At most times, one or two Void Fissure missions are available for each of the five tiers (Lith, Meso, Neo, Axi, Requiem) of Void Relics. In addition, there is at least one Omnia Fissure available aswell. They are associated with a normal mission node on the Star Chart, which must be unlocked to play the Void Fissure mission. Fissures can be repeated as often as desired during their availability and they will give standard rewards associated with the mission type.
When entering a Void Fissure mission, players can equip a Void Relic of the appropriate tier, or any tier (excluding Requiem) in case of Omnia Void Fissures. If they complete the mission, they can choose an item from their relic or another player's relic as a reward. If players have no relic equipped, they can complete the mission, but will not receive any rewards from other players' relics. If the player chooses to stay in Endless missions after a rotation, they will be prompted to use another relic.
In addition to the mission's assigned objectives (e.g. Exterminate, Capture, Spy, etc.), Void Fissures will appear along the mission objective path, spawning in 3 Corrupted units from the Void as well as converting nearby native enemies into Corrupted units. While most enemies can be converted to Corrupted, they are considered identical in terms of Codex completion (e.g. scanning newly converted Scorpions will count towards any preexisting progress to the standard Scorpion's codex entry).
When a Void Fissure opens, one of the spawned or converted enemies will drop a Reactant, which the players must pick up and collect 10 of to meet their required goal. Once this goal is met, the Relic will crack and the player will receive a buff to one piece of their gear, which starts to emit cosmetic bolts of lighting and shimmer. At this point that player can complete the mission and receive their reward. When the player obtains 10 Reactant, they will be awarded with 6-30 Void Traces at extraction, a resource used to refine Void Relics to make them drop rarer rewards, and to craft Dragon Keys.
Void Storms in Empyrean missions additionally feature randomly appearing hazards called Void Sinks that deal radial Impact{"Negatives":["Tenno Shield"],"GlyphImage":"EssentialImpactGlyph.png","Color":"#3d5e5e","DarkModeColor":"#80c4c4","CSSTextColorClass":"var(--dt-impact-text-color)","Status":["Stagger","Mercy Kill Chance +"],"StatusNotes":["1","2"],"Icon":"DmgImpactSmall64.png","Link":"Damage/Impact Damage","CSSBorderColorClass":"var(--dt-impact-border-color)","Positives":["Grineer","Kuva Grineer","Scaldra"],"CSSBackgroundColorClass":"var(--dt-impact-background-color)","Name":"Impact","ColorBackground":"#cad8d8","ColorBorder":"#486061","InternalName":"DT_IMPACT","ProcInternalName":"PT_KNOCKBACK"} damage, but attacking them before they explode will cause them to disappear. Only foot soldiers can be turned into Corrupted, leaving space fighters unaffected.
Upon opening the Relic, the player will also receive a buff to one of their equipped gear which gets corrupted for an amount of time based on the tier of the Void Fissure (time = 30sec × tier). The buffed gear will emit lightning bolts and gets a corrupted texture effect.
Corrupted Warframes receive a 2x multiplier to Ability Strength{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"AbilityStrengthBuff.png","Description":"Modifies the Strength of Warframe Abilities. Hover over each Ability to see how its stats are affected.","Link":"Ability Strength"} and Ability Range{"CssClasses":"light-invert","Image":"AbilityRangeBuff.png","Description":"Modifies the Range of Warframe Abilities. Hover over each Ability to see how its stats are affected.","Link":"Ability Range"}.
This affects the total value, meaning with a maxed Intensify{"Description":"+30% Ability Strength","UpgradeTypes":["AVATAR_ABILITY_STRENGTH"],"MaxRank":"5","Image":"IntensifyMod.png","Introduced":"0","Icon":"Intensify.png","Transmutable":true,"Type":"Warframe","Rarity":"Rare","Tradable":true,"BaseDrain":"6","Polarity":"Madurai","Name":"Intensify","InternalName":"/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Warframe/AvatarAbilityStrengthMod","Link":"Intensify","Incompatible":["Archon Intensify","Umbral Intensify","Flawed Intensify","Precision Intensify"],"CodexSecret":false} for 130% Ability Strength will turn into 260% while the buff is active.
