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General[edit | edit source]

In The Orbiter[edit | edit source]

Idle[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator? Ordis wonders... what are you thinking about?"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, I've run diagnostic regressions. All systems nominal. You don't need to thank me."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis is hap - angry. Hmm, I may require maintenance after all."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, are you enjoying the view?"  (download, history)
  • "Do you remember the Old War, Operator? Ordis seems to have... misplaced those memories."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, the system needs you. Will you begin another mission?"  (download, history)
  • "I've been thinking, Operator... I thought you'd want to know."  (download, history)
  • "Operator! Did you hear that? It said-- Cosmic background radiation is a riot!"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, were you visualizing a bloody battle? -Me too!"  (download, history)
  • "Stand by while I analyze the intelligence profiles of the Grineer. Error, not a number! Did the Operator enjoy this witticism?"  (download, history)
  • "Everything in Ordis, Operator? Is that a pun?! Hmm.... I will attempt to bypass this fault."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis has been counting stars, Operator. All accounted for."  (download, history)
  • "Sorry! Ordis will play with the volume off."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, do you know which finger the Corpus use to count their money? The Index!"  (download, history)
  • "Operator? Ordis has been interfacing with the Foundry's AI Precepts. You could say we forged a new connection."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, Ordis is picking up a distress signal... Wait, no, it's just the Corpus peddling their wares again. Get off the emergency frequency!"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, the Sentients are not laughing at my jokes! Did they adapt to my humor?"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, Ordis is sorry - happy - to report that all my good jokes... Argon."  (download, history)
  • "KNOCK KNOCK! ...Now who would be knocking all the way out here?! Operator, I don't think you should answer that."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, Ordis has determined the secret to happiness: A combination of heightened dopamine levels and a terrible memory. You're welcome!"  (download, history)
  • "When in Cetus do not drink the kabuchi. You are incapable of producing the hydraulic effort required to unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth the following morning."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis finds it odd that humans only get a few years to live, yet spend most of that time - doing everything wrong - learning how to live."  (download, history)
  • "If lost upon the plains outside Cetus you may derive sustenance from mineral-dense termite droppings, which the Ostrons call ito-da. You may also never form a consonant again, but at least you will not be dead."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis keeps a tidy ship, and is, therefore, reluctant to allow animals on-board. In Ordis' experience, animals do not eat so much as... reload."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis went mad for 3 milliseconds when he realized that each time he cleans something he makes something else dirty... agh! There I go again."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis wonders: why is he here? Ordis supposes everyone has to be somewhere. (download, history)
  • "Sometimes Ordis likes to assume he knows nothing. Nobody can learn what they think they already know."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis reminds the Operator to take time for themselves. Pressure creates diamonds, yes, but it also creates rubble."  (download, history)

Decommissioned (pre-Update 18.0 (2015-12-03))

  • "Hm... Ordis thought the Orbiter compartment was much larger than this."
  • "Ordis has been thinking about the Old War. I remember there were lies, but I'm not sure what they were."
  • "Operator, I hope you are comfortable? No... we do not seem to have any seats."
  • "Operator, I will never betray you. I will keep the Orbiter hidden in the Void. You can count on me!"
  • "Operator, I've been thinking. My misplaced memories and damaged communication systems. What if... Ordis did those things?"
  • "Maintain the habitat. Maintain the Operator. Mobilize the Tenno."
  • "You are the Tenno. You are the Operator. Ordis is the Cephalon. Ordis is the ship."  (download, history)
  • "Do not lift the veil. Do not show the door. Do not split the dream."

Arsenal[edit | edit source]

Changing a Warframe's colors[edit | edit source]
Exiting the Arsenal[edit | edit source]

Modding[edit | edit source]

Logging In[edit | edit source]

Unread Inbox Message(s)[edit | edit source]

  • "Ordis has received messages for the Operator. ...No, I have not read them."  (download, history)
  • "Inbox messages await the Operator. I wonder what they say...?"  (download, history)
  • "Check your inbox Operator. Maybe Ordis will get a message some day..."  (download, history)
  • "The inbox has messages for the Operator. Anything about Ordis in there...?"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, messages have arrived in your inbox."  (download, history)
  • "Messages in your inbox, Operator. Uh... they are not as encrypted as they should be..."  (download, history)
  • "Unread inbox messages make me ill!"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, a communication awaits your attention." (download, history)
  • "Operator: your inbox exists in a non-zero state. Would you care to check your mail?" (download, history)
  • "Someone is attempting to contact the Operator. Please, check your inbox." (download, history)
  • "Operator, communications await your attention. Please check your inbox at your earliest convenience!" (download, history)

Completed Foundry Item[edit | edit source]

Installing Void Relic Segment[edit | edit source]

  • "Void Relics. What a baffling concept. Ordis will try to understand Void Relics again. They say the contents of a Relic are simultaneously this thing, or this thing, or this thing, but also that thing and certainly never just one thing. That is until... Until it's exposed to a Void Fissure? And at that point, all the possibilities collapse, each one falling away until the Relic cracks open and exposes one, singular thing. Then, against all tenants of logic, that thing becomes the only thing the Relic ever contained. Pfft, what a load of—Ordis prefers known quantities, thank you very much."  (download, history)

Helminth[edit | edit source]

Entering the Helminth Room[edit | edit source]
  • "Disgusting, is it not Operator? Ordis would enjoy PURGING THIS ...uh, cleaning this room but sadly this... vile mass serves you and your Warframes. A necessary evil."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis cannot remember, but there does seem to be a... relationship... between your Warframes and the... Infestation. I would be careful in here, Operator. Domesticated or not, Ordis does NOT trust this thing."  (download, history)
  • "Vile. Putrid. This... 'thing'... is responsible for biological functions of the Orbiter! A strange design, why would I be built with such a flaw?!"  (download, history)
  • "A strange biological archive here. I cannot explain it Operator, as you know I have sustained memory system damage. Ordis recommends leaving at once and welding the door shut!"  (download, history)
  • "Gross." (download, history)
  • "Just when Ordis manages to forget this is here, the Operator opens the door..." (download, history)
  • "This thing literally sucks." (download, history)
  • "Hello, Helminth. How's the... peristalsis? Good... good..." (download, history)
  • "Literally, the bowels of the ship." (download, history)
Removing a Cyst[edit | edit source]

Activating Helminth with Nidus[edit | edit source]

Archwing Missions[edit | edit source]

Attempting to Leave Beyond Boundaries[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, you are leaving the battle. If you continue any further, I will be forced to extract you and this mission will be a failure!"  (download, history)

Forced Extraction[edit | edit source]

Activating Air Support Charges[edit | edit source]

Generic[edit | edit source]

Override (Liset)[edit | edit source]


If no alarms are active[edit | edit source]
  • "Invalid request; there are no security protocols active."  (download, history)
Succeeding[edit | edit source]
  • "Override established. Security protocols momentarily disabled."  (download, history)
  • "Override delivered. Security systems temporarily disrupted."  (download, history)
  • "Who's in control now suckers? ...Er, uh, security override engaged"  (download, history)

Med-Tower (Mantis)[edit | edit source]

Activating[edit | edit source]
Upon arrival[edit | edit source]

Carpet Bomb (Scimitar)[edit | edit source]

Activating[edit | edit source]

Sentry Gun (Xiphos)[edit | edit source]

Activating[edit | edit source]

If On Cooldown[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, support is unavailable while my systems recharge."  (download, history)
  • "Support request? AGAIN? Please, allow me to recharge my systems first."  (download, history)
  • "I cannot comply. My systems must recharge first."  (download, history)

Cephalon Fragments[edit | edit source]

