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This is the documentation page for Module:Weapons/data/railjack
Database of WARFRAME's Railjack armaments.
Hey! You! Here to update something that's out of date? Follow these easy steps:
- Open the relevant Horizontal Partition and click "Edit Source" on the top right of the page.
- Use Ctrl +F to find the data for the weapon.
- Find the number/string that's wrong.
- Change the number/string and save the page.
That's it! After you've done that, the data will proliferate out to all the relevant pages.
If you're adding new data instead of just changing existing data, try to use an example of how things are entered if you're not quite sure what to do.
(Oh, order doesn't matter, but spelling and capitalization do. For example, it doesn't matter if Disposition is first or last)
Thanks, you're awesome!
- Last updated: Thu, 23 Jun 2022 17:06:17 +0000 (UTC) by User:Cephalon Scientia
Horizontal Partitions (and where to update data)[edit source]
- Module:Weapons/data/primary - Primary Weapons
- Module:Weapons/data/secondary - Secondary Weapons
- Module:Weapons/data/melee - Melee weapons
- Module:Weapons/data/archwing - Archguns and Archmelees
- Module:Weapons/data/companion - Companion weapons
- Module:Weapons/data/railjack - Railjack turrets and ordnances
- Module:Weapons/data/modular - Amps, Zaws, and Kitguns
- Module:Weapons/data/misc - everything else
For Conclave data:
- Module:Weapons/Conclave/data/primary - Primary Weapons
- Module:Weapons/Conclave/data/secondary - Secondary Weapons
- Module:Weapons/Conclave/data/melee - Melee Weapons
Attack Data Schema[edit source]
AttackName = "Normal Attack",
AmmoCost = 1,
BurstCount = 1,
Damage = { Impact = 1, Puncture = 1, Slash = 1 },
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 1,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.0,
Falloff = { StartRange = 400, EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.2 },
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
ShotSpeed = 1,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto"
Key/Column Name | Arsenal EN L10n | Public Export Equivalent | Internal Equivalent | Data Type | Required? | Explanation/Description | Example(s) |
AttackName |
Varies | N/A | N/A | String | ❌ | Name of attack; defaults to "Normal Attack" | "Normal Attack" or "AoE Explosion"
AmmoCost |
N/A | N/A | ammoRequirement |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Ammo consumed on a single attack input; defaults to nil | 0.5 or 10
AmmoType |
N/A | N/A | ammoType |
String | ❌ | Type of ammo pickups that replenishes ammo reserves; "None" for battery weapons and "Energy" for those that use Warframe energy | "Primary"
BurstCount |
N/A | N/A | NumShots |
Number (integer) | ❌ | For burst-fire weapons, the number of shots per burst; omit for attacks that shoot bursts that scale off magazine size (e.g ![]() |
BurstDelay |
N/A | N/A | BurstDelay |
Number (float) | ❌ | For burst-fire weapons, the time in seconds between shooting each individual shot in a burst. | 0.061
BurstReloadDelay |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Number (float) | ❌ | Only for burst-fire attacks that scale off magazine size (e.g ![]() |
Damage |
Damage | damagePerShot and totalDamage |
AttackData |
Table (map of floats) | ✔️ | Table of damage types that the weapon deals and their individual damage values. Possible keys: Impact, Puncture, Slash, Cold, Electricity, Heat, Toxin, Blast, Corrosive, Gas, Magnetic, Radiation, Viral, Void, and MinProgenitorBonus (random element for Kuva/Tenet weapons) | { Impact = 100, Puncture = 25, Slash = 30 }
ChargeTime |
Charge Rate | N/A | ChargeTime |
Number (float) | ❌ | For charged attacks, the base charge time for a fully charged attack | 0.5
CritChance |
Critical Chance | criticalChance |
CriticalChance or criticalHitChance |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Attack's base critical chance as a decimal | 0.25
CritMultiplier |
Critical Multiplier | criticalMultiplier |
CriticalMultiplier or criticalHitDamageMultiplier |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Attack's base critical hit multiplier as a scalar | 2.2
EffectDuration |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Number (float) | ❌ | For special attacks, the time in seconds that a special effect lasts for (e.g. ![]() ![]() |
ExplosionDelay |
Embed Delay | N/A | EmbedTime |
Number (float) | ❌ | For AoE attacks, the time in seconds between initial shot and explosion; the same as "Embed Delay" stat in-game | 0.5
ExtraHeadshotDmg |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Number (float) | ❌ | Additional bonus damage on headshots for weapons such as ![]() |
Falloff |
Falloff | N/A | damageFallOff and damageFallOffMinDamage or ExplosionFallOff and DamageRadius |
Table (map of floats) | ❌ | Attack's base Damage Falloff stats; includes starting distance in meters when falloff multiplier comes into play, ending distance in meters when falloff multipler is at max reduction, and the maximum damage reduction as a decimal | { StartRange = 0, EndRange = 5, Reduction = 0.5 }
FireRate |
Fire Rate | fireRate |
fireRate (stored as a whole number representing number shots per minute, have to divide by 60s to get arsenal Fire Rate) |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Attack's base Fire Rate or Attack Speed multiplier | 6.5
ForcedProcs |
N/A | N/A | ForcedProcs |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Attack's forced procs, if any | { "Impact", "Slash" }
IsSilent |
Noise | noise |
IsSilenced or SilentProjectile |
Boolean | ❌ | Whether or not an attack has a silent Noise Level; defaults to false | true
MaxSpread |
N/A | N/A | AIMED_ACCURACY.Spread.SHOOTING.range[1] |
Number (float) | ❌ | Attack's maximum spread range. Arsenal accuracy is calculated as the inverse of the average spread multiplied by 100. | 16
