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Codec is a library for (de)compression algorithms implemented in pure Lua. Originally created for World of Warcraft as LibCompress.lua, the library has been ported to be used on MediaWiki-based wikis.
Authors: jjsheets and Galmok of European Stormrage (Horde) Email : sheets.jeff@gmail.com and galmok@gmail.com Licence: GPL version 2 (General Public License) Revision: $Revision: 83 $ Date: $Date: 2018-07-03 14:33:48 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2018) $
For more documentation and original source see https://www.wowace.com/projects/libcompress
Package items
(function)- Compresses a string using LZW algorithm. Unless the uncompressed string starts with "\002", this is guaranteed to return a string equal to or smaller than the passed string. the returned string will only contain "\000" characters in rare circumstances, and will contain none if the source string has none.
- Parameter:
Raw string to be compressed using LZW algorithm (string) - Returns: compressed string if the resultant string is smaller than the original input, otherwise returns the original input since compression does not result in smaller size (string)
(function)- Decompresses a string using LZW algorithm. If the passed string is a compressed string, this will decompress it and return the decompressed string. Otherwise it return an error message Compressed strings are marked by beginning with "\002"
- Parameter:
LZW compressed string to be decompressed (string) - Returns: uncompressed result (string)
(function)- Compresses a string using Huffman coding algorithm. Word size for this huffman algorithm is 8 bits (1 byte). This means the best compression is representing 1 byte with 1 bit, i.e. compress to 0.125 of original size.
- Parameter:
Raw string to be compressed using Huffman coding algorithm (string) - Returns: compressed string if the resultant string is smaller than the original input, otherwise returns the original input since compression does not result in smaller size (string)
(function)- Decompresses a string using Huffman coding algorithm.
- Parameter:
Huffman compressed string to be decompressed (string) - Returns: uncompressed result (string)
(function)- Prepends "\001" to uncompressed string to mark as uncompressed.
- Parameter:
Raw uncompressed string (string) - Returns: Uncompressed string prepended with "\001" (string)
(function)- Returns uncompressed string without prepended codec (e. g. "\001" or "\003").
- Parameter:
Raw uncompressed string (string) - Returns: Uncompressed string without prepended codec (string)
(function)- Generic method that tries all compression codecs (LZW and Huffman) and return the best result.
- Parameter:
Raw uncompressed string (string) - Returns: compressed string if the resultant string is smaller than the original input, otherwise returns the original input since compression does not result in smaller size (string)
(function)- Generic method to decompress either a LZW or Huffman compressed string.
- Parameter:
LZW or Huffman compressed string to be decompressed (string) - Returns: uncompressed result (string)
LibCompress:GetEncodeTable(reservedChar, escapeChars, mapChars)
(function)- Builds an encoding table.
- Parameters:
String of reserved characters with no spaces between each unique character (string)escapeChars
String of escape characters with no spaces between each unique character (string)mapChars
Sting of characters with no spaces between each unique character; used for encoding reserved characters (string)
- Returns: Encoding table (table)
LibCompress:GetAddonEncodeTable(reservedChar, escapeChars, mapChars)
(function)- Addons: Call this only once and reuse the returned table for all encodings/decodings.
- Parameters:
String of reserved characters with no spaces between each unique character (string)escapeChars
String of escape characters with no spaces between each unique character (string)mapChars
Sting of characters with no spaces between each unique character; used for encoding reserved characters (string)
- Returns: Encoding table (table)
LibCompress:GetChatEncodeTable(reservedChar, escapeChars, mapChars)
(function)- Addons: Call this only once and reuse the returned table for all encodings/decodings.
- Parameters:
String of reserved characters with no spaces between each unique character (string)escapeChars
String of escape characters with no spaces between each unique character (string)mapChars
Sting of characters with no spaces between each unique character; used for encoding other characters (string)
- Returns: Encoding table (table)
(function)- Encodes data using values from 0 to 127 inclusive.
- Parameter:
String to be encoded (string) - Returns: Encoded data using 7 bits (string)
(function)- Decodes data that has only values from 0 to 127 inclusive.
- Parameter:
String to be decoded (string) - Returns: Decoded data (string)
(function)- Initializes FCS-16 checksum/hash.
