Corrosive Damage
For the aura mod, see Corrosive Projection.

x1.5 damage to Grineer
x1.5 damage to Kuva Grineer
x1.5 damage to Scaldra
x0.5 damage to Sentient

Created by combining  Toxin and  Electricity damage.

 Corrosive temporarily removes up to 80% of the target's armor value with multiple stacks.
—In-game Description

 Corrosive Damage is one of the six secondary elemental damage types, composed of  Toxin and  Electricity damage. Deals increased damage to Grineer, Kuva Grineer, and Scaldra, but reduced damage against Sentient. Its Status Effect temporarily degrades enemy Armor.

Status Effects Edit

General Edit

The status effect of  Corrosive damage is Corrosion. It temporarily degrades the armor of the afflicted target by 26% for 8 seconds. Subsequent procs further reduce armor by 6%, culminating in a total armor reduction of 80% at 10 stacks, with each stack having its own duration. Any stacks applied after the 10th will replace the oldest stack.

 Emerald Archon Shard can increase the maximum  Corrosive status procs by +2 (+3 for  Tauforged). Applying 14 stacks can fully remove all armor for the duration of the status.

 Hydroid's passive causes enemies damaged by him to be permanently more vulnerable to  Corrosive status, with the first proc degrading 50% of armor, allowing him to have 100% armor reduction at 10 stacks. This vulnerability can come from any source of  Corrosive procs, not just from Hydroid's weapons or abilities, as long as he has damaged the enemy.

Enemies affected by a  Corrosive proc will be covered in a faint green, electricity-like substance. Enemies killed while affected by a  Corrosive proc will have their corpses partially corroded and dissolved.

 Corrosive status armor reduction is multiplicative with other armor reduction sources. This can be expressed as the following:
Armor after reduction = (1 - 50%) × [1 - (20% + 6% × Number of Corrosive stacks)] × (1 - 18% × Number Corrosive Projections)

  View detailed examples  

For example, a full 4-player squad with max-rank  Corrosive Projections, an active  Heat proc, and max stacked  Corrosive proc will result in an enemy's armor being reduced to:

(1 - 50%) × [1 - (20% + 6% × 10)] × (1 - 18% × 4) = 2.8%.

If only one player has a max-rank  Corrosive Projection with the above statuses, an enemy's armor would instead be reduced to:

(1 - 50%) × [1 - (20% + 6% × 10)] × (1 - 18%) = 8.2%.

An active  Heat proc, and max stacked  Corrosive proc without  Corrosive Projection would result in an enemy's armor being reduced to:

(1 - 50%) × [1 - (20% + 6% × 10)] = 10%.

Currently, the only non-ability method to completely remove armor is to use  Shattering Impact,  Sharpened Claws or a dagger in tandem with  Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger.

Railjack Edit

 Corrosive does not have a Railjack space counterpart and is thus not able to proc any status effect nor is it included in calculations for status proc weighting.

Corrosive Sources Edit

Main article: Category:Corrosive Damage

Weapons Edit

Main article: Category:Corrosive Damage Weapons
Weapons with Corrosive damage
Name Slot Class Attack Name  Corrosive Majority
 Catabolyst Secondary Pistol Primary 53 100.00%  Corrosive
 Caustacyst Melee Scythe Normal Attack 103 39.62%  Corrosive
 Scourge Prime Primary Speargun Projectile Impact 80 100.00%  Corrosive
 Scourge Primary Speargun Projectile Impact 70 100.00%  Corrosive
 Stug Secondary Pistol Blob Explosion 75 100.00%  Corrosive
 Synapse Primary Rifle Normal Attack 20 100.00%  Corrosive
 Vizier Claws Beast Unique Normal Attack 150 50.00%  Impact

Mods Edit

†Denotes a source of corrosive damage that does not inflict the status effect on enemies.

Enemies Edit

Abilities Edit

Tempest Barrage

Summon a tempest to rain down upon a target area.

Introduced in Update 13.0 (2014-04-09)

 Strength:150 / 175 / 225 / 300 ( Corrosive base damage)
 Duration:4 / 6 / 8 / 10 s
 Range:5 m (explosion radius)

Misc: ∞ (cast range)
4/s (salvos per sec)
3 / 5 / 8 / 10 m (barrage radius)
forced  Corrosive status effect

Subsumable to Helminth


  • Hydroid expends 25 energy to mark a targeted location for orbital bombardment over unrestricted range, calling forth an artillery barrage-like salvo of water missiles from above to strike the marked area 3 / 5 / 8 / 10 meters in radius for 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 seconds. Water missiles launch from above in a salvo of 4 per second, with each missile exploding on impact dealing 150 / 175 / 225 / 300  Corrosive damage with a forced  Corrosive and  Stagger status effect to enemies within a 5 meters explosion radius.
    • Damage does not bypass obstacles in the environment and does not diminish with distance.
    • The barrage will be centered on the spot where the reticle is pointing up to the first solid object within view. This allows Tempest Barrage to be cast at distant locations as long as one has line of sight. Note that it tends to fall short if cast through a door or gateway.
    • When cast on  Snow Globe it will not be able to strike through it, but when cast within it will fall through it normally.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • Hydroid's Passive allows the first  Corrosive stack to remove 50% armor and is able to fully remove all armor at 10 stacks.
  • Tempest Barrage is a One-Handed Action that allows casting during movement, while midair, and on ziplines.
  • Can be recast while active to create multiple barrage instances.
  • Water missiles and their impact indicator circles are affected by Hydroid's chosen Warframe energy color.
  • Breaks containers and damages turrets/cameras.
  • Subsuming Hydroid to the Helminth will offer Tempest Barrage and its augments to be used by other Warframes.


Additional Effects Edit

Some mods add additional effects when a  Corrosive occurs or dealing  Corrosive damage.

Tips Edit

  •  Corrosive damage can be combined with  Viral damage (when applicable) to create a deadly damage combo against enemies with armor, especially the Grineer. The reduction of armor will lessen the reduction of damage, while viral procs will increase damage dealt even further.

Media Edit

Patch History Edit

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

Simplified Faction Resistances
  • Grineer: Vulnerable to Corrosive
  • Sentient:
    • Resistant to Corrosive
  • Kuva Grineer
    • Vulnerable to Corrosive

Update 33.6 (2023-07-27)

  • Fixed crash related to Corrosive procs.

Hotfix 33.5.3 (2023-06-23)

  • Fixed crash related to Corrosive procs.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)

  • (Undocumented) Corrosive damage icon updated to match Essential Corrosive Glyph.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • The first Corrosive Status Effect strips 26% Armor. Subsequent Corrosive Status Effects strip 6% more Armor, leading up to 80% Armor removal. Each Corrosive Status Effect lasts 8 seconds.
    • Note: Corrosive was the only Status with infinite Duration and 100% Efficacy toward a defensive stat. This was necessary to some based on how Armor Scaled. We feel our rebalancing efforts need a differently behaving Corrosive to balance out all Status overall.

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Introduced.

See Also Edit