MinSpread |
N/A | N/A | AIMED_ACCURACY.Spread.SHOOTING.range[0] |
Number (float) | ❌ | Attack's minimum spread range. Arsenal accuracy is calculated as the inverse of the average spread multiplied by 100. | 6
Multishot |
Multishot | multishot |
fireIterations |
Number (integer) | ❌ | Attack's base Multishot value; defaults to 1 | 10
PunchThrough |
Punch Through | N/A | PunctureDepth or tracePunctureDepth |
Number (float) | ❌ | Attack's base Punch Through value in meters; defaults to 0 | 1.5
Range |
Range | N/A | traceDistance or DamageRadius |
Number (float) | ❌ | For maximum range of a particular attack in meters. For AoE attacks, the base radius of area of effect in meters. | 40
ShotType |
N/A | N/A | HitType |
String | ✔️ | Attack's shot type (e.g. "Hit-Scan", "Projectile", and "AoE" for area of effects) | Projectile
ShotSpeed |
N/A | N/A | KinematicMaxSpeed or ForwardVel |
Number (integer) | ❌ | For projectile attacks, the attack's maximum projectile speed in meters per second (not initial or minimum speed) | 50
StatusChance |
Status | procChance |
ProcChance |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Attack's base status chance as a decimal | 0.2
SyndicateEffect |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ❌ | For Syndicate weapons, the Syndicate Radial Effect that it has | "Entropy"
Trigger |
Trigger | trigger |
FireModes |
String | ❌ | For weapons with multiple Trigger Types, attack's trigger type | "Semi-Auto"
Gun Entry Schema[edit source]
["Long Gun Weapon Name"] = {
_IgnoreEntry = true,
_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1,
Accuracy = 100,
AmmoMax = 540,
AmmoPickup = 1,
Attacks = {
AttackName = "Normal Attack",
AmmoCost = 0.5,
BurstCount = 1,
Damage = { Impact = 1, Puncture = 1, Slash = 1 },
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 1,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1.0,
Falloff = { StartRange = 400, EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.2 },
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto"
Class = "Sniper Rifle",
Conclave = false,
Disposition = 0.5,
ExilusPolarity = "V",
Family = "",
Image = "Weapon.png",
Introduced = "",
Link = "Page Name",
Magazine = 1,
Mastery = 1,
MaxRank = 30,
Name = "Weapon Name",
Polarities = {},
Reload = 1,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
SellPrice = 7500,
Slot = "Primary",
SniperComboMin = 1,
SniperComboReset = 1,
Spool = 5,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Traits = { "Grineer" },
Users = { },
Zoom = { "2.0x", "4.0x" }
Key/Column Name | Arsenal EN L10n | Public Export Equivalent | Internal Equivalent | Data Type | Required? | Explanation/Description | Example(s) |
Accuracy |
Accuracy | accuracy |
N/A | Number (float) | ✔️ | Gun's base Accuracy value | 100
AmmoMax |
Ammo Maximum | N/A | AmmoCapacity |
Number (integer) | ✔️ | Gun's base maximum reserve ammo (this excludes magazine size) | 210 or 0 (represents infinite ammo, for weapons that don't use ammo)
AmmoPickup |
Ammo Pickup | N/A | AmmoPickUpCount |
Number (integer) | ❌ | Amount of ammo recovered after walking over an ammo pickup | 1
Attacks |
N/A | N/A | AttackData , ExplosiveAttack , RadialDamage , EmbedAttack |
Table | ✔️ | Contains attack data for the weapon | See #Attack Data Schema |
Class |
N/A | productCategory |
IsAbilityWeapon for Exalted Weapons, otherwise no direct equivalent |
String | ✔️ | Weapon class for modding or a subclass of the weapon in its equip slot; in the case of Exalted Weapons, it is just "Exalted Weapon" | "Sniper Rifle"
CodexSecret |
N/A | codexSecret |
CodexSecret |
Boolean | ❌ | Whether or not the weapon has an entry in the Codex before the player acquires it; defaults to false | false
CompatibilityTags |
N/A | N/A | CompatibilityTags |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Tags that denote item compatibility. In other words, items with these tags can/cannot have a particular mod installed with the same tag. | { "POWER_WEAPON" }
Conclave |
N/A | N/A | AvailableOnPvp |
Boolean | ❌ | Whether or not the weapon can be used in Conclave | false
DefaultUpgrades |
N/A | N/A | DefaultUpgrades [1] |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Additional upgrades that are innate to the weapon | { "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/Upgrades/InnateDamageRandomMod" }
Disposition |
Riven Disposition | omegaAttenuation |
OmegaAttenuation |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Riven Mod Disposition value | 0.5
ExilusPolarity |
N/A | N/A | ArtifactSlots |
String | ❌ | Polarity on Exilus slot | "Madurai"
Family |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ❌ | Weapon family that it belongs to, corresponding to the Riven Mod compatibility | "Latron"
IncarnonImage |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ❌ | Image file name of the weapon in its Incarnon Form as uploaded to the wiki | "Ack&BruntIncarnon.png"
Image |
N/A | textureLocation |
Icon |
String | ✔️ | Image file name of the weapon as uploaded to the wiki | "CrpBFG.png"
InternalName |
N/A | uniqueName |
TypeName |
String | ✔️ | The full unique name of a weapon formatted as a file path | "/Lotus/Weapons/MK1Series/MK1Paris"
Introduced |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ✔️ | The game version in which the weapon was first introduced in the global build of WARFRAME | "30.5" or "Specters of the Rail"
IsLichWeapon |
N/A | N/A | IsKuva |
Boolean | ❌ | Denotes whether or not a weapon is a Kuva or Tenet weapon | true
Link |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ✔️ | Page/article link to the weapon on the wiki | "Artemis Bow (Weapon)"
Magazine |
Magazine | magazineSize |
AmmoClipSize |
Number (integer) | ✔️ | Gun's base magazine size | 45 or 0 (no magazine)
Mastery |
N/A | masteryReq |
RequiredLevel |
Number (integer) | ✔️ | Mastery Rank requirement | 5
MaxRank |
N/A | N/A | LevelCap |
