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Arbitrations is an alert-style game mode, featuring elite versions of endless missions with various modifiers. It was introduced in Update 23.10 (2018-10-12).

All Star Chart nodes must be completed before participating in Arbitrations. Unlike unlocking Nightmare Mode missions, this also extends to completing Dark Sectors, Void and Derelict.

Speaking to the Abitrations Vendor NPC in the Arbiters of Hexis room at any of the Relays will reveal a list of the Star Chart nodes you have not yet completed.


There is only one Arbitration up at any given point on the Star Chart. The Arbitration alert changes every hour. 

  • The mission type are always endless (Survival, Interception, Defense, Excavation, Defection, or Infested Salvage). Enemy level starts around Lv.60-80 and increases from there.
  • Players cannot revive themselves or other players. Once a player loses all their HP, they do not enter Bleedout phase; they die immediately.
  • Rewards are on a ABCC~C rotation. After the first two rotations, the Arbitration will continue on the C rotation endlessly.
    • Rewards are earned at half the rate as normal missions (e.g. Survival gives one reward every 10 minutes, Defense gives one reward every 10 waves).
  • Failing the mission keeps any rewards earned at the end of a rotation but not the resources or credits the enemies dropped.
  • To encourage gameplay diversity, players are given a +300% Ability Strength bonus and a +300% Damage bonus to a random Warframe and Weapon (and their Primed variants) for each alert. The affected Warframe and weapon change from one player to another: for example, one player could be given bonuses for playing with Excalibur and/or a Skana while another player can be given bonuses for playing with Mag and/or a Braton.
    • The bonus can also be applied for Warframes and Weapons the player does not own.
  • Arbitration Shield Drones will spawn amongst the enemy ranks. They function similarly to Shield Ospreys, but instead grant complete damage and Warframe Ability immunity to itself, and to nearby enemies (except other Arbitration Drones).
  • Each endless mission type has added difficulty:
    • Survival: Life Support Capsules are worth 75% of usual.
    • Interception: Enemy towers will fill 2x faster.
    • Defense: Defense target is a roaming NPC similar to Sortie Defense. Downtime between waves is reduced.
    • Excavation: Defense time is increased from 100 seconds to 180 seconds.
    • Defection: Rescue targets cannot be revived.
    • Infested Salvage: Consoles have half their normal health.


Rewards are given out at half the rate as normal missions and are on a ABC~C rotation, C continuing endlessly.

Upon extraction, players will obtain a single sample of Vitus Essence for every rotation they have completed. This essence can be traded for cosmetic items,  Power Donation and  Cautious Shot from an Arbiters of Hexis NPC in Relays.

View Rewards List


  • The Arbitration Shield Drones are immune to all Warframe abilities and can share this trait with enemies around them on top of the damage immunity. On the other hand, destroying the drones causes a powerful explosion that deals massive Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist. damage to enemies in the area of the explosion. Deal with the drones as quickly as possible. Projectile launchers or weapons with large projectile hitboxes such as Arca Plasmor are ideal for this task, as the drones are fairly small and move around quickly.
    • The ability immunity extends to Limbo's Rift Plane, in that they are unable to enter it and therefore cannot be killed by someone inside the Rift even while inside a Cataclysm. You can still switch to your Operator to damage the drones as it cannot enter the Rift Plane either. Enemies protected by the drones will not damage players inside the rift.
  • In many cases, it is not recommended to play as the Warframe suggested by the Arbitration. Survival of yourself, your teammates, and the objective (depending on mission type) is key to success, so it is wise to use a frame with high effective health such as Rhino, Nezha, Inaros, or a frame with healing and damage reduction support such as Trinity or Oberon. Killing the enemies is no harder than a sortie mission, so the large increase in power strength is welcome, but ultimately unnecessary.  
  • Play it safe. Remember that you cannot revive yourself or your teammates: death is instant and permanent. Stay close to your teammates and proceed with extreme caution, especially in later rotations where every hazard can potentially cost your squad the mission.
  • Oberon's Renewal augment,  Phoenix Renewal, will proc on allied warframes when they would die, effectively creating a stop-death method.



  • Arbitrations were originally known as "Elite Alerts".
  • If the player has not completed all the nodes within the star chart, the Arbiters or Hexis will respond (with a different voice from the syndicate) that you have not completed all of the nodes.