
"Keep the enemy busy while a fellow Tenno operative raids this ship for supplies. Ready? Trigger the alarms.

Life support has been cut off. They're trying to choke you out. Hold on, I'm sending auxiliary life support."

Survival is a mission type where players will have to fight an endless, steady stream of enemies to survive for as long as possible while slowly losing life support, distracting enemies as a Tenno operative secretly gathers supplies behind the scenes.

Life Support Tower
Life Support Tower UI Icon

Mechanics Edit

At the start of the mission, there is a single terminal. Hacking this terminal will begin the objective, alerting an endless wave of enemies as life support begins to decay from a maximum value of 100% to a minimum value of 0% at a rate of 1% per 1.5 seconds.

Each kill will have a chance to drop personal life support modules that restore 5% of the life support system, up to the maximum value of 100%. These modules may also be obtained from Storage Containers and lockers after the alarm has been triggered.

Immediately upon triggering the alarm and every 90 seconds afterward (with notice given 30 seconds prior), the Lotus will drop off life support capsules that restore 30% life support on activation (up to the maximum value of 100%), spawn a health orb and grant 20 objective affinity to the Tenno that activated the capsule. The amount of life support capsules that can be on the map is capped at 8; another capsule will not be given until one has been opened and the drop delay passed.

After 5 minutes, a mission reward is given to the squad and the extraction point will be enabled and marked on the minimap. The squad can then choose between heading to extraction to complete the mission, or staying on for a longer period of time to receive additional mission rewards every 5 minutes.

Players may choose to extract individually at any time beyond the initial 5 minutes. Any player entering the extraction zone will trigger a countdown timer, at the end of which all players in the extraction zone will be extracted while remaining players continue playing and can extract later any time they choose.

When the life support system reaches 0%, if extraction is not available yet, the mission ends in failure. Otherwise, all squad members' health will start draining for 5 minutes, in a manner similar to a hull breach but at a much faster rate. The health drain will stop at 5 HP – making any damage lethal – and teammates who are killed can be revived normally. No more life support capsules will be dropped, rewards will no longer be given, enemies will stop dropping the life support modules, and all remaining life support modules on the map will become unusable. After this point, the mission can still be completed if at least one player reaches Extraction before the 5 minutes are up. The mission will fail once the timer ends or all players are killed.[1]

Survival diorama from Update 9

During Nightmare Mode or Void Fissure Survival missions, players will receive Nightmare Mode or Void Fissure rewards and the normal Survival mode reward when completing the mission. Note that even though Nightmare Mode and Void Fissure enemies are usually higher level, the Survival mode rewards will be based on the mission's original enemy levels.

During Arbitration survival, normal Survival mode rewards are replaced by Arbitration rewards. In addition, life support capsules grant 25% less life support (multiplicative) in Arbitration Survival missions.

Treasure rooms on Deimos and in the Void are inaccessible. However, on the former unique Derelict Vaults exist, and accessing them will spawn Corrupted enemies.

Kuva Survival Edit

The Survival mission Taveuni in the Kuva Fortress has the unique distinction "Kuva Survival". Access to this node requires completion of The War Within.

During the mission, the Lotus notifies players that the Grineer are harvesting  Kuva which can be intercepted if players so choose. When a life support capsule is deployed, an Eximus unit will spawn, which will drop a Kuva Catalyst when killed, which resembles a red-colored power cell from Excavation missions. Bringing this Catalyst near any life support capsule will automatically turn it into a Kuva Harvester, and a 1 minute timer will count down. This tower, which has 4,000 health, can be targeted and must be defended while also keeping life support above 1% until the timer is over, after which all players will receive 200 Kuva.

  • Kuva Towers will only reward 10% to the Life Support when complete, instead of the usual 30%. This means players must be either tactical and only turn some capsules into harvesters, or have Warframes that can quickly kill or farm enemies for life support drops.
  • The Eximus unit carrying the Kuva Catalyst can have its corpse looted again with  Hydroid's  Pilfering Swarm,  Khora's  Pilfering Strangledome (if caught in the first place before dying), or  Nekros'  Desecrate, allowing another Catalyst to drop for converting another tower when it spawns.
  • The 200 Kuva per tower is affected by the Resource Booster, which doubles this amount to 400.
  • If the Life Support on the level depletes to 0% before the Kuva harvesting is complete, the tower will vanish along with the Kuva players would have received.

Conjunction Survival Edit

The Survival missions Yuvarium and Circulus on Lua have the unique distinction "Conjunction Survival". Access to these nodes requires completion of The War Within.

In this Survival type, a Lone Guardian, a colorless Void Dax will appear, wandering between Life Support Capsules while projecting a 20m radius field that increases Ability Strength by 100% and Casting Speed by 50%. The buff lasts for 5 seconds and begins to count down upon leaving the field. The Lone Guardian will not engage in combat and cannot be attacked.

Once every 5 minutes when a reward rotation completes, Thrax Centurion and Thrax Legatus (Hollow variants on Yuvarium, Eclipse Centurion and Lua Legatus on Circulus and The Steel Path nodes) will spawn, whose presence will cause Life Support to drain 50% faster. The Eclipse and Lua variants will enter a spectral form when they die, and can only be finished off using the Operator's Void Beam. 2 Thrax spawn, increasing by 1 per additional squad member.

If the player owns a Necramech, the Necramech Summon can be used in these missions. However, it possesses a duration of 2 minutes and has a 10 minute cooldown (7 minutes and 30 seconds with Tactical Intrinsic Rank 8) from when the gear item was first used.

Hell-Scrub Edit

The missions Mischta Ramparts and Old Konderuk in Höllvania have the unique distinction "Hell-Scrub". Access to these nodes requires completion of The Hex quest.