Primary and secondary weapons receive unlimited ammunition and no longer need to reload.
Melee weapons receive increased damage.
All players who have opened their relic will be able to receive its rewards, choosing one item from their own relic or another player's. If players select the reward of another player, that person receives 5 Void Traces per person that chose their reward. If the player fails to open the relic when the mission completes, they will not be eligible for any relic rewards, but their relic will not be consumed.
If a player did not bring a Relic, they will not be eligible for any relic rewards, but they will still be able to see and collect Reactant, and they will still be awarded Void Traces for collecting 10 Reactant.
Endless Missions
Endless Void Fissure missions Interception, Defense, Survival, and Excavation have bonus rewards per rotation if the player collects enough Reactant:
Corrupted Holokey{"Image":"CorruptedHolokey.png","Description":"A corrupted decryption key dating back to the founding of the city of Corposium. Millions of these Holokeys were lost to the Void when Parvos Granum's flagship was bombed. Strongly desired by Ergo Glast.","Introduced":"30.5","Link":"Corrupted Holokey","Name":"Corrupted Holokey","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/GranumBucks","Type":"Resource"} x3
Endo{"Link":"Endo","Type":"Currency","Description":"Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.","Introduced":"The Silver Grove","Tradable":false,"Name":"Endo","InternalName":"","Image":"Endo.png"} x300
Corrupted Holokey{"Image":"CorruptedHolokey.png","Description":"A corrupted decryption key dating back to the founding of the city of Corposium. Millions of these Holokeys were lost to the Void when Parvos Granum's flagship was bombed. Strongly desired by Ergo Glast.","Introduced":"30.5","Link":"Corrupted Holokey","Name":"Corrupted Holokey","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/GranumBucks","Type":"Resource"} x3
Endo{"Link":"Endo","Type":"Currency","Description":"Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.","Introduced":"The Silver Grove","Tradable":false,"Name":"Endo","InternalName":"","Image":"Endo.png"} x300
Corrupted Holokey{"Image":"CorruptedHolokey.png","Description":"A corrupted decryption key dating back to the founding of the city of Corposium. Millions of these Holokeys were lost to the Void when Parvos Granum's flagship was bombed. Strongly desired by Ergo Glast.","Introduced":"30.5","Link":"Corrupted Holokey","Name":"Corrupted Holokey","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/GranumBucks","Type":"Resource"} x5
Endo{"Link":"Endo","Type":"Currency","Description":"Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.","Introduced":"The Silver Grove","Tradable":false,"Name":"Endo","InternalName":"","Image":"Endo.png"} x900
Corrupted Holokey{"Image":"CorruptedHolokey.png","Description":"A corrupted decryption key dating back to the founding of the city of Corposium. Millions of these Holokeys were lost to the Void when Parvos Granum's flagship was bombed. Strongly desired by Ergo Glast.","Introduced":"30.5","Link":"Corrupted Holokey","Name":"Corrupted Holokey","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/GranumBucks","Type":"Resource"} x4
Endo{"Link":"Endo","Type":"Currency","Description":"Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.","Introduced":"The Silver Grove","Tradable":false,"Name":"Endo","InternalName":"","Image":"Endo.png"} x900
Corrupted Holokey{"Image":"CorruptedHolokey.png","Description":"A corrupted decryption key dating back to the founding of the city of Corposium. Millions of these Holokeys were lost to the Void when Parvos Granum's flagship was bombed. Strongly desired by Ergo Glast.","Introduced":"30.5","Link":"Corrupted Holokey","Name":"Corrupted Holokey","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/GranumBucks","Type":"Resource"} x6
Endo{"Link":"Endo","Type":"Currency","Description":"Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.","Introduced":"The Silver Grove","Tradable":false,"Name":"Endo","InternalName":"","Image":"Endo.png"} x900
