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Alloy Plate

Revision as of 06:24, 23 October 2018 by Kektklik (talk | contribs)
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Alloy Plate
Carbon steel plates used to reinforce Grineer armor.
—In-Game Description

Alloy Plate is a common component that can be found on Venus, Jupiter, Sedna, Ceres, Phobos, and Pluto. It is usually found in quantities of 50 to 150.

Blueprints Requiring Alloy Plate

Click to view the Blueprints requiring Alloy Plates.


By purchasing this item you can directly exchange  30 for 1500 Alloy Plate.
—In-Game Description

Beginning in Update 9.0 (2013-07-13) materials could be purchased directly from the market for  Platinum.


Gathering Tips

These are based on opinions and may not be true. These should be viewed as advice for finding the materials until better facts are proven.

  • (Mobile) Defense missions are good places to gather materials. While it is unknown whether defense missions have higher drop rates, they do spawn more enemies on average, making the chances for anything to drop higher. Missions underlined are the standard for team farming.
    • Aphrodite, Kiliken, and Tessera on Venus.
    • Casta, Cinxia, and Kiste on Ceres.
    • Berehynia, Charybdis, and Vodyanoi on Sedna.
  • Bosses always have higher frequency drops on rarer materials:
  • A high ranked  Thief's Wit mod can assist in finding materials and marking them for your teammates after you've picked them up.
