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“I want more... Operator, please hurry! This story is getting quite good!”
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According to the Leverian, The Myrmidon was a "preternatural beast-figure... ...Warframes were what this villain hunted." Upon further reading of Leverian entries, the Ivara Warframe was told to have defeated this creature after witnessing the deaths of her two undescribed Warframe comrades at his hands.

The Myrmidon was told to be a beast/individual who wielded a wrist-worn device of Orokin origin which enabled him to immediately disintegrate Warframes with a mere touch. "The Myrmidon took advantage of the confusion to leap upon the hapless 'frame and press a palm to the warrior's head. In lurid detail Porvis describes a flash of the most scintillating emerald light and Ivara's battle sibling collapsed to hot dust." (quoted from The Leverian).

As the wielder of an unnamed Orokin wrist-device, the Myrmidon is able to disable Warframe powers from a distance with only a gesture of his hand. "Reacting, Ivara whirled and promptly vanished. But, one clutching gesture in her direction and Ivara's powers fled, her cloaking field nullified."