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Kavat Cosmetics

Revision as of 15:49, 26 May 2021 by KaliVasquez (talk | contribs)
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Kavat Cosmetics consist of fur colors, patterns, and armor for the domestic Kavat.

All skins can be equipped by going to the Arsenal Segment of the Landing Craft, choosing the desired Kavat in the Companion box, and navigating to the Appearance tab. Note that only Kavats that are fully matured can be customized.

Natural Colors and Coats

Once hatched, Kavats randomly gain four coat colors (Base, Secondary, Tertiary, and Accents) and an eye color (which also doubles as the Kavat's energy color). Currently, all of a Kavat's natural coat colors can also be found in the Gene-Masking Kits, which can be acquired through the Market. For details regarding how patterns and colors are passed down to Kavat kittens, please refer to this page.

Natural Fur Colors

Dragonlily Pink

Anti Moa Purple

Executioner Grey

Asteroid Grey

Hyacinth Blue

Sequence Blue

Draga Blue

Hexis Black

Mesa Yellow

Loka Brown

Conculyst Brown

Harkonar Orange

Boiler Red

Dreg Red

Regor Green

Ancient Green

There are fifteen Kavat energy colors. Much like in Kubrows, they are innate and can not be changed. The names listed below are unofficial, but widely used by the community.

Eye Colors
Mustard (Yellow #2)

Red energy color was introduced in Update 26.0 (2019-10-31). It is the only color that can not be obtained through random incubation, only by mixing existing imprints. Red is the natural energy color of Vasca Kavats, but only the ones that were incubated using imprints bought from the Market (part of the Vasca Kavat Starter Kit). Vasca Kavats made from infected Kavat companions inherit their fur and energy colors.

Kavats have two natural fur patterns called Hyacinth and Vasca, and one body type. Unlike Kubrows, all Kavats have the same height.

Head and Tail Variations

There are 5 head types and 6 tail types in total. The Leaf and Spiked tails don't show Kavat's energy color.


Armor can be equipped on Kavats for decorative purposes. Unless stated otherwise, each armor can be purchased from the Market for  90 each.

Gene-Masking Kits

Gene-Masking Kits are pattern and fur color bundles available for purchase in the Market.

Colors from Kubrow Gene-Masking Kits are applicable as well. 

Kits Fur Patterns and Colors

Kavat Gene Masking Kit  160,000

Executioner Grey

Hyacinth Blue

Regor Green

Loka Brown

Mesa Yellow

Conculyst Brown

Ancient Green

Harkonar Orange
Change a kavat's coat coloration and pattern to match that of the Adarza or Smeeta Kavat species.

Krest  55

Krest Fur Pattern

Dragonlily Pink

Asteroid Grey

Dreg Red

Hexis Black
Customize a Kavat's fur color with these isolated DNA sequences.

Nesyr  55

Nesyr Fur Pattern

Anti Moa Purple

Draga Blue

Boiler Red

Sequence Blue
Customize a Kavat's fur color with these isolated DNA sequences.

Argyl  40 (seasonal)

Argyl Fur Pattern

Sandstorm Brown

Atlas Red

Asteroid Brown

Cleaver Green
Customize a Kavat's fur color with these isolated DNA sequences.

Solstice  40 (seasonal, part of Winter Solstice Skin Bundle)

Solstice Fur Pattern

Bombard White

Wukong Blue

Manic Black

Lynx Blue
Customize a Kavat's fur color with these isolated DNA sequences.

Hyekka  55

Hyekka Furless Pattern

Flesh Brown

Blood Red

Sludge Brown

Cargo Yellow
Degenerate a kavat into a furless Hyekka by altering its DNA structure.

 200 +  300,000
(Baro Ki'Teer's offering)

Nexus Fur Pattern

Nidus White

Mesa Blue

Ignis Red

Darvo Purple
Customize a Kavat's fur color with these isolated DNA sequences.

Moonless (Bought from Master TeasonaiCetus)

Moonless Kavat Pattern

Grinlok Brown

Mutalist Brown

Embolist Blue

Ogris Red
A kavat pattern ideal for the nighttime hunt.

Tibor Prime
(Zephyr Prime Access)

Tibor Prime Fur Pattern

Argon Violet

Carbon Grey

Gallium Ash

Prime Gold
A unique fur pattern for your Kavat.

Deaeira  55

Deaeira Fur Pattern

Arid Brown

Volt Blue

Nekros Black

Ancient Brown
Surviving records state the Deaeira Kavat strain was developed and much-favored by the Orokin. [Tenno's Best Friend Contest winner]

(Nightwave reward)

Neura Fur Pattern

Cetus Brown

Cephalon Blue

Banshee Blue

Origin Black
Customize a Kavat's fur color with these isolated DNA sequences.

(part of Khora Urushu Collection)

Maculatia Kavat Skin

Root Black

Moss Green

Rose Red

Thorn Pink
Nature at its most brutal comes alive in this deluxe skin for your Kavat.

Sabella Prime
(Gara Prime Access)

Sabella Prime Kavat Skin




Imbue your Kavat with the unmistakable marks of ancient Orokin lineage.


  • Moonless and Deaeira fur patterns can be used to determine Kavat's energy colour, through glowing spots on the sides. It is recommended to paint your pet completely black for better visibility.
  • The energy color of a Kavat can be easily seen by using Loki's  Invisibility ability, as it will use the Kavat's own energy color to display its position.
  • Equipping the Tethra's Doom Quantum Badge on a Kavat will cause it to brightly shine with the Kavat's energy color. Simiralily, equipping the Sevati Sekhara or Ki'Teer Sekhara will glow with the energy color of the Kavat. This is also true for the Vitus emblem.
  • Vaska body parts on Smeetas or Adarzas can be achieved by breeding Vaska imprints with regular Smeeta or Adarza imprints. The result of this crossbreeding is commonly called a hybrid.