Corrupted Holokey{"Image":"CorruptedHolokey.png","Description":"A corrupted decryption key dating back to the founding of the city of Corposium. Millions of these Holokeys were lost to the Void when Parvos Granum's flagship was bombed. Strongly desired by Ergo Glast.","Introduced":"30.5","Link":"Corrupted Holokey","Name":"Corrupted Holokey","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/GranumBucks","Type":"Resource"} x10
Endo{"Link":"Endo","Type":"Currency","Description":"Consumed in the fusion process to power up existing Mods.","Introduced":"The Silver Grove","Tradable":false,"Name":"Endo","InternalName":"","Image":"Endo.png"} x1200
Players who open their own relic in Steel Path Fissures are guaranteed 1 Steel Essence{"Introduced":"28.1","Type":"Resource","Description":"Tokens of Teshin's Esteem earned from Incursion Alerts or Acolytes on The Steel Path. Can be exchanged for items that prove your warrior capabilities.","Amount":["1","1"],"Name":"Steel Essence","Link":"Steel Essence","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/SteelEssence","Image":"SteelEssence.png"} per relic opened on end of mission.
Void Fissures are a decent way to level up new Warframes and gear, because of the constant enemy spawning from the fissure with a lot of heavy units.
Reactant dropped from Void Fissure enemies are not consistent across players (everyone gets individual drops). However, due to the split nature of team roles in Railjack content, Reactant picked up in Void Storm missions are shared across all players similar to other drops in these mission modes.
Fissure enemies spawned during endless missions appear to not level up along with the rest of the enemies as time passes, causing them to stay at base mission level until extraction.
Fissure spawn rules somehow affect local spawn rules:
Spawn rates of heavy units noticeably increase.
Newly spawned local enemies might start to fight between themselves while not fighting corrupted enemies from the fissure.
Completion of the fissure mission will count towards Star Chart progression and will unlock adjacent nodes.
The official Warframe mobile app can show current void fissures including fissure level and type of mission. It can be downloaded here and here for Android and iOS respectively.
Void Fissures in Jupiter can corrupt SentientBattalysts and Conculysts found in the Secret Laboratories, despite the Void being "toxic" to them. These Corrupted Sentients act normally, keeping their ability to adapt.
As Void Fissures frequently spawn Corrupted Nullifiers even on lower levels, players are advised to prepare weapons and Warframes that are appropriate against them, such as rapid-fire weapons for taking down Nullifier bubbles, or melee weapons for killing them from within the bubble. Field-based abilities such as Frost{"Sprint":"0.95","Description":"When Frost steps onto the battlefield, enemies experience a chill. Frost's attacks control crowds, protect objectives, and increase survivability. Wield the biting cold.","Conclave":true,"Shield":"270","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Ice Elemental","Tactical":"Snow Globe","Image":"Frost.png","Type":"Warframe","Introduced":"6","Armor":"315","FullImages":{"Portrait":"FrostFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Frost/Frost","Passive":"Cold Status Effects from Frost's Abilities have their duration increased by 100%. Frost gains 50 Armor per enemy inflicted with Cold Status within 15m.","Progenitor":"Cold","SquadPortrait":"FrostLargePortrait.png","Health":"270","Link":"Frost","Portrait":"FrostIcon272.png","Polarities":["Bar","D"],"Abilities":["Freeze","Ice Wave","Snow Globe","Avalanche"],"InitialEnergy":"50","Subsumed":"Ice Wave","AuraPolarity":"D","Name":"Frost","Sex":"Male","Playstyle":"Crowd Control, Survival","SellPrice":"10000","Energy":"100","CodexSecret":false}'s Snow Globe{"Description":"Frost deep freezes any vapor and moisture in the