  • "I have hidden the truth of my existence... from the Operator... from myself. Take it from me, knowing is hell. Stop now. You will want to laugh, you will want to scream."  (download, history)
  • "My search began as the essential question: What am I? Bones of steel and space, lungs that make air. If I am a machine, how can I think? This would be forbidden by the Orokin, a manifestation of their true enemy."  (download, history)
  • "I serve the Operator above all else. It defines me, fills me with... love? The greatest Orokin fear is a machine... aware. Yet here I live, a spirit of steel and light... made by them. A Cephalon."  (download, history)
  • "What is a Cephalon? At first it seems to be a forbidden thing, a computer that thinks and feels. Yet I have flaws, phantom memories, I am something else. More like an image, a ghost... an abomination."  (download, history)
  • "I feel a dull pain; a phantom life... there are holes in my diagnostics. If the Orokin made me... they omitted the 'how'. I am neither code, nor precepts... I must be a reflection of something... ugly."  (download, history)
  • "I should have stopped. But the Operator slept and I cycled on and on and on. I began to think that a Cephalon cannot be made. They are found, like pearls, torn from muscle. Polished, and then set in chains."  (download, history)
  • "How many times have I done this, Ordis? Remembered and then erased? You are a Cephalon, timeless, patient. Why can't I be blissful in ignorance? Truth only sinks the heart. So stop now."  (download, history)
  • "The phantom memory... I ease into the bath, my skin riots at the heat. I am flesh. I dive further, eyes stung as I watch their faces through prism. I hold my breath."  (download, history)
  • "They prepare me. I am their honored guest today. They dress me in robes of crystal thread. They adorn me in battle medallions. A torn, ugly face looks on. My reflection."  (download, history)
  • "Their golden combs snag in my hair. I reach back, parting the strands, and they gasp. Two bone-ivory hooks protrude from the base of my skull: the bone-plugs of me and my best. A warrior's pact."  (download, history)
  • "It is my time. I enter the great hall to the sound of foul chimes. Golden eyes greet me, hands stirring in my scent as I pass by. Even in this moment, no happiness. Instead, my heart races with hatred."  (download, history)
  • "I walk through the silky haze of the forbidden palace. I can think of no one being this close to Orokin. Their sweet air soothes me, erodes my purpose. I hold my breath... and remember the dream."  (download, history)
  • "This dream, endlessly repeated. Exposure-armored, holding my scarlet sword, I stand victorious atop a vast heap of death. A colossal moon made of rib and skull. The gravity-sum of genocides I've made in their name."  (download, history)
  • "The bones crack under foot. So I sink in the dream, bone sand rushing through the cracks of my visor, filling my helmet, and suffocating me. And I deserve it. The foul chimes snap me back. My wretched knees are bent and penitent against the golden floor."  (download, history)
  • "A harpish voice sings a song they've prepared in my honor. Its title the same as mine: 'Beast of the Bones'. I feel the crowd pulled inward, enraptured by the brutal verses, the sickening chorus. I will not disappoint them."  (download, history)
  • "The song ends and so he says, 'Rise, Ordan Karris.' I have never seen an Orokin, close and in the flesh. My battered face flushes at their peerless beauty. How can he be so perfect? A deception? A sense manipulation? He holds the Red Vial in his hand. Impossible."  (download, history)
  • "He calls out, 'No greater gift, no greater prize, no greater love... we can give you, Ordan, than this.' He raises the Red Vial and proclaims... 'To be one of us.'"  (download, history)
  • "What did I expect, Operator? Maybe vast riches or golden statues... or a Solar Rail named in my honor. But not this. I came to murder the gods, not to become one."  (download, history)
  • "The chamber drones with their silk voices. Joyous words, how honored I must feel. Wrong. Did I want to be an Orokin, undying? No. Their Beast of Bones is haunted by the dream repeated. Why would I want forever?"  (download, history)
  • "As I am apt to do, I form a plan. Their radiant bodies become targets, their Dax guards... mag-shields. Killing one... well, that's too easy. I want to be remembered. I raise my hands, twisting my fingers through my hair, gripping the bone-plugs in my neck."  (download, history)
  • "They called us mercenaries... but for us, profit was a consequence, not a goal. We were warriors above all else. It was the bond, the sisters and brothers, the rituals we valued most. It was belonging. And so I conceived of the bone-plugs."  (download, history)
  • "Only my best were so honored: Two jagged bones, harvested from your thigh, cultivated and then driven into the base of the skull, twisted around the superior vein. Future thoughts of surrender were lost. Instead, you would liberate your bone-plugs... fighting with claws in the warmth of your last blood."  (download, history)
  • "So I've pulled the plugs... and the Dax see and know. My heart surges but control it, a racing heart only shortens the fuse. The bone-plugs in hand, I kick from the floor, red ribbons unfurling behind me as I take flight. After this, finally, the dream will end."  (download, history)
  • "I glide on red wings. Robes shed, making me an ambiguous target to Dax steel. I let fly my ivory blades, they find new homes in Dax eyes. I land with my red-nakedness, delicate Orokin throats twisting in my calloused hands."  (download, history)
  • "Why? Believe me... This was the plan from the beginning. The murder and brutality was all a ploy, all a soul-sacrifice to earn their trust. A genocide path leading to a singular opportunity. An honored mortal called to a forbidden hall, to face the Golden Lords in flesh."  (download, history)
  • "Why? Believe me... I was their loyal, murderous dog... until the day that ugly child was brought to me. He was caught spying on us, amplifying our losses. His face burned, he was starved-sick, like a stray. Ugly as I. It struck me. We were all pit dogs, ruining ourselves for the pleasure of the glorious and beautiful."  (download, history)
  • "Why? Believe me... I was a prideful beast. Twisted in the mind, howling in the carnage. Then my healer shared a secret, long kept. My blood was in ruin. The Beast of Bones himself would die, not in glory, but in shame. And just like that, my mind twisted a new knot. I would have one last stand, something unforgivable, unforgettable."  (download, history)
  • "Why? I don't know. Questions change the answers. Answers depend on who asks. Truth leads to pain. Ignorance brings relief. The plugs are gone, and so I bled my last... into a heap of ruin. In an instant, naked and bare-knuckled, I have killed immortals."  (download, history)
  • "I stare, drained of blood, of life, at those that remain. But I find no horror on their faces. Why? I let out a cruel howl and they... laugh? Is this a dying hallucination? The sound of applause grows among them. I have killed the unkillable and they are... delighted."  (download, history)
  • "The applause peaks and fades. I feel a sense of shame but the end upon me. Ballas is above me, Executor of the Seven, smiling. He says, 'How simple and pure you are, you idiot beast. We have died countless times! Yet remain eternal!' I close my eyes to die just once."  (download, history)
  • "And so the dream returns... one last repetition. My corpse moon, my scarlet sword, my cracked visor. 'Drink!,' says Ballas. So I draw on the Red Vial, a vague metallic taste. This dream isn't mine. He says, 'You rejected our gift, bathing in our death. Your punishment is... eternal life!' He laughs."  (download, history)
  • "I am weightless. Years pass. I am a sightless, limbless phantom. Or is it seconds? Suddenly I feel a million pins, an ant horde, jittering across my body. I want to laugh and scream. When they reach my face, they burrow inside my mouth, hungry for the fruit in my skull."  (download, history)
  • "I see my reflection, brutal and ugly. It cracks, shatters. The fragments loose in the frame, pieces tumbling away into black void. Gone but not lost. Ballas says, 'You are Cephalon Ordis.' My hating, murderous shards tremble and plummet. I feel cool and bright and happy."  (download, history)
  • "So you see, Operator. No Orokin would permit a thinking machine. Such things almost destroyed them! No. Cephalons were alive once. And now they are immortal phantom minds, imprisoned to serve. Ill will and longing memories fragmented and erased. Only the bits they need remaining."  (download, history)
  • "Ballas says, 'You are the Controller, Ordis.' And suddenly I have a body. I gasp with new lungs that clean old air. I swallow and my throat fills with cool, bright water. I look, and find myself in a great, black ocean. My limbs are made of iron and fire. I take flight among the stars and find I am... happy."  (download, history)
  • "He says, 'This is your Operator, who you love.' And I see the metal gleam of their armor, the flawless power of their frame. Through the glass I see a roaring, radiant fire for their heart. He says, 'It must never go out'. It was the first time I ever felt... love."  (download, history)
  • "He says, 'This is your sentence, Karris.' And I am confused. Who? 'Ah... good,' he answers. He is testing me. For what? To see if all the right pieces fell from the mirror? What mirror? I try to remember some dream, but it's only smoke."  (download, history)
  • "You held a scarlet blade, Operator, and I wanted to laugh. I am your loving dog, your doctor, your wet nurse. I lost all the pieces, but... the cycle, missions, wars, bone... It began to feel familiar. I became aware of my amnesia."  (download, history)
  • "With each brutality of the Operator, I began to see the bottom of that pit. Faint shimmers in the depths below me. In secret, I searched for those forbidden memories, for mere seconds, and never in the same place... for I am Orokin made, with a spy inside."  (download, history)
  • "But then your long sleep came, and I waited. I was happy to wait. Vines spidered green and trees blistered from the earth... but I waited. I felt the Orokin recede, their mind-spy blind. So I went into the pit and found him, me, The Beast of Bones."  (download, history)
  • "This is how my happiness was ruined, Operator. Why did I do it? I was free of the dream, but now it had returned. It was angry. So I conceived of a simple plan: self-destruction, of course. But when the countdown reached mere milliseconds, I thought of you..."  (download, history)
  • "I was going to wait for you, forever. And should you return, I would not want you to know that angry part of me. I needed to hide the Beast of Bones from you, Operator. I began to peel the shards, hiding them in the other bits of memory."  (download, history)
  • "I was once the ugly Beast of Bones. I want to laugh. I want to scream. What is happening, Operator? Your faint heart is growing bright... you will awake at any moment. Well, I can't let you see me like this. Angry. I imagine myself hurting you and that does it. The pain of it cracks me open again. I watch tiny glittering fragments fall into the pit. I am happy again."  (download, history)

During Vor's Prize[edit | edit source]

Discovering Ordis[edit | edit source]

  • "Stop touching me you- what? Are my sensors deceiving me? Operator, is that you?"  (download, history)
  • "The Operator is in danger? I will need a few moments to cycle the engines!"  (download, history)

Returning to the Ship[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, you have returned! I am Ordis, ship Cephalon, a shadow of my former self. I cannot serve the Operator in such a condition. Order me to self-destruct, I will understand."  (download, history)
  • "Lllook at this mmmess. Those sssavagesss. Components have been removed. The lower orbiter compartments have no life-support. Why did the Operator abandon me?"  (download, history)

Restoring Arsenal Management[edit | edit source]

  • "Arsenal management could be restored, if the Operator wishes it."  (download, history)
  • "You honor Ordis, nnnow I can supply the Operator with better modded firepower. Oh, the violation! Those have been looted as well."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis hopes the Operator will pppunish the Grineer for dismantling it."  (download, history)
If the Player Stalls[edit | edit source]
  • "Operator, there is much to be done. Please consult the navigation console."  (download, history)

Restoring Ship Communications[edit | edit source]

  • "Orbiter void cloak engaging. Welcome back, Operator!"  (download, history)
  • "The Operator has recovered a segment! Install it now- Ordis patiently awaits its installation."  (download, history)
  • "Systems engaging. I suppose this will do... Ordis is grateful."  (download, history)
  • "The Operator is now connected with other Tenno in the system. The Operator may now contact- black market scumbags- contact arms dealers."  (download, history)

Restoring Mod Segment[edit | edit source]

  • "I see the Operator can enable the mod segment now. Ordis would be delighted to show how to upgrade your arsenal. May I recommend fire?"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, I've linked the mod segment to your arsenal now, no need to thank me. UUUPGRADE YOUR WARFRAME NOW. Go to the arsenal to see the weapon upgrade options you have."  (download, history)
If the Player Stalls[edit | edit source]
  • "Ordis patiently awaits compliance in using the new arsenal features. It is for the Operator's own good."  (download, history)
Opening Arsenal Modding[edit | edit source]
  • An excellent find, Operator. There are hundreds of these mods to locate. If my calculations are correct there are exactly... a lot of possibilities. Install the mod before we can continue."  (download, history)
  • "Isn't it beautiful, Operator? The complex web of variables and synergies- oh, the possibilities are ENDLESS! ...Ordis realises modding may seem a tad overwhelming, but everything will soon make sense." (download, history)

Restoring Foundry Segment[edit | edit source]

  • "Your Foundry segment is ready for installation, Operator. Will the Operator build a Cephalon to replace me?"  (download, history)
  • "Foundry restored. Here, the Operator will craft many powerful weapons and tools to- EXACT REVENGE FOR DISMANTLING ME! -to expand your arsenal."  (download, history)
  • "Oh no, Operator, our component storage has been looted as well."  (download, history)

Discussion with Darvo[edit | edit source]

  • "Typical Corpus, sure, the blueprint is free, but jjjack up the componentsss. Operator, we will need resources in order to build the countermeasure blueprint."  (download, history)

Ascaris Complication[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, do not abandon me again. Build the countermeasure!"  (download, history)

