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Offworlder! I'm hiring combat talent. Let's talk rates.

A Bounty is a series of missions given out by a bounty board NPC (Konzu in Cetus, Eudico in Fortuna, Mother in the Necralisk, Quinn in the Chrysalith, Fibonacci in the Sanctum Anatomica, and the bounty board in Höllvania Central Mall) to undertake tasks in Landscapes (Plains of Eidolon, Orb Vallis and Cambion Drift respectively), aboard the Zariman Ten Zero, Albrecht's Laboratories, or Höllvania, which give various rewards upon completion, including Syndicate Standing or Medallions.

Mechanics[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

The Bounty Board will periodically generate a list of bounties, and players are able to select which bounty they will perform. Players will be able to see the bounty's expected enemy level, Standing reward, and a list of possible completion rewards before confirming their selection. Once selected, a marker will appear on the city gate, indicating the location of the Bounty's first objective.

Bounties are multi-stage missions strung together by a theme/goal, where players have to accomplish a sequence of three to five objectives (Stages) randomly located in the landscapes. To complete the Bounty, players must accomplish their current Bounty stage successfully, after which the next stage is then revealed on the map. The individual missions assigned to each Bounty are randomized and include Supply Sabotage, Cache Recovery, Liberation, and others.

Bounties with higher enemy-level will require a minimum Mastery Rank to select. These can still be played, when an eligible squad member selects one.

Mastery Rank requirements

Rewards[edit | edit source]

The bounties provided in the bounty board are tiered by difficulty, with the top-left bounty being the easiest, and the bottom-right one the hardest. Consequently, the rewards offered are different between bounties, with higher-level bounties rewarding better and more exotic items. As rewards are given at the end of each stage, higher-level bounties also give more rewards than the shorter low-level bounties.

Each level bracket has a set of three reward pools named A, B, and C. These reward pools rotate every 150-minute Bounty cycle from A, B, to C (ABCABC...). All bounties will share the same rotation letter regardless of location. The active pool determines what rewards are available. Each pool is in turn broken into several rarities, which will affect the items' drop rate or their chance of actually appearing as a reward. The levels are bronze for Common, silver for Uncommon, and gold for Rare. Later Stages in the Bounty will make these rarer rewards available, and so these Stages are like the later reward Rotations in Endless missions. The last stage in a bounty will only award Uncommon or Rare rewards.

Example Bounty Reward Rotation for a full day
Location/Time 0:00:00 UTC - 2:29:59 UTC 2:30:00 UTC - 4:59:59 UTC 5:00:00 UTC - 7:29:59 UTC 7:30:00 UTC - 9:59:59 UTC 10:00:00 UTC - 12:29:59 UTC 12:30:00 UTC - 14:59:59 UTC 15:00:00 UTC - 17:29:59 UTC 17:30:00 UTC - 19:59:59 UTC 20:00:00 UTC - 22:29:59 UTC 22:30:00 UTC - 0:59:59 UTC (next day) 1:00:00 UTC (next day) - 3:29:59 (UTC) (next day)
Plains of Eidolon A B C A B C A B C A B
Orb Vallis A B C A B C A B C A B
Cambion Drift A B C A B C A B C A B

Completing each Bounty stage will reward the player with one of the possible rewards for that Bounty, as well as a small amount of   Standing (with exception of Profit-Taker Heist bounties which are effectively one-stage bounties). The Bounties can be repeated for the item and Standing rewards. The player will not forfeit the rewards gained during a previous Bounty stage even if they fail to complete the next stage.

Each stage will have an optional bonus objective that players can complete to earn additional Standing on top of what they receive from completing the stage's main objective. If the player completes the bonus objectives for each bounty's stage, at the final stage they will be rewarded an additional Uncommon or Rare rarity reward, as if they completed the final stage twice.

3-Stage Bounty 4-Stage Bounty 5-Stage Bounty
  • Stage 1: Common
  • Stage 2: Common, Uncommon
  • Stage 3: Uncommon, Rare
  • If all bonus objectives completed: Uncommon, Rare
  • Stage 1: Common
  • Stage 2: Common, Uncommon
  • Stage 3: Common, Uncommon
  • Stage 4: Uncommon, Rare
  • If all bonus objectives completed: Uncommon, Rare
  • Stage 1: Common
  • Stage 2: Common, Uncommon
  • Stage 3: Common, Uncommon
  • Stage 4: Common, Uncommon, Rare
  • Stage 5: Uncommon, Rare
  • If all bonus objectives completed: Uncommon, Rare

Cetus Bounties (Plains of Eidolon)[edit | edit source]

Location of Konzu's Bounty Tents

Before a Tenno can access Cetus bounties, consisting of Field Bounties and Ghoul Purge Bounties, they must first prove themselves to Konzu by completing an introductory bounty (Level 3-5, one stage).

Field Bounties[edit | edit source]

Field Bounties are accessible by default from Konzu or from Radio Consoles located throughout the Plains of Eidolon at any time of the day. These bounties refresh every 2½ hours (a full day/night cycle in the Plains) and will offer different rewards and mission theme every time.

A bonus objective is given for each mission in the bounty, which rewards additional standing if completed. If all the bonus objectives are completed (i.e. the bonus objective is completed for each stage), an additional reward will be given out at the final stage, drawing from the drop table of the final stage.

Each tier has a Mastery Rank lock, as follows:

  • Level 5-15: No Mastery lock
  • Level 10-30: Requires Mastery Rank 1
  • Level 20-40: Requires Mastery Rank 2
  • Level 30-50: Requires Mastery Rank 3
  • Level 40-60: Requires Mastery Rank 5
  • Level 100-100: Requires Mastery Rank 10 and unlock The Steel Path (clear all Star Chart nodes)
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x1500 Credit Cache 20% x1500 Credit Cache 20% x1500 Credit Cache 20%
 Redirection 20%  Pressure Point 20%  Vitality 20%
 Endo x50 20%  Cryotic x100 20%  Endo x50 20%
 Iradite x15 20%  Endo x50 20%  Nistlepod x15 20%
 Oxium x100 20%  Grokdrul x15 20%  Plastids x200 20%


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Ghoul Purge Bounties[edit | edit source]

Main article: Ghoul Purge

Ghoul Purge is a recurring world state event that occurs once every few weeks, located at Plains of Eidolon, Earth. During the event, the plains will be populated by an increased amount of Ghouls and will remain so until the Ghoul population has been exterminated.

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 Hunter Adrenaline 36.76%
 Endo x300 36.76%
x3000 Credit Cache 26.47%


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Eidolon Hunt Bounties[edit | edit source]

Eidolon Hunt bounties are only accessible when the Plains of Eidolon has entered nighttime and the Tenno possesses an Amp. These bounties do not provide any rewards, other than Ostron standing, and are only used for matchmaking purposes with fellow Tenno of similar goals. There is no difference in gameplay with or without these bounties.

There are two bounties. The first is only the Eidolon Teralyst for  1,000 standing, and the other is the Teralyst, Gantulyst, and Hydrolyst for  5,000 standing.

The bounty will immediately fail if sunrise hits, regardless if the Eidolon is still alive.

Mission Types[edit | edit source]

Bounties in the Plains of Eidolon have their own mission types, which are either unique to the Plains or variants of traditional missions. The following are the mission types available:

View Cetus Bounty Missions List

Fortuna Bounties (Orb Vallis)[edit | edit source]

Status check on coolant flow. And mind it doesn't off gas!... Oi, I got work if you can keep your mouth shut.

Before a Tenno can access Fortuna bounties, they must first prove themselves to Eudico by completing the Vox Solaris quest.

Field Bounties[edit | edit source]

Field Bounties are accessible by default from Eudico or from Solaris United Agents outside Fortuna on the Orb Vallis. These bounties refresh every 2½ hours.

A bonus objective is given for each mission in the bounty, which rewards additional standing if completed. If all the bonus objectives are completed (i.e. the bonus objective is completed for each stage), an additional reward will be given out at the final stage, drawing from the drop table of the final stage.

This section is transcluded from Orb Vallis/Rewards. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

x1500 Credit Cache 25% x1500 Credit Cache 25% x1500 Credit Cache 25%
 Endo x50 25%  Cryotic x100 25%  Endo x50 25%
 Mytocardia Spore x5 25%  Endo x50 25%  Gorgaricus Spore x5 25%
 Oxium x100 25%  Thermal Sludge x5 25%  Plastids x100 25%


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Profit-Taker Bounties[edit | edit source]

Profit-Taker Bounties is a Heist that can only be accessed if the player had first reached the maximum possible standing rank in the Solaris United. To pick these bounties, the players will need to visit the backroom inside Fortuna behind Eudico, which is accessible by visiting Fortuna and then using Fast Travel from the Main Menu: ESC  > FAST TRAVEL  > LITTLE DUCK . These bounties consist of four phases, ultimately leading to the confrontation with the Profit-Taker Orb:

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 Gyromag Systems x5 25%
 Quick Reload 15%
 Lith S16 (Radiant) 15%
 Lith G13 (Radiant) 12.5%
 Vega Toroid x3 12.5%
 Atmo Systems x5 10%
 Repeller Systems x3 7.5%
 Deadly Efficiency 1.25%
 Strain Eruption 1.25%


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Exploiter Bounty[edit | edit source]

Exploiter Bounty is a Heist that only consists of one matchmaking Bounty, without specific reward other than  1,000 Solaris United standing, and leads players directly to the confrontation with the Exploiter Orb. However, in order to fight the Exploiter Orb, one Diluted Thermia is required, which is obtained from the bi-weekly Thermia Fractures event.

Mission Types[edit | edit source]

Bounties in the Orb Vallis have their own mission types, which are either unique or variants of traditional missions. The following are the mission types available:

View Fortuna Bounty Missions List

Necralisk Bounties (Cambion Drift)[edit | edit source]

The arrival of the Tenno is fortuitous. I would capitalize upon it.

Before a Tenno can access Necralisk bounties, they must first prove themselves to Mother by completing the Heart of Deimos quest.

Field Bounties[edit | edit source]

Field Bounties are accessible by default from Mother inside and outside the Necralisk in the Cambion Drift. These bounties refresh every 2½ hours.

A bonus objective is given for each mission in the bounty, which rewards additional Mother Tokens if completed. If all the bonus objectives are completed (i.e. the bonus objective is completed for each stage), an additional reward will be given out at the final stage, drawing from the drop table of the final stage.

In addition to the standard 3-, 4-, and 5-stage bounties, Mother also has endless bounties. These contain 3 normal bounty stages per rewards cycle, with both enemy level and token rewards increasing every cycle.

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x4500 Credit Cache 33.33% x4500 Credit Cache 33.33% x4500 Credit Cache 33.33%
 Endo x150 33.33%  Endo x150 33.33%  Endo x150 33.33%
 Ganglion x15 33.33%  Pustulite x15 33.33%  Lucent Teroglobe x15 33.33%


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Isolation Vault[edit | edit source]

Main article: Isolation Vault

The Isolation Vault is a bounty to investigate vaults deep within the caves of the Cambion Drift from Mother inside the Necralisk. It consists of a few set objectives to break into the Infested caves and destroy the guardian Necramechs, and optionally pry open the vaults to reap their rewards.