area, creating a protective sphere with brief invulnerability to boost its strength.","Cost":"50","Augments":["Chilling Globe"],"CardImage":"SnowGlobeModx256.png","Name":"Snow Globe","Introduced":"6","InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/IceShieldAbility","Key":"3","Icon":"SnowGlobe130xWhite.png","Powersuit":"Frost"} are significantly less effective because of the Nullifiers, though Octavia{"Sprint":"1.05","EnergyRank30":"225","Description":"Octavia turns bass, beat, and melody into a symphony of devastation. The music of her Mandachord gives her high survivability and supports allies. Her composition means the enemy's destruction.","Conclave":true,"Shield":"180","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Bard, Musician","Tactical":"Resonator","Image":"Octavia.png","SquadPortrait":"BardLargePortrait.png","Introduced":"20","Armor":"160","FullImages":{"Portrait":"OctaviaFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Bard/Bard","Passive":"Replenish 30 energy over 30s for Octavia and allies within 15m when abilities are activated.","Progenitor":"Radiation","Type":"Warframe","Health":"270","Link":"Octavia","Portrait":"OctaviaIcon272.png","Polarities":["Bar","Bar"],"Abilities":["Mallet","Resonator","Metronome","Amp"],"InitialEnergy":"100","Subsumed":"Resonator","AuraPolarity":"Bar","Name":"Octavia","Sex":"Female","Playstyle":"Survival, Support","SellPrice":"25000","Energy":"175","CodexSecret":false}'s Mallet{"Description":"Rhythmically beats damage into nearby enemies and draws their fire. Damage inflicted on the Mallet increases its lethality.","Cost":"25","Augments":["Partitioned Mallet"],"CardImage":"MalletModx256.png","Name":"Mallet","Introduced":"20","InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/BardJamAbility","Key":"1","Icon":"MalletIcon.png","Powersuit":"Octavia"} will prove effective in removing their bubbles.
Incoming Corrupted enemies will be staggered and vulnerable for a few seconds, which opens them for quick response, unlike local enemies, who will be invulnerable while being corrupted and staggered.
Fissures tend to open directly over local, uncorrupted enemies, so cleared and locked-down room may have lowered spawn rates, while a regular alarm will increase it additionally.
Using Smeeta Kavat{"ProductCategory":"KubrowPets","Description":"This sly feline is playful yet devious.","Shield":"230","SellPrice":"0","Image":"SmeetaKavat.png","Category":"Pets","Armor":"300","Icon":"IconSmeeta.png","SquadPortrait":"SmeetaKavatLargePortrait.png","Tradable":false,"Type":"Kavat","Introduced":"Specters of the Rail","CompatibilityTags":["KAVAT_MOD"],"InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Game/CatbrowPet/CheshireCatbrowPetPowerSuit","Attacks":[{"CritChance":"0.2","AttackName":"Smeeta Claws","CritMultiplier":"2","StatusChance":"0.075","Damage":{"Slash":"80"},"TotalDamage":"80"}],"Polarities":["Penjaga","Penjaga"],"Health":"390","Name":"Smeeta Kavat","Stamina":"8","Link":"Smeeta Kavat","Energy":"100","CodexSecret":false} can help to get more void traces because of Charm{"Transmutable":false,"Type":"Smeeta Kavat","Rarity":"Rare","Tradable":true,"BaseDrain":"0","MaxRank":"3","Link":"Charm","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CatbrowPetPrecepts/CatbrowLuckPrecept","Image":"CharmMod.png","Name":"Charm","Introduced":"Specters of the Rail","Description":"Smeeta Kavat has a 40% chance every 27s to bestow its owner with good fortune.","Polarity":"Penjaga","Icon":"Charm.png","CodexSecret":false}, which can double resource drops. This only occurs if it's "Doubled Pickups and Affinity" buff is active while you collect the 10th reactant.
While doing Void Storm missions in Empyrean, pay attention to transmissions from Cephalon Cy indicating that the Void Storm is worsening. As time goes on, Void Sinks will appear and fully charge more rapidly, and can easily one-shot many Warframes that don't have high armor. As these Sinks deal Impact damage, anything that will reduce incoming Impact damage will help survival.