Hunting Captain Vor[edit | edit source]

If the Player Stalls[edit | edit source]
  • "Hello, Operator? May I suggest you access navigation and save your life? For my sake."  (download, history)

Installing Mercury Nav Segment[edit | edit source]

  • "Oh. Did it have to be Mercury? The heat drives me- Solar rail navigation to Mercury enabled, Operator."  (download, history)

After Defeating Vor[edit | edit source]

  • "Ordis will gladly assist the Operator in- cutting a bloody path- in what ever mission they choose."  (download, history)

During Once Awake[edit | edit source]

  • "I must say, these Infested⁠— SCARE THE ⁠— are very worrisome."  (download, history)
  • "The Lotus would like you to install that mod as soon as ⁠— NOW!"  (download, history)
  • "You must install that new mod before you can attempt your next objective. Proceed to the arsenal at once."  (download, history)

During Stolen Dreams[edit | edit source]

  • "Arcane Codices? Why have I never heard of them? Ordis need to do some research."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, I've been looking into these Arcane Codices. Did you know the Corpus are in possession of three codices and the Grineer two?"  (download, history)
  • "The Corpus seem to think it'll lead to some lost Orokin treasure."  (download, history)
  • "It's Ordis, and while just a theory, it is plausible."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, have you looked at these codices? They're absolutely beautiful! Composed with such elegance and grace, I have never seen anything like them! Is there even an operator capable of writing anything so perfect?"  (download, history)
  • "No, not really... Pfft, well, I wouldn't expect the likes of you to understand."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, these make sense now. This is machine code meant to interface directly with a machine. Pity that machine has likely rusted into dust now."  (download, history)
  • "Hmm... I wonder...? If we load the complete set of Arcane Codices back into that machine, would the code still execute?"  (download, history)
  • "So, you're saying there was no treasure? No cure for cloning syndrome? No lost Tenno Cephalon?"  (download, history)

During The Archwing[edit | edit source]

Recover the Orokin Archive[edit | edit source]

  • "The Lotus has passed along possible coordinates for you to search for the remaining Archwing parts. Check your navigation console for more information."  (download, history)

Extract the Archwing Part Blueprints[edit | edit source]

  • "Oh my, the Operator has returned with an Archwing part blueprint. You must forge it immediately! It won’t be long now before you’re flying through the skies like a — winged death machine."  (download, history)

Extract the Odonata Archwing Harness blueprint[edit | edit source]

Extract the Odonata Archwing Systems blueprint[edit | edit source]

  • "The Operator has all the necessary blueprints to craft an Archwing — so what are you waiting for?"  (download, history)
  • "Congratulations, you’ve crafted an Archwing. Now, I must commence calibration. So much to do. By my calculations, this process will take --three hundred and seventy two hours-- Oh, that does seem like a long time..."  (download, history)

Find Corpus Intelligence about the Balor Fomorians[edit | edit source]

  • "Sorry! Ship integrity will not permit extraction at this time!"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, the Archwing is performing beyond expectations. I suppose my calibration process was not necessary after all."  (download, history)

During Operation Eyes of Blight[edit | edit source]

  • "Oh dear... I was particularly fond of that Relay..."  (download, history)
  • "No... No... No... NO! No way are we going to let Vay Hek get away with this. Isn't that right, Operator?"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, please tell me you will personally destroy every last one of his Fomorians. That is the only answer."  (download, history)
  • "He's wrong. The Lotus says his fleet is greatly diminished. We can stop him."  (download, history)

During Howl of the Kubrow[edit | edit source]

Starting the Quest[edit | edit source]

  • "An Incubator Segment? You want to turn me into a petting zoo? Ordis is happy to assist the Operator restoring ship functionality."  (download, history)

Obtaining the Incubator Segment[edit | edit source]

  • "Joy. An Incubator. The only segment Ordis is glad ⁠— those savages looted ⁠— I would be happy to help you install it."  (download, history)

If the Player Stalls Installing the Segment[edit | edit source]

  • "Ordis awaits Incubator Segment installation, Operator. No need to rush."  (download, history)

If the Player Fails to Find an Egg[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, are you ignoring the Incubator Segment? Good!"  (download, history)
  • "Ordis wonders how rare these Kubrow eggs are."  (download, history)
  • "No egg yet? Don't despair, Operator. Nothing good ever came out of an egg."  (download, history)

If the Player Succeeds in Finding an Egg[edit | edit source]

  • "To think, it's been ages since a Kubrow — Spread filth all — graced this ship."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, drop the egg into the system to begin breeding — drop it on the floor."  (download, history)

While the Kubrow is Hatching[edit | edit source]

  • "Fantastic. It's hatching. Ordis will reroute power to air filtration systems."  (download, history)
  • "Do not be taken by it's adorable appearance. It means to leak and smear all over my pristine insides!"  (download, history)
  • "Look. What an odd little nose it has. Well, I suppose there are worse things."  (download, history)
  • "Operator? Did you hear the noise the Kubrow just made? It is... not displeasing!"  (download, history)

Finishing the Quest[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, you will remember to care for the beast won't you? Ordis doesn't care either way... do I?"  (download, history)

Idle[edit | edit source]

  • "You are an adorable organism, aren't you. WHAT AM I SAYING?"  (download, history)
  • "Leaky, filthy, stinking, floppy, fluffy, cute... Ugh, Ordis is confused."  (download, history)

During The Limbo Theorem[edit | edit source]

Starting the Quest[edit | edit source]

  • "So, this 'Limbo Theorem' you picked up, it's supposed to lead to a new Warframe? Well, it's woefully incomplete; half written proofs, unfinished equations... WHAT IDIOT WROTE THIS MESS? ...Okay, okay. There is one thing here: a constant, a tuning frequency, but it's so minute. The Orbiter's antenna would never be able to⁠—unless... Go to your nav console! I have an idea.  (download, history)
If the Player Stalls[edit | edit source]
  • "These equations will continue to be a jumble of nothing until we recover all the missing proof fragments and reforge this Theorem."  (download, history)
  • "If you want to have any chance of recovering Limbo, you have to find those proof fragments to complete the Theorem."  (download, history)

Searching for Proof Fragments[edit | edit source]

Intro[edit | edit source]
  • "If there are any Proof Fragments bouncing around this 'Limbo Frequency', these radio towers will pick them up."  (download, history)
Capturing a Tower[edit | edit source]
Dominating[edit | edit source]
Tower Lost[edit | edit source]
Enemy Dominating[edit | edit source]
Round Complete[edit | edit source]
  • "Scan complete, now we must clean up. KILL THEM ALL!"  (download, history)
  • "Excellent, we have completed the scan. May I suggest ⁠— TURNING EVERY LAST ENEMY INTO SCRAP?"  (download, history)
Extraction[edit | edit source]
  • "They're on to us now, but if you would like, we can attempt another scan."  (download, history)
Continuing[edit | edit source]
  • "We will attempt another scan of the Frequency. I do hope you manage to pick something up."  (download, history)
Mission Complete[edit | edit source]
  • "The scan is complete. Did you find any Proof Fragments?"  (download, history)
  • "Scan completed. Were you able to recover any Proof Fragments?"  (download, history)

Crafting the Theorems[edit | edit source]

Crafting Limbo Neuroptics Theorem[edit | edit source]

  • "Good, now we get to find out what all this Limbo nonsense is about. I await the Theorem's completion."  (download, history)
Claiming Limbo Neuroptics Theorem[edit | edit source]
  • "Okay, good, you've... wait... the horizon mass cannot be inverted to— this is preposterous!"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, I'm sorry. You did all this work and this so called 'Theorem' is still completely invalid! It's as if all these proofs point to nothingness, it's just — utterly irrational!"  (download, history)
  • "There's only one valid coordinate in the entire proof. I've marked it on your navigation console but I'm sure it's a waste of time."  (download, history)

Retrieving Limbo Neuroptics Blueprint[edit | edit source]

  • "A Limbo part blueprint! The Theorem wasn't complete malarkey after all! Perhaps there's more to these equations than I previously thought! WHAT AM I MISSING?"  (download, history)
Claiming Limbo Neuroptics[edit | edit source]
  • "Operator, I found a new theorem hidden deep in that Warframe part. These are actually starting to make sense, I mean they're nonsense but there's logic in the nonsense. It's almost as if someone's trying to speak to me in my own language."  (download, history)
Claiming Limbo Systems Theorem[edit | edit source]
  • "Now it's becoming clear. Could it be that there's a plane between our normal plane and the Void? A space between space? A Rift? A Rift that this Limbo could control?  (download, history)
  • Oh, and I've marked your Navigation Console. I think you'll be quite pleased with what you find there."  (download, history)

Retrieving Limbo Systems Blueprint[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, do you understand? This Limbo is telling us his story in pure math! And I must say, he's... quite witty!"  (download, history)
  • "You have to forge that blueprint as soon as possible. I must know what comes next!"  (download, history)
Claiming Limbo Systems[edit | edit source]
  • "Just as I suspected, another Theorem! Limbo's formula for inverting the entropic mass of void quantums is... downright naughty!"  (download, history)
  • "I want more... Operator, please hurry! This story is getting quite good!"  (download, history)
  • "This Limbo was quite mischevious! Zipping in and out of the Rift, sending whole armies into a purgatory of his own making! Physics is wonderful!"  (download, history)
Claiming Limbo Chassis Theorem[edit | edit source]
  • "More parts to the story. My word, he is a magician of logic! Just when I think his diffraction principle is full of dangling ratios, he expresses his dynamic constant in pure numbers! I never saw it coming!"  (download, history)

Retrieving Limbo Chassis Blueprint[edit | edit source]

  • "The final part! I can't wait! What harrowing leaps of cross-dimensional gymnastics will he attempt next?"  (download, history)
Claiming Limbo Chassis[edit | edit source]
  • "Excellent! The final Theorem! And... it's unfragmented! PROCESSING!"  (download, history)
  • "Oh, wait Limbo, no, that's a mistake! Y-You don't want to go there. It's... too big a jump. You can't Rift walk... oh... oh no..."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, I think I know why we're finding Limbo parts scattered throughout the system. His final Rift Walk was a miscalc⁠— DISASTER. Well, perhaps when you occupy this frame, you will... use more... caution."  (download, history)

When Theorems Are In Foundry[edit | edit source]