This section is transcluded from Cambion Drift/RewardsIsoVault. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

 Residual Boils 25%  Residual Malodor 25%  Theorem Demulcent 25%
 Residual Shock 15%  Residual Viremia 15%  Theorem Infection 15%
 Necramech Redirection 12.5%  Necramech Redirection 12.5%  Necramech Redirection 12.5%
 Theorem Contagion 10%  Theorem Contagion 10%  Theorem Contagion 10%
 Necramech Steel Fiber 7.5%  Necramech Efficiency 7.5%  Necramech Reach 7.5%
 Meso E6 6.25%  Meso T7 6.25%  Neo A13 6.25%
 Orokin Orientation Matrix x2 6.25%  Orokin Orientation Matrix x2 6.25%  Orokin Orientation Matrix x2 6.25%
 Necramech Thrusters 4%  Necramech Thrusters 4%  Necramech Thrusters 4%
 Orokin Ballistics Matrix x2 3.75%  Neo C6 3.75%  Neo D9 3.75%
 Damaged Necramech Weapon Barrel 3%  Orokin Ballistics Matrix x2 3.75%  Orokin Ballistics Matrix x2 3.75%
 Scintillant x3 2%  Damaged Necramech Weapon Receiver 3%  Damaged Necramech Weapon Stock 3%
 Neo G8 1.88%  Scintillant x3 2%  Scintillant x3 2%
 Neo W2 1.88%  Neo T9 0.5%  Neo X1 0.5%
 Axi G14 0.5%  Orokin Animus Matrix x2 0.5%  Orokin Animus Matrix x2 0.5%
 Orokin Animus Matrix x2 0.5%


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Arcana Bounties[edit | edit source]

Main article: Isolation Vault#Arcana

Arcana Bounties are unlocked after completion of the initial Isolation Vault bounty from Mother in Cambion Drift, just outside of the vault. These are multi-stage bounties to clear out the vault zones from Infested, with similar tasks from the field bounties along with new ones.

 Residual Boils 50%  Residual Malodor 50%  Theorem Demulcent 50%
 Necramech Redirection 25%  Necramech Redirection 25%  Necramech Redirection 25%
 Meso E6 12.5%  Meso T7 12.5%  Neo A13 12.5%
 Orokin Orientation Matrix x2 12.5%  Orokin Orientation Matrix x2 12.5%  Orokin Orientation Matrix x2 12.5%


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Mission Types[edit | edit source]

Bounties in the Cambion Drift have their own mission types, which are either unique to the Drift or variants of traditional missions. The following are the mission types available:

View Necralisk Bounty Missions List

Narmer Bounties[edit | edit source]

Narmer Bounties are variations of Cetus and Fortuna field bounties, with all enemies replaced by their Narmer counterparts. They are available after completion of The New War.

Following standard bounty mission reward rotation, each 150-minute cycle will determine whether which of the bounty-exclusive weapon blueprints ( Nepheri,  Korumm,  Verdilac) or  Caliban components will drop. Refer to either Cetus' or Fortuna's bounty rewards for their shared drop table.

These bounties are only available during Plains of Eidolon's night cycle and after The New War is completed.

 Endo x600 46.67%  Endo x600 46.67%  Endo x600 46.67%
 Narmer Isoplast 33.33%  Narmer Isoplast 33.33%  Narmer Isoplast 33.33%
 Amar's Anguish 20%  Boreal's Anguish 20%  Nira's Anguish 20%


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Chrysalith Bounties (Zariman Ten Zero)[edit | edit source]

Come on. Plenty need seeing to.

Before a Tenno can access Chrysalith bounties, they must first prove themselves to Quinn by completing the Angels of the Zariman quest.

Mission Bounties[edit | edit source]

Mission Bounties accessible from Quinn inside the Chrysalith on the Zariman Ten Zero. These bounties refresh every 2½ hours.

Upon accepting a bounty, it may be started via Fast Travel as follows: open Main Menu (default: Esc ) > FAST TRAVEL > ZARIMAN NAVIGATION. Alternatively, to access by foot - a portal will spawn behind Quinn that teleports to the Chrysalith elevator that will take the player to the bounty mission.

Unlike Landscape bounties, the Chrysalith's bounties consists of completing standard Zariman Ten Zero missions (Exterminate, Mobile Defense, Void Cascade, Void Flood, and Void Armageddon) with an additional mandatory bounty objective, with the rewards given on end of mission. These bounties do not occur in stages and there is no bonus objective, thus the entire drop table is only rolled once. Endless missions will still give their rotation rewards but will immediately end and prompt extraction once all relevant objectives are completed.

Note that an extraction will not be available until both the regular mission objective and the bounty objective have been achieved. For this reason Voidplume collection (via Syndicate Medallions as well as Void Angels and Zarium Accolades that do not pertain to the objective) should not take priority until after both the mission and bounty objectives are completed, as failing either will cause the whole bounty mission to fail, and thus lead to a forfeiture of all collected rewards, including Voidplumes.

There are five bounty tiers available on the Zariman. Increasing tiers will have an increasing starting enemy level, a different and more challenging pool of possible bounty objectives, and a different pool of possible rewards. To summarise:

Bounty Tier(s) Starting Enemy Levels Rewards
Tier 1 50-55 1x  Voidplume Quills + Tier 1 rewards
Tier 2 60-65 2x  Voidplume Quills + Tier 2 rewards
Tier 3 70-75 3x  Voidplume Quills + Tier 3 rewards
Tier 4 90-95 4x  Voidplume Quills + Tier 4 rewards
Tier 5 110-115 5x  Voidplume Quills + Tier 5 rewards

Unlike in other locations, each of the current Chrysalith bounties has their own Steel Path variant available by switching to the Steel Path difficulty tab on the bounty screen. Steel Path bounties provide 150% of Voidplume bounty rewards rounded up and 1 Steel Essence upon completion, but allow Acolytes to appear.

Rewards[edit | edit source]

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x15000 Credit Cache 17.39%
 Endo x500 17.39%
Gyre Neuroptics Blueprint 13.04%
x30000 Credit Cache 13.04%
 Endo x750 13.04%
 Voidplume Down 13.04%
 Aya 8.7%
 Entrati Lanthorn 4.35%


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Objectives and Mission Types[edit | edit source]

“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
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Missing details

Here are the details for all the possible known Chrysalith bounties. Note that bounty objective is always mandatory and not achieving it means that while there will be progress, there will be no other rewards from the bounty mission. Where an objective varies between tiers, the relevant tiers are specified in the parentheses. E.g. Find and activate 1 (T1-3) / 2 (T4-5) Lohk Surges denotes that Tiers 1, 2, 3 will require activating 1 Lohk Surge to achieve the objective, while Tiers 4 and 5 will require activating 2.

View Chrysalith Bounty Missions List

Sanctum Anatomica Bounties (Albrecht's Laboratories)[edit | edit source]

Eyes front! We begin.

Before a Tenno can access Sanctum Anatomica bounties, they must first help Fibonacci by completing the Whispers in the Walls quest.

Mission Bounties[edit | edit source]

Mission Bounties accessible from Fibonacci inside the Sanctum Anatomica on Deimos. These bounties refresh every 2½ hours.

Upon accepting a bounty, it may be started by heading through the door behind Tagfer. Alternatively, to access by foot - a portal will spawn near Fibonacci that teleports to the Sanctum Anatomica elevator that will take the player to the bounty mission.

Unlike Landscape bounties, the Sanctum Anatomica bounties consists of completing standard Albrecht's Laboratories missions (Exterminate, Survival, Alchemy, Mirror Defense, and Assassination) with an additional mandatory bounty objective, with the rewards given on end of mission. These bounties do not occur in stages and there is no bonus objective, thus the entire drop table is only rolled once. Endless missions will still give their rotation rewards, but the bounty is only awarded once regardless of how many rotations have been completed.

Note that an extraction will not be available until both the regular mission objective and the bounty objective have been achieved. For this reason Voca collection should not take priority until after both the mission and bounty objectives are completed, as failing either will cause the whole bounty mission to fail, and thus lead to a forfeiture of all collected rewards, including Voca.

There are five bounty tiers available in the Sanctum Anatomica. Increasing tiers will have an increasing starting enemy level, a different and more challenging pool of possible bounty objectives, and a different pool of possible rewards. To summarise:

Bounty Tier(s) Starting Enemy Levels Rewards
Tier 1 55-60  1000 + Tier 1 rewards
Tier 2 65-70  2000 + Tier 2 rewards
Tier 3 75-80  3000 + Tier 3 rewards
Tier 4 95-100  4000 + Tier 4 rewards
Tier 5 115-120  5000 + Tier 5 rewards

Unlike in other locations, each of the current Sanctum Anatomica bounties has their own Steel Path variant available by switching to the Steel Path difficulty tab on the bounty screen. Steel Path bounties provide 150% of cred bounty rewards and 1 Steel Essence upon completion, but allow Acolytes to appear.

Rewards[edit | edit source]

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x15000 Credit Cache 17.39%
 Endo x500 17.39%
Qorvex Neuroptics Blueprint 13.04%
x30000 Credit Cache 13.04%
 Endo x750 13.04%
 Shrill Voca 13.04%
 Aya 8.7%
Mandonel Blueprint 4.35%


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Objectives and Mission Types[edit | edit source]

“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
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Missing details

Here are the details for all the possible known Sanctum Anatomica bounties. Note that bounty objective is always mandatory and not achieving it means that while there will be progress, there will be no other rewards from the bounty mission. Where an objective varies between tiers, the relevant tiers are specified in the parentheses. E.g. Find and activate 1 (T1-3) / 2 (T4-5) Lohk Surges denotes that Tiers 1, 2, 3 will require activating 1 Lohk Surge to achieve the objective, while Tiers 4 and 5 will require activating 2.

Höllvania Central Mall Bounties (Höllvania)[edit | edit source]

Before a Tenno can access Höllvania Central Mall bounties, they must first complete The Hex quest.

Mission Bounties[edit | edit source]

Mission Bounties accessible from the bounty board inside the Höllvania Central Mall. These bounties refresh every 2½ hours.

Upon accepting a bounty, it may be started by heading through the Atomicycle behind the bounty board.

Unlike Landscape bounties, the Höllvania Central Mall bounties consists of completing standard Höllvania missions (Exterminate, Hell-Scrub, Legacyte Harvest, and Assassination) with an additional mandatory bounty objective, with the rewards given on end of mission. These bounties do not occur in stages and there is no bonus objective, thus the entire drop table is only rolled once. Endless missions will still give their rotation rewards, but the bounty is only awarded once regardless of how many rotations have been completed.

Note that an extraction will not be available until both the regular mission objective and the bounty objective have been achieved.

Players will also be accompanied by a randomly assigned member from  The Hex throughout the bounty. However, the accompanying member will not participate if they provide transmissions:

  • Arthur will not accompany Assassination.
  • Aoi for Scaldra Exterminate.
  • Amir for Scaldra Hell-Scrub.
  • Quincy for Techrot Exterminate.
  • Leticia for Techrot Hell-Scrub.
  • Eleanor for Legacyte Harvest.

There are five bounty tiers available in the Höllvania. Increasing tiers will have an increasing starting enemy level, a different and more challenging pool of possible bounty objectives, and a different pool of possible rewards. To summarise:

Bounty Tier(s) Starting Enemy Levels Rewards
Tier 1 65-70  1000 + Tier 1 rewards
Tier 2 75-80  2000 + Tier 2 rewards
Tier 3 85-90  3000 + Tier 3 rewards
Tier 4 95-100  4000 + Tier 4 rewards
Tier 5 105-110  5000 + Tier 5 rewards
Tier 6 115-120  6000 + Tier 6 rewards

Unlike in other locations, each of the current Höllvania bounties has their own Steel Path variant available by switching to the Steel Path difficulty tab on the bounty screen. Steel Path bounties provide 150% of cred bounty rewards and 1 Steel Essence upon completion, but allow Acolytes to appear.