Life Support Capsules are replaced by Hell-Scrubbers, which get overgrown by blue Techrot spores that form every 15 seconds up to a total of 4. As long as the Hell-Scrubber has at least one spore on it, it cannot be used and needs to be cleansed by destroying all the spores. Once the fourth spore forms, the player will receive a warning transmission to destroy a spore in 15 seconds, otherwise the Hell-Scrubber becomes a Eximus Techrot Babau that drops 3 life support modules when killed. Only one Hell-Scrubber can be infected at a time. Once a Hell-Scrubber has been cleansed or fully contaminated, after 30 seconds another random Hell-Scrubber will start becoming overgrown.

Life Support Modules in this mission are referred to as SporeX and the Life Support meter is renamed to Survivability.

Like the Undercroft Survival, Hell-Scrub missions does not require hacking terminals to start, with the timer starting immediately upon arriving the mission.

Locations Edit

Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Venus V Prime Corpus 1,200 0 Survival1 3 - 8 Corpus Ship
Mercury Apollodorus Infested 1,500 0 Survival1 6 - 11 Grineer Galleon
Venus Malva (Dark Sector) Infested 1,700 10,000 DSSurvival1 8 - 18 Corpus Ship
Phobos Stickney Corpus 1,900 0 Survival1 10 - 15 Corpus Ship
Mars Wahiba (Dark Sector) Infested 1,900 14,000 DSSurvival2 10 - 20 Corpus Ship
Ceres Draco Grineer 2,100 0 Survival2 12 - 17 Grineer Asteroid
Jupiter Elara Corpus 2,400 0 Survival2 15 - 20 Corpus Gas City
Ceres Gabii (Dark Sector) Infested 2,400 20,000 DSSurvival1 15 - 25 Grineer Galleon
Phobos Zeugma (Dark Sector) Infested 2,400 16,000 DSSurvival2 15 - 25 Grineer Asteroid
Void Ani Corrupted 2,900 0 VoidSurvival2 20 - 25 Orokin Tower
Jupiter Cameria (Dark Sector) Infested 2,900 14,000 DSSurvival2 20 - 30 Corpus Gas City
Saturn Titan Grineer 3,000 0 Survival2 21 - 26 Grineer Galleon
Venus Proxima Luckless Expanse Corpus 3,100 41,250 VenusProximaSurvival 22 - 25 Free Space
Uranus Ophelia Grineer 3,300 0 Survival3 24 - 29 Grineer Sealab
Europa Archaeo-freighter Corpus 3,400 0 25 - 30 Corpus Ice Planet
Lua Tycho Corpus 3,400 0 Survival3 25 - 30 Orokin Moon
Lua Yuvarium Corrupted 3,400 0 ConjunctionSurvival1 25 - 30 Orokin Moon
Deimos Terrorem Infested 3,400 0 DerelictSurvival 25 - 35 Orokin Derelict
Uranus Assur (Dark Sector) Infested 3,400 16,000 DSSurvival3 25 - 35 Grineer Galleon
Saturn Piscinas (Dark Sector) Infested 3,500 14,000 DSSurvival2 26 - 36 Grineer Asteroid
Neptune Proxima Enkidu Ice Drifts Corpus 3,800 62,500 NeptuneProximaSurvival 29 - 32 Free Space
Sedna Selkie Grineer 3,900 0 Survival3 30 - 40 Grineer Asteroid
Eris Nimus Infested 3,900 0 Survival3 30 - 40 Infested Ship
Neptune Kelashin (Dark Sector) Infested 3,900 18,000 DSSurvival3 30 - 40 Infested Ship
Pluto Palus Corpus 3,900 0 Survival3 30 - 40 Corpus Ship
Kuva Fortress Taveuni Grineer 4,100 0 KuvaSurvival3 32 - 37 Grineer Asteroid Fortress
Sedna Amarna (Dark Sector) Infested 4,400 16,000 DSSurvival3 35 - 45 Grineer Galleon
Eris Zabala (Dark Sector) Infested 4,400 18,000 DSSurvival4 35 - 45 Infested Ship
Pluto Proxima Fenton's Field Corpus 4,900 100,000 PlutoProximaSurvival 40 - 43 Free Space
Void Mot Corrupted 4,900 0 VoidSurvival4 40 - 45 Orokin Tower
Veil Proxima Lu-yan Corpus 6,400 150,000 VeilProximaSurvival 55 - 59 Free Space
Deimos Persto The Murmur 6,400 0 EntratiSurvival 55 - 60 Albrecht's Laboratories
Lua Circulus Corrupted 8,900 0 ConjunctionSurvival2 80 - 100 Orokin Moon
There are a total of 33 Survival Missions

Enemies Edit

This is a list of possible enemies and their respective "wave" they will start to appear. Note that this is based on the lowest level of each faction, at higher level survival missions enemies may come out sooner but usually in the same order.

Grineer Survival Edit

Corpus Survival Edit

Infested Survival Edit

“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
This page is actively being worked on and may not be completely correct. Please assist in making this page accurate. See WARFRAME Wiki:Research on ways to perform research on this game. Click here to add more info.
Missing spawns
  • Charger, Leaper - 0+ minutes
  • ?? - 5+ minutes
  • ?? - 9+ minutes
  • ?? - 10+ minutes
  • ?? - 15+ minutes
  • ?? - 19+ minutes

Orokin Survival Edit

Eximus Spawn Edit

As players advance through the survival, the amount of Eximus spawns will steadily increase from 0% at 5 minutes, to 20% at 60 minutes.

Rewards Edit

Besides the bonus amounts of resources, affinity, and mods from the increase in enemies compared to normal missions, certain rewards can be awarded at the end of the mission if the mission is a success. Mission rewards will vary depending on the level of the mission's enemies (the starting level; this tier does not scale during a mission as higher level enemies spawn) and also depends on the amount of time spent.