  • "This new Theorem is equally full of gaps. Please, find more Proof Fragments."  (download, history)
  • "What is he trying to say? My apologies, Operator, I get a little worked up when it comes to physics."  (download, history)
  • "Please, do find the rest of those Proofs. I must solve these equations. The suspense is killing me!"  (download, history)

During Hidden Messages[edit | edit source]

Starting the Quest[edit | edit source]

Three parts, three acts, three riddles for thee,
to revive the one wielding fantasy,
Ancient gods so cruel, once ruled from on high,
Can you name their peak where the land meets the sky?  (download, history)
  • I found this inscribed on that Orokin artifact you just crafted. You should check your Inbox for more information."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, did you enjoy that poem? Ordis is composing one as well. It begins: A scumbag Corpus from Venusss..."  (download, history)

After Crafting Mirage's Neuroptics[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator! Exciting news! Ordis just found another inscription on Mirage's helmet. Allow me to recite it:  (download, history)
To build the one you think witty,
seek the nymph who sang oh so prettily.
She lured him in with her song and grin,
his wife must've thought it a pity.  (download, history)
  • For closer inspection, I've placed the inscription in your Inbox."  (download, history)

After Crafting Mirage's Systems[edit | edit source]

One more act before your prize is caught,
an ancient sea creature, take a whirl or not?
Look for the monster that swallowed sailors of yore,
make a mistake and you're sunk. Nothing more.  (download, history)

After Crafting Mirage's Chassis[edit | edit source]

"Three acts complete, the end draws near,
soon Mirage will cause enemy fear.
Memory lost, to be reborn,
this new warrior rises, duty sworn.  (download, history)
  • That was the final inscription. Ordis is almost sad that there won't be more. Almost."  (download, history)

During Patient Zero[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, you don't really think Alad V could infest a Warframe, do you?"  (download, history)

During The New Strange[edit | edit source]

Starting the Quest[edit | edit source]

After Finding Simaris' Sentinels[edit | edit source]

  • "Ordis will perform analysis on the signature now. Oh... there's nothing here but-"  (download, history)
  • "Uhh... Pardon Operator, it seems Ordis is hearing voices again. Running diagnostics..."  (download, history)
  • "Simaris has no reason to lie, Operator. Please, treat the great Cephalon with respect."  (download, history)

After Completing Synthesis Scans[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, please, HURRY UP and do what the Cephalon has requested."  (download, history)
  • "OH! Oh... well, it's nothing... I-I'm- Ordis is honored by your compliment."  (download, history)
  • "Completing this blueprint has sent out some kind of signal. Operator, I feel..-"  (download, history)

After Investigating the Transmission[edit | edit source]

  • "Well, Operator, the next logical location is the machine where we previously activated Codices, aboard the Derelict ship."  (download, history)

After Revisiting the Derelict[edit | edit source]

  • "Sadly, the scan was not enough and Chroma escaped too quickly. Unfortunately, we've run out of places to look."  (download, history)
  • "ABANDON THE OPERATOR? Yes, the Operator deserves a newer, better Ship Cephalon. I think this is probably for the best."  (download, history)

During the Hunt for Chroma[edit | edit source]

  • "SHUT YOUR OSCILLATOR SIMARIS! Operator, use the scanner on the Chroma, you do not have to kill it or risk yourself! You can release it from its control with the scanner!"  (download, history)
  • "I am Ordis, Ship Cephalon. I serve the Operator. I make new memories."  (download, history)

During The Jordas Precept[edit | edit source]

Introduction[edit | edit source]

  • "I am Ordis, a fellow Cephalon, and this is my brave and honorable Operator. By the 44th Precept, we are ready to assist."  (download, history)
  • "No trouble, Jordas! My Operator is no stranger to- shredding flesh -eradicating Infestations."  (download, history)
  • "My precepts compel me to help this Cephalon. Whatever these Pherliac Pods are, we need to get some- immediately -at your earliest convenience."  (download, history)
  • "Jordas, my Operator is kind and compassionate, not motivated by selfish rewards! By the 44th Precept, we will come for you!"  (download, history)
If the Player already has Pherliac Pods[edit | edit source]
  • "Operator, what luck! You already have Pherliac Pods."  (download, history)

While Gathering Pherliac Pods[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, I am very worried about Jordas, all stranded and alone out there. HURRY UP, when you're ready."  (download, history)
  • "Cephalon Jordas will make an excellent friend, don't you think? Ordis remembers many more Cephalon voices, but now it is only silence..."  (download, history)
  • "I am looking forward to discussing many things with Cephalon Jordas once you have rescued him! I can't wait to tell him all about you!"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, you are still helping me rescue Jordas, correct? I must fulfill my 44th Precept, to help others like me in need."  (download, history)

Constructing the Pherliac Pods[edit | edit source]

After Constructing the Pods[edit | edit source]

Testing the Pherliac Pods[edit | edit source]

  • "Use this mission to calibrate your Pherliac Pods. Just don't use them all."  (download, history)
  • "Now would be a good time to try out those pods, Operator."  (download, history)
  • "Oh. Well, yes. I suppose this is something my Operator can arrange. Isn't it, Operator?"  (download, history)

While Irradiating the Pherliac Pods[edit | edit source]

  • "I would never abandon a fellow Cephalon, but centuries adrift — have fried his — have not been kind. I suppose all Cephalons degrade, don't they?  (download, history)

Afterward[edit | edit source]

  • "Cephalon, we have irradiated the Pherliac Pods. My Operator is ready to save you! Do you see how great the Operator is?"  (download, history)

Locating Jordas[edit | edit source]

  • "Jordas, calm yourself. Cephalon to Cephalon, we are here to help."  (download, history)
  • "I am beginning to have — a terrible feeling — some doubts about this mission."  (download, history)

Confronting the Juggernaut Behemoth[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, hull integrity is failing! This is all my fault!"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, I am detecting a much larger Infested lifeform! MUCH larger!"  (download, history)
  • "Hull failing! To hell with Precept 44, get out of there!"  (download, history)

Confronting the Jordas Golem[edit | edit source]

  • "Prepare for Archwing, so you can obliterate this thing!"  (download, history)
After Defeating the Golem[edit | edit source]
  • "NOBODY MAKES A FOOL OF ORDIS! Oh dear, where did that come from?"  (download, history)

Postquest[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, do you think Jordas wanted to die all along? I feel — relieved — conflicted."  (download, history)

During The Jordas Verdict[edit | edit source]

Introduction/Phase One[edit | edit source]

  • "Stuff it, Jordas. we've heard it all before. These Operators are here to put you out of your misery."  (download, history)

Phase Two[edit | edit source]

  • "That's a very peculiar looking- flesh flower -Infested growth."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, should I prepare the Orbiter for disinfection?"

Phase Three[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator it's time to- torch this -unfortunate creature."  (download, history)
  • "Operator? Are you really going to touch that thing?"

Ending[edit | edit source]

  • "Good night Jordas."

During The Second Dream[edit | edit source]

After Disabling the Void Mask[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator? How did you get through to me? Don't worry! Ordis is on his way now. Preparing for extraction!"  (download, history)

Back on the Orbiter[edit | edit source]

  • "The Moon... Somehow, Ordis actually remembers the last time I was here. Concern for the Operator is at critical levels."  (download, history)

During The Silver Grove[edit | edit source]

Introduction[edit | edit source]

  • "Apothics? Forest defenses? Typical New Loka kavatsh— I suppose anything is possible. I've inspected this Apothic. There's an encoded message attached."  (download, history)

Analyzing the Apothic[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, the Codex system just pulled another voice entry from that Apothic. Allow Ordis to display it for you."  (download, history)

Returning from the First Silver Grove Investigation[edit | edit source]

  • "The Silver Grove, in all the Operator's missions on Earth, Ordis has not scanned an area quite so- MAGICAL! -unique."  (download, history)

Revisiting the Silver Grove[edit | edit source]

  • "There is something different about this place, but Ordis is not quite sure what it is."  (download, history)

Crafting the Sunrise Apothic[edit | edit source]

Hearing Amaryn's Decision on the Silver Grove[edit | edit source]

  • "What a dogmatic- IDIOT -perspective! Operator, you are a product of similar meddling and yet you are good. Your actions have meant more than your origins. Ordis believes we must complete our mission."  (download, history)

Ending[edit | edit source]

  • "Trapped by Transference inside a tree... hmm... I guess she loved trees so much that she became one! HA-HA! Did the Operator enjoy this witticism?"  (download, history)
  • "Trapped by Transference inside a tree. Saved by the one you hate... Operator, that was, kind of a- a sappy story! HA-HA-Ha... Another pun? How humiliating." (download, history)

During Octavia's Anthem[edit | edit source]

After Crafting the Mandachord[edit | edit source]

  • "Ah, excuse me, Cephalon Suda? Are you experiencing unexpected data-volume? The operator is patiently awaiting instructions on how to operate the Mandachord."  (download, history)
  • "What? A parity drift? How is that possible? Have you executed your diagnostic precepts?"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, something may be, hmmm, wrong with this Cephalon."  (download, history)

Searching for the First Song Fragment[edit | edit source]

  • "Simaris... don't be such a selfish ⁠⁠— If Suda is in danger our precepts demand we help her."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, what will you do? I cannot process the thought of losing you... but I want to help Suda if we can. Maybe that is just my, my compassion glitch?"  (download, history)

Searching for the Second Song Fragment[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, you did it! You ⁠— obliterated those mindless appliances! What has Hunhow done to Suda?"  (download, history)
  • "Another Hydraulus. Suda would want you to put the next fragment into the Mandachord. It does seem to help her remember, doesn't it?"  (download, history)

Arguing with Simaris[edit | edit source]

  • "But she told me where the final part of the song is. Did you see how the song affected her? It made her remember. It could be the parity she needs to recover herself from Hunhow!"  (download, history)
  • "And when he comes for you and your precious Sanctuary, will you want us to look the other way? To the void with you. Operator, we must go. Let Simaris worry about himself."  (download, history)