Number (integer) | ❌ | Weapon's maximum rank | 30
Name |
N/A | name |
LocalizeTag |
String | ✔️ | Weapon's name | "Primary Vermisplicer Chamber"
Polarities |
N/A | N/A | ArtifactSlots |
Table (array of strings) | ✔️ | Full names of the weapon's non-Universal polarities | { "Naramon", "Madurai" }
Reload |
Reload | reloadTime |
reloadTime or reloadEndTime , reloadLoopTime , reloadStartTime for by shell reloads |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Gun's base reload time in seconds | 3.5
ReloadDelay |
N/A | N/A | HeavyBatteryRegenDelay |
Number (float) | ❌ | For rechargeable/battery weapons, the time in seconds after firing before magazine 'recharges' or is replenished. For ![]() ![]() |
ReloadDelayEmpty |
N/A | N/A | HeavyBatteryRegenDelayFromEmpty |
Number (float) | ❌ | For rechargeable/battery weapons, the time in seconds after fully depleting magazine before magazine 'recharges' or is replenished | 1
ReloadRate |
N/A | N/A | HeavyBatteryRegenRate |
Number (float) | ❌ | For rechargeable/battery weapons, the rate at which magazine 'recharges' or is replenished per second | 40
ReloadStyle |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ❌ | Gun's unique reload type for weapons like ![]() ![]() |
"Regenerate" or "ByRound"
SellPrice |
N/A | N/A | SellingPrice |
Number (integer) | ❌ | For sellable weapons, the sell price in Credits when removed from the player's inventory | 25000
Slot |
N/A | slot |
InventorySlot |
String | ✔️ | The weapon slot that the weapon can be equipped on; in the case of Exalted Weapons, it is just their modding class | "Primary"
SniperComboMin |
N/A | N/A | HitReqNextTierOperator |
Number (integer) | ❌ | For sniper rifles, the minimum number of hits to gain combo bonus | 1
SniperComboReset |
N/A | N/A | TimeBetweenHits |
Number (integer) | ❌ | For sniper rifles, the number of seconds after last hit before combo number goes down | 3
Spool |
N/A | N/A | ContinuousMaxShots |
Number (integer) | ❌ | For auto-spool weapons, number of shots until weapon reaches max fire rate | 5
Tradable |
N/A | N/A | TradeCapability |
Number (integer, enum) | ❌ | Whether or not a weapon is tradable to other players.
Trigger |
Trigger | trigger |
FireModes |
String | ✔️ | Gun's Trigger Type | "Auto" or "Auto / Burst"
Traits |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Gun's categorical traits | { "Grineer", "Wraith" }
Users |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Name of NPCs that use this weapon | { "Stalker", "Shadow Stalker" }
Zoom |
N/A | N/A | ZoomLevels |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | The levels of zoom that the gun offers | { "2.0x", "4.5x" }
Melee Entry Schema[edit source]
["Melee Weapon Name"] = {
_IgnoreEntry = true,
_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1,
Attacks = {
AttackName = "Normal Attack",
Damage = { Impact = 1, Puncture = 1, Slash = 1 },
CritChance = 0.1,
CritMultiplier = 2,
StatusChance = 0.1,
FireRate = 1
BlockAngle = 55,
Class = "Two-Handed Nikana",
ComboDur = 5,
Conclave = false,
Disposition = 0.5,
Family = "Tatsu",
FollowThrough = 0.7,
HeavyAttack = 1284,
HeavySlamAttack = 1070,
HeavySlamRadius = 8,
Image = "Tatsu.png",
Introduced = "",
Link = "Page Name",
Mastery = 1,
MaxRank = 30,
MeleeRange = 3,
Name = "MeleeName",
Polarities = { "Madurai" },
SellPrice = 7500,
SlamAttack = 642,
SlamElement = "Heat",
SlamForcedProcs = { "Heat" },
SlamRadius = 7,
SlideAttack = 1,
Slot = "Melee",
StancePolarity = "Madurai",
SweepRadius = 0.25,
Traits = { "Tenno" },
WindUp = 0.7
Key/Column Name | Arsenal EN L10n | Public Export Equivalent | Internal Equivalent | Data Type | Required? | Explanation/Description | Example(s) |
Attacks |
N/A | N/A | AttackData , ExplosiveAttack , RadialDamage , EmbedAttack |
Table | ✔️ | Contains attack data for the weapon | See #Attack Data Schema |
BlockAngle |
Blocking Angle | blockingAngle |
ParryAngle |
Number (integer) | ✔️ | Melee's base blocking angle in degrees | 90
Class |
N/A | productCategory |
parent , parents , or MeleeStyle |
String | ✔️ | Weapon class for modding or a subclass of the weapon in its equip slot; in the case of Exalted Weapons, it is just "Exalted Weapon" | "Nikana"
CodexSecret |
N/A | codexSecret |
CodexSecret |
Boolean | ❌ | Whether or not the weapon has an entry in the Codex before the player acquires it; defaults to false | false
ComboDur |
Combo Duration | comboDuration |
TimeBetweenHits |
Number (integer) | ❌ | Melee's base combo duration in seconds | 5
CompatibilityTags |
N/A | N/A | CompatibilityTags |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Tags that denote item compatibility. In other words, items with these tags can/cannot have a particular mod installed with the same tag. | { "POWER_WEAPON" }
Conclave |
N/A | N/A | AvailableOnPvp |
Boolean | ❌ | Whether or not the weapon can be used in Conclave | false
DefaultUpgrades |
N/A | N/A | DefaultUpgrades |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Additional upgrades that are innate to the weapon | { "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/Upgrades/InnateDamageRandomMod" }
Disposition |
Riven Disposition | omegaAttenuation |
OmegaAttenuation |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Riven Mod Disposition value | 0.5
Family |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ❌ | Weapon family that it belongs to, corresponding to the Riven Mod compatibility | "Machete"
FollowThrough |
Follow Through | followThrough |
N/A | Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base follow through multiplier as a decimal | 0.6
HeavyAttack |
Heavy Attack | heavyAttackDamage |
N/A | Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base heavy attack damage. For Kuva/Tenet weapons include minimum +25% Progenitor bonus in damage value. | 1284
HeavySlamAttack |
Slam Attack | heavySlamAttack |