  • Enemy level tier (on average):
    • Tier 1: Level 1 - 10
    • Tier 2: Level 10 - 20
    • Tier 3: Level ≥ 20
    • Note: While most missions obey these enemy level tiers, there are a few exceptions, such as Hymeno and Cambria. Refer to the table above for a more accurate list of mission enemy level tiers.
  • Time spent Drop Rotation (rewards cycles every 20 minutes: A->A->B->C):
    • Rotation A: 5, 10 minutes; 25, 30 minutes; etc.
    • Rotation B: 15 minutes; 35 minutes; etc.
    • Rotation C: 20 minutes; 40 minutes; etc.
  • Conjunction Survival guarantees  Lua Thrax Plasm per rotation, in addition to the normal rewards:
    • Yuvarium: 3  Lua Thrax Plasm
    • Circulus: 5  Lua Thrax Plasm
    • The Steel Path Yuvarium: 5  Lua Thrax Plasm
    • The Steel Path Circulus: 6  Lua Thrax Plasm
    • Thrax enemies also have a 30% chance to drop Lua Thrax Plasm.
This section is transcluded from Survival/Rewards. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

x2000 Credit Cache 50%  Hornet Strike 7.69%  Lith A7 11.06%
 Endo x100 50%  Incendiary Coat 7.69%  Lith G13 11.06%
 Intensify 7.69%  Lith L5 11.06%
 Parry 7.69%  Lith N16 11.06%
 Serration 7.69%  Lith Q1 11.06%
 Steel Fiber 7.69%  Lith S16 11.06%
 Lith A7 7.69%  Lith W4 11.06%
 Lith G13 7.69%  Arrow Mutation 3.76%
 Lith L5 7.69%  Cleanse Grineer 3.76%
 Lith N16 7.69%  Pistol Ammo Mutation 3.76%
 Lith Q1 7.69%  Rifle Ammo Mutation 3.76%
 Lith S16 7.69%  Shotgun Ammo Mutation 3.76%
 Lith W4 7.69%  Sniper Ammo Mutation 3.76%

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on

Dark Sector Survival Edit

Survival missions that take place in Dark Sectors always involve the Infested. These Survival missions have a higher level range (and thus, higher difficulty) than the planet they're found on, but give out larger quantities of experience, including the experience bonuses inherent in Dark Sectors. There are currently 10 Dark Sector Survival Missions, one each for every planet except Mercury, Earth, Europa and Pluto.

Planet Mission Name Type Faction Level Mastery EXP
Venus V Prime Survival Corpus 3 - 8 18
Mercury Apollodorus Survival Infested 6 - 11 0
Venus Malva Survival (Dark Sector) Infested 8 - 18 0
Phobos Stickney Survival Corpus 10 - 15 157
Mars Wahiba Survival (Dark Sector) Infested 10 - 20 0
Ceres Draco Survival Grineer 12 - 17 163
Jupiter Elara Survival Corpus 15 - 20 51
Ceres Gabii Survival (Dark Sector) Infested 15 - 25 0
Phobos Zeugma Survival (Dark Sector) Infested 15 - 25 0
Void Ani Survival Corrupted 20 - 25 0
Jupiter Cameria Survival (Dark Sector) Infested 20 - 30 0
Saturn Titan Survival Grineer 21 - 26 55
Venus Proxima Luckless Expanse Survival Corpus 22 - 25 0
Uranus Ophelia Survival Grineer 24 - 29 69
Europa Archaeo-freighter Survival Corpus 25 - 30 0
Lua Tycho Survival Corpus 25 - 30 0
Lua Yuvarium Survival Corrupted 25 - 30 0
Deimos Terrorem Survival Infested 25 - 35 0
Uranus Assur Survival (Dark Sector) Infested 25 - 35 0
Saturn Piscinas Survival (Dark Sector) Infested 26 - 36 0
Neptune Proxima Enkidu Ice Drifts Survival Corpus 29 - 32 0
Sedna Selkie Survival Grineer 30 - 40 177
Eris Nimus Survival Infested 30 - 40 279
Neptune Kelashin Survival (Dark Sector) Infested 30 - 40 0
Pluto Palus Survival Corpus 30 - 40 51
Kuva Fortress Taveuni Survival Grineer 32 - 37 0
Sedna Amarna Survival (Dark Sector) Infested 35 - 45 0
Eris Zabala Survival (Dark Sector) Infested 35 - 45 0
Pluto Proxima Fenton's Field Survival Corpus 40 - 43 0
Void Mot Survival Corrupted 40 - 45 0
Veil Proxima Lu-yan Survival Corpus 55 - 59 0
Deimos Persto Survival The Murmur 55 - 60 0
Lua Circulus Survival Corrupted 80 - 100 0

Notes Edit

  • Each Life Support Capsule tends to be placed in each section of a map roughly around every 2 minutes and 30 seconds (150 seconds) before another capsule is dropped off by the Lotus. This is after the 5-minute start of the Survival.
    • This delay will slowly increase over time, and there is a cap on extra support capsules 'in queue'.
    • If there are three separate rooms that can accommodate Life Support Capsules, the first room will no longer be dropped off, instead, the latter two rooms are provided in a cycle.
  • If a  Rhino has  Iron Skin active, it will not protect the player from losing shields or health while oxygen is at 0%. It will continue to protect against enemy combat damage as normal. As soon as health reaches 5, Iron Skin will vanish and leave the player vulnerable. Reapplying it will make it vanish instantly.
  • The time it takes to activate life support is around 3 seconds, which is long enough for pursuing enemies to kill you if you are not careful.
  • The maximum amount of capsules that can be on the map is capped at 8. The Lotus will not deliver another one until one has been opened, at which the drop timer starts.
  • Life Support decreases at 1% every 1.5 seconds. That means 100% is enough for 2 minutes and 30 seconds of Life Support.
    • Prior to Update 10.3 (2013-10-09), Lotus would warn you at 20% that you have 60 seconds of life support remaining when you actually had 30 seconds. She also warned that you had 30 seconds remaining at 10%, which was actually 15 seconds.
    • At Update 10.6 (2013-10-30), Lotus will only warn players at 20% of life support, referring to 30 seconds. The warning at 40% was removed. If extraction is ready, Lotus will also suggest extraction.
    • Despite claims that sprinting hastens the rate that Life Support decreases, DE has confirmed that there is no correlation.
  • The Excavation mission type is slated to replace Survival missions taking place on planetside tiles, which include the Grineer Forest, Grineer Settlement, Grineer Shipyard, Corpus Outpost, and Corpus Ice Planet tiles.
  • The "objective has been reached" flag is set at the 3:30 mark preventing new players from joining the session too close to the 5-minute reward mark.
  • If the player sits idle and does not start the mission timer, it will eventually start itself after 5 minutes
  • Many non-standard variants of Survival remove standard reward rotations and task the squad with surviving for a set time rather than for as long as they can. Non-endless extraction rules (timer starts with at least half the squad at extraction and all players extract simultaneously) apply to these variants.
  • In the Kuva Fortress one Life Support Capsule spawn is located right next to a Shrapnel Mine. If the mine is activated and not destroyed in time while the capsule is converted into a Siphon, it will be destroyed through the damage over time effect left on the ground near the mine.