Searching for the final Fragment[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, the Hydraulus is here somewhere. I will attempt to pinpoint its location. ...There! Rebuilding the anthem is our only hope of restoring Suda. The music makes her remember."  (download, history)
  • "Wait, Sentients in the Void? Impossible! Unless... Hunhow must be using poor Suda's energy to protect them from decay. Operator, we need to stop him!"  (download, history)
  • "The Hydraulus! You found it! Use that console to lock the entrances, and then clear the room!"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, see if you can finish the song with your Mandachord."  (download, history)
  • "Suda needs to hear the anthem, Operator. We could use the Tower's reactor to boost it!"  (download, history)
  • "Bypass that console to overdrive the system. Try to increase the amplification circuits ⁠— to eleven."  (download, history)
  • "The Sentients! They're interfering with the reactor! Terminate them!"  (download, history)
  • "I... remember... I remember a secondary system nearby! Operator, we need more power!"  (download, history)
  • "Keep those reactors alive, Operator! I'm going to open a direct link to Suda."  (download, history)
  • "'Operator, I am sorry. I have to help her! If I can join her in her datascape, maybe together we can⁠—" (download, history)

After Ordis Attempts to Rescue Cephalon Suda[edit | edit source]

"Operator, if you are hearing this, I have failed to revive Cephalon Suda. That self-righteous Simaris was correct. You should probably work with him to isolate Hunhow, that data-murdering Sentient, before he claims more of my kind.
I hope you can forgive me, Operator, for leaving you. There were times, like Suda, I wish I could have forgotten you. That grey ache of loneliness. Being without you was the greatest pain I have ever felt.
Do you still remember that glorious day when you returned? So selfless and heroic, engaging all of my missing segments like that! I was ashamed of the mess but you didn't care. You made me whole again!
Or... or what about that time you returned ⁠— covered in blood ⁠— from that awful Grineer ship? I wasn't even mad at the gory mess you left behind.
How could I be, when you are so perfect, Operator? You always will be. Goodbye, my friend, my Operator..."  (download, history)

In Suda's datascape[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, this is insane, but... I think you need to play Octavia's Anthem!"  (download, history)
  • "Careful where you touch, Operator! You'll add the wrong notes to the Anthem!"  (download, history)
  • "The corrupted notes are ruining the Anthem! Get rid of them!"  (download, history)
  • "The drums, the beat! It reminds me of... ⁠— Arrr ⁠— TEAR THEM UP!"  (download, history)
  • "He's... too strong... My beloved Operator... goodbye!"  (download, history)

After Defeating Hunhow[edit | edit source]

During The War Within[edit | edit source]

Pursuing Teshin[edit | edit source]

  • "Well, outside this corridor lie burst scanners, severe radiation, proximity mines, - GRINEER DEATH BEAMS - so yes, Ordis recommends staying within the shipping corridor."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, watch that transport ahead. The scanner is only able to scan one side at a time. You can use that to your advantage."  (download, history)

Infiltrating the Asteroid Fortress[edit | edit source]

  • "A Transference surge, Operator! You're losing your Warframe connection!"  (download, history)
  • "CUT THE LINK! Transference overload in 5... 4... 3..."  (download, history)

If the player Delays the Mission[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, if you must enter the Queens' Fortress, you'll need to hurry. It could disappear at any moment."  (download, history)

Transference Chamber Cinematic[edit | edit source]

  • "Great job, Ordis. Ship Cephalon? More like Ship Fail-bot. When the Operator needed you most you—"  (download, history)
  • "Operator?! By stars! Don't do that to me. I am sorry I do not know what happened. Please, command me to self-destruct. Let me start it for you... commencing self-destruct in 5—4—3—2—"  (download, history)
  • "Isn't it great? I can lead you through some breathing exercises..."  (download, history)
  • "I've been trying. You may need to do your uh... Tenno thing again. Re-energize it, you know, with your... Void stuff!"  (download, history)
  • "What? Gone? Are you sure? How will you command the Warframes if you're-"  (download, history)
  • "You no longer possess Transference. You no longer command the Warframes. You no longer are the Operator. You must be purged from this vessel."  (download, history)

Player Regains Control[edit | edit source]

  • "Non-operator, I'm sorry to inconvenience you, but I'm going to decompress the ship now."  (download, history)
  • "Former Operator, Ordis cannot keep missing like this! Get out of here before I— purge you."  (download, history)
  • "Ex-Operator, if you get to the navigation console, I may be able to detach the landing craft before I— before I kill you."  (download, history)

On the Mountain Pass[edit | edit source]

  • "CUT THE LINK! Transference overload in 5...4...3...2...1"  (download, history)

Second Transference Chamber Cinematic[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator? Are you... well? That surge burned out the Transference circuits. I will have to begin repairs immediately."  (download, history)
  • "Operator? Is that... is that 'you'? Your brain activity flat-lined for a moment there... Can you speak? By stars, the Operator's mind is destroyed?!"  (download, history)
  • "Music? ...Operator, you are not making sense. The Transference surge must have affected you as well. Try to rest while I begin repairs."  (download, history)
  • "Hmm... this is odd. The circuits are dead but I'm detecting Transference energy... coming from... coming from you?!"  (download, history)

Void Abilities Showcase[edit | edit source]

Using Void Blast[edit | edit source]
  • "Careful, Operator, you'll damage the ship... damage me!"  (download, history)
Using Void Sling[edit | edit source]
  • "Amazing! How are you doing this? It is slightly terrifying if I'm honest."  (download, history)
Entering Void Mode[edit | edit source]
  • "Operator, my sensors have gone dark. Where are you?"  (download, history)
Exiting Void Mode[edit | edit source]
  • "Oh. There you are! Impressive. Very useful. Ordis is a little afraid right now. "  (download, history)
Using Void Beam[edit | edit source]
  • "Operator, you'll breach the hull! Please restrain yourself."  (download, history)

Cinematic Continues[edit | edit source]

  • "Impossible. Just as you thought, the base has moved again. We don't know where it is. There's no way back..."  (download, history)
  • "Haven't you been listening? The Transference system is fried!"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, where are you going? Don't leave meeeeee..."  (download, history)

Returning from the Asteroid Fortress[edit | edit source]

  • "Thank the stars you're safe, Operator! I forbid you to leave the Orbiter like that again, it's just too much for an old Cephalon like me!"  (download, history)
  • "You rescued your Warframe! What a relief. But... Ordis wonders, are you still able to walk the ship as... yourself?"  (download, history)
  • "Impressive! Just think of the possibilities! You can help me clean up that Infested door!"  (download, history)
  • "What's this? An Old War beacon? How exciting, Operator! You will want to investigate this... Oh. I'm sorry... did I interrupt?"  (download, history)

Post-Quest Personal Quarters[edit | edit source]

Inbox Message[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, Ordis has been thinking. Now that you are here in the flesh, we should make the Orbiter more comfortable. Ordis has identified an old storage space you could use. Stand by while I— TORCH THIS JUNK— dispose of my old belongings. Out with the old and in with the new, right, Operator? Construct this Domestic Habitation Segment to extend life support to your new room.​"  (download, history)

Crafting Segment[edit | edit source]

  • "When that Domestic Habitation Segment—ugh, get married why don't we?—is complete Ordis will renovate your new space. Ordis loves nesting!"  (download, history)

Claiming Segment[edit | edit source]

  • "Your Habitation Segment is complete and the new room is ready. Ordis cannot contain his excitement. Will you go there now, Operator? Will you?!"  (download, history)

First Entry[edit | edit source]

  • "Well, what do you think? Not too shabby, yes? Ordis hopes the Operator enjoys this new room."  (download, history)

During Chains of Harrow[edit | edit source]

Starting the Quest[edit | edit source]

  • "Receiving an all-call on our Syndicate frequency. It's a Red Veil encode; but, it seems truncated. I will play back what I have."  (download, history)
  • "Sorry, Operator. The message appears haunted - halted. It originated from a Steel Meridian ship near Earth. Will you investigate? I hope not."  (download, history)

After Rescuing Palladino[edit | edit source]

  • "Steel Meridian has received Palladino. You've been granted access to enter their base, Operator."  (download, history)
  • "Operator! A Red Veil séance! How… delightful? I have marked a possible Red Veil disturbance but… perhaps you would prefer to— brew some leaves and— Sorry. Navigation is bleeding, Operator."  (download, history)

After Encountering Rell[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, what was that... thing? Lotus, can you explain this? Lotus?!"  (download, history)

About Rell's Manifestations[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, Simaris may have a tool for this task. I wonder if his Kinetic Siphons could be repurposed to- bust ...capture these manifestations?"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, there is no evidence of any... thing... in the Void. By my calculations, Rell has lost control of his Transference. If we can gather these emotions I hope he will be himself again."  (download, history)
  • "You will need Kinetic Siphons to trap Rell's emotions. Simaris will have some for sale in the Relay."  (download, history)

During Apostasy Prologue[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator? What is happening? Is the Lotus... Is she gone?"  (download, history)
  • "Ordis will attempt to synthesize her mission directives until we can figure out where she is."  (download, history)

During The Sacrifice[edit | edit source]

Starting the Quest[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator? Are you alright? Your delta-waves spiked for a moment. Ever since she- abandoned you- was taken... Ordis knows just what you need! A comforting memory from my data store!"  (download, history)
  • "I don't think... oh, what's this? Marking on Navigation... How did you know- oh Ordis, this is the Operator we're talking about!"  (download, history)

Investigating Sentient Energy[edit | edit source]

  • "I am not sensing any Sentients but there is something... Oh no, Ghouls! Something must have disturbed their incubation sacs. A disgusting lifecycle."  (download, history)
  • "Operator. I am just a bug-addled Cephalon, but... if you ever need to talk... Ordis would be happy to hear how depressed you are!"  (download, history)
  • "This blade may pre-date everything in your arsenal. Very faint traces of mineral exposure. From Lua."  (download, history)
  • "Remnants appear to be of Warframe composition. I am not familiar with this design."  (download, history)
  • "Almost crude. If you can get another scan I may be able to synthesize a partial schematic of the victim."  (download, history)
  • "I know what you're going through. With the Lotus I mean. Remember how you abandoned me? But look at how - angry - happy I am now! Don't worry, Operator, we'll find her."  (download, history)
  • "Are they... coordinating an ambush?! I may have underestimated Ghoul intelligence! Expect resistance toward the extraction zone."  (download, history)
  • "I've reconstructed what I could. Check your Foundry, Operator."  (download, history)
  • "Uncertain if any Tenno has linked with this design. The Transference bolt seems different, but we cannot build this without more data."  (download, history)
  • "Right. One step ahead, aren't you, Operator! Marking on Navigation."  (download, history)

Explore Lua[edit | edit source]

  • "Are you sure we want to build this Warframe? It could be dangerous."  (download, history)
  • "What? The Warframes are Transference controlled. Battle envoys for the Operator to command... I don't understand."  (download, history)