Rewards[edit | edit source]

Players will earn Chemistry points for the accompanying Hex member.

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 Endo x600 19.51%
 Efervon Sample x20 14.63%
 The Countessa Comic 14.63%
Cyte-09 Chassis Blueprint 12.2%
 Endo x900 12.2%
 Höllvanian Pitchweave Fragment x20 12.2%
 Aya 9.76%
 Experimental Arc-Relay 4.88%


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Objectives and Mission Types[edit | edit source]

“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
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Missing details - possibly missing more mission types, definitely missing tier objectives, possibly incomplete lists of which objectives can spawn on which mission

Here are the details for all the possible known Höllvania Central Mall bounties. Note that bounty objective is always mandatory and not achieving it means that while there will be progress, there will be no other rewards from the bounty mission. Where an objective varies between tiers, the relevant tiers are specified in the parentheses.

View Höllvania Bounty Missions List

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Returning to the local hub outpost, or leaving the landscape zone before the bounty is complete will cancel it. Players will have to go back to the local bounty organizer to activate the bounty again.
  • Field Bounties acquired in the Plains of Eidolon are identical to bounties acquired by Konzu except when accessing the console at Hek's Stiletto, which contains 3 tier 1 bounties (all 3 of which have rewards identical to Konzu's tier 1 bounty).
  • While bounties are designed such that each stage will have its own unique mission, it is occasionally possible for a bounty to have the same mission type repeat in its stages.
  • Bounties are the only way (besides buying fully pre-crafted Warframes in the Market) to obtain the component blueprints for  Gara,  Revenant,  Garuda,  Xaku,  Caliban, and  Gyre.
  • The "Completed" status of a bounty indicates that repeating the bounty again would not count towards the Nightwave Act which requires completion of "different bounties", however repeating a bounty will award standing and rewards in the same way as if the bounty is completed for the first time.
  • Failing a bounty stage's bonus condition at the exact moment of completing it (such as the timer reaching 0 and status falling below the bonus threshold on the same tick in Defend an Area) will prioritize completion, rewarding the bonus progress despite HUD elements indicating failure.
  • In Höllvanian Survival bounties, player can experience a softlock. If they succeed in completing Survival mission objective (surviving for 5 minutes) but not completing Bounty itself and then letting lifesupport level drop down to 0%, it won't be counted as a failure; yet completing Bounty after that won't enable Extraction point making mission impossible to complete and fail at the same time, forcing player to cancel it.

Bugs[edit | edit source]

  • The Shield Osprey that Latrox Une spawns may wander off away from him and instead chase down enemies, despite not being able to attack. As keeping it alive is part of the bonus, players may find themselves losing the bonus from the poor AI of the drone. In addition, Shield Ospreys have a higher threat level than most enemies, thus enemies will target it over Latrox in most cases.
  • During the "reach the secure location" bounty on the Orb Vallis players may be unable to interact with any of the consoles, forcing players to fail the bounty. There is no known fix or workaround for this bug and can occur at any of the locations this bounty stage takes place in. This can also happen during Profit Taker bounty phase 2.
  • If the Coildrive defense objective is left alive, any further Coildrive objectives in that instance of the Orb Vallis will be permanently invulnerable.
  •  Chyrinka Pillar may end up killing Latrox Une.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Prior to Update 22.8 (2017-12-21), a bounty gave Standing only once, and upon repetition rewarded only the items.
  • Cetus Bounties are given by Konzu but directed by the Lotus. Similarly, Necralisk Bounties are given by Mother but are primarily directed by Loid/Otak. Fortuna Bounties, however, are solely organized and directed by the faction's leader, Eudico.
  • Thumbnails for Cetus Bounties mostly feature  Excalibur, while Fortuna Bounties feature several other Warframes. Necralisk Field Bounty thumbnails also mostly feature Excalibur, but also contain images of mission objectives and Infested enemies.

Media[edit | edit source]

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Hotfix 38.0.12 (2025-02-20)

  • Fixed Acolytes not spawning in Steel Path missions started from the Höllvania Central Mall in 1999.
    • Also fixed Acolytes not spawning in Steel Path bounties on the Zariman Ten-Zero.

Hotfix 38.0.11 (2025-02-14)

  • Techrot Cache and Melica Cache waypoints are now map-wide for Bounties that require players to open them as an objective.
    • We've seen quite a few players comment on being unable to find Techrot Caches for these Bounties, especially in endless missions. This map-wide waypoint should help Tenno find them easier. Since Melica Caches are a similar mechanic, we gave them the same treatment!

Hotfix 38.0.8 (2025-02-06)

  • Reduced the maximum height needed to make progress on the “Kill X enemies while on high ground” Höllvania Bounty challenge.
    • Players noted that it was rather difficult to make progress on this challenge in the underground portions of the tileset. This was due to the height distance requirement between players and enemies being far too extreme. Now, as long as the enemies' heads are shin’s length below your feet, killing them will progress the challenge, so it’s much more forgiving!
    • Also worth noting that players must have some contact with the environment to be considered “high ground” - this means that wall-latching counts!
  • Fixed Höllvania Bounty challenge not appearing for Host after accepting mission invite from Orbiter.
    • Known Issue: the associated Hex member will not spawn into the Bounty if the mission is started in this specific way.
  • Fixed extraction becoming available before the required captures have been met in Legacyte Harvest Bounties.

Hotfix 38.0.6 (2025-01-09)

  • Increased the explosion radius of the "Techrot enemies explode on death" modifier in Höllvania Bounties.
    • The original radius was quite small, making it seem like this Bounty modifier wasn’t working. Now you’ll have to stand a little further away if you want to avoid getting Techrot goo on your face!

Hotfix 38.0.5 (2024-12-18)

  • Temporarily removed the “Destroy X Scaldra Barbican Shields” Höllvania Bounty Challenge.
    • While we reduced the requirement in yesterday’s Hotfix, we understand that the specificity of the challenge paired with several other factors (like accidentally obliterating the target before their Shield) can make it rather troublesome to complete. So we’ve temporarily removed it and will reassess it in the new year.
  • Fixed a checkbox appearing in the objective UI for Höllvania Bounties that have a mission modifier instead of a challenge.

Hotfix 38.0.4 (2024-12-17)

  • Reduced the requirements of the following Höllvania Bounty challenges based on player feedback that they were tedious to complete:
    • Kill X enemies with abilities
    • Destroy X Scaldra Barbican Shields
    • Destroy X Vehicles
      • Also fixed this challenge appearing in Legacyte Harvest instead of Scaldra Hell-Scrub. There is underground parking in Höllvania, but not as many spots as above ground which made this challenge rather difficult to complete in Legacyte Harvest Bounties.
  • Fixed “Bounty Board” having a PH tag in the Höllvania Central Mall map Legend.

Update 38.0 (2024-12-13)


The Exterminate, Hell-Scrub, Assassinate, and Legacyte Harvest missions are available to play as Bounties!

How To Access Bounties

The Bounty board is located in the Höllvania Central Mall’s garage and can be interacted with to take you to the bounty select screen.

You can use the “Bounty” Fast Travel option in the pause menu, or select it in the Gear Wheel.

What To Expect

Each Bounty is posted by a designated Hex member, who will also accompany you in the mission. As mentioned in the Romance & Relationship system section above, completing Bounties with Hex members will increase your Chemistry with them once per day (provided you have Instant Messaged them previously on KIM).

Bounties can either have an additional objective (ex: destroy 5 automobiles) OR a difficulty modifier (ex: Techrot enemies exploding on death) assigned by the Hex member.

If you want to turn up the heat, there is a Steel Path toggle to apply its modifiers to and earn bonus Standing from the currently-posted Bounties.


Successfully completing a Bounty will earn you Standing with The Hex Syndicate, as well as the following possible rewards:

  • Cyte-09 Component Blueprints
  • Reconifex Main Blueprint
  • Vesper 77 Main Blueprint
  • New Höllvania Resources
  • Hex Treasures
  • Endo
  • Aya
  • Greater Focus Lens
  • Fixed Bounties reward icons from the Sanctum Anatomica and Zariman having a white background during mission complete screen

Hotfix 37.0.4 (2024-10-10)

  • Fixed hitching whenever transmissions appear in Steel Path Entrati Bounties.

Hotfix 36.1.3 (2024-08-27)

Netracell Changes & Fixes:
  • Lowering the security level is now based on kills dealt by players that are within the marked zone, instead of the enemies killed within the marked zone.
    • This change has also been applied to the “Kill Infested Close to the Cauldron to infuse it” stage of the Cambion Drift Assassination Bounty - now, players are only required to kill enemies from within the circle instead of needing enemies to be within range.

Update 36.1 (2024-08-21)

  • Waypoint markers will now appear on enemies in certain Open Landscape Bounties when the following conditions are met. The intention of these markers is to offer players assistance when they are having difficulty with the Bounty!
    • Exterminate Bounty: when 2 minutes remain.
    • Defend an Area: when Control Level falls below 30%.
    • Supply Sabotage: Carrier enemy is marked with 3 or fewer enemies remaining.

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

Debt-Bond Farming Changes

We have revamped Solaris United Bounty Drop Tables to increase the amount of Debt-Bonds earned across the board. Our goal with these changes was to increase Debt-Bond drop rates, but not affect rare or desired items already in the Drop Tables.

  • Moved Debt-Bonds from Stage 1 to Final Stage, but increased drop rate significantly for every Bounty Tier.
    • Running the first Bounty Stage was a common practice to farm Debt-Bonds, and while we wanted to increase Debt-Bond drop chance, leaving them in that Stage would only incentivize that behavior further.
    • With these in the Final Stage Drop Table, players who complete all the Bonus Objectives will have an extra kick at the Debt-Bond can, since the Bonus Objectives reward comes from this drop table.
  • Increased existing Debt-Bond drop rates in Middle-Stage Drop Tables (Stages 2, 3, and 4, where applicable).
  • Removed lackluster “filler” items from the Uncommon and Rare reward tables:
    • Level 5-15: 3,000 Credits
    • Level 10-30: Tepa Nodules
    • Level 20-40: 3,000 Credits
    • Level 30-50: Tellurium
    • Level 40-60 (including Narmer and Steel Path): 500 Kuva
  • Replaced 10k Credits reward in Level 40-60 Bounties (including Narmer and Steel Path) with rare resources (Neurodes or Orokin Cells).
  • Slightly adjusted Garuda Blueprints and Synth Mods drop rates to accommodate changes above, but we did our best to avoid increases or decreases over 5%.
  • Reduced the Credit costs of Ticker’s Debt Bonds by 50%.
    • Previously, the cost would randomly roll between 5k - 350k Credits depending on the bundle offered. Now, it’ll roll between 2.5k - 175k.
  • Fixed being unable to progress in Void Armageddon Bounties after completing the Bounty requirements.
    • Prior to this fix, players would be forced the extract after completing the Bounty requirements. Since this is an endless mission type we want to give players the option to stay and complete more Rounds if they wish.
  • Fixed cases of Loid not spawning in Isolation Vault Bounties if players previously failed to complete the Vault’s Requiem Cipher in the same mission.