Tips Edit

  • In a squad, stick with the group at all times and avoid spreading out too much, preferably hanging around the Life Support Capsules, to ensure enemies are heavily clustered and minimize stragglers.
    • Enemies spawn at points where players can't see, and in rooms next to where players are. Larger tiles will have more spawning points than smaller tiles. Splitting up will disable the nearest spawning points and cause the enemies to spawn in spread out locations.
    • A player that trips the Inactivity Penalty will cause all enemies to swarm that player.
  • It is helpful to bring a Companion with  Vacuum/ Fetch to quickly gather Life Support Modules. However, the Companion may also pick up Life Support Modules too early, especially early on in the mission or if players get a lot of kills at close range.
  • If a Life Support Capsule is activated when Life Support is at 0% but before oxygen drains, the squad will receive 2% life support to consume the capsule.
  • Life Support Capsules that are about to spawn in have a light-blue waypoint and appearance.
  • Once a Life Support Capsule has been activated, the second capsule in the same location will have shorter activation time. Further capsules do not continue to shorten the activation time.
  • To maximize the use of Life Support Capsules, only activate them when Life Support is at least 40% or below. This will leave room for Life Support Pickups and also for player mistakes such as activating 2 Life Supports at the same time (40+30+30=100%).
  • When doing Hell-Scrub, especially solo, the task of removing the Techrot spores from a Hell Scrubber is more efficiently done with a melee weapon, especially one with a very wide swing arc to hit more spores at once. To that end, a melee-focused Warframe with an Exalted Weapon might be most helpful.
    •  Excalibur's  Exalted Blade has the capability of hitting multiple Techrot spores at once, allowing one to clean a Hell Scrubber quickly.
    • Heavy ground slams also works in clearing the spores at once.
    • Note that Techrot spores can interrupt players when activating a Hell-Scrubber, requiring them to clear them off and activate them again.

Trivia Edit

  • This game mode was introduced early via the Survival Weekend Event.
  • Survival replaced Raid missions in Update 10.0 (2013-09-13).
  • Update 10.3 (2013-10-09) changed several mechanics regarding level generation and reward tables;
    • The level was completely unlocked before activating the alarm, allowing players to sprint through the entire map to collect materials without running into enemies. This has since been fixed and the starting area's doors will all be locked until activated by the alarm.
    • Survival rewards were dependent on faction type and the time spent. The update changed it so rewards are now dependent on the enemy level and the time spent. It also changed rewards so they stacked; players now take all rewards earned up to the point they leave, instead of the last reward.
  • Before Update 10.3 (2013-10-09), you could fail the alarm cipher and it would still go off. Doing so will count towards failed ciphers in player stats.
  • Before Update 10.3 (2013-10-09), repeated life capsules would tend to take longer to activate, and kept increasing if the players wished to stay in that location for longer periods of time.
  • On Update 10.6 (2013-10-30) (Halloween), Life Support Capsules and Drops were changed into Jack-o'-Lanterns.
  • Survival officially replaced Raid in Update 10.0 (2013-09-13). All Raid Void Keys were converted to Survival Void Keys, and T3 Survival keys were introduced.
  • This mission type is essentially Raid viewed from a different perspective. Players must distract enemies while an unseen and unnamed Tenno secures Raid-like objectives elsewhere on the map. The mission rewards similar to the old Raid mission rewards, and will also appear at the beginning of the squad's reward display.
  • Players that die can also drop Life Support.
  • During TennoCon 2019, [DE]Scott suggested the "lone Tenno operative" was another Tenno player in other missions.

Bugs Edit

  • If a player has reactivated the alarm after running out of oxygen, the player will still have 5 Health and 0 Shields, but new oxygen pickups can appear and the Lotus will continue to spawn Life Support capsules, even though they cannot be picked up or used.
  • If a host migration is made and a player died and self-revived, there is a chance that the player will lose everything from before the migration took place.
  • When there is more than 1 capsule in queue, with another ready to be placed in the queue, activating the capsule in a room which can occupy 2 capsules, a capsule will be delivered nearby in the same room 'instantly' without Lotus notifying you.

Media Edit

References Edit

Patch History Edit

Hotfix 38.0.8 (2025-02-06)

  • Updated the SFX of the propeller on the Hell-Scrub towers.

Hotfix 38.0.4 (2024-12-17)

  • Removed Höllars Cache as a reward from all of the Hell-Scrub mission rotations based on player feedback.
    • In light of this, we’ve redistributed the drop chances to the Endo and Neo/Meso Relics. For the new drop chance percentages, visit the official Warframe Drop Tables.

Hotfix 38.0.1 (2024-12-14)

  • Fixed several script errors in Hell-Scrub missions.
  • Fixed a fully built Reconifex Receiver appearing in Hell-Scrub: Scaldra drop tables instead of the Blueprint as intended.
  • Fixed rare case where Quincy would stop following players in Hell-Scrub Bounties.

