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Ayatan Star

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Ayatan Star
Cyan Ayatan Star
( 50)
Amber Ayatan Star
( 100)

An Ayatan Star is a small treasure that can be inserted into Ayatan Sculptures to greatly increase their Endo value when traded in to Maroo at her Bazaar. Once slotted, a Star cannot be removed. They come in two colors: the more common cyan, and the rarer amber. Stars can also be traded in by themselves for a small Endo payout. Sculptures have 3 to 4 slots to insert Stars in, and each slot only accepts a specific color. Inserting Stars will also cause the Sculpture to visually animate, with more Stars improving the Sculpture's range of movement.

At Mastery Rank 10, players gain the ability to auto-install Stars into their Sculptures.

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

A Cyan Star Icon (left) and an Amber Star Icon (right), showing the slight size difference of the latter.

Stars are dropped randomly from Storage Containers and lockers (including storage containers in Archwing missions). They have a noticeable glow and a unique marker on the mini-map (though Amber Stars have a slightly larger icon), and a specific sound plays when a Star is dropped. They must be picked up manually via a prompt, similarly to Syndicate Medallions. The  Vacuum precept for Sentinels and the Scavenger Drone cannot pull Stars towards themselves, to prevent Stars from falling out of the map or otherwise becoming unobtainable. Kuakas in the Plains of Eidolon may also drop Stars.

As of Update 24.0 (2018-11-08), a reusable Amber Star blueprint can be acquired for 10 Vitus Essence from the Arbiters of Hexis room in any Relay.

Manufacturing Requirements



Time: 1 hrs
Rush:  2
 Market Price: N/A  Blueprints Price: N/A
Ayatan Star Icon on Mini-Map and HUD

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Folklore has it these Ayatans used to hold memories. Nowadays, some Ostrons survive peddling Old War trinkets like this, harvested from the Tower." - Nora Night during Nightwave Series 3 - Episode 1

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Hotfix 29.5.7 (2020-12-10)

  • Fixed Ayatan Amber Stars dropping far less frequently than before Deimos Arcana.

See Also[edit | edit source]