Hotfix 35.5.6 (2024-04-10)

  • Fixed destroyed Murmur Sarcophages not always counting towards the “Find X Murmur Sarcophages” Cavia Bounty Challenge.
  • Fixed Lohk Surges not spawning reliably to complete the “Find and Activate X Lohk Surges” Cavia Bounty Challenge.
  • Fixed several script errors in Cavia Bounties.

Hotfix 35.5.4 (2024-04-05)

  • Fixed a crash caused by the “Complete an Exterminate mission in 6 minutes” Cavia Bounty challenge.
  • Fixed a script error in Isolation Vault Bounties.

Hotfix 35.5.3 (2024-04-04)

  • Fixed issue that could cause players to matchmake into the incorrect Cavia/Holdfasts Bounty difficulty (selecting Steel Path but loading into Normal).
  • Fixed Clients being able to earn Bounty completion rewards for Cavia Mirror Defense Bounties if they leave the mission after only one wave.

Hotfix 35.5.2 (2024-03-28)

  • Fixed receiving the incorrect Standing amount (compared to what was advertised in the Bounty UI) from Steel Path Bounties in Albrecht’s Laboratories and the Zariman.
    • EDIT: We're aware that this issue is still occurring. We discovered that there is a bug with public matchmaking that causes Steel Path players to load into the normal version of the Bounty, so you end up receiving the "normal" amount of Standing instead of Steel Path. There seems to be a 50/50 chance that this occurs, so the best workaround at the moment is pre-made Squads, which we understand isn't always a realistic option. But rest assured we'll be tackling this early next week once the team has returned from the long weekend we have here in Canada.
  • Fixed killed Rogue Bonewidows not contributing to the “Eliminate X Rogue Voidrigs” Cavia Bounty challenge.
    • We will be updating the title and description of this challenge to reflect this change in a future Hotfix!

Hotfix 35.5.1 (2024-03-27)

  • Fixed a script error when interacting with the Steel Path Bounties in Cetus, Fortuna, and the Necralisk.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

The Steel Path: Holdfasts & Cavia Bounties

The Steel Path is now available for Holdfasts and Cavia Bounties. Accessing the Steel Path variants is possible through a selection UI when speaking to a Bounty Giver.

How to change Bounty difficulty:

When interacting with a Bounty giver, select “Bounties” and change the difficulty at the top left of your screen, below your rank and Daily Standing Cap.

With Steel Path Bounties, you’ll earn 50% more Standing from The Cavia bounties, while The Holdfasts will net you 50% more Voidplume Quills, rounded up (e.g. Tier 5 SP Bounties will reward 8 Plumes)!

As always, you’ll find many similarities between these Bounties and other Steel Path missions across the Origin System. Enemies are tougher and higher-level, you’ll earn one guaranteed Steel Essence upon Steel Path Bounty completion, and the Acolytes will “torment” you within Zariman & Albrecht’s Laboratories Steel Path Bounties.

  • Fixed a crash caused by a host migration while the sphincter door is opening at the start of the second stage of Isolation Vault Bounties.
  • Fixed players seeing duplicate Bounties from Mother in the Necralisk upon returning from the Cambion Drift after completing an Isolation Vault Bounty.
  • Fixed progression stopper in Isolation Vault Bounty due to the Host Migrating right as Client player throws the Bait at the door.

Hotfix 35.1.2 (2024-02-28)

  • Tweaked Konzu’s transmission timing when completing Eidolon Hunt Bounties.

Update 35.1 (2024-02-20)

  • Enemies hit with Amphor’s AOE will now count towards the “Hit Enemies with X Amphor” Alchemy Bounty Challenge.
    • Previously, the challenge required a direct hit to count as progress towards the challenge, so we made it much more forgiving. In light of this change, we have slightly increased the required amount of enemies needed to hit to complete the challenge now that it is easier to gain progress:
      • Low tier Bounty: From 5 to 6
      • Mid tier Bounty: From 10 to 12
      • Higher tier Bounty: From 15 to 18
  • Removed the “Find X Murmur Sarcophages” challenge from Alchemy Bounties.
    • There was an issue with not enough Sarcophages spawning in Alchemy Bounties, making it impossible to complete the challenge, so it has been removed.
  • Fixed Drone in the “Escort the Drone to Safety” Bounty stage getting stuck going up a hill near Gara Toht Lake in the Plains of Eidolon.

Hotfix 35.0.9 (2024-01-17)

  • Fixed Bounty objectives appearing in Netracell missions after starting a Netracell from the Sanctum Anatomica while the Bounty vote is active.
  • Fixed level 6 Terra Sniper Crewmans being able to one-shot Corpus Drones in Fortuna Bounties.
    • They were capable of doing over 1000 damage per shot, so we modified their Snipers while they weren’t looking to be more appropriate for those lower level Bounties.

Hotfix 35.0.7 (2024-01-09)

  • Improved spawn rates of The Anatomizer and The Severed Warden enemies in Alchemy Bounties. Particularly to address the issue of being unable to complete the “Kill X Flying Enemies” Bounty Challenge.
  • Fixed cases where Rogue Voidrigs would not spawn/be marked on the map.
    • With this fix, the “Kill 2 Rogue Voidrigs” Bounty Challenge has been re-enabled! It was disabled in Hotfix #2, as the above issue was preventing Bounties from being completed.
  • Fixed breaking a Murmur Sarcophages counting as more than one towards the “Find X Murmur Sarcophages” Bounty challenge.

Hotfix 35.0.4 (2023-12-20)

  • Reduced the amount of Rogue Culverin weak points required in the Cavia bounty challenge to address players having difficulty completing it.
  • Fixed The Severed Warden not counting towards "Kill x Flying Murmur Enemies" Cavia bounty challenges.
  • Fixed only receiving the first round Mirror Defense rotation rewards when playing a bounty on Munio (Deimos).
  • Fixed being unable to extract in Survival Bounties on Persto (Deimos) if Life Support runs out.

Hotfix 35.0.2 (2023-12-14)

Cavia Bounties Changes & Fixes:

Cavia Bounties offer new challenges to complete, but sometimes the tiles generated for the mission prevented players from progressing, or players otherwise had issues completing them. As a result, we have either removed or fixed the following challenges to help improve Bounty flow!

  • Temporarily removed the “Kill X Rogue Necramechs” Bounty challenge.
    • There is an issue with Rogue Necramechs not always spawning that we are still investigating, so we have removed this challenge for the time being since it is difficult to complete while this bug is active.
  • Temporarily removed “Kill X Flying Murmurs” challenges from Cavia Bounty rotations as only one flying Murmur enemy type was counting as progress towards it.
    • We aim to re-add this challenge once we’re able to fix the issue.
  • Temporarily removed the “Summon Necramech” challenge from Cavia Bounty rotations as players were unable to consistently complete them.
    • We aim to re-add this challenge once we’re able to fix the issue.
  • Fixed not enough Murmur Sarcophages spawning in the Mirror Defense (Munio, Deimos) mission to complete the “Find X Murmur Sarcophages” Bounty challenge.
    • We also made it so that tiles with guaranteed Murmur Sarcophage spawns will always appear in Survival (Persto, Deimos) missions to address the same issue of being unable to complete the challenge.
    • Also increased the number of Murmur Sarcophage spawns in various Albrecht’s Laboratories tiles to further improve player chances of finding them.
  • Removed the “Douse enemies in Vitriol” Bounty challenge from the Exterminate (Nex, Deimos) and Assassination (Effervo, Deimos) missions.
    • It was possible to complete these missions before this challenge, which would make enemies stop spawning and therefore make it impossible to extract (since the Bounty challenge was not complete).
Albrecht’s Laboratories Mission Changes & Fixes:
  • Fixed the explosion preview VFX for the Vitriol Phials not appearing in Albrecht’s Laboratories if the mission was started as a Bounty or from the Laboratory Navigation.
    • This is a new feature that was released with Update 35 that allows you to see the explosion radius by hovering your reticle over the explosive item!

Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)


All of the new Deimos nodes and mission types are available as Bounties! Accessible from the Bounty giver in the Sanctum Anatomica hub on Deimos, these Bounties offer a variety of enemy levels to really test your expertise in navigating and conquering the Laboratories.

In addition to playing the standard mission, you must also complete a special objective (for example: Eliminate 2 Rogue Voidrigs) in order to extract and complete the Bounty.

Successfully completing a Bounty will reward you with Standing towards the new Cavia Syndicate, as well as several other potential rewards:

  • Qorvex Blueprints (New Warframe)
  • Mandonel Blueprint (New Archgun)
  • Voca (All variants: Shrill, Bellow, and Echo)
  • New Resources
    • Necracoil
    • Stela
    • Entrati Obols
  • Credits, Endo, Focus Lenses, Aya, and Ayatan Amber Stars.
General Changes:
  • Narmer Bounties are now always available on both Venus and Earth, regardless of what time of day it is on the Plains of Eidolon!
    • Prior to this change, Narmer Bounties on the Plains of Eidolon would only appear during the day cycle and Orb Vallis during the night cycle. Instead of waiting 150 minutes for the cycle to switch and to gain access to the bounty-exclusive rewards, you can now play them at any time!
  • Increased Garv’s armor in Cambion Drift Bounties to improve his survivability.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

  • Fixed Limbo being able to Banish Open Zone Excavators, which is inconsistent to other mission Excavators.

Hotfix 33.6.5 (2023-08-21)

  • Fixed a script error related to Garv in the Cambion Drift Bounties.

Update 33.6 (2023-07-27)

  • Fixed a hitch in the Cambion Drift Steel Path Bounty stage “Cleanse the Land”.
  • Fixed the “Gather Enough Samples” Bounty objective UI no longer showing a counter for the collected samples.

Hotfix 33.0.8 (2023-05-11)

  • Fixed a rare script error that could break various Drone-protection Bounty stages after repeating or abandoning the objective.

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)

  • Fixed crash that would occur if the player was automatically logged out when the Bounties rotate while in an Open Landscape hub.

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • Fixed FPS dropping considerably when flying in Archwing toward the Catabolic Gutter in the Cambion Drift during an Isolation Vault Bounty.
  • Fixed the last Excavator exploding automatically in the Orb Vallis Excavation Bounty.
  • Fixed the mirror in Deimos Isolation Vault Bounties missing skybox on one side.
  • Fixed a host migration issue when selecting a bounty in the Plains of Eidolon putting the player back in Cetus when that player was originally hosting the squad and had completed the New War Quest and their squadmate had not.
  • Fixed the “Abandoning Objective” UI appearing off-center and on an angle in Open World Bounties.

Hotfix 32.2.4 (2022-12-07)

  • Fixed Host losing all of the resources/items picked up in an open zone upon returning to the city while a Bounty is active.

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

  • Fixed objective timer lingering on screen while returning to Cetus, Fortuna, or the Necralisk after abandoning a Bounty.
  • Fixed issues of text overlapping for several languages during Open Landscape Bounties when facing off against an opponent.
    • Ie. Tenno vs. Garv in the Cambion Drift
  • Fixed the Localization of some Bounties that incorrectly mentioned Cetus instead of Fortuna.

Hotfix 32.1.4 (2022-11-09)

  • Fixed script error related to Zariman Bounties.

Hotfix 32.0.13 (2022-10-14)

  • Fixed Capture Containers spawning in very odd and often unreachable areas during the Defend and Capture Containers objective in Orb Vallis Bounties.
    • Notably in the tunnel near Central Maintenance and while playing through Narmer missions.