Update 38.0 (2024-12-13)

Hell-Scrub: Scaldra/Techrot (Endless)

Höllvania is being overrun by Techrot and Scaldra, and it’s time to break out the Hell-Scrubbers.

How To Access

Interact with the Pom-2 PC in the Orbiter or the Höllvania Garage and select the “NavNow” button to bring up the map.

There are two Hell-Scrub mission nodes, one for each enemy faction in Höllvania:

  • Select Old Konderuk for Techrot
  • Select Mischta Ramparts for Scaldra

How To Play

Hell-Scrub is a form of Survival mission, with a twist. Keep survivability high — if it runs out the mission is over and it’s time to high-tail it outta there. Pick up SporeX Charges dropped by enemies and found in crates to gain 5% survivability, or activate a Hell-Scrubber for 30%!

Due to the high levels of contamination, spores can build up on the Hell-Scrubbers. If a tower is at risk, it’ll appear red in your HUD, with a progress bar indicating its contamination level. Let it get to 100% and you’ve got bigger problems on your hands — literally, a big fearsome Techrot Babau will spawn in its place. If you manage to kill a Babau it will provide a moderate amount of survivability, but not as much as a Hell-Scrubber if you had just managed to keep it clean.


While cleaning up the area with Hell-Scrubbers, you’re bound to find something to make it worth your while. Since this is an endless mission mode, rewards follow a AABCAABC rotation, with a chance of the following:

  • Höllars
  • Endo
  • Meso Relics
  • Neo Relics
  • Reconifex Components (built & blueprints)
  • Vesper 77 Component Blueprints

Techrot Babaus also drop the following:

  • (New) Magnetized Cycle Mod
  • (New) Magnetic Strafe Mod
  • (New) Magnetic Core Mod
  • Endo

For a full list of drop rates, visit the official Warframe drop tables.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

  • Fixed case where Survival mission would not start properly if the starting transmission was interrupted by opening the pause menu.
  • Fixed the Lone Guardian being affected by Volt’s Speed in Conjunction Survival missions.

Hotfix 35.0.7 (2024-01-09)

  • Fixed individual Focus School Eidolon Lens Blueprints being rewarded in Rotation C of the Survival, Persto mission instead of the intended Eidolon Lens Blueprint.
    • Each individual Lens Blueprint had a drop rate of 10% for each type, so we have adjusted the drop tables to compensate for this change by increasing the drop rate for the Eidolon Lens Blueprint and the Mandonel Barrel and Receiver. More details in the public drop tables.

Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)


Completing the Whispers in the Walls Quest unveils five new nodes on Deimos to continue your excursions throughout Albrecht’s Laboratories. One of these new nodes feature a brand new mission type called Alchemy and four feature existing mission types (Assassination, Mirror Defense, Survival, and Exterminate) with an Entrati twist. All of these nodes are also available on The Steel Path!


The Murmur is not backing down, so it’s time to whittle down their numbers.

How To Access:
Select the Persto node (default and Steel Path) on Deimos from the Star Chart or from the Laboratory Navigation in the Sanctum Anatomica.

How To Play:
Your classic Survival mission! Head into Albrecht’s Laboratories and see how long you can hold out against the Murmur and the Rogue Necramechs waiting within.

Notable rewards for completing a round of Survival include:

  • Mandonel Components

Update 33.5 (2023-06-21)

  • Fixed the Lone Guardian in Conjunction Survival missions not being activated by the player if they are in a Necramech.

Hotfix 32.3.6 (2023-03-15)

  • Fixed players not extracting along with their other squadmates after Life Support reaches 0% in Survival missions.
    • This fix maintains the change that was made to Survival mission extraction in Hotfix 32.2.9.

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • Changed some mission types to display information related to your mission success in the end of mission screen. This change applies to the following mission types:
    • Survival
      • Previously a small icon would display the amount of time survived for these missions. This icon wasn’t always clear in terms of what it indicated, and it appeared in rewards despite not being one. Adding this information to the top of the end of mission screen should make this more clear.
  • Fixed a Life Support Tower floating in the Yuvarium Conjunction Survival mission.
  • Fixed a map hole by a pillar in the Tycho, Lua Survival node.
  • Fixed several map holes found in Conjunction Survival missions on Lua.
  • Fixed Necramech getting stuck on terrain if spawned against a specific wall in Conjunction Survival missions.
  • Fixed Lone Guardian in Conjunction Survival nodes getting stuck on terrain while walking to Life Support Tower.
  • Fixed enemies getting stuck under a staircase in the Tycho, Lua Survival node.
  • Fixed Clients not receiving Relic reward in a Void Storm Survival mission if they play through the entire wave (5 minutes) as Operator.

Hotfix 32.2.9 (2023-01-11)

  • Changed extraction in Survival missions so that when Life Support is depleted and a player is at extraction a 1 minute countdown begins to extract all active players in the mission.
    • This is to prevent players getting left behind in an undesirable mission state after the Host leaves the mission and migrates.

Hotfix 32.2.6 (2022-12-14)

  • Fixed the “Thrax enemies draining life support” message getting stuck on the screen even after they’ve been defeated in Conjunction Survival missions.

Hotfix 32.2.5 (2022-12-14)

Conjunction Survival Changes & Fixes:
  • Fixed Lua Thrax and Sentient enemies not scaling in Conjunction Survival missions.
  • Fixed transmission issues in Conjunction Survival missions.

Hotfix 32.2.4 (2022-12-07)

Conjunction Survival Changes & Fixes:
  • Fixed the Hollow Thrax Centurions not properly spawning in the Circulus (base + Steel Path) and Steel Path Yuvarium nodes.
  • Fixed a case where Lua Thrax Plasm drops were not dropping at 100% with a Resource Booster active on the Steel Path Conjunction Survival nodes.
  • Fixed Host hearing the sound FX when Clients enter the Lone Guardian’s buff area.
  • Fixed being unable to chat link Lua Thrax Plasm.
  • Fixed script error in Conjunction Survival missions.