- Returns: Value for an unsigned 16 bit integer that has all bits set (number)
LibCompress:fcs16update(uFcs16, pBuffer)
(function)- Updates FCS-16 checksum/hash.
- Parameters:
FCS-16 checksum/hash (number)pBuffer
Data input (string)
- Returns: Resultant checksum/hash (number)
(function)- Performs the final bitwise XOR operation for FCS-16 checksum/hash.
- Parameter:
FCS-16 checksum/hash (number) - Returns: Resultant checksum/hash (number)
(function)- Creates a FCS-16 checksum/hash based on input data.
- Parameter:
Input data (string) - Returns: Resultant checksum/hash (number)
(function)- Initializes FCS-32 checksum/hash.
- Returns: Value for a signed 32 bit integer that has all bits set (number)
LibCompress:fcs32update(uFcs32, pBuffer)
(function)- Updates FCS-32 checksum/hash.
- Parameters:
FCS-32 checksum/hash (number)pBuffer
Data input (string)
- Returns: Resultant checksum/hash (number)
(function)- Performs the final bitwise NOT operation for FCS-32 checksum/hash.
- Parameter:
FCS-32 checksum/hash (number) - Returns: Resultant checksum/hash (number)
(function)- Creates a FCS-32 checksum/hash based on input data.
- Parameter:
Input data (string) - Returns: Resultant checksum/hash (number)
- Created with Docbunto
See Also
--- '''Codec''' is a library for (de)compression algorithms implemented in pure Lua.
-- Originally created for World of Warcraft as LibCompress.lua,
-- the library has been ported to be used on MediaWiki-based wikis.
-- Authors: jjsheets and Galmok of European Stormrage (Horde)
-- Email : sheets.jeff@gmail.com and galmok@gmail.com
-- Licence: GPL version 2 (General Public License)
-- Revision: $Revision: 83 $
-- Date: $Date: 2018-07-03 14:33:48 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2018) $
-- @module codec
-- @alias LibCompress
-- @author jjsheets (sheets.jeff@gmail.com)
-- @author Galmok of European Stormrage (Horde) (galmok@gmail.com)
-- @license GPL version 2 (General Public License)
-- @require bit32
-- @release beta
-- <nowiki>
local LibCompress = {}
local bit = require("bit32")
-- list of codecs in this file:
-- \000 - Never used
-- \001 - Uncompressed
-- \002 - LZW
-- \003 - Huffman
-- local is faster than global
local type = type
local tostring = tostring
local select = select
local next = next
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local rawset = rawset
local table_insert = table.insert
local table_remove = table.remove
local table_concat = table.concat
local string_char = string.char
local string_byte = string.byte
local string_len = string.len
local string_sub = string.sub
local unpack = unpack
local pairs = pairs
local sort = table.sort
local math_modf = math.modf
local bit_band = bit.band
local bit_bor = bit.bor
local bit_bxor = bit.bxor
local bit_bnot = bit.bnot
local bit_lshift = bit.lshift
local bit_rshift = bit.rshift
-- compression algorithms
-- LZW codec
-- implemented by sheets.jeff@gmail.com
-- encode is used to uniquely encode a number into a sequence of bytes that can be decoded using decode()
-- the bytes returned by this do not contain "\000"
local function encode(x)
local bytes = {}
bytes[#bytes + 1] = x % 255
x = math.floor(x / 255)
while x > 0 do
bytes[#bytes + 1] = x % 255
x = math.floor(x / 255)
if #bytes == 1 and bytes[1] > 0 and bytes[1] < 250 then
return string_char(bytes[1])
for i = 1, #bytes do
bytes[i] = bytes[i] + 1
return string_char(256 - #bytes, unpack(bytes))
-- decode converts a unique character sequence into its equivalent number, from ss, beginning at the ith char.
-- returns the decoded number and the count of characters used in the decode process.
local function decode(ss, i)
i = i or 1
local a = string_byte(ss, i, i)
if a > 249 then
local r = 0
a = 256 - a
for n = i + a, i + 1, -1 do
r = r * 255 + string_byte(ss, n, n) - 1
return r, a + 1
return a, 1
--- Compresses a string using LZW algorithm.