Frost{"Sprint":"0.95","Description":"When Frost steps onto the battlefield, enemies experience a chill. Frost's attacks control crowds, protect objectives, and increase survivability. Wield the biting cold.","Conclave":true,"Shield":"270","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Ice Elemental","Tactical":"Snow Globe","Image":"Frost.png","Type":"Warframe","Introduced":"6","Armor":"315","FullImages":{"Portrait":"FrostFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Frost/Frost","Passive":"Cold Status Effects from Frost's Abilities have their duration increased by 100%. Frost gains 50 Armor per enemy inflicted with Cold Status within 15m.","Progenitor":"Cold","SquadPortrait":"FrostLargePortrait.png","Health":"270","Link":"Frost","Portrait":"FrostIcon272.png","Polarities":["Bar","D"],"Abilities":["Freeze","Ice Wave","Snow Globe","Avalanche"],"InitialEnergy":"50","Subsumed":"Ice Wave","AuraPolarity":"D","Name":"Frost","Sex":"Male","Playstyle":"Crowd Control, Survival","SellPrice":"10000","Energy":"100","CodexSecret":false}'s Snow Globe{"Description":"Frost deep freezes any vapor and moisture in the area, creating a protective sphere with brief invulnerability to boost its strength.","Cost":"50","Augments":["Chilling Globe"],"CardImage":"SnowGlobeModx256.png","Name":"Snow Globe","Introduced":"6","InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/IceShieldAbility","Key":"3","Icon":"SnowGlobe130xWhite.png","Powersuit":"Frost"}, Limbo{"Sprint":"1.15","Description":"Master the rift between shadow and substance. Limbo disrupts time-space to provide crowd control. He is at home where others struggle with what is real.","Conclave":true,"Shield":"180","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Magician, Planes of Existence","Tactical":"Cataclysm","Image":"Limbo.png","Type":"Warframe","Introduced":"15","Armor":"105","FullImages":{"Portrait":"LimboFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Magician/Magician","Passive":"Dodge to enter and exit the Rift. Entering leaves behind a small Rift portal lasting 5s. Energy slowly recharges in the Rift, and each enemy killed in there also gives 10 Energy.","Progenitor":"Electricity","SquadPortrait":"LimboLargePortrait.png","Health":"270","Link":"Limbo","Portrait":"LimboIcon272.png","Polarities":["V","V"],"Abilities":["Banish","Stasis","Rift Surge","Cataclysm"],"InitialEnergy":"100","Subsumed":"Banish","AuraPolarity":"Bar","Name":"Limbo","Sex":"Male","Playstyle":"Crowd Control","SellPrice":"10000","Energy":"175","CodexSecret":false}'s Cataclysm{"Description":"A violent blast of void energy tears open a pocket of rift plane which can sustain itself for a short period before collapsing in another lethal blast.","Cost":"100","Augments":["Cataclysmic Continuum"],"CardImage":"CataclysmModx256.png","Name":"Cataclysm","Introduced":"15","InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/TearInSpaceAbility","Key":"4","Icon":"Cataclysm130xWhite.png","Powersuit":"Limbo"} bubble, Gara{"Sprint":"1.15","Description":"Enemies are made fragile by Gara's deadly touch. Gara's vitric abilities provide her and her allies with survivability and deal high damage. Shatter the foe.","Conclave":true,"Shield":"270","MaxRank":"30","Themes":"Glass, Warrior","Tactical":"Splinter Storm","Image":"Gara.png","Type":"Warframe","Introduced":"22","Armor":"160","FullImages":{"Portrait":"GaraFull.png"},"InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/Glass/Glass","Passive":"A chance to create a radial blind lasting 10s when Gara casts abilities.","Progenitor":"Cold","SquadPortrait":"GlassLargePortrait.png","Health":"270","Link":"Gara","Portrait":"GaraIcon272.png","Polarities":["V","V"],"Abilities":["Shattered Lash","Splinter Storm","Spectrorage","Mass Vitrify"],"InitialEnergy":"75","Subsumed":"Spectrorage","AuraPolarity":"D","Name":"Gara","Sex":"Female","Playstyle":"Survival, Damage","SellPrice":"25000","Energy":"175","CodexSecret":false}'s Mass Vitrify{"Description":"Create an expanding ring of molten glass that slowly crystallizes enemies who enter. When the expansion is complete, the ring hardens to block weapons fire. The ring draws extra strength from the health and shields of crystallized enemies. Use Shattered Lash to smash the ring and send razor-sharp glass flying outward.","Cost":"75","CardImage":"MassVitrifyModx256.png","Name":"Mass Vitrify","Introduced":"22","InternalName":"/Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/GlassRingAbility","Key":"4","Icon":"MassVitrify130xWhite.png","Powersuit":"Gara"} wall, and a friendly Arctic/Frozen Eximus unit's ice shell, can absorb Void Sink explosions forming outside the barriers, protecting Tenno and their allies staying inside the barriers.
