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Nidus Phryke Collection

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Nidus Phryke Collection
Applies to
 Nidus Prime
Hotfix 23.1.3 (2018-07-26)
July 26th, 2018
Everything you need to become the ultimate terror. Includes the unholy Nidus Phryke Skin, Deimos Claw Skin, Nosos Syandana, Helminth Charger Metus Skin and Metus Kubrow Armor.
—In-Game Description

The Nidus Phryke Collection is a Deluxe Skin bundle which contains the following items, with individual prices listed:

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

The Nidus Phryke Collection can be bought from the Market for  375.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Despite its name stating that this skin is for the Helminth Charger, the Metus skin can be used on all Kubrows.
  • The Nosos Syandana flares up when players perform advanced Maneuvers, such as Bullet Jumps.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Nosos (νόσος) is Ancient Greek for sickness, disease, or plague, as well as the name of their personified spirits in Greek mythology.
  • Metus is the Roman equivalent of the god of terror Deimos (Δεῖμος) in Greek mythology.
  • Phrike (Φρίκη) is a spirit of horror in Greek mythology.
  • With a cost of  375, Nidus Phryke Collection is the most expensive Warframe deluxe skin bundle.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Update 23.2 (2018-08-02)

  • Fixed the Nossos Syandana being offset on Hydroid.
  • Fixed the Little Helper Hat not sitting correctly when equipped on the Helminth Charger Metus Kubrow Skin.
  • Fixed the Metus Kubrow Armor clipping on Kubrow butts.

Hotfix 23.1.3 (2018-07-26)

  • Introduced.

Last updated: Update 23.2 (2018-08-02)