N/A | Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base heavy slam direct hit damage. For Kuva/Tenet weapons include minimum +25% Progenitor bonus in damage value. | 1070
HeavySlamElement |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ❌ | Melee's base heavy slam damage type | "Heat"
HeavySlamForcedProcs |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Melee's base heavy slam attack forced proc(s) | { "Heat" }
HeavyRadialDmg (depreciated on Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)) |
Slam Radial Damage | heavySlamRadialDamage |
N/A | Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base heavy slam radial attack damage. For Kuva/Tenet weapons include minimum +25% Progenitor bonus in damage value. | 1070
HeavySlamRadius |
Slam Radius | heavySlamRadius |
N/A | Number (integer) | ✔️ | Melee's base heavy slam radius in meters | 8
IncarnonImage |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ❌ | Image file name of the weapon in its Incarnon Form as uploaded to the wiki | "Ack&BruntIncarnon.png"
Image |
N/A | textureLocation |
Icon |
String | ✔️ | Image file name of the weapon as uploaded to the wiki | "Ankyros.png"
InternalName |
N/A | uniqueName |
TypeName |
String | ✔️ | The full unique name of a weapon formatted as a file path | "/Lotus/Weapons/MK1Series/MK1Furis"
Introduced |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ✔️ | The game version in which the weapon was first introduced in the global build of WARFRAME | "30.5" or "Specters of the Rail"
IsLichWeapon |
N/A | N/A | IsKuva |
Boolean | ❌ | Denotes whether or not a weapon is a Kuva or Tenet weapon | true
Link |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ✔️ | Page/article link to the weapon on the wiki | "Exalted Blade (Weapon)"
Mastery |
N/A | masteryReq |
RequiredLevel |
Number (integer) | ✔️ | Mastery Rank requirement | 5
MaxRank |
N/A | N/A | LevelCap |
Number (integer) | ❌ | Weapon's maximum rank | 30
MeleeRange |
Range | range |
N/A | Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base attack range in meters | 2
Name |
N/A | name |
LocalizeTag |
String | ✔️ | Weapon's name | "Galatine Prime"
Polarities |
N/A | N/A | ArtifactSlots |
Table (array of strings) | ✔️ | Full names of the weapon's non-Universal polarities | { "Naramon", "Madurai" }
SellPrice |
N/A | N/A | SellingPrice |
Number (integer) | ❌ | For sellable weapons, the sell price in Credits when removed from the player's inventory | 25000
SlamAttack |
Slam Attack | slamAttack |
N/A | Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base normal slam direct hit damage. For Kuva/Tenet weapons include minimum +25% Progenitor bonus in damage value. | 642
SlamElement |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ❌ | Melee's base normal slam damage type | "Heat"
SlamForcedProcs |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Melee's base normal slam attack forced proc(s) | { "Heat" }
SlamRadialDmg (depreciated on Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)) |
Slam Radial Damage | slamRadialDamage |
N/A | Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base normal slam radial damage. For Kuva/Tenet weapons include minimum +25% Progenitor bonus in damage value. | 214
SlamRadialElement (depreciated on Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)) |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ❌ | Melee's base normal slam radial attack damage type | "Heat"
SlamRadialProcs (depreciated on Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)) |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Melee's base normal slam radial attack forced proc(s) | { "Heat" }
SlamRadius |
Slam Radius | slamRadius |
N/A | Number (integer) | ✔️ | Melee's base normal slam radius in meters | 7
SlideAttack |
Slide Attack | slideAttack |
N/A | Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base slide attack damage. For Kuva/Tenet weapons include minimum +25% Progenitor bonus in damage value. | 100
SlideElement |
N/A | N/A | N/A | String | ❌ | Melee's base slide attack damage type | "Toxin"
Slot |
N/A | slot |
InventorySlot |
String | ✔️ | The weapon slot that the weapon can be equipped on; in the case of Exalted Weapons, it is just their modding class | "Melee"
StancePolarity |
N/A | N/A | ArtifactSlots |
String | ✔️ | Polarity on Stance slot | "Madurai"
SweepRadius |
N/A | N/A | SweepRadius |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's sweep attack's (i.e. normal and heavy attacks) base hitbox radius in meters | 0.25
Tradable |
N/A | N/A | TradeCapability |
Number (integer, enum) | ❌ | Whether or not a weapon is tradable to other players.
Traits |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Gun's categorical traits | { "Grineer", "Wraith" }
Users |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Name of NPCs that use this weapon | { "Stalker", "Shadow Stalker" }
WindUp |
Wind Up | windUp |
N/A | Number (float) | ✔️ | Heavy attack wind-up time in seconds | 0.5
For Module Use[edit source]
Key/Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Explanation/Description | Example(s) |
_IgnoreEntry |
Boolean | ❌ | For module use, indicates that this weapon table entry is special and should ignored when parsing table entries | true
_IgnoreInCSV |
Boolean | ❌ | For module use, indicates that this weapon table entry should be ignored when outputting CSV (via Module:Weapons/csv) | true
_IgnoreInMasteryCount |
Boolean | ❌ | For module use, indicates that this weapon table entry should be ignored when tallying up mastery totals | true
_TooltipAttackDisplay |
Number | ❌ | For module use, tells what table entry in Attack table to use when processing weapon tooltips and comparing weapon variants in Comparison sections; 1 will be used if no value is assigned |
Preprocessed Data[edit source]
If you want data on the relative stat rankings (percentile-based) of each weapon for each weapon stat, see Module:Weapons/ppdata.