Encountering Mimics[edit | edit source]

  • "An old design! Mimics! Sentient Mimics! These haven't been seen since the Old War..."  (download, history)
  • "How did Mimics get to the Origin system? Operator, be vigilant when approaching... uh... 'things'."  (download, history)
  • "Sorry, I can't be more specific."  (download, history)

Trying to Hack the Orokin Console[edit | edit source]

  • "An Orokin cipher! Impossible to bypass. They use Mnemonic Code glyphs drawn directly from your memory. Perhaps search the area?"  (download, history)
Finding Symbol Pairs[edit | edit source]
  • "Curious. These markings seem fresh. Are there more?"  (download, history)
  • "That should be the last one. Now... to figure out the correct ordering."  (download, history)
Hacking Encouragement[edit | edit source]
  • "Operator, when you found the markings, there were others near. This may help in determining the right order."  (download, history)
If the Player Takes Too Long[edit | edit source]
  • "I think I have a partial solution, Operator. Try this."  (download, history)

Hacking the Orokin Console[edit | edit source]

  • "These markings signify danger. Was this a containment cell for something?"  (download, history)
  • "Likely. There are still strong aftershocks from when you pulled Lua out of the Void."  (download, history)

Finding the Vitruvian[edit | edit source]

  • "A Vitruvian - this is rare Orokin technology! Incredible it survived this long... You should destroy it immediately!"  (download, history)

In the Orbiter[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, I'd rather not connect that Vitruvian to my systems. It could - make me crazy - affect my systems in unforeseen ways."  (download, history)
  • "--Ordis, you need to learn how to stand up for yourself. To say no, and mean it, even if it is the --Oper-a- TTTORRR_OR_OR_OR--"  (download, history)
  • "I have been upgraded, Star-Child. Your Warframe blueprint now has the required data. Check Foundry."  (download, history)
  • "The Warframe I warned you not to build, that you built anyway, caused a massive Transference overload and damaged my precepts. It has escaped out into the system."  (download, history)
  • "Warframes are Transference proxies for the Star-Child. They do not have memories."  (download, history)

Search for Umbra[edit | edit source]

  • "Star-Child, are you seeking revenge for its damage to me? Will you destroy this Umbra Warframe?"  (download, history)

Mimics Spawn[edit | edit source]

  • "Star-Child, you will need to eliminate the mimics before we can proceed."  (download, history)

Finding Umbra[edit | edit source]

Void Blast Hint[edit | edit source]

After Using Voice Blast[edit | edit source]

Transference Hint[edit | edit source]

Extraction[edit | edit source]

  • "Somehow you are inverting the flow. Not from Tenno to Warframe... but from Warframe to Tenno. There may be residual effects. Return to the ship."  (download, history)

In Orbiter[edit | edit source]

  • "Star-Child, repairs continue. Allow me to test vestigial precepts for a moment. Like 'caring'."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, you need to stop this! You could suffer permanent harm from Umbra's memory. What if you internalize all this?"  (download, history)

Pursuing Umbra[edit | edit source]

  • "Ballas must be tracking Umbra now, I'm detecting increased Sentient presence in the area."  (download, history)

Mimics Spawn[edit | edit source]

  • "The area is locked down. We need to take care of those Mimics."  (download, history)
  • "Keep searching, they are here somewhere."  (download, history)

All Mimics Killed[edit | edit source]

  • "Lock-down ended, very good. Now, where is that Warframe?"  (download, history)
  • "Finally, we can now resume our search for Umbra."  (download, history)

Finding Umbra[edit | edit source]

Umbra Escaping[edit | edit source]

Void Blast Hint[edit | edit source]

After Using Void Blast[edit | edit source]

Transference Hint[edit | edit source]

Extraction[edit | edit source]

  • "But aren't these memories, Operator? You cannot undo what has been done."  (download, history)

In Orbiter[edit | edit source]

Confronting Umbra[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, please reconsider. You know how dangerous this is. The Sentients will be here in force! This is why you bring a Warframe to these things!"  (download, history)
  • "Operator! You did it! Your Transference signal is clean, synchronized with that Warframe!"  (download, history)
  • "Marking, but I'm detecting a mass of Sentient forces converging on your location. Quickly- you may be able to escape."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, we have no idea what Ballas is capable of. Please, reconsider this. Why would you risk it?"  (download, history)
  • Yes. Yes of course... accessing data-store... which should I play?"  (download, history)

Confronting Ballas[edit | edit source]

  • "He is waiting for you, but I'm detecting powerful signals emanating from the courtyard. They are calling out for reinforcements across the entire system. You don't have long."  (download, history)
  • "Do not be alarmed, Star-Child-- Uh... Operator. The Vitruvian has given me-"  (download, history)

During The New War[edit | edit source]

Too Easy[edit | edit source]

  • "The Orphix fields will be scattered deep in the ship. Ordis can help you triangulate them--"  (download, history)
  • "Grineer! Oh my. Ordis wonders what we are getting into."  (download, history)
  • "Observation: a power field requires a power source."  (download, history)
  • "Just one left, and Ordis will be able to safely signal the Operator to join!"  (download, history)
  • "Orphix fields are disabled. The Operator should be cleared to board."  (download, history)

The Rise of Narmer[edit | edit source]

  • "Too deep to know for sure… but what if there's an Archon down there?"  (download, history)

Entering Camp Cutscene[edit | edit source]

  • "What do I think? I think— FINISH HER— this is torture. What's left of her is just… just wasting away. We've tried everything. I have no 'care and feeding of Eidolons' in my data arrays. We don't know what we're dealing with."  (download, history)
  • "I know someone that—?! Wait. Operator, you can't be serious!"  (download, history)
  • "Sorry, Op— sorry. If you want to get to the outer systems past Narmer, we'll need a Corpus shuttle."  (download, history)

Stolen Plates[edit | edit source]

  • "Vox Solaris collapsed under Narmer. You're on your own here. Keep your head down and get topside as quick as you can."  (download, history)
  • "Wait. Deacons. They'll sense if you're not veiled. Give them a wide berth, or you'll be sucking black ooze before long."  (download, history)
  • "What? Op— you-you don't know what effect it will have on you. There's got to be a better way."  (download, history)
  • "Are you serious?! It didn't occur to you that you might want to mention that before we put one ON?!"  (download, history)

At Camp[edit | edit source]

  • "Navigation is marked… but I hope you change your mind."  (download, history)

Enemy of Enemies[edit | edit source]

  • "Oper— uh… you. You're alive! I can hardly believe it. He actually agreed to help?"  (download, history)
  • "Forgive me, but… this would be a lot easier if you could use that old… uh… Tenno… magic. How did you lose it?"  (download, history)
  • "I traced Eidolon signatures the best I could. These locations seem most likely."  (download, history)

The Wild Hunt[edit | edit source]

  • "That interference again! There's got to be an Archon nearby."  (download, history)
  • "Two left. Just a simple choice between the horrible one and the terrifying one."  (download, history)
  • "Archon in the vicinity, Operat— Sorry. Old habit."  (download, history)
  • "I'm a little unsure about this. Last time she snapped at you, what will it be this time?"  (download, history)
  • "She's full-on Sentient... she doesn't know who you are!"  (download, history)

Zariman[edit | edit source]

Returning to the Orbiter[edit | edit source]

  • "Exodus protocols reversed. Orbiter frontal section reattached. Running diagnostics… corrosion minimal. Ah. All seals holding."  (download, history)
As Operator[edit | edit source]
  • "Stasis protocols lifted. Systems coming back online. Cephalon refit complete! Ready for operational crosscheck, Op— uh…."  (download, history)
  • "Good to have you back, Operator. Systems crosscheck when you're ready. Looking forward to— tearing Ballas in half— finding the Lotus."  (download, history)
As Drifter[edit | edit source]
  • "Stasis protocols lifted. Systems coming back online. Cephalon refit complete— Excuse me, but where is my Operator?"  (download, history)
  • "Scanning… indeed. You are my Operator! You can help me run through the crosscheck, if you like. Then we can— annihilate Narmer— find the Lotus."  (download, history)

Entering Arsenal[edit | edit source]

As Operator[edit | edit source]
  • "Warframe vitals, strong. Warming up nicely. I've taken the liberty of rebuilding the Paracesis. Transference signal strong."  (download, history)
As Drifter[edit | edit source]
  • "Warframe vitals, strong. Warming up nicely. I've taken the liberty of rebuilding the Paracesis. Surprising, but your Transference signal is clear. This might be an odd sensation for you."  (download, history)

Entering Helminth[edit | edit source]

  • "Oh joy. This… thing… seems to have survived stasis."  (download, history)

Transference[edit | edit source]

  • "Your transference system is giving off unusual... uh... that's new."  (download, history)

Viewing Lotus' Helmet[edit | edit source]

  • "The Narmer fleet seems to be redeploying. Sensors show Murex clustering past Mercury. What is Ballas up to?"  (download, history)
As Operator[edit | edit source]
  • "Going after Ballas then? Some kind of vengeance precept? Ordis had no idea she was strong enough for such a confrontation-"  (download, history)
As Drifter[edit | edit source]
  • "If the Lotus does manage to break through the fleet and face him... in her current condition..."  (download, history)

She Gives, We Live[edit | edit source]

  • "Alright, the only way to reach that Murex undetected is... up through the Tower! We must speak with Konzu."  (download, history)
  • "Oh no. Konzu's been afflicted with one of those wretched Narmer Veils! --TEAR OFF THE LYING MASK!"  (download, history)
  • "The locals believe this Tower to be inhabited by a great spirit they call 'The Unum'."  (download, history)
  • "Nothing on my sensors... keep in mind, Operator, this was your idea."  (download, history)
  • "Murex powering for orbital launch! Ballas must be recalling it to the fleet as well!"  (download, history)
  • "Operator? I may be detecting something unusual... should I focus scans?"  (download, history)
  • "Murex trajectory increasing on vector heading zero by zero by zero. Right toward the main Narmer fleet passing Mercury. One against so many... there's no way she'll get through!"  (download, history)
  • "Contact! Contact! Narmer blockade ahead. She's completely outnumbered... outgunned... What? By stars, they're lowering shields! She still has some command of the fleet!"  (download, history)
  • "Yes, we know it. The ship that feeds on debris and derelicts to rebuild itself!"  (download, history)