-- Unless the uncompressed string starts with "\002", this is guaranteed to return a string equal to or smaller than
-- the passed string.
-- the returned string will only contain "\000" characters in rare circumstances, and will contain none if the
-- source string has none.
-- @function LibCompress:CompressLZW
-- @param {string} uncompressed Raw string to be compressed using LZW algorithm
-- @return {string} compressed string if the resultant string is smaller than the original input,
-- otherwise returns the original input since compression does not result in smaller size
function LibCompress:CompressLZW(uncompressed)
if type(uncompressed) ~= "string" then
error("LibCompress:CompressLZW(uncompressed): Can only compress strings")
local dict_size = 256
local dict = {}
local result = {"\002"}
local w = ''
local ressize = 1
for i = 0, 255 do
dict[string_char(i)] = i
for i = 1, #uncompressed do
local c = uncompressed:sub(i, i)
local wc = w..c
if dict[wc] then
w = wc
dict[wc] = dict_size
dict_size = dict_size + 1
local r = encode(dict[w])
ressize = ressize + #r
result[#result + 1] = r
w = c
if w then
local r = encode(dict[w])
ressize = ressize + #r
result[#result + 1] = r
if (#uncompressed + 1) > ressize then
return table_concat(result)
return string_char(1)..uncompressed
--- Decompresses a string using LZW algorithm.
-- If the passed string is a compressed string, this will decompress it and return the decompressed string.
-- Otherwise it return an error message
-- Compressed strings are marked by beginning with "\002"
-- @function LibCompress:DecompressLZW
-- @param {string} compressed LZW compressed string to be decompressed
-- @return {string} uncompressed result
function LibCompress:DecompressLZW(compressed)
if type(compressed) ~= "string" then
error("LibCompress:DecompressLZW(compressed): Can only uncompress strings")
if compressed:sub(1, 1) ~= "\002" then
error("LibCompress:DecompressLZW(compressed): Can only decompress LZW compressed data ("..tostring(compressed:sub(1, 1))..")")
compressed = compressed:sub(2)
local dict_size = 256
local dict = {}
for i = 0, 255 do
dict[i] = string_char(i)
local result = {}
local t = 1
local delta, k
k, delta = decode(compressed, t)
t = t + delta
result[#result + 1] = dict[k]
local w = dict[k]
local entry
while t <= #compressed do
k, delta = decode(compressed, t)
t = t + delta
entry = dict[k] or (w..w:sub(1, 1))
result[#result + 1] = entry
dict[dict_size] = w..entry:sub(1, 1)
dict_size = dict_size + 1
w = entry
return table_concat(result)
-- Huffman codec
-- implemented by Galmok of European Stormrage (Horde), galmok@gmail.com
local function addCode(tree, bcode, length)
if tree then
tree.bcode = bcode
tree.blength = length
if tree.c1 then
addCode(tree.c1, bit_bor(bcode, bit_lshift(1, length)), length + 1)
if tree.c2 then
addCode(tree.c2, bcode, length + 1)
local function escape_code(code, length)
local escaped_code = 0
local b
local l = 0
for i = length -1, 0, - 1 do
b = bit_band(code, bit_lshift(1, i)) == 0 and 0 or 1
escaped_code = bit_lshift(escaped_code, 1 + b) + b
l = l + b
if length + l > 32 then
error("escape_code(code, length): escape overflow ("..(length + l)..")")
return escaped_code, length + l
local compressed_size = 0
local remainder
local remainder_length
local function addBits(tbl, code, length)
if remainder_length+length >= 32 then
-- we have at least 4 bytes to store; bulk it
remainder = remainder + bit_lshift(code, remainder_length) -- this overflows! Top part of code is lost (but we handle it below)
-- remainder now holds 4 full bytes to store. So lets do it.
compressed_size = compressed_size + 1
tbl[compressed_size] = string_char(bit_band(remainder, 255)) ..
string_char(bit_band(bit_rshift(remainder, 8), 255)) ..
string_char(bit_band(bit_rshift(remainder, 16), 255)) ..