Export Data[edit source]
Since this database is horizontally partitioned, if you want all the weapon table entries at once, go to Special:ExpandTemplates and run {{#invoke:LuaSerializer|serialize|Weapons/data}}
. This will run the script on this page and return plaintext that contains a executable prettified Lua table with all the weapon table entries.
Alternatively, you can use MediaWiki's Action API to get the executed contents of this module:
- Special:ApiSandbox:
- Raw endpoints:
- JavaScript:
var url = new URL('https://wiki.warframe.com/api.php?'); var searchParams = new URLSearchParams({ action: 'scribunto-console', format: 'json', title: 'Module:Weapons', // Alternatively, run "return require('Module:LuaSerializer')._serialize('Weapons/data')" // If you want to convert Lua tables to native JSON, run "return require('Module:JSON').stringify(require('Module:Weapons/data'))" content: "return require('Module:Weapons/data')", question: '=p', clear: 1 }); fetch(url + searchParams) .then(data => data.json()) .then(json => console.log(json.return));
- See https://warframe.fandom.com/api.php for auto-generated documentation on this wiki's version of the API
Weapon Edge Cases[edit source]
Some weapons have complicated mechanics or behaviors that are not currently compatible with the wiki's weapon entry schema:
Tenet Diplos 's lock-on mechanic while aiming has a ~0.5 second delay after the burst ends before being able to lock-on again. This delay is affected by Fire Rate bonuses. This delay is not the same as
. Can be thought as the "delay between bursts that is not the reciprocal of Fire Rate".
Where To Source Weapon Data[edit source]
Some notes on where editors can source weapon data:
- In-game:
- Outside of the game (without the need to launch the game):
- Public Export's
manifest - https://overframe.gg/, go create a "New Build" and F12 to HTML source to find some internal JSON data on weapon. See the below section for more details.
- Public Export's
Where To Find Weapon Metadata[edit source]
The in-game UI does not thoroughly present all the data and interactions that is provided from a weapon. Here are some methods and sources to get more insight on the internal mechanics on weapons:
- https://overframe.gg/ has access to more metadata than what Digital Extremes provide to the public. This JSON data is cached locally on the client in these tags:
<script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json"></script>
- For example, for more metadata on
Kuva Bramma , go create a new build https://overframe.gg/build/new/4245/kuva-bramma/ and inspect the HTML element on the page using your browser's development tools. The relevant metadata should be under the
<script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json"></script>
tags. If not, hard refresh the browser's cache so the underlying data is updated to reflect on the actual item."data": { "AmmoCapacity": 5, "AmmoClipSize": 1, "ArtifactSlots": ["AP_UNIVERSAL", "AP_UNIVERSAL", "AP_UNIVERSAL", "AP_ATTACK", "AP_UNIVERSAL", "AP_UNIVERSAL", "AP_UNIVERSAL", "AP_UNIVERSAL", "AP_TACTIC", "AP_UNIVERSAL"], "Behaviors": [{ "fire:LotusWeaponProjectileFireBehavior": { "AIMED_ACCURACY": { "Spread": { "SHOOTING": { "range": [0, 12], "type": "ST_EXPONENTIAL" } } }, "IgnoreFireIterations": 0, "IsMeleeBehavior": 0, "IsSilenced": 0, "RoundUpAmmoConsumption": 0, "ScaleAmmoRequirement": 0, "UseAmmo": 1, "ammoRequirement": 1, "ammoType": "/Lotus/Weapons/Ammo/RifleAmmoEx", "chargedProjectileType": { "AttackData": { "Amount": 187, "HitType": "DHT_PROJECTILE", "ProcChance": 0.21, "Type": "DT_IMPACT" }, "BounceOnAvatars": 0, "CanStick": 1, "ClusterProjectiles": { "AttackData": { "Amount": 49, "HitType": "DHT_PROJECTILE", "ProcChance": 0.21, "Type": "DT_IMPACT" }, "BounceOnAvatars": 0, "CanStick": 1, "CriticalChance": 0.35, "CriticalMultiplier": 2.1, "DamageRadius": 3.5, "DealDamageThroughImpactBehavior": 1, "EmbedAttack": { "Amount": 0, "Type": "DT_POISON" }, "EmbedDeathAttack": { "Amount": 35, "Type": "DT_EXPLOSION" }, "EmbedTime": [0.5, 0.5], "ExplosionFallOff": 0.5, "ExplosionIgnoreSource": 1, "ExplosiveAttack": { "Amount": 57, "HitType": "DHT_RADIAL", "ProcChance": 0.21 }, "MaxLife": 2 }, "CriticalChance": 0.35, "CriticalMultiplier": 2.1, "DamageRadius": 8.3, "DealDamageThroughImpactBehavior": 1, "EmbedAttack": { "Amount": 0, "Type": "DT_POISON" }, "EmbedDeathAttack": { "Amount": 175, "HitType": "DHT_RADIAL" }, "ExplosionFallOff": 0.9, "ExplosiveAttack": { "Amount": 839, "HitType": "DHT_RADIAL", "ProcChance": 0.21 }, "MaxLife": 5, "NumClusterProjectiles": 3 }, "fireIterations": 1, "projectileType": { "AttackData": { "Amount": 187, "HitType": "DHT_PROJECTILE", "ProcChance": 0.21, "Type": "DT_IMPACT" }, "BounceOnAvatars": 0, "CanStick": 1, "ClusterProjectiles": { "AttackData": { "Amount": 49, "HitType": "DHT_PROJECTILE", "ProcChance": 0.21, "Type": "DT_IMPACT" }, "BounceOnAvatars": 0, "CanStick": 1, "CriticalChance": 0.35, "CriticalMultiplier": 2.1, "DamageRadius": 3.5, "DealDamageThroughImpactBehavior": 1, "EmbedAttack": { "Amount": 0, "Type": "DT_POISON" }, "EmbedDeathAttack": { "Amount": 35, "Type": "DT_EXPLOSION" }, "EmbedTime": [0.5, 0.5], "ExplosionFallOff": 0.5, "ExplosionIgnoreSource": 1, "ExplosiveAttack": { "Amount": 57, "HitType": "DHT_RADIAL", "ProcChance": 0.21 }, "MaxLife": 2 }, "CriticalChance": 0.35, "CriticalMultiplier": 2.1, "DamageRadius": 8.3, "DealDamageThroughImpactBehavior": 1, "EmbedAttack": { "Amount": 0, "Type": "DT_POISON" }, "EmbedDeathAttack": { "Amount": 175, "HitType": "DHT_RADIAL" }, "ExplosionFallOff": 0.9, "ExplosiveAttack": { "Amount": 839, "HitType": "DHT_RADIAL", "ProcChance": 0.21 }, "MaxLife": 5, "NumClusterProjectiles": 3 } }, "fire:Type": "/Lotus/Types/Game/LotusWeaponProjectileFireBehavior", "impact:LotusWeaponImpactBehavior": { "AttackData": { "Amount": 10, "DT_IMPACT": 0.33333, "DT_PUNCTURE": 0.33333, "DT_SLASH": 0.33333, "HitType": "DHT_NONE", "ProcChance": 0.1, "Type": "DT_PHYSICAL", "UseNewFormat": 0 }, "PlayerDamageMultiplier": 1, "PvpDamageMultiplier": 1, "criticalHitChance": 0.2, "criticalHitDamageMultiplier": 1.5, "radius": 0 }, "impact:Type": "/Lotus/Types/Weapon/LotusWeaponImpactBehavior", "state:ChargedRemoteMineStateBehavior": { "AutoFireWhenChargeCompleted": 0, "ChargeModifier": "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE", "ChargeTime": 0.4, "ClipSizeAffectsChargeTime": 0, "DamageMultiplier": 1, "IsAlternateFire": 0, "LocTag": "/Lotus/Language/Menu/Loadout_TriggerCharge", "MinChargeRatio": 1, "MinDamageMultiplier": 1, "fireRate": 40, "reloadTime": 0.6 }, "state:Type": "/Lotus/Types/Weapon/ChargedRemoteMineStateBehavior" } ], "CompatibilityTags": ["PROJECTILE", "AOE", "SNIPER_AMMO", "SINGLESHOT", "GRNBOW"], "EquipTime": 1.8, "GripType": "BOW", "HasClip": 0, "Icon": "/Lotus/Interface/Icons/StoreIcons/Weapons/PrimaryWeapons/Weapons/KuvaGrnBow.png", "InventorySlot": "SLOT_2", "IsKuva": 1, "LevelCap": 40, "LocalizeDescTag": "/Lotus/Language/Weapons/KuvaGrnBowDesc", "LocalizeTag": "/Lotus/Language/Weapons/KuvaGrnBowName", "MarketMode": "MM_HIDDEN", "OmegaAttenuation": 0.6, "PVPAmmoClipSize": 1, "PremiumPrice": 225, "ProductCategory": "LongGuns", "RequiredLevel": 15, "SellingPrice": 7500, "ZoomLevels": [{} ] }, "id": 4245, "parent": "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/LotusLongBow", "parents": ["/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/LotusLongBow", "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/LotusBow", "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/LotusRifle", "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LotusLongGun", "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LotusBulletWeapon"], "path": "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Bows/GrnBow/GrnBowWeapon", "storeData": { "DisplayRecipe": "", "PremiumPrice": 225, "ProductCategory": "LongGuns", "SearchTags": ["/Lotus/Language/Game/DT_EXPLOSION_NoIcon", "/Lotus/Language/Game/DT_IMPACT_NoIcon", "/Lotus/Language/Items/BowCategoryName", "/Lotus/Language/Items/RifleCategoryName", "/Lotus/Language/Items/SniperCategoryName"], "SellingPrice": 7500, "ShowInMarket": 0 }, "storeItemType": "/Lotus/StoreItems/Weapons/Grineer/Bows/GrnBow/GrnBowWeapon", "tag": "Weapon", "texture": "/Lotus/Interface/Icons/Store/KuvaGrnBow.png", "texture_new": "/Lotus/Interface/Icons/StoreIcons/Weapons/PrimaryWeapons/Weapons/KuvaGrnBow.png" }
- For example, for more metadata on
Data Validation[edit source]
Validate data types of key-value pairs[edit source]
p.validateDataTypes(frame): There are a total of 1 key-value errors
- "Jat Kittag" contains an unsupported key
Checking missing keys[edit source]
p.checkForMissingData(frame): There are a total of 0 key-value errors
Validate Attack
tables[edit source]
p.validateAttacks(frame): There are a total of 0 key-value errors
Validate required weapon table keys[edit source]
p.validateRequiredKeys(frame): There are a total of 441 key-value errors
- "Adarza Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Adarza Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Adarza Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Adarza Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Adarza Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Adarza Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Adarza Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Apoc" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Apoc MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Apoc MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Apoc MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Artax" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Burst Laser" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Burst Laser Prime" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Cantic Prism" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Carcinnox" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Carcinnox MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Carcinnox MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Carcinnox MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Catchmoon (Primary)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Catchmoon.png
