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This is the documentation page for Module:Weapons/Conclave/data
Database for WARFRAME's Conclave weapon stat data.
Google docs on Conclave weapon stats: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q2BcFDKtIz_P5RC1b0cH0JUVP_UEgyDasjQq9Ck4kV0/edit?usp=sharing
- Last updated: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 21:58:42 +0000 (UTC) by User:Cephalon Scientia
Attack Data Schema[edit source]
AttackName = "Normal Attack",
AmmoCost = 0.5,
BurstCount = 1,
Damage = { Impact = 1, Puncture = 1, Slash = 1 },
FireRate = 1.0,
Falloff = { StartRange = 400, EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.2 },
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
ShotSpeed = 80,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto"
Key/Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Explanation/Description | Example(s) |
AttackName |
String | ❌ | Name of attack; defaults to "Normal Attack" | "Normal Attack" or "AoE Explosion"
AmmoCost |
Number (float) | ❌ | Ammo consumed on a single attack input; defaults to 1 | 0.5 or 10
AmmoType |
String | ❌ | Type of ammo pickups that replenishes ammo reserves; "None" for battery weapons and "Energy" for those that use Warframe energy | "Sniper"
BurstCount |
Number (integer) | ❌ | For burst-fire weapons, the number of shots per burst; for attacks that shoot bursts that scale off magazine size (e.g ![]() |
BurstDelay |
Number (float) | ❌ | For burst-fire weapons, the time in seconds between each burst; omit this for attacks that shoot bursts that scale off magazine size as reload time is the delay effectively | 0.04
BurstFireRate |
Number (float) | ❌ | For burst-fire weapons, the fire rate of weapon during burst | 9.09
Damage |
Table (map of floats) | ✔️ | Table of damage types that the weapon deals and their individual damage values. Possible keys: Impact, Puncture, Slash, Cold, Electricity, Heat, Toxin, Blast, Corrosive, Gas, Magnetic, Radiation, Viral, Void, and MinProgenitorBonus (random element for Kuva/Tenet weapons) | { Impact = 100, Puncture = 25, Slash = 30 }
ChargeTime |
Number (float) | ❌ | For charged attacks, the base charge time for a fully charged attack | 0.5
EffectDuration |
Number (float) | ❌ | For special attacks, the time in seconds that a special effect lasts for (e.g. ![]() ![]() |
ExplosionDelay |
Number (float) | ❌ | For AoE attacks, the time in seconds between initial shot and explosion; the same as "Embedded Delay" stat in-game | 0.5
Falloff |
Table (map of floats) | ❌ | Attack's base Damage Falloff stats; includes starting distance in meters when falloff multiplier comes into play, ending distance in meters when falloff multipler is at max reduction, and the maximum damage reduction as a decimal | { StartRange = 0, EndRange = 5, Reduction = 0.5 }
FireRate |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Attack's base Fire Rate or Attack Speed | 6.5
ForcedProcs |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Attack's forced procs, if any | { "Impact", "Slash" }
IsSilent |
Boolean | ❌ | Whether or not an attack has a silent Noise Level; defaults to false | true
Multishot |
Number (integer) | ❌ | Attack's base Multishot value; defaults to 1 | 10
PunchThrough |
Number (float) | ❌ | Attack's base Punch Through value in meters; defaults to 0 | 1.5
Radius |
Number (float) | ❌ | For AoE attacks, the base radius of area of effect in meters | 5
Range |
Number (float) | ❌ | For maximum range of a particular attack in meters | 40
ShotType |
String | ✔️ | Attack's shot type (e.g. "Hit-Scan", "Projectile", "Discharge" for beam/continuous weapons, and "AoE" for area of effects) | Projectile
ShotSpeed |
Number (integer) | ❌ | For projectile attacks, attack's projectile speed | 50
Trigger |
String | ❌ | For weapons with multiple Trigger Types, attack's trigger type | "Semi-Auto"
Gun Entry Schema[edit source]
["Long Gun Weapon Name"] = {
Accuracy = 100,
Attacks = {
AttackName = "Normal",
AmmoCost = 0.5,
BurstCount = 1,
Damage = { Impact = 1, Puncture = 1, Slash = 1 },
FireRate = 1.0,
Falloff = { StartRange = 400, EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.2 },
HeadshotMultiplier = 2,
ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
ShotSpeed = 100,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto"
Introduced = "",
Link = "Page Name",
Magazine = 1,
MaxAmmo = 540,
Reload = 1,
ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
SniperComboMin = 1,
SniperComboReset = 1,
Spool = 5,
Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
Traits = { "Grineer" },
Users = { },
Zoom = { "2.0x", "4.0x" }
Key/Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Explanation/Description | Example(s) |
Accuracy |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Gun's base Accuracy value | 100
Attacks |
Table | ✔️ | Contains attack data for the weapon | See #Attack Data Schema |
Class |
String | ❌ | Weapon class for modding or a subclass of the weapon in its equip slot; in the case of Exalted Weapons, it is just "Exalted Weapon" | "Sniper Rifle"
ExilusPolarity |
String | ❌ | Polarity on Exilus slot | "Madurai"
Family |
String | ❌ | Weapon family that it belongs to, corresponding to the Riven Mod compatibility | "Latron"
HeadshotMultiplier |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Damage multiplier on headshots | 2
Image |
String | ❌ | Image file name of the weapon as uploaded to the wiki | CrpBFG.png
Introduced |
String | ❌ | The game version in which the weapon was first introduced in the global build of WARFRAME | "30.5" or "Specters of the Rail"
Link |
String | ✔️ | Page/article link to the weapon on the wiki | "Conclave:Artemis Bow (Weapon)"
Magazine |
Number (integer) | ✔️ | Gun's base magazine size | 45
Mastery |
Number (integer) | ❌ | Mastery Rank requirement | 5
