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Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 38d3
General Information
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 8d69
××××× (0.00x)
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 3c47
Uncharged Shot
( 4.96%)
( 75.04%)
( 20%)
63.5 (75.04%  Puncture)
1.00 attacks/sec
Headshot Multiplier
Projectile Type
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX fed4
Charged Shot
( 4.96%)
( 75.04%)
( 20%)
127 (75.04%  Puncture)
1.00 attacks/sec
Headshot Multiplier
Projectile Type
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 6f98
Update 14.0 (2014-07-18)
 Paris Prime
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 90ef
Vendor Sources
    Expand/Collapse MK1-Paris Categories
    The MK1-Paris is the standard issue bow for all Tenno.

    The MK1-Paris is the MK1 variant of the  Paris and is the standard issue bow for new Tenno recruits. This weapon is best for new players who desire a stealthy approach to ranged attacks.

    This weapon can be sold for  2,500.

    Acquisition[edit | edit source]

    During the Vor's Prize tutorial prologue, the MK1-Paris is one of two primary weapons offered to the player, the other being the  MK1-Braton.

    The weapon can also be purchased from the Market for  15,000.

    Characteristics[edit | edit source]

    This weapon deals primarily  Puncture damage.


    • High  Puncture damage – effective against health.
    • Pinpoint accuracy when aiming (RMB ).
    • Charged shots have innate 1 meter punch through.
    • Silent - will not be present on opponent's minimap.
    • On kill, bodies will follow the arrow that killed them, damaging anyone in their path and pinning the corpse to walls.
    • Innate polarity.


    • Low  Impact and  Slash damage – less effective against shields.
    • Arrows have a travel time with slight arcing.


    •  MK1-Paris (Charged Shot), compared to  Paris (Charged Shot):
      • Lower base damage per projectile (127.00 vs. 156.00)
        • Lower  Impact damage ( 6.3 vs. 7.8)
        • Lower  Puncture damage ( 95.3 vs. 124.8)
        • Higher  Slash damage ( 25.4 vs. 23.4)
      • Lower total damage (127 vs. 156)
      • Lower average damage per tap (127 vs. 156)
      • Lower burst DPS (211.66 vs. 222.85)
      • Lower sustained DPS (115.45 vs. 130)
      • Faster reload time (0.60 s vs. 0.70 s)
      • Lesser projectile speed (85.0 m/s vs. 140.0 m/s)
    •  MK1-Paris (Charged Shot), compared to  Paris Prime (Charged Shot):
      • Lower base damage per projectile (127.00 vs. 168.00)
        • Higher  Impact damage ( 6.3 vs. 4.2)
        • Lower  Puncture damage ( 95.3 vs. 134.4)
        • Lower  Slash damage ( 25.4 vs. 29.4)
      • Lower total damage (127 vs. 168)
      • Lower average damage per tap (127 vs. 168)
      • Lower burst DPS (211.66 vs. 240)
      • Lower sustained DPS (115.45 vs. 140)
      • Faster reload time (0.60 s vs. 0.70 s)
      • Lesser projectile speed (85.0 m/s vs. 140.0 m/s)
      • Less polarities ( vs. )
      • Lower Mastery Rank required (0 vs. 8)

    Weapon Loadouts[edit | edit source]

    Main article: Category:Paris Build

    See the user build section for builds using this weapon.

    Notes[edit | edit source]

    • The MK-1 Paris is a slightly weaker version of the standard  Paris, with less overall damage. It handles identically otherwise. However its charge time is half that of Paris and it has a very minuscule 0.1 second faster reload.
    • Enemies will notice missed arrows but arrows that hit are silent.

    Tips[edit | edit source]

    • Charging can be cancelled without releasing the arrow using the reload button (Press reload button while holding the left mouse).
    • All "charge weapons" (except  Angstrum) are now capable of holding their charge during a sprint, and as long as the user starts the charge, they are able to finish charging while they are still sprinting. This allows for more mobility to the user such as charging their weapon in cover, then run into the room and to unleash their first shot at first sight at the enemy immediately.
      • Sliding when you are about to hit the ground (from any height) is very useful for keeping your charge instead of losing it by rolling.

    Trivia[edit | edit source]

    • The MK-1 Paris was introduced as one of three starter Primary weapons in Update 14, alongside the  MK1-Braton and the  MK1-Strun.
    • Paris is most likely named for Paris of Troy in Homer's Iliad, who was a skilled archer and the one to have killed Achilles by firing an arrow into his heel.
    • The Paris is the only bow that does not have a tension spring, as the arrow is held in place and launched by magnetic induction rather than physical force.

    Bugs[edit | edit source]

    • After charging an arrow and firing it while zooming, the next arrow you fire will not be drawn from the quiver, and instead the Paris and your hand will jerk very slightly. The next shot will show the reloading animation correctly.
    • On Xbox One, entering a mission by dropping from the Liset shows the arrow stuck to the Tenno's hand. The same can sometimes be seen when extracting.
      • Both bugs are visual only and do not affect the gameplay.

    Media[edit | edit source]

    MK1-Paris Skins


    Patch History[edit | edit source]

    Update 19.10 (2017-02-09)

    • Paris model reworked.

    See also[edit | edit source]

    •  Paris, the standard version of this bow.
    •  Paris Prime, the prime counterpart of this bow.
    • Bow: for a link to other bows and their usage.