Hotfix 32.0.9 (2022-10-05)

  • Fixed script error that could break Drone Escort missions on the Plains of Eidolon.

Hotfix 32.0.7 (2022-09-28)

  • Fixed a pop up showing for Sabotage Supplies in Plains of Eidolon Bounties.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

  • Fixed the last bonus icon in a Plains of Eidolon Bounty showing up as silver (bonus objective failed) even if the bonus has been fulfilled.
  • Fixed the final Plains of Eidolon bounty stage displayed as silver (indicating bonus objective failed) even when successful.
  • Fixed not being able to fail the Deimos assassinate bounty when needing to defend the cauldron as it summons the assassination target.

Hotfix 31.7.2 (2022-08-17)

  • Fixed last Bonus in a Bounty displaying as silver (bonus objective failed) even if the bonus is fulfilled.
  • Fixed letting Cauldron die in the Deimos Assassinate Bounty stage not failing the objective.

Hotfix 31.6.2 (2022-06-15)

  • Fixed kills made by non-player allies (Specters, Kuva Liches, etc.) not counting towards the ‘Awaken a Dormant Void Angel and Defeat It’ Zariman Bounty challenge.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)


NEW: Chrysalith Bounty Fast Travel Portal

To ease the flow from Quinn to the Chrysalith elevator and vice versa, we have added portals!

Before: You would either have to run back and forth between the two or use a complex combination of Fast Travel menu hopping (Pause > Fast Travel > Quinn > Pause > Fast Travel > Zariman Navigation). This would interrupt gameplay flow when wanting to play back to back Bounties.

Now: A portal will spawn after selecting a Bounty at Quinn, walking into it will take you to the elevator where you can load into the mission. After completing the Bounty, a portal will be available for you to use upon exiting the elevator that will take you right back to Quinn to select your next Bounty.

NEW: Lohk Surges

Lohk Surge challenges have also been added to the Zariman Bounties!

General Zariman Mission Changes & Fixes:
  • Added a 5th Tier Bounty category to the Zariman Bounties!
    • This also means that all Mission types will be available at one time via Bounties in the Chrysalith.
    • The Hespar and Aeolak Blueprints have also been split into separate Bounties, meaning these two rare rewards are now housed in their own independent Bounty table, instead of having both of them in one.
    • The Voidplume Quill amount for completing Bounty challenges has been increased by 1 for all Tier 3 and higher Bounties.
  • Fixed Clients crashing when attempting to load into an active Bounty stage if the Host aborted the mission after that stage or started a new Bounty.
  • Fixed Zariman Bounty challenges resetting on fail after they’ve already been completed.
  • Fixed waypoint showing up for Clients to get to the Chrysalith elevator after selecting a Bounty.
  • Fixed being able to remove the Zariman Bounty objective mid-mission and still receive the Bounty completion reward regardless.
  • Fixed being unable to load into a Bounty using the Chrysalith elevator after aborting a mission using the panel in the elevator.
  • Fixed the Void Angel Bounty challenge remaining incomplete after completing successfully.
  • Fixed Zariman Bounty description using plural text when only singular was needed.

Hotfix 31.5.8 (2022-05-11)

  • Fixed Zariman Bounties not rolling over immediately once the timer reaches 0.
  • Fixed a case where Faction-based Bounty challenges might not match the actual Faction present in Zariman.
    • Now whenever the Faction changes, the Bounties will be refreshed to prevent this from happening in the future.
  • Fixed an issue with Bounties not properly updating after Host migration if players had already completed one of their objectives.
  • Fixed kills from built Turrets in Void Armageddon Bounties with the “Kill X Grineer/Corpus” challenge not counting.
  • Fixed extraction not appearing after completing back to back Void Cascade Bounties after Host migration.

Hotfix 31.5.7 (2022-05-06)

  • Made Zariman matchmaking more robust.
    • Fixed players with public matchmaking turned on not matching into the same Bounty with each other.
  • Fixed cases of Void Flood Bounty “normal mission” rewards not being awarded.
  • Fixes towards the Zariman Bounties with the "Kill X Grineer" Challenge ending up with Corpus enemies and vice versa.
  • Fixed being unable to complete the “Complete mission without Abilities” Bounty in the Zariman Mobile Defense (The Greenway) due to a lack of extraction and other factors. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1309354-angels-of-zariman-mobile-def-mission-no-ability-bounty-not-finishing-after-mission-completion/
  • Fixed extraction being unavailable after 1 full round in a Void Flood mission or Bounty.
  • Possible fix for objective UI trackers sometimes being out of order in Void Flood Bounty missions.

Hotfix 31.5.6 (2022-05-04)

  • Extraction is no longer forced after completing all Bounty objectives in Void Flood missions, the mission can continue indefinitely if players decide to stay.
  • Fixed infinite loading screen when entering the Zariman elevator as Operator during Zariman Bounty.
    • This resulted in having to abort the mission in order to escape the confines of the Elevator.
  • Fixed the ‘Minimize Void Contamination’ Bounty for Cascade (Use 4 Exolizers while keeping the corruption bar from going above 50%) failing instantly upon mission start on older PCs.
  • Fixed Ghoul Purge Bounties (and potentially others) failing at start. As originally PSA’d here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1308870-psa-pc-ghoul-purge-disabled-temporarily/
    • We will be restoring the Bounty sometime tomorrow once we have deployed the fix on all platforms.

Hotfix 31.5.5 (2022-05-03)

  • Fixed Zariman missions (including Bounties) at times auto-completing and on consecutive runs.
  • Fixes towards being unable to matchmake with other players in any open landscape mission (Bounties included).
  • Fixed the Credits looted HUD tracker not updating while playing as Operator in Orb Vallis Assassinate Bounties.
    • It used to only add the Credits collected once you transferred back to your Warframe, but it will now take into account the Credits picked up as Operator.
  • Fixed script error with Assassinate Bounties in the Orb Vallis.

Hotfix 31.5.4 (2022-05-02)

  • Decreased the required amount of Vitoplast Globules needed in the ‘Collect X Vitoplast Globules’ Zariman Bounty challenges from 100/150/250 to 75/100/200 and ‘Collect X Large Vitoplast Globules’ from 5/10/15/20 to 4/6/8/10.
  • Fixed Acolytes spawning in Zariman bounties after completing a Steel Path Zariman mission beforehand.
  • Fixed crash when starting a Bounty with the ‘Complete Mission Without Abilities’ Zariman Bounty challenge.
  • Fixed a single Mobile Defense Zariman Bounty mission counting as multiple for the Nightwave ‘Protector’ Act challenge.
  • Fixed the “Zariman 'Bounty Complete” text overlapping with the End of Mission “Mission Complete” UI popups.
  • Fixed frequency of transmissions during Drone Escort Bounties in the Plains of Eidolon being far too high.

Hotfix 31.5.3 (2022-04-29)

  • Fixed the rarity of the Zariman Bounty reward tiers (Common/Uncommon/Rare pools) not being properly assigned - resulting in unintended drop rates. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1306797-gyre-parts-not-dropping/
    • This directly affected the Gyre and Weapons Blueprints. The UI was inaccurately stating the rarity for each - Gyre’s Component Blueprints were marked as ‘uncommon’ but only had a 2% drop chance, while the Weapon Blueprints were marked as ‘rare’ but had a whopping 21% drop chance. So we have redistributed the drop rates by increasing the drop chance of Gyre’s Component blueprints within the intended ‘uncommon’ rates and lowering the Weapon Blueprints rate to intended ‘rare’ rates.

Hotfix 31.5.2 (2022-04-28)

  • Additionally, we’ve temporarily removed the “Tax the Taxmen” requirement from the Zariman Bounty rotation due to the prior Eximus Credit drop boon making it possible for a majority of players. We’re looking to change this to a “Kill X Eximus Units” challenge instead in the near future.
  • Changed Void Armageddon “Collect Argozene Crates” Bounty to be 3/5/7/9 instead of 3/5/10/15.
  • Added a UI Marker to the “inactive” Void Manifestation if you are doing a Zariman Bounty that requires you to defeat them.
  • Fixed matchmaking from Navigation in your Orbiter matching you with Bounty squads started from the Chrysalith.
    • Matchmaking to Zariman missions from Navigation in your Orbiter will now only match you with players who are doing the non-Bounty version of the selected mission.

Hotfix 31.5.1 (2022-04-27)

  • Fixed Clients who fast travel to the elevator in the Chrysalith before the Host being unable to load into the Bounty mission selected by the Host.
  • Fixed the same challenges appearing when the Zariman Bounties rollover.
  • Fixed players being able to matchmake into different challenges on the same node due to Bounty rollover in the Chrysalith.
  • Fixed Syndicate screen not opening up when speaking to Bounty giver in the Necralisk for the first time after the quest.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)


Once you have completed the Quest, Bounties become available from within the Chrysalith! These Bounties offer additional challenges for players looking to show their Mastery of the mission types on the Zariman - you will need to bring the best gear for the job! Players can play through the regular versions of these missions from the Star Chart, or opt for the Bounty version for different rewards and Syndicate standing. The Bounty versions are intended to be much more challenging!

Bounties are structured with a distinct objective that must be completed before the player can extract -- or in certain cases can cause a mission failure if the player is unsuccessful. Upon mission completion, players also earn Voidplumes in addition to the Bounty drop table rewards The higher the difficulty, the harder the challenge, the more Plumes are given!

Bounty Rewards:

The following possible rewards can be earned by playing the Bounties:

  • Gyre’s Blueprint and Component Blueprints
  • Alternox Blueprint (New Primary Weapon)
  • Hespar Blueprint (New Heavy Scythe)
  • Aeolak Blueprint (New Primary Rifle)
  • New Resources:
    • Entrati Lanthorn - A ceremonial beacon used to map Void locations onto real space.
    • Voidgel Orb - A sample of ambient Void energy distilled into a neutral state.
    • Thrax Plasm - Found in the remnants of Thrax Void manifestations, this plasm has several surprisingly practical applications.
  • Voidplumes:
    • Voidplume Down
    • Voidplume Vane
    • Voidplume Quill
    • Voidplume Crest
  • Credits, Endo, Greater Focus Lenses, Ayatan Amber Star, and Relics!
  • Fixed Bounty Drone spawning under terrain in post-New War Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed crash upon joining an Excavation stage in the Orb Vallis Bounties before the last Excavator is destroyed or completed.
  • Fixed lower level Drone bounties from spawning tons of reinforcements in The Plains of Eidolon.

Hotfix 31.2.1 (2022-03-18)

  • Fixed an overwhelming amount of enemies spawning in a low level (5-15) Escort the Drone Plains of Eidolon Bounty.

Update 31.2 (2022-03-16)

  • Increased Drone health and decreased the number of reinforcements in level 10-30 Bounties in the Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixes towards Orb Vallis Bounties with the Case Retrieval, Coildrive Ambush, Credit Collection, Spy, or Exterminate stages automatically failing.