Hotfix 32.2.3 (2022-12-01)

Conjunction Survival Fix:
  • Fixed the Necramech cooldown timer in Conjunction Survival being shorter than intended if destroyed by enemies instead of timing out.

Hotfix 32.2.2 (2022-12-01)

Conjunction Survival Changes & Fixes:
  • Fixed Steel Path Conjunction Survival Nodes (Yuvarium & Circulus) not rewarding the bonus Lua Thrax Plasm as intended (compared to their non-Steel Path numbers). Rotation Rewards for these Steel Path are back to what they were intended to be:
    • 5 Lua Thrax Plasm on Steel Path Yuvarium
    • 6 Lua Thrax Plasm on Steel Path Circulus
  • Fixed Clients not seeing the glow in the wolf busts eyes when a certain Warframe is near them in the new Circulus tile.
  • Fixed Lua Thrax enemies spawning in the Endurance Drift test and getting stuck in the room.
    • They will now no longer spawn in these areas.
  • Fixed Clients hearing the sound FX when the Host crosses into the Lone Guardian’s buff radius.
  • Fixes towards Lua Thrax enemies not spawning if they can’t find a valid spot within 10m of a player.

Hotfix 32.2.1 (2022-11-30)

Conjunction Survival Changes & Fixes:
  • Removed a tile from the Orokin Moon tileset as it was not playing nice with color blind options and the black and white filter from the Lone Guardian (panels not lighting up for example).
  • Fixed Nekros’ Lua Thrax Shadows of the Dead applying their Life Support drain in Conjunction Survival missions.
    • Also fixed the enemy waypoint still appearing above their heads.
  • Fixed Lua Thrax enemies losing their waypoint if they get ragdolled.
  • Fixed the Lua Thrax enemies’ spawn sound FX stacking.
  • Fixed the Lone Guardian in Conjunction Survivals getting stuck in certain areas of the Orokin Moon (Lua) tileset.
  • Fixes cases where enemies could fall through and die when crossing a certain bridge in the Conjunction Survival missions.

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)


Lua rumbles. The Void exposes old scars and revives forgotten secrets. Smelling possible treasure, the Grineer have descended upon these newly exposed halls, only to be instantly Corrupted by its long-dormant Orokin Neural Sentry.

Conjunction Survival Requirement: The War Within Quest complete.
Optional But Recommended: Equip Necramech Summon to Gear Wheel.

What to Expect:
Lua has expanded with the newest inclusion of the Yuvarium (enemy level 25-30) and Circulus (enemy level 80-100) nodes featuring a new Survival mission variant called Conjunction Survival.

The fundamentals of a Conjunction Survival mission are the same as other Survival missions: maintain Life Support by triggering Life Support Towers and procuring Life Support Capsules dropped by slain enemies. However, additional gameplay mechanics add a new layer of difficulty and variety, fit only for the ancient halls of Lua stirred by the Void.

Upon triggering the alarms, a Lone Guardian begins to make their way to the Life Support Towers throughout Lua. They are at the center of an area null of all colors that follows their every move. Entering the area grants players 100% Ability Strength and a 50% Casting Speed buff for 5 seconds (as long as you remain in the bubble, the duration refreshes).

A new tile within both Yuvarium and Circulus can be found for Tenno that seek it out. Those who have heard the tale of Voruna from her Leverian may feel a familiar presence here.

Rotation Rewards

  • New Resource: Lua Thrax Plasm (see below for more info)
  • Voruna Blueprints
  • Sarofang Blueprint, Blade, and Handle
  • Perigale Blueprint, Barrel, Receiver, and Stock
  • New Arcanes: *Stats shown at Rank 5.
    • Arcane Rise (Warframe) - On Reload: 60% chance for +150% Damage to Primary Weapons for 24s.
    • Arcane Blessing (Warframe) - On Health Pickup: +24 Health. Stacks up to 50x.
    • Primary Frostbite (Primary) - On Cold Status Effect: Increase +3% Critical Damage and +2.25% Multishot for 12s. Stacks up to 40x.
    • Conjunction Voltage (Secondary) - On Electricity Status Effect: Increase +1.5% Reload Speed and +3% Multishot for 12s. Stacks up to 40x.

Visit the official public drop tables for more information.

New Thrax Variants

These enemies spawn in these nodes and increase the depletion of Life Support by 50% of the regular rate while they are alive. Defeat all Thrax threats to remove this added pressure on Life Support! Two Thrax enemies spawn by default, but they are also affected by the number of players in the squad (+1 spawn for each squadmate).

Hollow Thrax Centurion: Armed with a Hespar, these lesser Thrax manifestations are unable to take incorporeal form, but remain deadly opponents.

Hollow Thrax Legatus: Armed with an Aeolak, these lesser Thrax manifestations are unable to take incorporeal form, but remain deadly opponents.

Lua Thrax Legatus: Armed with an Aeolak, the origin of these ghostly interlopers is a mystery, but the Void Conjunction is surely at its root. The Lua Thrax Legatus spawns on the base Circulus and Steel Path Yuvarium nodes for an added layer of difficulty.

This is where your Necramech comes in handy! Summon your Necramech to remove the Thrax threat, or continue to take them head-on. In Conjunction Survival, Necramechs have a 2 minute lifespan while active and a 10 minute cooldown on redeployment. Use at your own discretion!

'Corrupted Drahk Masters and their bloodthirsty Corrupted Drahks are also on the hunt in these nodes.

New Resource: Lua Thrax Plasm

A unique variant of Thrax Plasm harvested during Void Conjunctions on Lua (guaranteed Lua Thrax Plasm rotation reward on both Yuvarium and Circulus nodes) and 30% chance for 1x to drop from new Thrax variants.

Rotation Rewards are as follows:
3 Lua Thrax Plasm on Yuvarium
5 Lua Thrax Plasm on Circulus
5 Lua Thrax Plasm on Steel Path Yuvarium
6 Lua Thrax Plasm on Steel Path Circulus

This resource is used to craft Voruna’s components, and her Sarofang and Perigale signature Weapons.