MaxAmmo |
Number (integer) | ✔️ | Gun's base maximum reserve ammo (this excludes magazine size) | 210
Name |
String | ❌ | Weapon's name | "Primary Vermisplicer Chamber"
Polarities |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Full names of the weapon's non-Universal polarities | { "Naramon", "Madurai" }
Reload |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Gun's base reload time in seconds | 3.5
ReloadDelay |
Number (float) | ❌ | For rechargeable/battery weapons, the time in seconds after firing before magazine 'recharges' or is replenished | 0.5
ReloadRate |
Number (float) | ❌ | For rechargeable/battery weapons, the rate at which magazine 'recharges' or is replenished per second | 40
ReloadStyle |
String | ❌ | Gun's unique reload type for weapons like ![]() ![]() |
"Regenerate" or "ByRound"
Slot |
String | ❌ | The weapon slot that the weapon can be equipped on; in the case of Exalted Weapons, it is just their modding class | "Primary"
SniperComboMin |
Number (integer) | ❌ | For sniper rifles, the minimum number of hits to gain combo bonus | 1
SniperComboReset |
Number (integer) | ❌ | For sniper rifles, the number of seconds after last hit before combo number goes down | 3
Spool |
Number (integer) | ❌ | For auto-spool weapons, number of shots until weapon reaches max fire rate | 5
Trigger |
String | ✔️ | Gun's Trigger Type | "Auto" or "Auto / Burst"
Traits |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Gun's categorical traits | { "Grineer", "Wraith" }
Zoom |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | The levels of zoom that the gun offers | { "2.0x", "4.5x" }
Melee Entry Schema[edit source]
["Melee Weapon Name"] = {
Attacks = {
Damage = { Impact = 1, Puncture = 1, Slash = 1 },
FireRate = 1
FollowThrough = 0.7,
HeavyAttack = 1284,
HeavySlamAttack = 1070,
HeavyRadialDmg = 1070,
HeavySlamRadius = 8,
Introduced = "",
MeleeRange = 3,
SlamAttack = 642,
SlamElement = "Heat",
SlamRadialDmg = 214,
SlamRadialElement = "Heat",
SlamRadialProcs = { "Heat" },
SlamRadius = 7,
SlideAttack = 1,
StancePolarity = "V",
Traits = { "Tenno" },
Key/Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Explanation/Description | Example(s) |
Attacks |
Table | ✔️ | Contains attack data for the weapon | See #Attack Data Schema |
Class |
String | ❌ | Weapon class for modding or a subclass of the weapon in its equip slot; in the case of Exalted Weapons, it is just "Exalted Weapon" | "Nikana"
Family |
String | ❌ | Weapon family that it belongs to, corresponding to the Riven Mod compatibility | "Machete"
FollowThrough |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base follow through multiplier as a decimal | 0.6
HeavyAttack |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base heavy attack damage | 1284
HeavySlamAttack |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base heavy slam direct hit damage | 1070
HeavyRadialDmg |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base heavy slam radial attack damage | 1070
HeavySlamRadius |
Number (integer) | ✔️ | Melee's base heavy slam radius in meters | 8
Image |
String | ❌ | Image file name of the weapon as uploaded to the wiki | CrpBFG.png
Introduced |
String | ❌ | The game version in which the weapon was first introduced in the global build of WARFRAME | "30.5" or "Specters of the Rail"
Link |
String | ✔️ | Page/article link to the weapon on the wiki | "Exalted Blade (Weapon)"
Mastery |
Number (integer) | ❌ | Mastery Rank requirement | 5
MeleeRange |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base attack range in meters | 2
Name |
String | ❌ | Weapon's name | "Galatine Prime"
Polarities |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Full names of the weapon's non-Universal polarities | { "Naramon", "Madurai" }
SlamAttack |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base normal slam direct hit damage | 642
SlamElement |
String | ❌ | Melee's base normal slam direct hit damage type | "Heat"
SlamRadialDmg |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base normal slam radial damage | 214
SlamRadialElement |
String | ❌ | Melee's base normal slam radial attack damage type | "Heat"
SlamRadialProcs |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Melee's base normal slam radial attack forced proc(s) | { "Heat" }
SlamRadius |
Number (integer) | ✔️ | Melee's base normal slam radius in meters | 7
SlideAttack |
Number (float) | ✔️ | Melee's base slide attack damage | 100
SlamElement |
String | ❌ | Melee's base slide attack damage type | "Toxin"
Slot |
String | ❌ | The weapon slot that the weapon can be equipped on; in the case of Exalted Weapons, it is just their modding class | "Melee"
StancePolarity |
String | ❌ | Polarity on Stance slot | "Madurai"
Traits |
Table (array of strings) | ❌ | Gun's categorical traits | { "Grineer", "Wraith" }
For Module Use[edit source]
Key/Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Explanation/Description | Example(s) |
_IgnoreEntry |
Boolean | ❌ | For module use, indicates that this weapon table entry is special and should ignored when parsing table entries | true
_IgnoreInCSV |
Boolean | ❌ | For module use, indicates that this weapon table entry should be ignored when outputting CSV (via Module:Weapons/csv) | true
_TooltipAttackDisplay |
Number | ❌ | For module use, tells what table entry in Attack table to use when processing weapon tooltips and comparing weapon variants in Comparison sections; 1 will be used if no value is assigned |
Horizontal Partitions (and where to update data)[edit source]
- Module:Weapons/Conclave/data/primary - primary guns
- Module:Weapons/Conclave/data/secondary - secondary guns
- Module:Weapons/Conclave/data/melee - melee weapons
Weapon Data[edit source]
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