Update 31.1 (2022-02-09)

  • Enemy reinforcements will now spawn more frequently during the Drone Hijack mission in the Plains of Eidolon Bounty to reduce down-time and increase density of enemies to defend from while running alongside the Drone.
    • Simple reasoning here is to bring a bit more intensity to this Bounty to have your escorting efforts feel valued.
  • Enemy reinforcements will now spawn more frequently in Exterminate and Assassinate missions in Plains of Eidolon Bounties.
    • Additionally, reinforcements that spawn in caves will now be more inclined to chase the player, instead of just patrolling idly without a care in the world.
  • Fixed ability to start a Narmer Bounty in a pre-New War Plains session. This resulted in a handful of progression stoppers.
  • Fixed Plains of Eidolon Capture stage Bounty bonus failing if you kill enemies in the window of time after successfully capturing the target before rewards are given.
  • Fixed a Cache being buried in the terrain in the post-New War Plains.
  • Fixed Escort Drone attempting to path under a fallen tree in the post-New War Plains.
  • Fixed Clients seeing Armored Vault health bar grayed out in the ‘Weaken the Grineer Foothold’ Plains of Eidolon Bounty.

Hotfix 31.0.9 (2022-01-20)

  • Fixed Orb Vallis Jailers sometimes spawning hundreds of meters away and not commuting to the objective.

Hotfix 31.0.8 (2022-01-12)

  • Fixed another case of Data Keys not dropping from Orb Vallis Jailers, if a previous Drone Defense or Case Capture Bounty stage occurred approximately near the location you searched the body.
  • Fixed flicking FX on Plains of Eidolon Bounty Caches after completing The New War Quest.

Hotfix 31.0.7 (2022-01-07)

  • Fixed Exterminate enemies spawning too deep into the Plains of Eidolon caves where they couldn’t maneuver to the front of the cave.
  • Fixed Cambion Drift Excavators being destroyed after a Host migration, resulting in having to abandon the Bounty.
  • Fixed Cambion Drift Defense Bounties counting friendly NPCs as enemies (Pets, Necramechs, etc) which negatively affected the mission.
  • Fixed Grineer NPCs in Cambion Drift Bounties not disappearing after the Bounty was failed.
  • Fixed Coildrive mesh lingering after completing the Ambush Bounty stage in high level Bounties in Orb Vallis.

Hotfix 31.0.6 (2022-01-04)

  • Fixed Orb Vallis Jailers not dropping Data Keys or being marked the second time you had the Rescue Bounty stage at the same location in one session.
  • Fixed Excavation Cell Carrier spawning issues in Open Zones after completing The New War Quest.

Hotfix 31.0.4 (2021-12-21)

  • Fixed a post-New War ‘Cache Recover’ Bounty mission starting inside the base with objectives outside the base.
  • Fixes towards Drone pathing issues in the Plains post New War completion.

Hotfix 31.0.3 (2021-12-17)

  • Fixed a script error (that could cause drones in Orb Vallis Bounties to stop moving) that occured when the drone spawned at some locations - could also happen if you killed off all the enemies currently spawned in the encounter.
  • Fixed one rotation of Bounty rewards awarding the incorrect amount of Endo in its Rare rewards (50 Endo is now 1200 Endo).
  • Fixed Power Cell carriers never spawning in Cambion Drift Purify and Excavation Bounties. This also fixes the Deimos Saxum Rex not spawning.
  • Fixed a post-New War Bounty enemy staying invincible which resulted in a progression stopper.
  • Fixed a script error in a post-New War Bounty.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)

  • Fixed the image for the Initiation Bounty from Konzu being stretched.
  • Fixed the “Deimos Delicacies” Juggernaut getting stuck in numerous doorways when trying to sniff out a snack.
  • Fixed seeing “Bounty Failed” UI and "Rounds Complete 1" if a Host and Client complete 2 full rounds of an endless Bounty in the Cambion Drift, start the 3rd round but then extract to the Necralisk.

Hotfix 30.7.6 (2021-09-23)

  • Fixed sometimes not getting Bounty rewards (Standing) after a Host migration.

Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)

  • Fixed unhelpful waypoints attaching themselves to consoles that are environment only and not interactable in Orb Vallis Bounty Spy missions.

Update 30.6 (2021-08-04)

  • Cambion Drift dynamic Defense missions now have a time-limit to clear the initial spawns on the camp before automatically advancing to the Defence & Reinforcements stage.
  • All remaining enemies for Bounties will now be marked, regardless of range because sometimes enemies will be outside of 60m of the player and just not visible.

Update 30.2 (2021-05-12)

  • Fixed a harmless script error that could occur when aborting "Find the Capture Target" in Open Zone missions.

Hotfix 30.0.8 (2021-04-27)

  • Fixed the Plains of Eidolon ‘Eliminate nearby enemies’ bonus objective never having a chance to fail.

Hotfix 30.0.7 (2021-04-22)

  • Fixed a harmless script error that could occur during certain Eidolon Bounties when something died from a level hazard.

Hotfix 30.0.6 (2021-04-20)

  • Fixed (for real) an exploit in Assassinate Bounty missions in the Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed the Plains of Eidolon ‘Capture the Grineer Commander’ bonus objective failing without players actually killing any other enemies.
  • Fixed the Plains of Eidolon ‘Drone Escort’ Drone starting to move without hacking it.

Hotfix 30.0.5 (2021-04-16)

  • Fixed an exploit in Assassinate Bounty missions in the Orb Vallis.

Update 30.0 (2021-04-13)

  • Fixed Mission Progress screen showing incorrect amount of Standing earned after completing a Bounty phase.

Hotfix 29.10.8 (2021-03-31)

  • Fixed failing the Assassination Bounty Bonus on Plains of Eidolon if you drew the target out in less than a minute but didn't kill him until after a minute.

Hotfix 29.10.3 (2021-03-23)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur after completing a Bounty.

Update 29.8 (2021-02-11)

  • The "Kill More Infested Than The Grineer" Cambion Drift Bounty objective will now count exactly double (50% vs 100%) as a success for the bonus objective "Double the Grineer's kill-count".
    • This also fixes losing the Bounty bonus if the Grineer get kills after you complete the objective during objective end VO. As reported here.
  • Fixed cases of constantly failing ‘Area Control’ Bounties in the Plains of Eidolon due to required enemies being spawned on the other side of the Plains.

Hotfix 29.5.9 (2020-12-15)

  • Fixed loss of functionality if you used a controller to open up the Pause Menu while viewing Bounties and viewed a squad member's profile. You can no longer open the Pause Menu while viewing Bounties.

Hotfix 29.5.6 (2020-12-01)

  • Fixed a script error when an Excavation encounter starts in the Cambion Drift.

Hotfix 29.5.5 (2020-11-27)

  • Fixed Focus Lens icons appearing stretched when awarded from a Bounty.

Hotfix 29.5.4 (2020-11-25)

  • Endless Excavation now requires fewer Excavators to be cleared in the Endless Bounty variant for a full squad (from 5 to 3). This makes each round a little quicker and allows for enemy escalation to increase a little faster.
  • Added 5s invulnerability period to Excavators when deployed.
  • Increased time between Excavator deployments from 3 to 5s and added an extra 3s on the first Excavator to give players more time to prepare for the encounter.
  • Fixed reward banners for Endless Bounties not showing the correct bonus icon for previous stages.
  • Fixed some bad Excavator placements in the Cambion Drift.
  • Fixed Excavation arrival transmission not playing.
  • Bounty objectives (on all Free Roam missions) are now enabled 5 seconds after the Bounty vote concludes, allowing players to reach the encounter area and start the objective before all the preamble transmissions complete. The arrival objective transmission will interrupt the preamble if the objective is started before the preamble completes.
  • Fixed a script error related to saving Solaris United Agents in Orb Vallis.

Hotfix 29.5.1 (2020-11-19)

  • Fixes towards reinforcement encounters persisting and keeping missions active, preventing further Bounties in the same area.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • The Latrox Une Bounty mission has received a balance pass to address both the length this mission takes and the Bonus being too challenging compared to others:
    • Doubled the Drone Shields Health.
    • The Drone Shield now regenerates after being emptied.
    • Samples now drop at a faster rate.
    • Less samples are required to complete the mission.
  • Fixed the “Bounty Failed” banner appearing over top of the “Mission Complete” banner for the Host when finishing Bounty and returning to the Necralisk.
  • Fixed a rare case of endless Deimos Bounties not giving the bonus Mother Tokens until Round 3.
  • Fixed a rare case of endless Deimos Bounties using the wrong reward table one stage too early.
  • Fixed enemy reinforcements in Cambion Drift Bounties not rushing towards the players / Defense target.
  • Fixed Bounties auto accepting and not allowing the Client to vote if both players load into any Free Roam mission from the Orbiter.
  • Fixed material issues with the hives in the Hive Extermination Deimos bounties.
  • Fixed the Bounty stage tracker UI in endless Bounties showing as complete on Round 2. It will now reset after completing each round as intended.

Update 29.3 (2020-10-27)

  • Fixed the Latrox Une “Sample Collection” Bounty phase taking longer than intended to complete due to the samples not dropping in their entirety. We found that 20% of the time a sample was meant to drop, it wouldn't.
  • Fixed a script error when attempting to rescue a Solaris target in Orb Vallis.

Hotfix 29.2.3 (2020-10-08)

  • Fixed a crash if a Host migration occurred during a Cambion Drift Excavation Bounty.
  • Fixed numerous script errors during Cambion Drift Excavation Bounties.

Hotfix 29.2.2 (2020-10-06)

  • Fixed Isolation Vault Bounty Bait and objective markers remaining after the Bounty is abandoned.
  • Fixed a script error when offering an Eidolon Shard during a Teralyst Hunt Bounty.

Hotfix 29.2.1 (2020-10-01)

  • Fixed missing Standing icon when viewing the eidolon Hunt Bounty with Konzu.
  • Fixed a script error when offering an Eidolon Shard during a Teralyst Hunt Bounty.

Update 29.2 (2020-09-29)

  • Fixed a crash when encountering a Rescue objective in the Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed a matchmaking exploit related to Isolation Vaults.
  • Fixed Clients unable to re-activate the Bait Station if the Bait is lost during an Isolation Vault Bounty.
  • Fixed ability to grab numerous Concoctions if all squadmates trigger the context action at the same time during an Isolation Vault Bounty.
  • Fixed slight text overlap in the Eidolon Hunt Bounty objective UI.

Hotfix (2020-09-22)

  • Fixed continued issues with Steel Path Deimos Bounty rewards not issuing the correct amount of Mother Tokens.

Hotfix 29.1.2 (2020-09-22)

  • Fixed T5 Bounty Rewards on Deimos sometimes giving lower Mother Tokens than T4 Bounties.
  • Fixed incorrect Bounty UIs after a host Migration.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vault extraction marker can appear above ground after finishing a Vault Bounty.

Hotfix 29.1.1 (2020-09-18)

  • Fixed Cambion Drift Excavators disappearing if Loki’s Switch Teleport is cast on them.

Update 29.1 (2020-09-17)

  • Fixed Garv and his Grineer hooligans not de-spawning after doing a Bounty such as Anomaly Retrieval or Core Samples. This results in multiple Garv’s in the Cambion Drift when doing back to back Bounties.
  • Fixed issues with the Purify Deimos Bounty, where the 'samples' UI will decrease from 35-15 when a Host migrates. However, the collected amount doesn't reflect this switch and will be greater than the UI limit indicates.
  • Fixed the Latrox Une ‘upload’ phase skipping if there's a Host migration while collecting samples for Latrox Une.
  • Fixed numerous script errors when encountering Latrox Une in the Cambion Drift.