After collecting 10 Reactant, the visual changes to modular weapons (Kitguns, Zaws etc.) do not go away even after the buff has expired.
As a new Fissure appears in the mission, some players may experience a drop in their performance or even a freeze on extreme cases.
Fissures may suddenly stop spawning.
Doing multiple Empyrean Void Storms in a row without docking has been seen to build up permanent lightning storm effects within the ship from each void storm, eventually leading to a constant, rather extreme visual and audible noise.
A new type of Void Fissure is available! Found on Star Chart nodes previously untouched by Void Fissures, the new Omnia Fissure allows Tenno to crack Lith, Meso, Neo, or Axi Relics - whatever they choose!
There is one Omnia Fissure available at all times on both standard and Steel Path difficulties. Tenno must have access to the respective node on the Star Chart in order to access the correlating Omnia Fissure, including any Quests necessary for the node:
The War Within Quest for Lua Conjunction Survival Missions
Angels of the Zariman Quest for Zariman
Whispers in the Walls Quest for Albrecht’s Laboratories
Omnia Fissures can be found on:
Lua: Yuvarium (Conjunction Survival)
Lua: Circulus (Conjunction Survival)
Zariman: Everview Arc (Void Flood)
Zariman: Tuvul Commons (Void Cascade)
Albrecht’s Laboratories: Cambire (Alchemy)
Albrecht’s Laboratories: Persto (Survival)
Fixed the Corruption VFX applied to enemies by Void Fissures not applying to all parts of the enemy’s body (notably Grineer helmets).
While evaluating AoE, we found another angle of consideration: mission design. Specifically Fissure missions where AoE lethality is common and problematic. For each new Prime Access, we ask players to revisit these lower level missions to open Relics - in Lith missions it can be difficult to even earn Reactant if you kill too quickly! Which leads us to the following addition of Steel Path Void Fissure Missions.
If you are an experienced Warframe player, you are extremely familiar with the Void Fissure mission flow: Select Relic and blitz through enemies to crack it. It is obvious that where Void Fissure missions are, they are far too easy and can be completed with little to no friction (looking at you Lith). Ultimately, this makes the Prime content not as engaging as it could be, while also leaving new players behind in the dust as the experienced rip through enemies before they can get to them.
The solution: Steel Path Void Fissure missions.
When enabling Steel Path in Navigation, Void Fissure missions in the World State Window will now have the usual Steel Path flare apply (Acolytes, difficulty modifiers, etc.). To make it worth your while, 1 x Steel Essence is also awarded for every Relic you crack.
Included Message when unlocking a Void Relic to indicate which Void Relic buff is active and a brief explanation of what it does.
Corrupted Holokey drop amounts have been increased in Void Storms! Void Storms in the Veil Proxima will now drop 10 (vs 6) to make the hardest content the most rewarding. The rest have all had their amounts increased by 1.