- "Catchmoon (Primary)" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Catchmoon (Primary)" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Catchmoon (Secondary)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Catchmoon.png
- "Catchmoon (Secondary)" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Catchmoon (Secondary)" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Cerata" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
- "Chesa Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Chesa Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Chesa Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Chesa Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Chesa Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Chesa Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Chesa Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Cortege" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Cortege (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Cortege (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Cortege.png
- "Corvas" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Corvas (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Corvas (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Corvas.png
- "Corvas Prime" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Corvas Prime (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Corvas Prime (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: CorvasPrime.png
- "Crescent Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Crescent Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Crescent Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Crescent Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Crescent Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Crescent Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Crescent Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Cryophon" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Cryophon MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Cryophon MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Cryophon MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Cryotra" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Cyngas" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Cyngas (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Cyngas (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Cyngas.png
- "Dargyn" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Dargyn" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Dargyn" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: GrnSkiffMissile.png
- "Dargyn" Missing InternalName
- "Dargyn" Missing mastery rank unlock and mastery has to between 0 and 16 inclusive
- "Deconstructor" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Deconstructor Prime" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Deth Machine Rifle" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Deth Machine Rifle Prime" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Dissic Scaffold" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Dual Decurion" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Dual Decurion (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Dual Decurion (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: DualDecurion.png
- "Exard Scaffold" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Falcor" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
- "Fluctus" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Fluctus (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Fluctus (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Fluctus.png
- "Galvarc" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: OrdnanceGalvarc.png
- "Galvarc MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: OrdnanceGalvarc.png
- "Galvarc MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: OrdnanceGalvarc.png
- "Galvarc MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: OrdnanceGalvarc.png
- "Garuda Prime Talons" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Garuda Talons" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Gaze (Primary)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Gaze.png
- "Gaze (Primary)" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Gaze (Primary)" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Gaze (Secondary)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Gaze.png
- "Gaze (Secondary)" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Gaze (Secondary)" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Glaive" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
- "Glaive Prime" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
- "Glazio MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretGlazio.png
- "Glazio MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretGlazio.png
- "Glazio MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretGlazio.png
- "Granmu Prism" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Grattler" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Grattler (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Grattler (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Grattler.png
- "Grimoire" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Grimoire" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Halikar" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
- "Halikar Wraith" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
- "Hand Grenade" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Hand Grenade" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Hand Grenade" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Hand Grenade" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Hand Grenade" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Helminth Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Helminth Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Helminth Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Helminth Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Helminth Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Helminth Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Helminth Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Helstrum" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Higasa" Missing InternalName
- "Huras Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Huras Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Huras Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Huras Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Huras Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Huras Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Huras Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Imperator" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Imperator (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Imperator (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Imperator.png
- "Imperator Vandal" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Imperator Vandal (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Imperator Vandal (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: ImperatorVandal.png
- "Kestrel" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
- "Klamora Prism" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Klebrik Scaffold" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Kuva Ayanga" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Kuva Ayanga (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Kuva Ayanga (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: KuvaAyanga.png
- "Kuva Grattler" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Kuva Grattler (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Kuva Grattler (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: KuvaGrattler.png
- "Laith MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretLaith.png
- "Laith MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretLaith.png
- "Laith MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretLaith.png
- "Larkspur" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Larkspur (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Larkspur (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Larkspur.png
- "Larkspur Prime" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Larkspur Prime (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Larkspur Prime (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: LarkspurPrime.png
- "Laser Rifle" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Lavan Apoc MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Lavan Apoc MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Lavan Apoc MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Lavan Carcinnox MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Lavan Carcinnox MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Lavan Carcinnox MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Lavan Cryophon MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Lavan Cryophon MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Lavan Cryophon MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Lavan Glazio MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretGlazio.png
- "Lavan Glazio MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretGlazio.png
- "Lavan Glazio MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretGlazio.png
- "Lavan Laith MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretLaith.png