string_char(bit_band(bit_rshift(remainder, 24), 255))
remainder = 0
code = bit_rshift(code, 32 - remainder_length)
length = remainder_length + length - 32
remainder_length = 0
if remainder_length+length >= 16 then
-- we have at least 2 bytes to store; bulk it
remainder = remainder + bit_lshift(code, remainder_length)
remainder_length = length + remainder_length
-- remainder now holds at least 2 full bytes to store. So lets do it.
compressed_size = compressed_size + 1
tbl[compressed_size] = string_char(bit_band(remainder, 255)) .. string_char(bit_band(bit_rshift(remainder, 8), 255))
remainder = bit_rshift(remainder, 16)
code = remainder
length = remainder_length - 16
remainder = 0
remainder_length = 0
remainder = remainder + bit_lshift(code, remainder_length)
remainder_length = length + remainder_length
if remainder_length >= 8 then
compressed_size = compressed_size + 1
tbl[compressed_size] = string_char(bit_band(remainder, 255))
remainder = bit_rshift(remainder, 8)
remainder_length = remainder_length -8
--- Compresses a string using Huffman coding algorithm.
-- Word size for this huffman algorithm is 8 bits (1 byte).
-- This means the best compression is representing 1 byte with 1 bit, i.e. compress to 0.125 of original size.
-- @function LibCompress:CompressHuffman
-- @param {string} uncompressed Raw string to be compressed using Huffman coding algorithm
-- @return {string} compressed string if the resultant string is smaller than the original input,
-- otherwise returns the original input since compression does not result in smaller size
function LibCompress:CompressHuffman(uncompressed)
if type(uncompressed) ~= "string" then
error("LibCompress:CompressHuffman(uncompressed): Can only compress strings")
if #uncompressed == 0 then
return "\001"
-- make histogram
local hist = {}
-- don't have to use all data to make the histogram
local uncompressed_size = string_len(uncompressed)
local c
for i = 1, uncompressed_size do
c = string_byte(uncompressed, i)
hist[c] = (hist[c] or 0) + 1
--Start with as many leaves as there are symbols.
local leafs = {}
local leaf
local symbols = {}
for symbol, weight in pairs(hist) do
leaf = { symbol=string_char(symbol), weight=weight }
symbols[symbol] = leaf
table_insert(leafs, leaf)
-- Enqueue all leaf nodes into the first queue (by probability in increasing order,
-- so that the least likely item is in the head of the queue).
sort(leafs, function(a, b)
if a.weight < b.weight then
return true
elseif a.weight > b.weight then
return false
return nil
local nLeafs = #leafs
-- create tree
local huff = {}
--While there is more than one node in the queues:
local length, height, li, hi, leaf1, leaf2
local newNode
while (#leafs + #huff > 1) do
-- Dequeue the two nodes with the lowest weight.
-- Dequeue first
if not next(huff) then
li, leaf1 = next(leafs)
table_remove(leafs, li)
elseif not next(leafs) then
hi, leaf1 = next(huff)
table_remove(huff, hi)
li, length = next(leafs)
hi, height = next(huff)
if length.weight <= height.weight then
leaf1 = length
table_remove(leafs, li)
leaf1 = height
table_remove(huff, hi)
-- Dequeue second
if not next(huff) then
li, leaf2 = next(leafs)
table_remove(leafs, li)
elseif not next(leafs) then
hi, leaf2 = next(huff)
table_remove(huff, hi)
li, length = next(leafs)
hi, height = next(huff)
if length.weight <= height.weight then
leaf2 = length
table_remove(leafs, li)
leaf2 = height
table_remove(huff, hi)
--Create a new internal node, with the two just-removed nodes as children (either node can be either child) and the sum of their weights as the new weight.
newNode = {
c1 = leaf1,
c2 = leaf2,
weight = leaf1.weight + leaf2.weight
if #leafs > 0 then
li, length = next(leafs)
table_insert(huff, length)
table_remove(leafs, li)
huff = huff[1]
-- assign codes to each symbol
-- c1 = "0", c2 = "1"
-- As a common convention, bit '0' represents following the left child and bit '1' represents following the right child.