Lua Thrax Plasm can also be traded at Archimedean Yonta in the Chrysalith for the rotation rewards listed above (Voruna Blueprints, Sarofang Blueprint, Perigale Blueprint, and New Arcanes).

Hotfix 30.9.5 (2021-11-18)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a Finisher was performed during a Survival mission.

Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)

  • Harrow Neuroptic Blueprints can now be obtained as a Rotation C reward from Taveuni on the Kuva Fortress.
  • Harrow Systems Blueprints added as a Rotation C reward from Taveuni on the Kuva Fortress.
    • In response to community feedback on farming for Harrow, we revisited the process for obtaining his components. We are making it easier to obtain Harrow Neuroptic Blueprints, and Harrow Systems Blueprints, from the locations outlined above.

Update 30.2 (2021-05-12)

  • Fixed a harmless script error that could occur when disconnecting from a Survival mission.

Hotfix 29.6.4 (2021-01-06)

  • Fixed Survival Life Support Towers not spawning after 34 minutes.

Hotfix 29.2.2 (2020-10-06)

  • More fixes towards a crash that could occur in a Survival mission when choosing to return to the Orbiter.

Hotfix 29.2.1 (2020-10-01)

  • Fixes towards a crash that could occur in a Survival mission when choosing to return to the Orbiter.

Hotfix 27.3.16 (2020-04-22)

  • Fixed a script error that could occur while playing a Survival mission.

Hotfix 27.3.12 (2020-04-14)

  • Fixed the UI for Clients breaking when playing a Survival mission.
  • Fixed a script error occurring when playing a Survival mission.

Hotfix 27.3.11 (2020-04-09)

  • Fixed errors associated with Survival host migration.

Hotfix 27.3.6 (2020-03-31)

  • Fixed a script error when a Host migration occurred in a Survival mission.

Hotfix 27.3.5 (2020-03-27)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur in a Survival mission.

Hotfix 27.3.3 (2020-03-25)

  • Fixed a script error that resulted in a crash if a Host migration occurred when you returned to the Orbiter from a Survival mission.

Update 27.3 (2020-03-24)

  • Fixed a script error when a Life Support spawns in a Survival mission.
  • Fixed a script error when disabling the Alarms in a Survival mission.

Hotfix 27.2.2 (2020-03-06)

  • Fixed an issue with Survival Missions causing issues past the 10 minute mark when players Join-in-progress.

Hotfix 27.2.1 (2020-03-05)

  • Fixed a script error when activating a Survival Life Support Capsule.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • Heavily optimized Survival missions. Replaced the old script used in Survival missions with a new one that can perform up to 90% faster!
  • Removed Security Cameras and Turrets in Corpus Ship survival missions.
    • During an optimization pass we realized these environment hazards in Survival missions were extra AI overhead and annoyances when there’s already a lot going on.
  • Made some minor UI tweaks in Survival missions to improve readability.
  • Reduced overall transmission frequency in Survival missions.
  • Updated the Survival tower icon for in-world markers so that it matches the objective UI.
  • Fixed crash when playing Corpus Infested survival missions as Client after the Host crashes.

Update 27.1 (2020-02-04)

  • Made micro-optimizations to a script used in Survival missions.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

  • Derelict Survival Missions no longer have electrified water to prevent enemies from slowing down to jump over it
  • Fixed collision issues with Kuva Extractors in Kuva Survival.

Hotfix 25.3.2 (2019-07-12)

Survival Spawn Change
  • Historically the number of concurrent enemies in Survival was related to where the mission was in the Star Chart; early missions tended to have less enemies and later missions tended to have more and this number did not change even when you stayed in a mission longer to face higher-level enemies. As an experiment we have changed the scaling mechanic so that staying in a low-level mission longer will also increase the enemy count as it increases the enemy level until it hits the same cap it would have for high-level missions.
Other Changes
  • Kuva Cell pickups now take priority over Life Support Tower activation actions to alleviate accidental Life Support activation in Kuva Survival.
  • Fixed Life Support Towers not spawning after a Host migration in Sortie Survival missions.

Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)

  • Non-Endless Survival/Excavation/etc missions (i.e. Alerts, Sorties, Syndicate dailies, etc) now disable individual extraction as it leads to unnecessary Host migrations.

Update 24.4 (2019-03-08)

Individual Extraction - Non-Wave Endless!

You are now able to extract from Survival, Excavation, and Defection missions independent of your squad.

  • Once the 'mission complete' interval is met, players can head to extraction any time they choose (i.e 5 minutes for Survival).
  • Any player at extraction triggers a countdown timer.
  • If all players leave the extraction zone, the countdown timer is cancelled.
  • When the timer is up, the extraction ship arrives and any players in the extraction zone leave.
  • Anyone still playing can extract later any time they choose.

Update 22.17 (2018-03-28)

  • Survival Life Support Towers no longer have interval spawn scaling (90 seconds + 1 second per pillar), instead they will just spawn every 90 seconds.
“Ah, have you come to make a donation to my newest 'enterprise'...?”
Patch history is needed. Click here for instructions.

Update 17.2.4 (2015-08-26)

Survival Changes:

Spawning fixes and tileset tweaks over the past year greatly improved flow by reducing enemy travel time to players, upped the intensity of attackers and grouped enemies together into more tightly packed squads, and increased availability of points during spawn selection. While we're happy with these changes to enemies, one side effect is that survival difficulty drifted over the past few months to where it is now; plentiful large canisters and no reason to use them, even when not trying to stockpile them. We'd like to bring back the original frantic gameplay style of Survival, dashing from room to room while facing hordes of enemies against the clock. We've tried this solo, in small teams and in full squads, everything from Apollodorus to T4 Survival, and as far as we can tell the changes feel awesome. Upcoming Changes:

  • Each PLS drop is now worth +4 seconds of life support time instead of +6 seconds
  • Small reduction to PLS drop rate (around 90% of what it was)

We'd love to hear your feedback and will continue to test and tweak if needed.

