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Submodule of Module:Tooltips responsible for storing details about the tooltip text and icon. The actual tooltip box format is defined in Module:Tooltips/tip.
Submodule of Module:Tooltips. Not meant to be invoked by itself, see the main module page for usage.
Package items
(table)- Map that contains the basic information about a database in which a tooltip will be using.
- Fields:
/data page link (string)loc
name(s) of subtable in the table returned by /data; nonexistant keys default to parent table (string, table)icon
function that formats icon image link (function)color
function that returns text color (function; optional)
tooltips/icon._find(t, keys)
(function)- Finds the value of a key in a nested table.
- Parameters:
Table to be searched through (table)keys
Array of keys that is in the order in which they are accessed in table; if keys is a string, it will automatically be converted into a table (table, string)
- Returns: Value of key that is the last element in keys argument (any)
(function)- Returns a formatted version of the table as seen in a source module's /data subpage
- Parameter:
Name of source module (e.g. "Warframes") (string) - Returns: Formatted table of source module's /data table (table)
- Created with Docbunto
See Also
--- Submodule of [[Module:Tooltips]] responsible for storing details about the tooltip text and icon.
-- The actual tooltip box format is defined in [[Module:Tooltips/tip]].
-- @module tooltips/icon
-- @alias p
-- @author [[User:Gigamicro|gigamicro]]
-- @attribution
-- @image TooltipPic.PNG
-- @require [[Module:Mods/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Ability/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Warframes/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Weapons/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Void/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Icon/data]]
-- @require [[Module:DamageTypes/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Arcane/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Resources/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Companions/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Focus/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Sigils/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Enemies/data]]
-- @release stable
-- <nowiki>
local p = {}
--- Map that contains the basic information about a database in which a tooltip will be using.
-- @table p.Modules
-- @field {string} source /data page link
-- @field {string, table} loc name(s) of subtable in the table returned by /data; nonexistant keys default to parent table
-- @field {function} icon function that formats icon image link
-- @field[opt] {function} color function that returns text color
p.Modules = {
Ability = {--not plural
source = 'Module:Ability/data',
loc = 'Ability',
icon = function(v, link) return ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon light-invert]]'):format((v or { Icon = 'Panel.png' }).Icon, link) end,
Mods = {
source = 'Module:Mods/data',
loc = { 'Mods', 'Sets', 'DefaultUpgrades' },
icon = function(v, link) return '[[File:Mod TT 20px.png|12px|link='..link..'|class=icon]]' end,
Warframes = {
source = 'Module:Warframes/data',
loc = { 'Warframes', 'Archwings', 'Necramechs' },
icon = function(v, link) return ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon]]'):format(v.Portrait, link) end,
Companions = {
source = 'Module:Companions/data',
loc = 'Companions',
icon = function(v, link) return ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon]]'):format(v.Image, link) end,
Void = {--not plural
source = 'Module:Void/data',
loc = 'RelicData',
icon = function(v)
local relicImageMap = {
Lith = 'LithRelicIntact.png',
Meso = 'MesoRelicIntact.png',
Neo = 'NeoRelicIntact.png',
Axi = 'AxiRelicIntact.png',
Requiem = 'RequiemRelicIntact.png'
return ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon]]'):format(relicImageMap[v.Tier], v.Name)
Weapons = {
source = 'Module:Weapons/data',
loc = '',
icon = function(v, link) return ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon]]'):format(v.Image, link) end,
DamageTypes = {
source = 'Module:DamageTypes/data',
loc = {'Types', 'Health', 'Procs'},
icon = function(v, link) return v.Icon and ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon]]'):format(v.Icon or 'Spacer.png', link) end,
-- TODO: Is it possible in Lua to get MediaWiki's theme settings so we can switch between using v.Color and v.DarkModeColor depending on the theme?
