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Octavia Maestra Collection

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Octavia Maestra Collection
Applies to
Update 22.14 (2018-03-01)
March 1st, 2018
Everything for a virtuoso performance: Octavia’s Maestra skin, Verismo Syandana and the Boltor Bravura Skin. Also includes the Horos Collection of synthetic Mandachord notes: the score to war, with a danceable beat.
—In-Game Description

The Octavia Maestra Collection is a Deluxe Skin bundle which includes the following items, with individual prices listed:

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

The Octavia Maestra Collection can be bought from the Market for  245.

Notes[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Verismo was a post-Romantic operatic tradition associated with Italian composers.
  • Horus may be derived from Horos, which is Greek for dance.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Update 22.15 (2018-03-07)

  • Fixed Octavia missing her skirt in her Maestra Collection diorama.

Update 22.14 (2018-03-01)

  • Introduced.