- "Lavan Laith MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretLaith.png
- "Lavan Laith MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretLaith.png
- "Lavan Photor MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Lavan Photor MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Lavan Photor MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Lavan Pulsar MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Lavan Pulsar MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Lavan Pulsar MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Lavan Talyn MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretTalyn.png
- "Lavan Talyn MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretTalyn.png
- "Lavan Talyn MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretTalyn.png
- "Lavan Vort MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretVort.png
- "Lavan Vort MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretVort.png
- "Lavan Vort MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretVort.png
- "Lega Prism" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "MK1-Braton" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Braton.png
- "MK1-Furis" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Furis.png
- "MK1-Kunai" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Kunai.png
- "MK1-Paris" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Paris.png
- "MK1-Strun" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Strun.png
- "Mandonel" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Mandonel" Missing InternalName
- "Mandonel (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Mandonel (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Mandonel.png
- "Mandonel (Atmosphere)" Missing InternalName
- "Mausolon" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Mausolon (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Mausolon (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Mausolon.png
- "Medjay Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Medjay Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Medjay Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Medjay Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Medjay Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Medjay Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Medjay Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Milati" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: OrdnanceMilati.png
- "Milati MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: OrdnanceMilati.png
- "Milati MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: OrdnanceMilati.png
- "Milati MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: OrdnanceMilati.png
- "Morgha" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Morgha (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Morgha (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Morgha.png
- "Mote Amp" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Multron" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Orvius" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
- "Panzer Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Panzer Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Panzer Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Panzer Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Panzer Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Panzer Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Panzer Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Parazon" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Parazon" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Parazon" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Parazon" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Parazon" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Pathocyst" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
- "Pencha Scaffold" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Phaedra" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Phaedra (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Phaedra (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Phaedra.png
- "Phahd Scaffold" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Pharaoh Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Pharaoh Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Pharaoh Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Pharaoh Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Pharaoh Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Pharaoh Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Pharaoh Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Photor" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Photor MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Photor MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Photor MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Prime Laser Rifle" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Prisma Burst Laser" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Prisma Dual Decurions" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Prisma Dual Decurions (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Prisma Dual Decurions (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: PrismaDualDecurions.png
- "Propa Scaffold" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Pugil" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Pugil" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Pugil" Missing InternalName
- "Pugil" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Pugil" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Pugil" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Pulsar" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Pulsar MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Pulsar MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Pulsar MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Rahn Prism" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Raksa Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Raksa Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Raksa Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Raksa Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Raksa Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Raksa Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Raksa Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Rampart" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Rampart" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Rampart" Missing InternalName
- "Rampart" Missing mastery rank unlock and mastery has to between 0 and 16 inclusive
- "Raplak Prism" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Rattleguts (Primary)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Rattleguts (Primary)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Rattleguts.png
- "Rattleguts (Primary)" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Rattleguts (Primary)" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Rattleguts (Secondary)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Rattleguts (Secondary)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Rattleguts.png
- "Rattleguts (Secondary)" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Rattleguts (Secondary)" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Razorflies" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Razorflies" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Razorflies" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Panel.png
- "Razorflies" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Razorflies" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Razorflies" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Sahasa Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Sahasa Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Sahasa Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Sahasa Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Sahasa Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Sahasa Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Sahasa Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Shraksun Scaffold" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Shwaak Prism" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Sirocco" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Sly Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Sly Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Sly Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Sly Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Sly Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Sly Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Sly Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Smeeta Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Smeeta Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Smeeta Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Smeeta Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Smeeta Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Smeeta Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Smeeta Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Soaktron" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Soaktron" Missing InternalName
- "Soaktron" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Sporelacer (Primary)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Sporelacer.png
- "Sporelacer (Primary)" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Sporelacer (Primary)" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Sporelacer (Secondary)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Sporelacer.png
