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Acid Shells

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Acid Shells
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 38d3
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 8d69
Max Rank Description
Enemies explode on death, dealing 450 Corrosive Damage (+45% Enemy Max Health) in a 15m radius.
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 3c47
General Information
Max Rank
Endo Required To Max
Credits Required To Max
Base Capacity Cost
Update 18.10 (2016-04-29)
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX fed4
Vendor Sources

Dog Days  140 for x1

Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 6f98

Acid Shells is a Weapon Augment Mod exclusive to the  Sobek and  Kuva Sobek that causes enemies killed by the Sobek to explode, dealing a flat amount of  Corrosive damage plus a percentage of the enemy's maximum health as  Blast damage in an area of effect.

Stats[edit | edit source]

Rank Flat Damage Percentage of Max Health Radius Cost
0 75 7.5% 2.5m 4
1 150 15% 5m 5
2 225 22.5% 7.5m 6
3 300 30% 10m 7
4 375 37.5% 12.5m 8
5 450 45% 15m 9

Drop Locations[edit | edit source]

Mission Drop Tables

Mission Type Source Rotations
Drop Table
Chance[1] Quantity[2] Avg. per roll[3] Star Chart Nodes
No mission drop tables with this item

Enemy Drop Tables

Enemy Drop Table Chance[4] Item Chance[5] Chance[6] Expected Kills[7] Quantity[8] Avg. per roll attempt[9]
Kela De Thaym 100% 11.11% 11.11% 9 1 0.1111

Sourced from the official drop table repository. See Module:DropTables/data to edit on the wiki.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Explosion has linear damage falloff from 100% to 0% from the central enemy.
  • Explosion requires line of sight. Enemies can directly block other enemies from being affected.
  • The explosion itself cannot apply  Corrosive procs.
  • The explosion caused by Acid Shells can proc into itself and create another explosion on kill, creating a chain reaction that lead to very large areas being cleared.
  • The explosion damage does not account for the bonus health given to enemies in The Steel Path, Archon Hunt, Deep Archimedea, and similar modes.
  • Enemies killed by Acid Shells will have their corpses disintegrate.

Tips[edit | edit source]

  • Due to the nature of this mod, prioritizing heavy units will result in other enemies taking high damage or dying due to the resulting explosion, reducing the time to kill entire crowds significantly.
  • Modding the  Sobek for  Corrosive or  Viral damage and punch through can be effective to soften up enemies at higher levels with procs before the explosion occurs, thus amplifying the damage inflicted by Acid Shells' burst.
  • Against the Infested, this mod scales tremendously well since most of them have no armor.
  • Acid Shells will trigger  Saryn's  Toxic Lash.
  • Faction damage mods and  Rhino's  Roar directly affect the mod's explosion damage.
    • In addition, abilities that increase damage on enemies or debuff them such as  Banshee's  Sonar,  Nova's  Molecular Prime, or  Saryn's  Spores can indirectly enhance it.
    •  Garuda's  Seeking Talons will cause the explosions to apply  Slash effects, which are considered Sobek damage and thus can trigger Acid Shells again on kill. Because this combo scales with enemy health and ignores armor, it remains effective at any level as long as the Sobek can still kill an enemy to start the reaction.
  • The AOE affects breakable containers as well, giving an effect similar to  Looter as long as there are enemies around to proc the explosion.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Prior to Hotfix 18.10.6 (2016-05-06), this mod's polarity was Zenurik.
  • This mod, along with the other Executioner mods, are the second set mods to feature non-generic enemies on the mod card, the first being  Vengeful Revenant.
  • At the time of Operation: Rathuum's announcement, this mod was referred to as Execution Shells, likely an earlier name for the mod. This initially caused confusion with players trying to look for the nonexistent mod.
  • The mod is used by Executioner Nok, although his version can remove armor.

Media[edit | edit source]

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Update 38.0 (2024-12-13)

  • Fixed enemies not taking damage from targets exploded by the Sobek with Acid Shells equipped due to inconsistent Line of Sight checks.
    • We’ve improved the LOS check by adding two additional raycasts to identify better if a target should be struck by exploded enemies when hiding behind cover!

Update 22.20 (2018-05-17)

  • Fixed Acid Shells Mod causing Grineer Dropships to disappear.

Hotfix 20.2.3 (2017-04-19)

  • Fixed Infested Runners/Crawlers missing the Acid Shells FX when killed

Hotfix 19.9.2 (2017-02-07)

  • Fixed missing enemy death FX when using Sobek with Acid Shells as per: this thread

Hotfix 19.3.2 (2016-12-14)

  • Explosions on enemy death caused by Vulcan Blitz and Acid Shells mods will now properly alert enemies.

Hotfix 18.10.6 (2016-05-06)

  • Changed the Acid Shells to a Madurai polarity.

Update 18.10 (2016-04-29)

  • Introduced.
  1. Chance to roll item within drop table
  2. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  3. (Quantity × Chance)
  4. Chance to roll drop table
  5. Chance to roll item within drop table
  6. (Drop Table Chance × Item Chance)
  7. (1 / Chance), see WARFRAME Wiki:Expected & Nearly Guaranteed Numbers for more details
  8. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  9. (Quantity × Chance), average item quantity on a roll attempt (successful or not)