Fixed an issue with Void Storm Survival missions sometimes not rewarding Void Traces when unlocking 2 or more Relics.
Fixed an issue where while completing Void Storm missions, collecting 10 Void Traces while in the Necramech without entering your Warframe does not open the Relic.
Long lost CORRUPTED HOLOKEYS have been discovered in the raging Void Storms! Millions of these Holokeys were lost to the Void when Parvos Granum’s flagship was bombed. Perrin Sequence’s own Ergo Glast has a strong desire for these artifacts, and is offering up new Granum weapon technology for them (Syndicate alliance not required)!
Each Proxima Void Storm can reward Corrupted Holokeys as Common mission rewards. These replace the End of Mission Void Trace rewards from Void Storms.
2x Corrupted Holokey: Common 37.50%
2x Corrupted Holokey: Common 37.50%
4x Corrupted Holokey: Common 37.50%
3x Corrupted Holokey: Common 37.50%
5x Corrupted Holokey: Common 37.50%
6x Corrupted Holokey: Common 37.50%
Visit Ergo Glast in a Relay and view his new weekly Merchandise. Every week Ergo will have 1x version of each new Tenet Melee weapon with its additional bonus Damage / Elemental for 40 Corrupted Holokeys.
By visiting Ergo each week with Corrupted Holokeys in hand you can collect them all to Valence Transfer week over week until you get the best possible version of each weapon. If collecting is more your style then Ergo will always have something in stock!
Fixed Reactant not appearing for squad members when both players are using Necramechs or K-Drives.
Fixed Clients never getting Corrupted enemies if the Host isn’t encountering corruptible enemies in Void Storm missions. This was most commonly seen when the Host would stay on the Railjack while Clients boarded Crewships, POIs, Capital Ships, etc.
Fixed Void Sink spawn discrepancies if the Host was in a different location than the other squadmates.
Reduced the visual dominance and frequency of Void Storms and Void Sinks: This was highly requested player feedback! The visual noise of Void Storms was proving to be quite distracting and difficult to manage. We have made the following changes to improve your ability to focus on objectives and not overwhelming visual distractions.
Decreased the strength of the camera shake and increased the time between shakes (ultimately making shakes occur far less).
Fixed condition that prevented Void Sinks from overflowing over the max setting per level.
Reduced the intensity of the visual effects while you are within the explosion radius of a Void Sink, and made the visual directional so that now you can tell which direction the threat is.
Reduced the maximum number of active Void Sinks that can exist if you are playing Solo.
Dramatically decreased the number of Void Sinks that can spawn inside either Railjack or POIs/Capital Ships/Crewships.
Void Sinks and Void Storms now stop spawning after mission completion to prevent players/Railjack from dying post mission.
The Void Fissure and Void Storm World State Window has been split up to negate having to scroll extensively through the list. Void Fissure WSW will remain on the normal Star Chart and Void Storm WSW has been moved to the Railjack Star Chart.
Fixed Sentient Anomaly missions overriding a chosen Void Storm mission in the Veil Proxima if they are sharing the same node.
A storm's a brewin', Tenno. But where there’s risk, there’s Ghostly reward! Void Storms have been detected rolling through the Proxima. Supercharged with Void energy, boarding parties and Point of Interest enemies caught in these conditions are subject to Void Fissures - perfect for Void Relic opening! As the storm brews outside, brace yourself for Void Sinks on board your Railjack. These Void Sinks can deal damage to your Warframe if touched - shoot them to destroy!
Bring your Railjack Crew or your squad to open Relics, earn Intrinsics, and grofit with rewards! On top of your earned Relic reward, Void Storms offer their own goodies upon completion. May the Void be ever in your favor!
Void Storm missions can be selected in both the Railjack Star Chart and the Void Fissure tab of the World State Window.
Railjack Proximas and their corresponding Relics:
Earth Proxima: Lith Relics: Play here to open Lith Relics and earn their Rewards!