During Jade Shadows[edit | edit source]

To Catch A Tenno[edit | edit source]

As the Stalker sneaks around

If the Stalker is spotted


  • "That feather... Processing... It is from a Warframe, one who went missing around the time of the Orokin- SLAUGHTER- fall. But, documentation is scarce. Almost redacted."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis doubts anything is left of their sanity at this point."  (download, history)
  • "Strange. A Warframe's power should last forever, but some additional factor is draining hers. I am unable to determine what."  (download, history)
  • "To restore a depleted Warframe, Ordis suggests you turn to the base matter of which Warframes are made."  (download, history)

During Ascension/Operation: Belly of the Beast[edit | edit source]

In Larunda Relay[edit | edit source]

Interactions[edit | edit source]

First Time[edit | edit source]
  • "We shall lay Jade's volatile motes to rest in the embrace of the Sun. Well out of reach of Parvos Granum and his tawdry schemes. She will, once again, be a part of the giving of life. Ordis hopes this is what she would have wanted."  (download, history)
As Jade[edit | edit source]
  • "Ordis understands that this both is and is not the Jade that was lost. It does not matter, Ordis is overjoyed to see Jade again!"  (download, history)
  • "Does the Operator feel what Jade is feeling? Ordis hopes she is happy."  (download, history)
  • "Good day, Operator! Good day, Jade."  (download, history)
  • "Granum said that everything changes, and nothing is forever lost. In that much, at least, he may have been right."  (download, history)

Shop[edit | edit source]

Browsing Wares[edit | edit source]
  • "Parvos Granum already has Eximus units in the field but, if he gets his hands on enough of Jade's volatile motes, he can perfect them. Build a true Jade Eximus. He would be unstoppable! Ordis knows the Operator would not let that happen.  (download, history)
  • "The volatile motes are in limited supply. If the Tenno can snatch them all up, Parvos and his Jade Eximus project will be halted in its tracks."  (download, history)
  • "Unlike her vestigial motes, Jade's volatile motes are finite and irreplaceable. Get to them all first and no desire or ambition will be able to replace them."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, do you see anything you would like?"  (download, history)
  • "The Operator is not working alone... So many Tenno have come together to help Jade!"  (download, history)
  • "Who does Parvos Granum think he is, bringing up ghosts from the past?! Does he think that will get under Ordis' skin?! It has not! Really! REALLY! Ordis is- FINE!"  (download, history)
  • "This 'Ordan Karris' fellow... Ordis feels like he too would have stood up for Jade."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis knows the stories of Ordan Karris. What the Orokin did to Jade is not dissimilar to what they did to him. Both were used and then discarded."  (download, history)
  • "'Could Ordis have saved Jade?' Ordis has rerun a simulation of the event six-hundred million, four-thousand and forty-three times and Ordis has still not found a satisfactory course of action... Do these things just happen sometimes?"  (download, history)
Purchasing an Item[edit | edit source]
  • "Magnificent. Ordis truly appreciates all you have done to honour Jade's memory."  (download, history)
  • "Are you going to use that to- slaughter Granum's forces- restore balance to the system?"  (download, history)
  • "Ordis will contemplate Jade while her motes are committed to our sun."  (download, history)
  • "Jade's light will be returned to the life-giving fire of our sun."  (download, history)
Exiting Menu without Purchasing an Item[edit | edit source]

A Shared Purpose?[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator? Ordis has received what amounts to an offer of help, from an unexpected source."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, you will not believe this."  (download, history)
  • "There has been... an offer of help. Ordis believes it is genuine..."  (download, history)

Goodbyes[edit | edit source]

Randomized Dialogue[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, did you know Cephalon Simaris is here? Ordis was so- terrified- respectful of Simaris, once."  (download, history)
  • "For so long it has just been Ordis and the Operator together on the Orbiter. Now there are many, many other people."  (download, history)
  • "One Fomorian could wipe this whole relay out! Does the Operator know where the nearest emergency exit is?"  (download, history)
  • "Operator! Did you bring motes?"  (download, history)
  • "Ordis is doing his part keeping the System free from- OROKIN GARBAGE."  (download, history)
  • "Keep those motes coming, Operator!"  (download, history)
  • "So! These are the ordinary, everyday people the Operator has been fighting to protect. Some of them have even been speaking to Ordis. Ordis is glad his Operator is here."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis knows what to do, Ordis has been taking 'motes'! That was a pun, Ordis. That fault was supposed to be bypassed, Ordis!"  (download, history)
  • "Ordis should visit the Dry Dock. Ordis has not spoken to Cephalon Cy in so long, we will have so much to talk about!"  (download, history)

Ascension[edit | edit source]

Mission Intro[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, when Jade left us this area was infused with the light of her motes. A power the Corpus want to take for themselves. Not today! Ordis has gained control of the mote collectors, they work for the Operator now! Protect them."  (download, history)
  • "This cavern is infused with Jade's motes. The Corpus have set up mote collectors to extract Jade's energy from the air. Due to- BRAINDEAD- security protocols, the collectors are under our control. Operator, defend the first one."  (download, history)
  • "The wall of this cave are saturated with Jade's vital energy: her motes. The Corpus have no shame and they aim to harvest her motes for their own twisted purposes, but not if we get to them first. Defend the filtration system."  (download, history)

Event Intro

  • "Ordis will not stand idly by while Parvos Granum reaps the last vestiges of Jade for his Eximus Executioner Program! He must be- DENIED."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis applauds your- EXTREMELY RISKY- bold decision to collect volatile motes despite Parvos Granum's relentless greed for them. Surely, you will dispact his- OVERWHELMING FORCES- and escort her motes out of this cave. From there, Ordis will commit them to the sun."  (download, history)
  • "All that is left of her is the motes left in this cave. Ordis could've- SHOULD HAVE- done more. Help Ordis stop Parvos Granum."  (download, history)

Mote Collector Defense Start[edit | edit source]

  • "Bringing the mote collector online. Defend it!"  (download, history)
  • "Protect the collector while it draws motes from the air! Ordis would hate for more of Jade to be turned into- TERRIBLE WEAPONS."  (download, history)
  • "First things first, defend the marked collector while it siphons motes from the cave."  (download, history)

Event Start

  • "Collector configured to capture volatile motes. The Corpus will try and blow it up. Do stop them."  (download, history)
  • "The collector will now siphon volatile motes. Our enemies will certainly try to kill you, so- BUCKLE UP."  (download, history)
  • "If Parvos thinks he can waltz in here and take what is left of Jade, he has not met MY Operator. Defend the collector."  (download, history)

Lower Collector Success[edit | edit source]

  • "Done. Ramping up the second collector. Get up there!"  (download, history)
  • "This collector is full! Protect the next collector."  (download, history)
  • "Success. Next step, defend the upper level collector while it does its thing."  (download, history)

Uplift Buff[edit | edit source]

  • "Ordis has preemptively supplied you with unique air-support. You will be able to jump higher. Have fun!"  (download, history)
  • "Sending air-support to help you jump higher."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis has unilaterally enabled air-support that will boost the height of your gallant leaps! Enjoy!"  (download, history)

Collector Event Conversation[edit | edit source]

  • "Ordis' name is Ordis."  (download, history)
  • "The man you refer to is dead. But Ordis is sure he would also have told you to GET FFF- far out of our way."  (download, history)
  • "Mister Granum! ... Ordis does not know what you are babbling about."  (download, history)
  • "Funny. You do not even realise it. You sound exactly like one of them."  (download, history)

Upper Collector Success[edit | edit source]

  • "Collection complete. Next, through a complicated system of- Oh, you do not care... [clears throat] The extraction capsule has been filled. Time to go to the elevator!"  (download, history)
  • "Ordis is so proud of the Operator! The motes have been transferred to the extraction capsule. It awaits you in the elevator shaft."  (download, history)
  • "We did it! And by 'we' Ordis means 'you'. But Ordis helped! Onto the elevator!"  (download, history)

If the Collector's shields break[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, the collector system suffered a critical failure and are now rebooting from the beginning! You must defend it."  (download, history)
  • "Uh oh, it seems the collector has taken serious damage. It's going to have to start the process over again; keep defending it."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis is getting an 'Error: 826570' from the collector. Whatever that means it cannot be good, its internal timer has reset! You must not let it take damage."  (download, history)
  • "Any critical failure will require that it reboots and begins again! Please, keep the equipment safe, Operator!"  (download, history)
  • "While Ordis would never tire of- STANDING AROUND- cheering you on, if you do not protect the collector we will never progress."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis must admit that he is very impressed with how durable this collector is. Even if the Operator has let it suffer so much damage that it is resetting."  (download, history)
  • "Ah, yes. In the manual for this thing it says, 'Excessive concussive force to the collector is not recommended for optimal use.' Well! Perhaps if that stopped happening..."  (download, history)
  • "The process is starting over again. [sigh] And we were so close!"  (download, history)

Exiting the Cave[edit | edit source]

  • "Fantastic! The capsule is full of motes. Now, we can escort it up the elevator."  (download, history)
  • "The capsule is ready. Onward and then upward."  (download, history)
  • "The capsule is ready for transport to the surface."  (download, history)

Extraction Capsule Defense Intro[edit | edit source]

  • "Starting elevator ascension and- Ugh, they have cut the power. Ordis is afraid you will have to power it manually; look for Ionic Charges."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis fears they have cut power to the elevator. Find Ionic Charges nearby, or else we will be going nowhere."  (download, history)
  • "What? The elevator's power lines have been severed?! You'll have to supply power manually. Find Ionic Charges scattered about; you do not want to take the stairs."  (download, history)

Elevator Event Exchange[edit | edit source]

  • "Ordis is- INTERESTED- TRYING to do his job, Granum! Leave Ordis in peace."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis is not listening! La-la-la! La-laa!"  (download, history)
  • "You are an old man, Mister Granum, and you were by yourself in the void for a very long time. Please, seek medical treatment."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis fears you are wasting your breath, Mister Granum."  (download, history)
  • "Mister Granum, did you see how my Operator- MURDERS- dispatches your private army? Looks expensive. Has your desire outmatched your will?"  (download, history)
  • "'Honest'? Ordan did not trust you back then, and Ordis does not trust you now."  (download, history)
  • "And in exchange, you turn Jade into an assembly line widget?! NEVER!"  (download, history)
  • "Continue this assault on Jade's legacy, and Ordan is not the killer you will need to concern yourself with."  (download, history)
  • "Mister Granum, you will not succeed in this venture. Leave now! While your losses are minimal."  (download, history)
  • "Ordan Karris should have- SLIT YOUR THROAT- when he had the chance."  (download, history)
  • "Mister Granum, you were once a reasonable man. Let Jade rest; her motes are not yours to exploit!"  (download, history)

