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Pherliac Pod

(Redirected from Pulsating Tubercles)
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Pherliac Pods
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 38d3
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 8d69
Releases powerful pheromones to attract the infested.
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 3c47
General Information
Sell Price
Cannot Sell
Update 16.7 (2015-06-04)
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX fed4
Vendor Sources
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 6f98
Releases powerful pheromones to attract the infested.
—In-game Description

The  Pherliac Pods is a consumable Gear item. When deployed, for 10 seconds, the pod acts as a decoy that makes Infested units attack it rather than anything else. Non-Infested units will attack the pods only if the player is not nearby.

Manufacturing Requirements





Time: 10 sec
Rush:  0
 Market Price: N/A  Blueprints Price: N/A

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

  • This item's blueprint and its components: Pulsating Tubercles, Infected Palpators, Chitinous Husk, Severed Bile Sac; can be obtained as drops from the  Juggernaut,  Juggernaut Behemoth, and  Deimos Juggernaut. One random component is a guaranteed drop from each Juggernaut, and the blueprint may also drop as well. Each Pherliac Pod created has 50 charges.
    • The blueprint currently has a bugged 90% drop chance from Deimos Juggernaut. DE has stated that it is intended to be only a 5% drop chance, and have already attempted (and failed) to fix this bug. However, the other components and drops have the correct drop chance as intended.
  • The blueprint and components cannot be traded with other players.

Potent Pherliac Pod[edit | edit source]

The Potent Pherliac Pods is an enhanced version made by irradiating the  Pherliac Pods with  Argon Crystals. The Blueprint is only obtainable during The Jordas Precept quest.

The only difference in mission behavior is that Potent Pherliac Pods last twice as long (20 seconds).

Manufacturing Requirements



Time: 10 sec
Rush:  0
 Market Price: N/A  Blueprints Price: N/A

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Pherliac Pods are a required item to complete The Jordas Precept quest.
    • Potent Pherliac Pods are also required to complete the quest and the blueprint is unobtainable otherwise.
    • Potent Pherliac Pods do not actually need to be used to progress the quest however. They must only be crafted and equipped.
    • For this reason, players may wish to keep their Potent Pherliac Pods as a souvenir, rather than using them.
    • If used, Potent Pherliac Pods function identically to their normal variant.
  • Blueprints are not reusable.
  • When used, the Pherliac Pod is thrown to a targeted point on the ground. The Pod has a higher threat rating than players, and will thus attract enemy Infested to attack it instead.
    • The pod will attract all Infested units, including Corrupted Ancients and Phorid.
    • Against Lephantis, the Pherliac Pod will only attract the attention of the scythe-wielding Grineer head during the second phase, which will make it pull the rest of Lephantis' main body to the Pod's location as it attempts to attack it in melee. Otherwise, the Pod has no effect on the other heads, or on all the heads during the first phase.
  • The blueprint can drop alongside one of the components upon killing a Juggernaut or Juggernaut Behemoth. The blueprint's dropping does not replace the random component.
    • Pherliac Pods blueprints resemble other blueprint drops such as Gorgon.
  • Non-Infested units will still attack Pherliac Pods, but the pods will not have the same threat rating as on the Infested.
  • The word "grizzly" is incorrectly used in the description of the pherliac pod components; grisly is correct.

Tips[edit | edit source]

  • A deployed Pherliac Pod can cause groups of Infested to crowd together, this in turn allows for effective use of AOE (area of effect) Warframe abilities when aiming the ability at the crowd.
    • The above tip can be used in Defense missions to deter crowds of Infested from rushing towards the cryopod, while at the same time allowing for efficient use of Warframe AOE abilities.

Media[edit | edit source]

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Hotfix 29.0.7 (2020-09-03)

  • Reduced drop chance of Pherliac Pods Blueprint for Deimos Juggernaut to 5%.

Update 16.7 (2015-06-04)

  • Introduced along with the Juggernaut.

See also[edit | edit source]