Faction Damage Bonus

Faction Damage Bonuses increase damage done to all enemy types of the corresponding Faction, including Bosses. It is calculated as a total damage multiplier against the faction in question.

Mechanics Edit

Faction Damage Bonuses increase the weapon's raw damage, and is applied a second time to damage over time (DoT) from status effects created by it, known as "double dipping". For complete mechanics see Status Effect.

Faction Damage Mods exist for  Grineer,  Corpus,  Infested,  Orokin, and  The Murmur for each of the 4 main weapon types (Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol and Melee) as well as Railjack for those applicable, and all factions excluding The Murmur have a Primed variant. Damage is increased by x1.05 per rank, up to x1.30 for regular mods and x1.55 for Primed ones, with a base mod equip cost of 4 and they all have a polarity. Faction mods against  Sentient only exist for melee weapons, which have the polarity and a lower damage bonus but enjoys a set effect when both  Sacrificial Pressure and  Sacrificial Steel are equipped together. Currently,  Narmer,  Scaldra,  Techrot,  Stalker, and  Wild are the only factions that lack a damage mod.

 Grineer,  Corpus, and  Infested Faction Mods have no effect on their  Corrupted or  Narmer counterparts. For example,  Bane of Grineer will work on  Lancer but not on  Corrupted Lancer or  Narmer Lancer. Likewise,  Infested Faction Mods have no effect on  Techrot.

List of Faction Mods Edit

Slot \ Faction  Corpus  Grineer  Infested  Orokin  Sentient  Narmer  The Murmur
  •  Bane of Corpus
  •  Primed Bane of Corpus
  •  Bane of Grineer
  •  Primed Bane of Grineer
  •  Bane of Infested
  •  Primed Bane of Infested
  •  Bane of Orokin
  •  Primed Bane of Orokin
  •  Bane of The Murmur
  •  Cleanse Corpus
  •  Primed Cleanse Corpus
  •  Cleanse Grineer
  •  Primed Cleanse Grineer
  •  Cleanse Infested
  •  Primed Cleanse Infested
  •  Cleanse Orokin
  •  Primed Cleanse Orokin
  •  Cleanse The Murmur
  •  Expel Corpus
  •  Primed Expel Corpus
  •  Expel Grineer
  •  Primed Expel Grineer
  •  Expel Infested
  •  Primed Expel Infested
  •  Expel Orokin
  •  Primed Expel Orokin
  •  Expel The Murmur
  •  Smite Corpus
  •  Primed Smite Corpus
  •  Smite Grineer
  •  Primed Smite Grineer
  •  Smite Infested
  •  Primed Smite Infested
  •  Smite Orokin
  •  Primed Smite Orokin
  •  Sacrificial Pressure
  •  Sacrificial Steel
  •  Smite The Murmur
Railjack Turret
  •  Granum's Nemesis
  •  Worm's Torment
  •  Sentient Scalpel

List of Faction Damage Bonus Abilities Edit

This section is transcluded from Roar. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.


Grants all nearby Warframes increased damage for a short duration.

Introduced in Update 8.3 (2013-07-04)

 Strength:10 / 15 / 25 / 50 %
 Duration:30 s
 Range:15 / 20 / 22 / 25 m
Subsumable to Helminth


  • Rhino expends 75 energy to let out a forceful roar, increasing the damage output of himself and his allies within 15 / 20 / 22 / 25 meters. Rhino and affected allies gain 10% / 15% / 25% / 50% bonus damage to all weapons and abilities over a duration of 30 seconds.
    • The damage buff is considered Faction Damage Bonus, additive with other sources of Faction Damage, and multiplicative with other types of bonus of damage.
      • For example with a Warframe modded with maxed  Intensify, and weapon that inflicts 100 damage per shot, a max rank Roar will increase the total damage to 100 × (1 + 0.5 × (1 + 0.3)) = 165.
      • With a weapon modded with maxed  Serration, which inflicts 100 damage per shot, a max rank Roar will increase the weapon's total damage to 100 × (1 + 1.65) × (1 + 0.5) = 397.5.
      • With a weapon modded with maxed  Serration and maxed  Bane of Orokin, which inflicts 100 damage per shot, on a Orokin, a max rank Roar will increase the weapon's total damage to 100 × (1 + 1.65) × (1 + 0.5 + 0.3) = 477.
    • As faction bonus damage, the bonus is used twice in the calculation of status damage.
      • For example, with a weapon that inflicts 100 damage per shot, that procs a slash status, a max rank Roar will increase the damage per tick from the slash to : 0.35 × 100 × (1 + 0.5) × (1 + 0.5) = 78.75.
      • With a Warframe modded with maxed  Intensify, and weapon that inflicts 100 damage per shot, modded with maxed  Serration and maxed  Bane of Orokin, that procs a slash status, on a orokin, a max rank Roar will increase the damage per tick from the slash to 0.35 × 100 × (1 + 1.65) × (1 + 0.5 × (1 + 0.3) + 0.3) × (1 + 0.5 × (1 + 0.3) + 0.3) = 352.6819.
  • The effects of Roar are applied to Rhino, allied Warframes, Companions, Hostages, Shadows, Specters, and hacked Shockwave MOAs.
  • Allies only need to be in range at the time Roar is cast to gain its effects.
  • Roar cannot be recast while active (except with the mod augment  Piercing Roar).
  • Subsuming Rhino to the Helminth will offer Roar and its augments to be used by other Warframes.
    • However, Subsumed Roar's damage bonus is reduced to 2% / 9% / 15% / 30%.
    • When placed on  Chroma,  Cyte-09,  Mirage,  Octavia, and  Xaku, Subsumed Roar can only replace  Vex Armor,  Resupply,  Eclipse,  Amp, and  Xata's Whisper respectively.


Notes Edit

  •  Paracesis has an innate passive (unlocked at each rank above 30) that will increase its damage against  Sentients.

Trivia Edit

  • Faction damage mods for Infested, Corpus, and Grineer were added in Update 9.0 (2013-07-13), while Faction damage mods for Corrupted were added in Update 21.0 (2017-06-29).

Patch Notes Edit

Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)

  • Fixed the Bane Mods applying the increased Damage twice.

See Also Edit