color = function(v) return (function(s) return s ~= '' and s or nil end)(v.DarkModeColor) end,
Arcane = {--not plural
source = 'Module:Arcane/data',
loc = 'Arcanes',
icon = function(v, link) return ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon]]'):format(v.Image, link) end,
Resources = {
source = 'Module:Resources/data',
loc = {'Resources', 'GenericComponents'},
icon = function(v, link) return ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon]]'):format(v.Image, link) end,
Focus = {
source = 'Module:Focus/data',
loc = {'Ways', 'Schools', 'Symbols'},
icon = function(v, link) return ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon dark-invert]]'):format(v.Image, link) end,
Sigils = {
source = 'Module:Sigils/data',
loc = '',
icon = function(v, link) return ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon light-invert]]'):format(v.Image, link or 'Sigils') end,
Blueprints = {--TODO i assume
source = 'Module:Placeholder',
loc = '',
icon = function(v, link) return '' end,
Factions = {
source = 'Module:Factions/data',
loc = 'Factions',
icon = function(v, link) return ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon light-invert]]'):format(v.Image, link) end,
Stats = {
source = 'Module:Icon/data',--note, this is the only non- 'Module:'..k..'/data'
loc = 'Buff',
icon = function(v, link) return ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon %s]]'):format(v.Image, link, v.CssClasses) end,
Enemies = {
source = 'Module:Enemies/data',
loc = '',
icon = function(v, link) return ('[[File:%s|x32px|link=%s|class=icon]]'):format(v.General.Image, link) end,
--- Finds the value of a key in a nested table.
-- @function p._find
-- @param {table} t Table to be searched through
-- @param {table, string} keys Array of keys that is in the order in which they are accessed in table;
-- if keys is a string, it will automatically be converted into a table
-- @return {any} Value of key that is the last element in keys argument
function p._find(t, keys)
local temp
if keys then
keys = (type(keys) ~= 'table') and { keys } or keys
for _, v in ipairs(keys) do temp = t[v] end
return temp or error('p._find(): Failed to find keys in ' .. mw.dumpObject(keys) .. ' in source table ' .. mw.dumpObject(temp))
return t or error('p._find(): Failed to find source table ' .. mw.dumpObject(t))
-- Adding a function to each p.Modules key
for name, module in pairs(p.Modules) do
-- Only loops through the modules
p[name] = function(index,k) -- p.Mods(), etc is only called later
local v--,k
if type(index)=='table' then
v = index
index = k
elseif not module.loaded then
module.loaded = (module.require and require or mw.loadData)(module.source)
-- For each set of location instructions
for _, loc in ipairs(type(module.loc)=='table' and module.loc or {module.loc}) do
if v then break end
-- Find data in that location
local data = module.loaded[loc] or module.loaded
v = data[index]
k = index
if v then break --2x bc another inext() is unnecessary expense
elseif module.require then
for kk, vv in pairs(data) do
if index == kk:gsub(' ?%(.+%)','') then
v = vv
k = kk
return v and {
name, -- Source module
k, -- Key in data table
v['Link'] or (v.General and v.General['Link']), -- Link destination (page location)
name = v['Name'] or (v.General and v.General['Name']) or k or index, -- Item name
icon = module.icon and module.icon(v, v['Link'] or index, k), -- Icon in wikitext
color = module.color and module.color(v, k), -- Hex color
_data = v,
--- Returns a formatted version of the table as seen in a source module's /data subpage
-- @function p.table
-- @param {string} name Name of source module (e.g. "Warframes")
-- @return {table} Formatted table of source module's /data table
function p.table(name)
local icon = p
local modules = icon.Modules
local find = icon._find
local index = {}
local module = modules[name]
for i, loc in ipairs(type(module.loc)=='table' and module.loc or {module.loc}) do
-- Find and iterate through names of objects
for k, v in pairs(find(mw.loadData(module.source), loc)) do
-- Removing parentheses in key name
local formattedKey = k:gsub(' ?%(.+%)', '')
index[formattedKey] = index[formattedKey] or {}
table.insert(index[formattedKey], icon[name](k))
if (not index[k] and formattedKey ~= k) then
index[k] = index[formattedKey]
return index
return p
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