Hotfix 29.0.7 (2020-09-03)

  • Scintillant in the ‘Common’ tier of a Deimos Bounty now has correct rarity weights within that tier. Previously it was applying it’s ‘Rare’ tier drop chance within the ‘Common’ tier - it is now a ~18% drop chance.
  • Fixed the Isolation Bounty objective not properly updating upon the second Vault's completion.
  • Fixed another case of Deimos Bounty Bonus objective UI appearing in a different language. As reported here!

Hotfix 29.0.5 (2020-08-28)

  • Added proximity markers to the mollusks so it’s easier to spot them and gather samples during the relevant Bounty.
  • Fixed a bonus objective being impossible to achieve with 3-4 players in the squad for Deimos survivor bounty. Also, objective count will update correctly whenever the squad size changes.
  • Potential permanent fix to Void Dash being disabled by Vault Mechs, more work will be needed on this, but we have made some progress here.

Hotfix 29.0.4 (2020-08-27)

Isolation Vault Bounty Changes & Fixes
  • Increased the Bait Defense time from 60s to 90s and increased enemy reinforcements.
  • Lowered drop rate of the Infested anti-toxin during the Toxin Level phase to increase difficulty - it’s too easy!
  • Toxin Level will now greatly increase if players leave the designated area in an effort to increase team coordination and difficulty.
  • Replaced the Volatile Runner with a Deimos Runner in the Toxin Level phase.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if the Host migrated during an Isolation Vault Bounty.
    • This also fixes having to repeat Isolation Vault stages if a Host migration occurred.
  • Fixed a ‘worst case scenario’ procedural generation where some Isolation Vaults would not have the Reactive Crystal intact, which occurred in a 1 hour window last night.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when starting certain Cambion Drift Bounties.

Hotfix 29.0.3 (2020-08-26)

Isolation Vault Bounty Changes & Fixes
  • Updated the Cambion Drift Isolation Vault Bounty description to hint at clearing multiple Vaults in the same session for better rewards.
  • Moved 2 Scintillant spawn points within the Isolation Vaults to be in more trafficked areas.
  • Reduced the amount of spawned Residue per Wyrm puddle from 5 to 3, and also lowered the amount of Residue needed for the first stage of the Isolation Vault Bounty:
    • 6 Residue for 1 or 2 player teams
    • 12 Residue for 3 or 4 player teams
  • Fixed cases of the Esophage losing its waypoint in the Isolation Vault Bounty.
  • Fixed looping Otak/Loid Transmission when picking up 50% of the required Residue for the Isolation Vault Bounty.
  • Fixed a script error related to the Isolation Vault.
  • Fixed numerous script errors when encountering an enemy Necramech.
  • The Deimos Bounty Credit Cache rewards have been replaced with an Ayatan Amber Star.
  • Fixed a crash during the Garv Bounty mission.
  • Fixed Cambion Drift Bounties failing if the Client player loads in too far away from the objective area.
  • Fixed not having to collect Infested Samples for Latrox Une when doing multiple Bounties in succession in the same Cambion Drift session.
  • Fixed a script error if Garv dies.

Hotfix 29.0.2 (2020-08-26)

  • Fixed a crash when fighting a Necramech in the Isolation Bounty.
  • Fixed Cambion Drift Isolation Vault Bounties giving a reward of any rarity for all 3 difficulty tiers. Now they correctly give Common at tier 1, Uncommon at tier 2, and Rare at tier 3.
  • Fixed Wyrm Residue spawning inside of inaccessible locations during the 'Collect Worm Bait' phase of a Vault Bounty.
  • More fixes towards ability to start Bounties during the Heart of Deimos Quest.
  • Fixed Clients sometimes not seeing the Purifier aura FX.
  • Fixed Cambion Drift Excavator objective not updating based on the number of players after a Host migration occurred.
  • Fixed Cambion Drift Excavator UI disappearing after a Host migration.
  • Fixed players receiving progress towards Orb Vallis "Bounty Hunter" Challenge when finishing Cambion Drift Bounties.
  • Fixed two cases of Cambion Drift Bounty bonus objective UI appearing incorrectly. As reported here.
  • Fixed a script error during the Corpus survivor Bounty in Cambion Drift.
  • Fixed a script error when activating an Eidolon Hunt after a Host migration has occurred.
  • Fixed a script error when a Host migration occurs during Cambion Drift 'Lure the Assassination Target' Bounty.

Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)


The Entrati are prepared to give a variety of new Bounty types to worthy Tenno - play them to earn new Rewards (including Xaku’s Components)!

Try out the new Endless Bounty to dig up Deimos rewards to your heart's content! Simply look for (ENDLESS) in the Bounty Description Title!
Isolation Vaults await you as a part of these Bounties, tread with caution!

  • Fixed UI offset issue in Orb Vallis Case Capture Bounty stages.

Hotfix 28.0.2 (2020-06-11)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur during a Bounty.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • Added ‘Daily Standing Cap’ information to the Bounties screens in Cetus and Fortuna.
  • Fixed Rescue Prisoner Guards spawning inside the ground during the ‘Rescue the Prisoner’ phase of a Rescue Ghoul Defector Bounty in the Plains.

Hotfix 27.3.16 (2020-04-22)

  • Fixed a script error when joining an Eidolon Hunt in progress.

Hotfix 27.3.13 (2020-04-14)

  • Fixed a script error that could occur if a Host Migration interrupted an Eidolon Hunt while the Shrine was enabled.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur during Ghoul Purge Bounties.

Hotfix 27.3.11 (2020-04-09)

  • Fixed a number of script errors that would occur if you failed Bounties.

Hotfix 27.3.4 (2020-03-26)

  • Fixed Client inability to use context actions after a Plains of Eidolon Bounty Capture Target was captured.

Update 27.1 (2020-02-04)

  • Fixed a script error that could break various Drone escort missions (including Plague Star).
  • Fixed a script error that could break an bounty stage if the objective was destroyed right at the last moment.

Hotfix 25.7.4 (2019-09-05)

  • Fixed Secondary and Bonus Bounty objectives pertaining the Host language for Clients.
  • Fixed filepath showing instead of "INSERT SHARD" text in Teralyst Bounty.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)
Plains of Eidolon: Bounty Additions

With the launch of Orb Vallis, we added Bounty Bonuses as a way to reward players who went above and beyond to complete their missions. It’s about time that new system was extended to Plains Bounties as well!

All normal Plains of Eidolon Bounties have Bonus Objectives, meaning you will receive extra rewards for performing well:

  • Assassinate: Draw out the target within X minutes.
  • Caches: Complete within X minutes.
  • Capture: Complete without killing an enemy.
  • Defend the Area: Keep the control level above X%.
  • Exterminate: Complete within X minutes.
  • Hijack Drone: Keep drone health above X%.
  • Rescue: Keep rescue target health above X%.
  • Sabotage: Kill X enemies.
  • Armored Vault: Keep the Vault health above X%.

General Changes:

  • Polished UI and Marker flow for Venus Ambush Bounties - namely markers match in-world and made text consistent with proper fictional names (Coildrive). Slightly adjusted console materials and placement for polish.
  • To keep in-line with existing limitations, the first Ghoul Bounty is restricted to Mastery Rank 1, and the other Ghoul Bounty is restricted to Mastery Rank 3.


  • Fixed lingering explosion FX on failed Coildrive Ambush Bounty in the Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed missing Map boundary ring during Orb Vallis Excavation Bounty allowing the player to fail the mission without even realizing it until it's too late.
  • Fixed Coildrive sometimes not arriving to drop off Reinforcements in Orb Vallis Bounties.

Hotfix 25.4.2 (2019-07-25)

  • Fixed an Orb Vallis progression stopper in the ‘Investigate The Bodies’ Bounty stage due to Solaris corpses not spawning.

Hotfix 25.3.2 (2019-07-12)

  • Added a new Plains Assassinate Bounty Bonus Objective of ‘Draw out the target within one minute for bonus’. More bonuses to come after further testing.
  • Fixed invisible marker on the Vallis Defense Drone after the encounter starts.
  • Fixed hacked Plains Drones becoming non-responsive after being pushed by an Arson Eximus.

Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)

  • Konzu’s Eidolon Hunt now grants Ostron Standing!
    • 1000 Ostron Standing per Eidolon Hunt: Teralyst
    • 5000 Ostron Standing per Eidolon Hunt: Teralyst, Gantulyst, and Hydrolyst

Update 24.4 (2019-03-08)

Orb Vallis Assassinate Bounty Changes
  • Assassinate encounters are no longer global, they are now localized to a specific area within a radius.
    • The encounter can be abandoned by leaving the radius.
  • Changed bonus objective of the Corpus Assassinate Bounty on Vallis: the Bounty will now fail if enough Credits are not gathered before the timer runs out, and Tenno will earn a bonus for collecting enough Credits within a shorter amount of time. This Bounty didn’t have a failstate like others, so we tweaked the objective and bonus objective for consistency.
  • The timer now scales based on how many players are in the squad.
    • The less players there are the more time is granted to complete.
  • Assassinate target now scales based on how many players are in the squad.
  • Changed the cover evaluator for the Assassination targets in Orb Vallis Bounties so that they don’t run as far to find cover. 

Hotfix 24.2.6 (2018-12-20)

  • Fixed a Profit-Taker Bounty 1 progression stopper if players join-in-progress during the fishing stage.
  • Fixed a Profit-Taker Bounty 2 progression stopper where a Director wouldn’t spawn.

Hotfix 24.2.4 (2018-12-19)

  • You can now skip the Profit-Taker Bounty cutscenes.

Hotfix 24.2.3 (2018-12-19)

  • Tweaks towards Eudico’s Profit-Taker Bounty transmissions.
  • Fixed ability to kill the Profit-Taker during Phase 3 of the Profit-Taker Bounty.
  • Fixed missing Transmissions for "Stealing Tech" Profit-Taker Bounty.

Hotfix 24.2.2 (2018-12-18)

  • Fixed a script error when completing the ‘Prove Yourself’ Plains Bounty which would prevent new players from earning the Bounty reward.

Update 24.2 (2018-12-18)

  • Profit-Taker Orb Bounties introduced.
  • Added a "Bonus" reward sound for Vallis/Cetus Bounties and added "Bounty Stage Complete" sound.
  • Fixed Host migration resetting the Credit Count in Orb Vallis Assassinate Bounty stages.
  • Fixed Public matchmaking Bounty UI linegring on screen when entering the Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed non-functional play arrow in mission voting UI when joining a squad with a Bounty already selected.
  • Fixed no cases spawning during a "Resource Capture" phase of an Orb Vallis Bounty.
  • Fixed disarmed enemies not counting towards kill count in "Kill Enemy Type" Exterminate Bounty stages.
  • Fixed an inescapable possessed K-Drive when activating it while ‘checking the bodies’ during an Orb Vallis Bounty ‘Recovery’ phase.
  • Fixed Clients unable to see laser captivity wall in the ‘Rescue the Hostages’ phase of the ‘Courier Ambush’ Orb Vallis Bounty.

Hotfix 24.1.3 (2018-12-05)

  • Tweaked audio delay to Eudico’s Bounty transmission.

Hotfix (2018-11-29)

  • Fixed Bounty UI refreshing/flickering if bounties update while in town.

Hotfix 24.1.2 (2018-11-29)

  • Improved Bounty boards to gracefully refresh and have next set of Bounties all lined up and ready to go without having awkward downtime of "no bounties available, please check again uhh sometime".
  • Fixed inability to Capture a Corpus Base Camp in Orb Vallis due to the Defend timer never ending or the Eximus unit not respawning if the Bounty was previously abandoned.
  • Fixed Orb Vallis Recovery Bounty objective timer not resetting if multiple Recovery Bounties are completed in one session.
  • Fixed a script error when viewing a Bounty board with no active Bounties available.