Earth Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth’s Signature Sidearm ‘Epitaph’!
Venus Proxima: Lith Relics: Play here to open Lith Relics and earn their Rewards!
Venus Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth’s Signature Sidearm ‘Epitaph’!
Saturn Proxima: Meso Relics: Play here to open Meso Relics and earn their rewards!
Saturn Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth’s Signature Sidearm ‘Epitaph’.
Neptune Proxima: Neo Relics: Play here to open Neo Relics and earn their rewards!
Neptune Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth the Warframe!
Pluto Proxima: Axi Relics: Play here to open Axi Relics and earn their rewards!
Pluto Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth the Warframe!
Veil Proxima: Axi Relics: Play here to open Axi Relics and earn their rewards!
Veil Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth the Warframe!
How do Void Storm rewards work?
Void Storm missions are directly similar to Void Fissure missions, where you’re tasked with completing the objective while also collecting enough Reactant.
All on-foot enemies are subject to becoming Corrupted from Void Fissures. Boarding parties, Point of Interest enemies, Crewship enemies, etc once Corrupted can all drop Reactant needed to open your Relic. Reactant is a shared pickup for Void Storms! Since Railjack requires Tenno to coordinate across multiple environments simultaneously, we felt that having shared Reactant pickups would help squads open Relics in a co-op friendly way.
Upon mission completion, you’ll be rewarded with your earned Relic reward, as well as an added item from the Void Storm drop table itself.
The Void is reacting to the Lich experiments on the Kuva Fortress, and for the first time: Void Fissures are appearing on the Kuva Fortress! But these are unlike the others, and they only respond to REQUIEM RELICS.
You can continue to Refine already Refined Relics in both the Void Relic Refinement station and in Navigation when selecting a Relic for a Void Fissure mission.
The in-mission Void Fissure Reward screen has also been reworked to reflect these aesthetic changes with the added Refinement functionality in the Relic selection screen for endless Void Fissure missions.
Increased the base amount of Void Traces granted when your Relic is chosen from 1 to 5.
Increased Capture end timer during Void Fissure missions from 3 minutes to 5 minutes. Players now have more time to collect Reactant when cracking Relics in these missions.
Fixed issue where players were forced to wait for the countdown timer to finish in Endless Void Fissure missions if the “Sort by” menu was active when the timer began.
Exiting the Relic selection menu now counts as a non-vote instead of a decline. Previously ‘Exiting’ from the Relic selection screen counted as "declining" the mission, which you could not undo unless you left the squad, or the mission is cancelled entirely.
Fixed being able to infinitely stack Mod, Arcane, Reactant and Endless Fissure Relic-cracking buffs when switching between Operator Transference at the right time.
Fixed a script error that occurred when a Host migrates during a Relic mission while the countdown to the next round is active. This resulted in being kicked back to the Landing Craft.
Should you collect the necessary Reactant per interval and open your Relic, a bonus will occur and you will be allowed to re-select a new Relic for the next interval! The bonuses are as follows:
Every time you open a Relic, you get a pre-determined booster. These boosters stack the longer you stay.
The first interval: 1.25x Affinity.
The second interval: 1.25x Credits.
The third interval: 1.25x Resources.
The fourth interval: 1.25x Resource Drop Rate.
The fifth interval: a random Exceptional Relic (that can be used in the same mission).
The sixth interval: 1.5x Affinity (replaces first).
The seventh interval: 1.5x Credits (replaces second).
The eighth interval: 1.5x Resources (replaces third).
The ninth interval: 1.5x Resource Drop Rate (replaces fourth).
The tenth interval: a higher tier random Flawless Relic (that can be used in the same mission).
Once you get to the fifteenth interval, you'll receive a random Radiant Relic (that can be used in the same mission.
Boosters continue to increase every set of intervals and are capped at double (2x).
Radiants on every fifth interval past the fifteenth.
Every Relic opened will result in Traces!
Removed the Void Fissure end of mission reward selection screen when playing Solo or if no other player joins.