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Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 38d3
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 8d69
With 'Auto Omni' and 'Cordon' as default Precepts, this Sentinel is the ideal companion for long voyages aboard a Railjack.

Note: This item requires two open slots.
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 3c47
General Information
Max Rank
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX fed4
Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)
Sell Price
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 6f98
Vendor Sources
With 'Auto Omni' and 'Cordon' as default Precepts, this sentinel is the ideal companion for long voyages aboard a Railjack.

Nautilus is a Railjack support Sentinel pre-equipped with the  Verglas weapon, and precept mods  Auto Omni that auto-repairs Railjack hull breaches and fire hazards and  Cordon that tethers enemies into one spot.


Nautilus' blueprint and components can be found in Points of Interest and Arva Vector Defense from Rotation B+C in Neptune Proxima missions. All parts can be traded between players.

Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
 Systems Neptune Proxima Point of Interest / B 6.06% ~ 16 B Caches 110 ± 36 B Caches
 Systems Neptune Proxima Defense / C 4.26% ~ 23 C Rotations 158 ± 52 C Rotations
 Systems Neptune Proxima Defense / B 4.65% ~ 21 B Rotations 145 ± 48 B Rotations
 Carapace Neptune Proxima Point of Interest / B 6.06% ~ 16 B Caches 110 ± 36 B Caches
 Carapace Neptune Proxima Defense / C 4.26% ~ 23 C Rotations 158 ± 52 C Rotations
 Carapace Neptune Proxima Defense / B 4.65% ~ 21 B Rotations 145 ± 48 B Rotations
 Cerebrum Neptune Proxima Point of Interest / B 6.06% ~ 16 B Caches 110 ± 36 B Caches
 Cerebrum Neptune Proxima Defense / C 4.26% ~ 23 C Rotations 158 ± 52 C Rotations
 Cerebrum Neptune Proxima Defense / B 4.65% ~ 21 B Rotations 145 ± 48 B Rotations
 Blueprint Neptune Proxima Point of Interest / B 6.06% ~ 16 B Caches 110 ± 36 B Caches
 Blueprint Neptune Proxima Defense / C 4.26% ~ 23 C Rotations 158 ± 52 C Rotations
 Blueprint Neptune Proxima Defense / B 4.65% ~ 21 B Rotations 145 ± 48 B Rotations

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables stored on Module:DropTables/data. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.

Note that acquiring Nautilus requires two open Companion slots: one for Nautilus itself and one for the  Verglas robotic weapon it comes with.

Manufacturing Requirements





Time: 24 hrs
Rush:  30
 Market Price: 75  Blueprints Price: N/A

Exclusive Precept mods[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The secondary missions such as Ice Mine, Cyclops Array, or Freight Linker provide rewards from the "abandoned derelict" drop table (i.e. the Nautilus parts). See "Second Cache" under Neptune Proxima's Caches in Empyrean/Rewards.
    • Note that The secondary mission is not always present.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Nautilus is named after the real-life cephalopod of the same name, known for their distinctive spiral shaped shells. With the sentinel's wings retracted, it vaguely resembles the same shape.