30.00% 2.50 s 40 55.55 148.31 127.10 0.80 60 200 0.0 m N/A N/A N/A N/A ●●●●○ (1.20x) 6 2017-06-29
Scourge Speargun Semi Spear Throw Impact 70.00%  Impact 150.00 1 1.00 attacks/sec 1 4.00% 2.00x 30.00% 0.60 s 40 156 156 153.69 0.3 60 200 0.0 m 16.7 6.00° 0.00° 12.00° ●●●●○ (1.20x) 6 2017-06-29
Scourge Speargun Auto Spear Throw Explosion 100.00%  Corrosive 55.00 1 1.00 attacks/sec 1 4.00% 2.00x 30.00% 2.50 s 40 57.2 57.2 53.83 1.3 60 200 0.0 m N/A N/A N/A N/A ●●●●○ (1.20x) 6 2017-06-29
Tenet Ferrox Speargun Charged Auto Charged Shot 70.00%  Puncture 200.00 1 2.67 attacks/sec 1.29 34.00% 3.00x 26.00% 1.80 s 20 537.6 1344 1097.14 0.33 20 100 0.0 m 16.7 6.00° 0.00° 12.00° ●●●○○ (1.10x) 16 2022-11-30
Tenet Ferrox Speargun Charged Auto Radial Attack 70.00%  Puncture 60.00 1 2.67 attacks/sec 2.67 34.00% 3.00x 26.00% 1.80 s 20 161.28 430.61 347.18 0.69 20 100 0.0 m 16.7 N/A N/A N/A ●●●○○ (1.10x) 16 2022-11-30
Tenet Ferrox Speargun Semi Spear Throw 70.00%  Impact 50.00 1 1.00 attacks/sec 1 4.00% 2.00x 40.00% 2.00 s 20 83.2 83.2 75.63 1.4 20 100 0.0 m 16.7 6.00° 0.00° 12.00° ●●●○○ (1.10x) 16 2022-11-30
Tenet Ferrox Speargun Charged Auto Attraction Field 100.00%  Electricity 150.00 1 0.50 attacks/sec 0.5 4.00% 2.00x 50.00% 1.80 s 20 249.6 124.8 119.42 0.25 20 100 0.0 m 16.7 N/A N/A N/A ●●●○○ (1.10x) 16 2022-11-30
Afentis Speargun Semi Semi 60.00%  Puncture 100.00 1 0.83 attacks/sec 0.83 26.00% 2.20x 24.00% 1.80 s 4 131.2 109.28 79.49 1.03 4 12 0.0 m 100 0.00° 0.00° 0.00° ●●●○○ (1.05x) 8 2022-09-07
Afentis Speargun Semi Radial Attack 100.00%  Blast 800.00 1 0.83 attacks/sec 0.83 26.00% 2.20x 24.00% 1.80 s 4 1049.6 874.31 635.93 1.03 4 12 0.0 m 100 N/A N/A N/A ●●●○○ (1.05x) 8 2022-09-07
Afentis Speargun Semi Spear Throw 60.00%  Impact 400.00 1 1.00 attacks/sec 1 30.00% 3.00x 20.00% 1.80 s 4 640 640 441.37 1.2 4 12 0.0 m 100 0.00° 0.00° 0.00° ●●●○○ (1.05x) 8 2022-09-07

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • Fixed Spearguns thrown at Profit Taker or the Exploiter Orb scaling up to massive sizes.
  • Fixed Spearguns (held in Warframes hand) reverting to their compact/stored state after being thrown.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)


We have changed the way that Spear Guns function in-game to help increase their viability in mission. Based on overwhelming community feedback we’ve:

  • Removed the need to manually retrieve your Spear Gun once it’s been thrown. Your Spear Gun now re-appears in your hand using reload.
  • Removed the need to charge your Spear Gun to throw it, simply Tap alt-fire to throw!
    • Within the arsenal, ‘Charged Throw’ stats have simply become ‘Throw’ stats.

Spear Guns have also received new throw animations and updated sound FX on reload, plus a new Spear Gun category has been added when searching for weapons in the Arsenal.

Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)

Gun Spear Weapon Changes
  • 33% of clip reloaded every second when Spear is deployed. This allows for a more fluid use of all the Gun Spear mechanics.
  • Increased flight speed of all Gun Spears.

Update 19.4 (2016-12-16)

  • Weapon class first introduced with  Javlok