Update 16.0 (2015-03-19)

  • Life Support Modules now have a chance to spawn from lockers and breakable containers in Survival.
  • Made a small boost to Life Support Module drop rate in Survival when playing in Solo.

Update 15.13 (2015-02-05)

Survival Spawning Update

To simulate waves and grouped up enemies, previously survival enemy spawns cycled on and off for short periods of time. While it was a simple way of adding the desired pacing, we found that it was possible for players to get 'in sync' with killing enemies at certain times which left gaps of time where there were no enemies to kill and no enemies spawning, especially in higher level Missions with four players.

Spawning now fluctuates dynamically with each enemy spawned. Max spawn rate is the same, but it's now the time between individual enemy spawns which changes instead of a blanket 'on' or 'off' state for all enemy spawning. Hopefully you will start to see more consistent spawning in higher level Missions with four players, as well as squads of enemies attacking together. In our tests we found that there wasn't a notable difference in low level Missions.

  • Small life support drop rate was tweaked to compensate for the changes.
  • Although we have playtested extensively, we are always interested in your feedback. Please be sure to let us know how these changes may have affected your gameplay experience in the appropriate subforum: here

Star Chart node changes have been made to balance the available nodes across factions, tilesets and difficulty. The following nodes have received changes:

  • Saturn - Keeler: Changed Survival node to Grineer Asteroid Mobile Defense
  • Saturn- Cassini: Changed to Asteroid tileset (was Galleon)
  • Phobos - Flimnap: New Survival Grineer Asteroid node (was Deception)
  • Europa - Zagan: New Survival Corpus ship (was Exterminate)
  • Neptune - Despina: New Survival Corpus ship (was Defense)
  • Ceres - Nuovo: Changed to Galleon tileset (was Shipyards tileset)

Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

  • Significant improvements to enemy spawning in non-Void Survival missions. Removed a bunch of rules that made spawns too spread out and frustrating.

Hotfix 14.10.3 (2014-10-15)

  • Increased the drop rate on Personal Life Support modules in Corpus and Infested Survival missions so as to match Grineer and Corrupted Survival drop rates.

Update 14.0 (2014-07-18)

  • Removed the locked door to extraction, as it only limits the available spawn locations within the first 5 minutes.
  • Increased the number of small dead end rooms (caps) which can generate in place of red locked doors, providing more spawn locations for enemies.
  • Added some new small cap tiles for Asteroid, Settlement, Outpost and Galleon tilesets.
  • Restructured the Derelict Survival procedural level so it has more small tiles between the main areas. There are still three larger main areas which have life support capsule spawn points.
  • The 'stacking' bug was fixed, capsules don't spawn instantly on activating a capsule if the level is full.
  • The first room's capsule spawns are no longer switched off after one use. Since the first room is reused, each level may now have 2-3 more simultaneous capsules active before it reaches capacity. Originally the level structure was a little different, disabling spawns was intended to keep players closer to extraction after moving on from the first room.
  • Added infested crawlers to survival enemy spec.

Update 13.0 (2014-04-09)

Survival Spawning changes:
  • Cap max total enemies including paused enemies to prevent performance issues and a potential exploit.
  • Ramp up enemy count gradually during the first 20 seconds of the mission so players don't get swamped by enemies at the spawn.

Update 11.1 (2013-11-27)

  • Survival Missions will now allow the replenishing of Life Support if the bar hits 0% while a player is activating a life support capsule.
  • Survival Mission enemy level scaling changes.
  • New Corpus Survival and Defense squads using new U11 enemy types.

Update 10.3 (2013-10-09)

Survival Mission Improvements
  • Items awarded at 5 minute intervals are now shown in the HUD below the Lotus transmissions.
  • Reward items now stack as you play - all rewards are given at the end of the mission.
  • As you play and survive, you will receive items at these times:
    • 5m: Item from the first reward tier
    • 10m: Item from the first reward tier again
    • 15m: Guaranteed Void key (this is considered the second reward tier).
    • 20m, 25m, 30m+: Item from the third reward tier
  • Void mission Prime rewards are awarded at 15 minutes only.
  • Mission rewards are now split into three distinct tiers of enemy level, instead of being based on faction.
  • Expect better rewards based on the enemy tier you are fighting:
    • Tier 1: Level 1-25
    • Tier 2: Level 25-45
    • Tier 3: Level 45+
  • Void mission rewards are tied to the tier of the key.
  • Extraction no longer triggers if only one player enters the extraction area.
  • If the life support bar is still depleting, *all* players must be at extraction to complete the mission.
  • The regular 60 second extraction timer starts if half the team is at extraction *after* the life support bar reaches zero.
  • All doors in the level are now locked until you trigger the alarms.
  • Added an effect to show the exact position of the next incoming support capsule.

Update 11.1 (2013-11-27)

  • Survival Missions will now allow the replenishing of Life Support if the bar hits 0% while a player is activating a life support capsule.
  • Survival Mission enemy level scaling changes.

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Removed co-op doors from survival missions

Update 10.0 (2013-09-13)

Survival Missions Return!

Survival missions are here to stay and can be played by choosing Survival Missions on the Starchart. Our Survival weekend gave the team some early feedback on playability and difficulty, and our new Survival missions are ready for your Warframes! Survival missions will get more challenging the further you travel through the solar system. Expect to face lower level enemies closer to the sun, and higher level enemies as you reach the outer planets. The enemies you face will be prepared to take on the strongest Tenno – the longer you play, the higher the stakes!

  • Survival now takes place in procedurally generated levels, allowing greater mission variety, challenge, and replayability.
  • Weekly leaderboards are now live for all survival missions on the Starchart!
  • All Raid Void Keys have been retroactively replaced with Survival missions.
  • A handful of our new mods can be found by playing Survival missions, good luck!

Update 9.7 (2013-08-30)

Loading editor…

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