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Railjack/Crew/Quotes/New Loka

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New Loka NPC crew dialogue voiced by Amanda Hufford.

On Railjack[edit | edit source]

Greetings[edit | edit source]

Idle[edit | edit source]

  • "Mother bless our Captain, and keep safe from all corruption beyond the firmament. Mother bless our crew, Mother keep our provisions free from worm and mold. Mother bless Cephalon Cy."  (download, history)
  • "I'm getting used to it here. I can't smell recycled air any more, and the lights hardly ever give me a headache."  (download, history)
  • "This all seems like a fever dream. Maybe it is. Perhaps I'm still at home, in my bed, safe on Earth. How do you live like this?"  (download, history)
  • "I was going to bring my little purebred Kavat on board. Ship's cat. Good luck. But then I thought, what if there's a breach and he gets sucked out? I'm sure Ticker will take fine care of him until I get back."  (download, history)
  • "There are more cells in my body than there are galaxies in the universe. Eight hundred billion more. Figures like that help keep one's ego in check."  (download, history)
  • "Take the time to stop - and listen - to your heart beat. And thank the Universe for making you. I assume there's a heart somewhere inside all of... that?"  (download, history)

Assigning to a valid role[edit | edit source]

Assigning to an invalid role[edit | edit source]

Follow command[edit | edit source]

Fighters approaching[edit | edit source]

Fighter killed[edit | edit source]

Boarder killed[edit | edit source]

Boarding party[edit | edit source]

Completing a task[edit | edit source]

Railjack health low[edit | edit source]

  • "This aged vessel cannot take this kind of treatment."  (download, history)

Hazard on board[edit | edit source]

Hull breach
  • "Our hull has been penetrated! We are losing vital oxygen!"  (download, history)

Repairing hazard[edit | edit source]

Hull breach
  • "Sealed the breach! Repressurizing. I need to check my plants."  (download, history)
Out of revolite

Health low[edit | edit source]

Downed[edit | edit source]

Revived[edit | edit source]

  • "Thank you. I'm sure you have no need of a ghost to board your ship."  (download, history)
  • "Fine, I'll use these blasphemous medicines now and repent later."  (download, history)
  • "How do you even use this? (Sigh) Oh, that's better."  (download, history)

Ally dead[edit | edit source]

  • "Mother, I consign my friend's soul to your loving arms! Give them peace."  (download, history)
  • "Our friend has departed our company. Travel well. We will meet again."  (download, history)

On Equipping[edit | edit source]

  • "Captain. What is your policy on plants? I have... several."  (download, history)
  • "Do you expect we will visit Earth? The green reclamations are so beautiful. Even the burial grounds."  (download, history)

Sound Effects[edit | edit source]

On Hit[edit | edit source]

Death[edit | edit source]