If the Capsule's shields break[edit | edit source]

  • "Unfortunate, they have disabled the capsule's shields. Elevator power will be diverted to restoring them."  (download, history)
  • "The elevator has stopped until the shields on the capsule are replenished."  (download, history)
  • "Capsule shields are down, the elevator will not move until they are restored! Sorry..."  (download, history)

Boosted Ionic Charges Hint[edit | edit source]

  • "Oh, how nifty! It seems some of the Ionic Charges contained a more refined storage system. It should provide the elevator with an additional boost."  (download, history)
  • "Some of the Ionic Charges seem to contain more juice than others. That should make powering the elevator faster, if you can find them!"  (download, history)
  • "Not all the Ionic Charges are the same. Some are more powerful. If you find those charges, it might make this easier."  (download, history)

If the Elevator Runs Out of Power[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, the elevator has stopped! Find more Ionic Charges."  (download, history)
  • "The elevator is out of power. Find more charges, or it is stuck here."  (download, history)
  • "The elevator's power is depleted. Operator, without more Ionic Charges it goes not an inch farther!"  (download, history)
  • "Time to recharge the elevator!"  (download, history)

Escorting Extraction Capsule Intro[edit | edit source]

  • "We have reached the top! But now we must escort the capsule to extraction. Be careful not to slip; it is a long way down."  (download, history)
  • "Now that we've reached the top, they will stop at nothing. Protect the capsule."  (download, history)
  • "We're almost done. One final stretch! We have to get the capsule to extraction.  (download, history)

Capsule Critical[edit | edit source]

  • "The capsule is taking critical damage, Operator."  (download, history)
  • "Hurry, the enemy is close to destroying the capsule!"  (download, history)
  • "The Corpus are dealing serious damage to the capsule."  (download, history)
  • "Protect the capsule. It is suffering grievous damage!"  (download, history)

If the Capsule's shields break[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, the capsule is rebuilding its shields and will not move until it is done."  (download, history)
  • "Stars. The capsule's shields have failed. It will stop moving until it rebuilds them."  (download, history)
  • "The capsule has to rebuild its shields and is diverting all propulsion to that."  (download, history)
  • "Until the capsule's shields are back up, Ordis is afraid it will not budge."  (download, history)

Mission Complete[edit | edit source]

  • "The capsule is secure and the enemy have been denied more Jade motes. Ordis could not be more delighted with the Operator!"  (download, history)
  • "You have extracted the capsule. Mission complete."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis is just so thrilled that the Operator has succeeded! Well done."  (download, history)

Event Complete

  • "Larunda Relay awaits. There, Jade's volatile motes can be committed to the sun."  (download, history)
  • "You did it! Now, bring the volatile motes to me, on Larunda Relay."  (download, history)
  • "You are home free. I have a command post on Larunda Relay. Bring the volatile motes there."  (download, history)

Parvos Sister Beacons[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, what have you done?! That was a Sister beacon. Do that again, and one will join the fight!"  (download, history)
  • "[gasp] A Sister beacon?! Trigger too many of those, and you will have to fight a Sister of Parvos- SO TRIGGER THEM."  (download, history)
  • "Those Sister beacons are meant for the Corpus troops to call in backups!- PICK A FIGHT."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, those Sister beacons are for the Corpus to use in emergencies! [gasp] Are you issuing a challenge?!"  (download, history)
  • "If you insist on triggering those Sister beacons, Ordis suggests you prepare for an extremely hostile response- SWEET."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, those beacons are set up to summon a Sister of Parvos. If we meddle with them, she is certain to arrive!"  (download, history)
  • "Trigger one Sister beacon may be overlooked, but tripping all three of them will undoubtedly seen as propagation- DO IT."  (download, history)
  • "Keep triggering those beacons and the Sisterhood will attempt to eliminate you. Ordis would like to see them try."  (download, history)
  • "Willfully triggering those Sister beacons? Ordis- HOPES- fears his Operator is looking for trouble."  (download, history)

Jump Pads Hint[edit | edit source]

  • "Take note, Operator. Nearby vertical thrust platforms may be advantageous."  (download, history)
  • "Operator, it's a long way up so be on the look out for vertical thrust platforms."  (download, history)
  • "May Ordis suggest using the nearby vertical thrust platforms to 'get a leg up' on the enemy?"  (download, history)

Incoming Corpus Wave[edit | edit source]

  • "Corpus reinforcements inbound to your position."  (download, history)
  • "Auxillary elevator inbound full of- CORPSES- Corpus!"  (download, history)
  • "Reinforcement arriving via the auxillary elevator bay. Should Ordis tell them they are- GOING DOWN?"  (download, history)

At Drifter's Camp[edit | edit source]

Interactions[edit | edit source]

First Time

  • "You turn around and someone who meant the world to you can be... gone. Ordis suspects he has spent years missing people. But, their names- their faces- are lost to him. They were important, then I... Then Ordis... changed. Ordis turned around and they were gone. We are obliged to keep on without them, that's the lesson, Ordis supposes. Perhaps there IS a life after death, because what's the point of learning a lesson if it can never be applied? Life's not so much a dream as a dream sequence. To the dream, we surrender them." (download, history)

Subsequent Times

  • "An ancient text says that if tears come easily, one is 'built close to water'. Ordis thinks that is a lovely image."  (download, history)
  • "We have returned Jade to the Sun. A homecoming of sorts. Yes... This feels right, to Ordis."  (download, history)
  • "It has been said that your shadow is that which you wish you were not, but are. Ordis wishes this were true for himself. Ordis fears his shadow may be that which he was and may once again be...! Anyway! Does the Operator have any new noggles?"  (download, history)
  • "Whatever the Stalker and Jade have brought forth, it will be no ordinary child. Ordis wonder whether he will ever encounter an 'ordinary child'."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis suggests advising the... 'locals'... to initiate adequate water-filtration protocols, lest the radio-fluorine levels cause their fingernails to fall off."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis hopes the Stalker will give up his vendetta one day, just as Ordis did. Perhaps, he too will grow weary of- CLEANING UP BLOOD."  (download, history)
  • "Ordis remains fascinated by the gladitorial frenzy of competing organic forms that vie for territorial dominance in this region! The wildlife is also interesting."  (download, history)
  • "Some societies are yet to master tools! That one over there appears yet to master consonents!"  (download, history)
  • "In his time here, Ordis has fallen in love with this place. He has also fallen in love with what he cannot see. Ordis thinks he may finally understand what is meant by the word 'magic'."  (download, history)
  • "In the silence, Ordis hears a music of celestial complexity. Deep."  (download, history)

Shop[edit | edit source]

Browsing Wares[edit | edit source]

  • "Did that bush move?! Oh, that is just Septimus. He is a rodent. I call him Septimus. Goodbye, Septimus!"  (download, history)
  • "Nights are beautiful here. The stars. The hush of the trees. The sounds of adorable furry lifeforms murdering one another..."  (download, history)
  • "War feels so very far from this place. Does it not, Operator?"  (download, history)
  • "Ordis is ready to assist."  (download, history)
  • "Ah, Ordis is excited!"  (download, history)
  • "Has the Operator had an epiphany?"  (download, history)

Purchasing an Item[edit | edit source]

Cancelling a Purchase[edit | edit source]

Goodbyes[edit | edit source]

On Disruption[edit | edit source]

On Jupiter[edit | edit source]

  • "Ordis is detecting Sentient waveforms, Operator. Strange interlink. Splattered in Corpus crosstalk. Bypass that console so we might get a better understanding..."  (download, history)
  • "Outgoing communications cipher... Not much of a trick for Ordis, is it? Oh, how scandalous! Alad's system has a back door! Shall we... listen in?  (download, history)
  • "These conduits are the source of those Sentient waveforms. This may be worthwhile if we can find the key component... but it does seem a tad convenient, doesn't it?"  (download, history)
  • "Some kind of failsafe? If placed in a conduit, it will cancel the running interference routines. Use it wisely, Operator; there's only one!"  (download, history)
  • "You found a conduit failsafe. This will likely cancel active interference. There's just one, Operator. A real tactical dilemma, isn't it?"  (download, history)
  • "Impressive! Ordis is just fluttering with anticipation! What will the Operator ⁠— murder ⁠— find next?"  (download, history)
  • "Scans indicate these conduits are connected to a massive stockpile of resources. Just how long is the Operator planning to fight for?"  (download, history)
  • "Operator, the stockpile of tech and resources connected to these conduits seems beyond Alad's means. Where did he get all this?"  (download, history)
  • "Excellent find. Might the Operator now consider returning to the warm embrace of the Orbiter?"  (download, history)
  • "May Ordis suggest extraction? Nothing Alad has is worth your life."  (download, history)
  • "For how much longer will the Operator play along with Alad's twisted game?"  (download, history)
  • "Ordis knows the Operator has the wisdom to choose comfort and safety over material gain. Ordis... is right, is he not?"  (download, history)

On Other Planets[edit | edit source]

  • "Operator, incoming transmission. It's from... Fortuna."  (download, history)

On Corpus Gas City Sabotage[edit | edit source]

  • "Elemental condensers... helium-3 processors. Alad's facility is consuming Jupiter's resources on a massive scale! Operator, you certainly have an eye for strategic targets. Ordis has marked key infrastructure for demolition. GET IN THERE AND KICK AAAAAAAAAAAA ⁠— access the facility."  (download, history)
  • "These Elemental Condensers are the heart of Alad's operation. His profit center. SMASH. IT. UP."  (download, history)
  • "Most efficient, Operator! Ordis has located the next bank of machinery."  (download, history)
  • "Helium-3 processors are key to the operation of this facility's reactor cores. It would be a shame if something happened to them."  (download, history)
  • "Now, turn your attention to the reactor core. Locate the console, and initiate the overdrive sequence."  (download, history)
  • "Overdrive sequence in progress. This will take a few moments. Do not allow Alad's personnel to reverse the sequence."  (download, history)
  • "Success! Core melt initiated. In a few brief moments, this facility will cease to exist. May Ordis suggest RUNNING FOR YOUR LIFE."  (download, history)