Hotfix 24.1.1 (2018-11-23)

  • Fixed inability to Capture a Corpus Camp in Orb Vallis due to no Datamass dropping if the last Bounty stage occurred in that Camp.
  • Fixed further inability to Capture a Corpus Camp in Orb Vallis due to Datamasses not spawning if an Eximus enemy didn't spawn at the Camp.
  • Fixed Client's inability to see the hackable console inside Orb Vallis Caches; which you can initiate to reveal more precise locations of other Caches! This console has an increased chance of appearing the more time passes in the Cache Bounty stage.
  • Fixed Clients getting booted from a squad if the Bounty is accepted after the Host chooses one.
  • Fixed lingering Bounty objective HUD in Orb Vallis.

Update 24.1 (2018-11-22)

  • Improved ability to pick up Data Keys that are in motion (i.e. rolling down a hill) in Orb Vallis Recovery Bounty stages.
  • Fixed Plains Bounties not allowing Cave stages to start if a player is too close, resulting in Bounty failure.
  • Fixed the Bounty board reward screen displaying incorrect quantities of certain rewards.

Hotfix 24.0.9 (2018-11-21)

  • Increased specific AI spawns the correspond to the given Exterminate Bounty (i.e. more Corpus Drones will spawn when you have a ‘Kill 100 Corpus Drones Bounty).
  • Bounty completion UI now indicates that no Standing is gained from completed said Bounty if you are at your daily cap.
  • Fixed unnecessary quantity text in Bounty rewards UI (i.e. 100 x RUBEDO x 300).
  • Fixed overlapping ‘CASES CAPTURED’ and ‘CASES LOST’ UI text during Orb Vallis Capture Bounty.

Hotfix 24.0.8 (2018-11-15)

  • Fixed the transmission playing for the start of a second Orb Vallis Bounty but the first objective never appearing after a Host migration occurs.
  • Fixed Bounty progression indicator not persisting throughout successfully completed Bounty missions.

Hotfix 24.0.7 (2018-11-15)

  • Changed the Bounty reward HUD title to display the Bounty title instead of the redundant ‘BOUNTY REWARD’.

Hotfix 24.0.6 (2018-11-13)

  • Tweaks and polish to Bounty transmission timing for Eudico. 
  • Fixed Bounty "more info" screen having text boxes that are too short and wrapping text, causing text overlap.

Hotfix 24.0.5 (2018-11-12)

  • Fixed public matchmaking bounty UI remaining on screen when entering the Orb Vallis.

Hotfix 24.0.4 (2018-11-12)

  • Fixed the End of Mission screen from returning to Fortuna from Orb Vallis not displaying the procured Solaris Standing from completed Bounty.

Hotfix 24.0.2 (2018-11-09)

  • The Ambush Coildrive is now invincible from the start to prevent griefing or accidental kills. If damaged, it’s Shield will reduce but the Bounty will not fail.
  • Lowered the AI spawn count when playing a Drone Defense Bounty Solo.
  • Fixed Bonus Condition not being preserved when a Host migration occured.
  • Fixed Drone level not scaling to reflect the zone difficulty.
  • Fixed a script error when failing the Drone Bounty.
  • Fixed unlocalized Bonus Condition text.
  • Fixed a crash when searching for Agents in a Vallis Bounty.
  • Fixed the Credit Count resetting in the Assassinate stage of an Orb Vallis Bounty when a Host migration occurred.
  • Fixed Bounty objective’s sometimes displaying in the incorrect language.

Hotfix 24.0.1 (2018-11-08)

  • Fixes towards Rescue Vallis Bounty breaking when a Host migration occurred during the Defense phase.

Update 24.0 (2018-11-08)

  • Fortuna Bounties introduced.
  • Bounty boards aesthetically changed across the board (Cetus). Hover to view, rick click to expand reward list.

Hotfix 23.10.6 (2018-10-18)

  • Fixes towards inability to match-make when selecting a Ghoul Bounty.

Hotfix 23.10.5 (2018-10-18)

  • Fixed erroneous Bounty matchmaking cases. This was triggered by selecting a Bounty, cancelling said Bounty and then selecting a different Bounty, upon which you would matchmake with the cancelled Bounty.

Update 23.10 (2018-10-12)

  • Increased the odds of Bounty objectives spawning in caves in the Plains of Eidolon.

Hotfix (2018-09-25)

  • Hotdropped a fix for Plague Star Bounty rewarding the incorrect Relics.

Update 23.9 (2018-09-25)

  • Fixed Konzu’s Plague Star Bounty reward list indicating the incorrect Relic. NEO V7 is now the correct AXI L2.

Update 23.8 (2018-09-12)

  • Fixed Squad info panel displaying filepaths when accepting a Bounty.

Update 23.5 (2018-08-24)

  • Revenant part blueprints added to Cetus Bounty Board.

Hotfix 23.0.4 (2018-06-20)

  • Replaced the Bounty Level 40-60 Relic with a Axi O3. This fixes Bounty Level 40-60 Rotation B having the same Lith V5 Relic as Level 10-30.

Hotfix 22.20.4 (2018-05-22)

  • Tweaked how Assassination Targets spawn in Assassinate Bounties to fix recurring issues of failed Bounties due to the Target not spawning. The Bounty will now attempt to procure a spawn location for the Target for 30 seconds, and if it fails, the Bounty will successfully advance. Geometry and split-second timing play into factor here, and failing a Bounty due to unavoidable situations does not grant Konzu his early lunch!

Update 22.14 (2018-03-01)

  • When you complete a Bounty stage or Incursion, Reviving won't make you lose the Affinity that you earned before that checkpoint. To offer an example:
    • Old behavior: Earn 1000 Affinity, finish Bounty stage, earn another 500 Affinity, then die and Revive, you'll lose 10% of your total 1500 Affinity, so 150 Affinity lost.
    • New behavior: Earn 1000 Affinity, finish Bounty stage, earn another 500 XP, then die and Revive, you'll only lose 10% of the 500 Affinity since the 1000 Affinity that you earned before you finished the Bounty stage is already "saved".

Hotfix 22.13.1 (2018-02-15)

  • Konzu’s Bounty board now displays an auto-refresh countdown timer when no Bounties are currently available (approx 1 minute of downtime between refresh).

Hotfix 22.12.3 (2018-02-12)

  • Fixed Assassination Bounty stages not progressing when killing the Commander very quickly.

Hotfix 22.11.2 (2018-02-07)

  • Tweaked the Bounty reward rotations to eliminate patterns of repeated rewards.
    • For clarification: This change does not affect what rewards you can get in a given Bounty run. This change made it so that we make sure you see all 3 reward rotations of those in a given 7.5 hour span (since each day is 2.5 hours).

Update 22.11 (2018-01-31)

  • Final stage of all Bounties now rewards an item from tier 1 or 2 (instead of tier 0,1, or 2).

Ghoul Bounty Changes:

  • Ghoul Lore Fragments are simply way more likely to drop within Bounties now.
  • Ghoul Bounty tables have received new items including Nitain, Cetus Wisps, and Breath of the Eidolon!

Hotfix 22.10.3 (2018-01-29)

  • Reduced the time between Bounty stages from 8 seconds to 4 seconds so you’re not waiting around for Lotus to tell you where to go next.

Update 22.10 (2018-01-25)

  • Bounties are now Mastery Rank tiered! In the current system, a player of any Mastery Rank could queue up and join any Bounty, even the highest level ones! In order to avoid a mismatch in experience, we've simply set each Bounty to have a default Mastery Rank.
    • Level 5-15: No Mastery lock
    • Level 10-30: Requires Mastery Rank 1
    • Level 20-40: Requires Mastery Rank 2
    • Level 30-50: Requires Mastery Rank 3
    • Level 40-60: Requires Mastery Rank 5

Update 22.8 (2017-12-21)

  • 4 New Bounties: Ghoul Purge!
    • Ghoul threats have arrived! These recurring bounties feature the Ghoul monstrosities. Help defend Cetus and destroy the Ghouls.... but their destruction may not be permanent! Expect the Ghouls to re-emerge regularly.
    • Ghoul Purge will introduce new Grineer Ghoul Enemies and Variants
  • You can now replay Bounties for Standing!
  • Fixed a timing issue where Konzu's Bounties would not refresh properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the HUD wouldn't update when accepting bounties.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Bounty Accepted' transmission wouldn't play when taking on a new Bounty.
  • Fixed an issue where you'd have to leave Cetus and return to see a new Day's bounties.

Update 22.4 (2017-11-23)

  • Focus Lenses are now rewarded less frequently as Tier 3 and 4 Bounty rewards. This also shuffled around some other Bounty reward frequencies to balance the mix.
  • Fixed not being able to Capture an enemy if you died attempting your first Capture during a Bounty.

Update 22.3 (2017-11-15)

Bounty Changes

We have made ways to the way Bounties reward you! This new system is a take on the 'AABC' rotation system we have in endless missions, but applied to Bounties using the Common, Uncommon, and Rare rewards.

  • You now get a reward for every stage of the Bounty completed
  • The tier of rewards you get are determined by how many stages are in the bounty

3 Stage Bounties:

  • First reward: Common
  • Second reward: Common or Uncommon
  • Third reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare

4 Stage Bounties:

  • First reward: Common
  • Second reward: Common or Uncommon
  • Third reward: Common, Uncommon
  • Fourth reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare

5 Stage Bounties:

  • First reward: Common
  • Second reward: Common or Uncommon
  • Third reward: Common, Uncommon
  • Fourth reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare
  • Fifth reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare

Re-balanced the quantities of some of the rewards. Right now this only applies to select items. Plains of Eidolon specific reward quantities are untouched (i.e it could be possible to get 25 x Breath of the Eidolon in a single 5 Stage Bounty or 6 Cetus Wisps in a 5 Stage Bounty).

  • Credit Rewards have been halved.
  • Kuva rewards have been reduced.
  • Endo Rewards have been reduced.
  • Cetus Wisps are now Uncommon in various tables.
  • Cryotic and Oxium are now in various tables, replacing Void Traces in some cases.
  • Fixed the last stage of a failed Bounty restarting if a Host migration occurred.
  • Fixed the Bounty changing missions types if a Host Migration occurred while you were escorting the Drone.
  • Fixed Konzu’s Bounty reward board displaying the ‘NEW’ tag on Mods that you recently acquired.

Hotfix 22.2.5 (2017-11-11)

  • Replaced the duplicate Gladiator's Resolve Mod with Gladiator's Might Mod in Bounty rewards.

Update 22.2 (2017-11-01)

  • 'Sabotage Bounty' has been renamed to 'Prototype Sabotage'.
  • Increased the Cetus Standing reward for each Bounty tier.
  • Added Plastids, Circuits, Oxium and Cryotic as rewards for Bounties in the first two tiers.

Hotfix 22.0.7 (2017-10-19)

  • Changed bounty reward tables:
    • Lower level bounties will have less stances, and more useful mods for new players.
    • Higher level bounties will offer Kuva and Void Traces.

Update 22.0 (2017-10-12)

  • Introduced.

Last updated: Hotfix 28.0.2 (2020-06-11)

See also[edit | edit source]