- "Sporelacer (Secondary)" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Sporelacer (Secondary)" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Stinger" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Sunika Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Sunika Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Sunika Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Sunika Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Sunika Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Sunika Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Sunika Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Sweeper" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Sweeper Prime" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Talyn MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretTalyn.png
- "Talyn MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretTalyn.png
- "Talyn MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretTalyn.png
- "Tazicor" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Tombfinger (Primary)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Tombfinger.png
- "Tombfinger (Primary)" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Tombfinger (Primary)" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Tombfinger (Secondary)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Tombfinger.png
- "Tombfinger (Secondary)" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Tombfinger (Secondary)" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Tunguska Cannon" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: DomeCharge.png
- "Tunguska Cannon" Missing InternalName
- "Tycho Seeker" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: OrdnanceTychoSeeker.png
- "Tycho Seeker MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: OrdnanceTychoSeeker.png
- "Tycho Seeker MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: OrdnanceTychoSeeker.png
- "Tycho Seeker MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: OrdnanceTychoSeeker.png
- "Unarmed" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Unarmed" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Unarmed" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Blank.png
- "Unarmed" Missing InternalName
- "Unarmed" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Unarmed" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Unarmed" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Vasca Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Vasca Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Vasca Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Vasca Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Vasca Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Vasca Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Vasca Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Velocitus" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Velocitus (Atmosphere)" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Velocitus (Atmosphere)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Velocitus.png
- "Venari Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Venari Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Venari Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Venari Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Venari Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Venari Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Venari Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Venari Prime Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Venari Prime Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Venari Prime Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Venari Prime Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Venari Prime Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Venari Prime Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Venari Prime Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Verglas" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Verglas Prime" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Vermisplicer (Primary)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Vermisplicer.png
- "Vermisplicer (Primary)" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Vermisplicer (Primary)" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Vermisplicer (Secondary)" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: Vermisplicer.png
- "Vermisplicer (Secondary)" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Vermisplicer (Secondary)" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Vidar Apoc MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Vidar Apoc MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Vidar Apoc MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Vidar Carcinnox MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Vidar Carcinnox MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Vidar Carcinnox MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Vidar Cryophon MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Vidar Cryophon MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Vidar Cryophon MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Vidar Glazio MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretGlazio.png
- "Vidar Glazio MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretGlazio.png
- "Vidar Glazio MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretGlazio.png
- "Vidar Laith MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretLaith.png
- "Vidar Laith MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretLaith.png
- "Vidar Laith MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretLaith.png
- "Vidar Photor MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Vidar Photor MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Vidar Photor MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Vidar Pulsar MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Vidar Pulsar MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Vidar Pulsar MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Vidar Talyn MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretTalyn.png
- "Vidar Talyn MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretTalyn.png
- "Vidar Talyn MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretTalyn.png
- "Vidar Vort MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretVort.png
- "Vidar Vort MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretVort.png
- "Vidar Vort MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretVort.png
- "Vizier Claws" AmmoMax must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Vizier Claws" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Vizier Claws" Disposition must be between 0.5-1.55; default should be 0.5
- "Vizier Claws" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: BeastClaws.png
- "Vizier Claws" Magazine must be a value above 0
- "Vizier Claws" Missing reload time or reload time has to be above 0
- "Vizier Claws" Missing trigger type of weapon
- "Vort MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretVort.png
- "Vort MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretVort.png
- "Vort MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretVort.png
- "Vulcax" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Vulklok" AmmoPickup must be a value greater than or equal to 0
- "Xoris" Heavy attack must be greater than 0
- "Zetki Apoc MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Zetki Apoc MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Zetki Apoc MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretApoc.png
- "Zetki Carcinnox MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Zetki Carcinnox MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Zetki Carcinnox MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCarcinnox.png
- "Zetki Cryophon MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Zetki Cryophon MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Zetki Cryophon MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretCryophon.png
- "Zetki Glazio MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretGlazio.png
- "Zetki Glazio MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretGlazio.png
- "Zetki Glazio MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretGlazio.png
- "Zetki Laith MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretLaith.png
- "Zetki Laith MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretLaith.png
- "Zetki Laith MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretLaith.png
- "Zetki Photor MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Zetki Photor MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Zetki Photor MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPhotor.png
- "Zetki Pulsar MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Zetki Pulsar MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Zetki Pulsar MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretPulsar.png
- "Zetki Talyn MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretTalyn.png
- "Zetki Talyn MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretTalyn.png
- "Zetki Talyn MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretTalyn.png
- "Zetki Vort MK I" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretVort.png
- "Zetki Vort MK II" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretVort.png
- "Zetki Vort MK III" Image should be in the form of "WeaponName.png"; current value: TurretVort.png
Weapon Data[edit source]
- ↑ As of Hotfix 32.0.12 (2022-10-12), this may not be accurate (last checked 2022-11-01 and first noticed a weapon data schema change ~2 months ago). This key is absent on most weapons and if it is present, then equivalent data is under
key like forTatsu Prime (see script tag with id "__NEXT_DATA__" under HTML source on https://overframe.gg/build/new/5979/tatsu-prime/). Treat this information as speculation however.