-- c1 = left, c2 = right
addCode(huff, 0, 0)
if huff then
huff.bcode = 0
huff.blength = 1
-- bitfield = 0
-- bitfield_len = 0
-- read byte1
-- bitfield = bitfield + bit_lshift(byte1, bitfield_len)
-- bitfield_len = bitfield_len + 8
-- read byte2
-- bitfield = bitfield + bit_lshift(byte2, bitfield_len)
-- bitfield_len = bitfield_len + 8
-- (use 5 bits)
-- word = bit_band( bitfield, bit_lshift(1,5)-1)
-- bitfield = bit_rshift( bitfield, 5)
-- bitfield_len = bitfield_len - 5
-- read byte3
-- bitfield = bitfield + bit_lshift(byte3, bitfield_len)
-- bitfield_len = bitfield_len + 8
remainder = 0
remainder_length = 0
local compressed = {}
--compressed_size = 0
-- first byte is version info. 0 = uncompressed, 1 = 8 - bit word huffman compressed
compressed[1] = "\003"
-- Header: byte 0 = #leafs, bytes 1-3 = size of uncompressed data
-- max 2^24 bytes
length = string_len(uncompressed)
compressed[2] = string_char(bit_band(nLeafs -1, 255)) -- number of leafs
compressed[3] = string_char(bit_band(length, 255)) -- bit 0-7
compressed[4] = string_char(bit_band(bit_rshift(length, 8), 255)) -- bit 8-15
compressed[5] = string_char(bit_band(bit_rshift(length, 16), 255)) -- bit 16-23
compressed_size = 5
-- create symbol/code map
local escaped_code, escaped_code_len, success, msg
for symbol, leaf in pairs(symbols) do
addBits(compressed, symbol, 8)
escaped_code, escaped_code_len = escape_code(leaf.bcode, leaf.blength)
if not escaped_code then
return nil, escaped_code_len
addBits(compressed, escaped_code, escaped_code_len)
addBits(compressed, 3, 2)
-- create huffman code
local large_compressed = {}
local large_compressed_size = 0
local ulimit
for i = 1, length, 200 do
ulimit = length < (i + 199) and length or (i + 199)
for sub_i = i, ulimit do
c = string_byte(uncompressed, sub_i)
addBits(compressed, symbols[c].bcode, symbols[c].blength)
large_compressed_size = large_compressed_size + 1
large_compressed[large_compressed_size] = table_concat(compressed, "", 1, compressed_size)
compressed_size = 0
-- add remaining bits (if any)
if remainder_length > 0 then
large_compressed_size = large_compressed_size + 1
large_compressed[large_compressed_size] = string_char(remainder)
local compressed_string = table_concat(large_compressed, "", 1, large_compressed_size)
-- is compression worth it? If not, return uncompressed data.
if (#uncompressed + 1) <= #compressed_string then
return "\001"..uncompressed
return compressed_string
-- lookuptable (cached between calls)
local lshiftMask = {}
setmetatable(lshiftMask, {
__index = function (t, k)
local v = bit_lshift(1, k)
rawset(t, k, v)
return v
-- lookuptable (cached between calls)
local lshiftMinusOneMask = {}
setmetatable(lshiftMinusOneMask, {
__index = function (t, k)
local v = bit_lshift(1, k) - 1
rawset(t, k, v)
return v
local function bor64(valueA_high, valueA, valueB_high, valueB)
return bit_bor(valueA_high, valueB_high),
bit_bor(valueA, valueB)
local function band64(valueA_high, valueA, valueB_high, valueB)
return bit_band(valueA_high, valueB_high),
bit_band(valueA, valueB)
local function lshift64(value_high, value, lshift_amount)
if lshift_amount == 0 then
return value_high, value
if lshift_amount >= 64 then
return 0, 0
if lshift_amount < 32 then
return bit_bor(bit_lshift(value_high, lshift_amount), bit_rshift(value, 32-lshift_amount)),
bit_lshift(value, lshift_amount)
-- 32-63 bit shift
return bit_lshift(value, lshift_amount), -- builtin modulus 32 on shift amount
local function rshift64(value_high, value, rshift_amount)
if rshift_amount == 0 then
return value_high, value
if rshift_amount >= 64 then
return 0, 0
if rshift_amount < 32 then
return bit_rshift(value_high, rshift_amount),
bit_bor(bit_lshift(value_high, 32-rshift_amount), bit_rshift(value, rshift_amount))
-- 32-63 bit shift
return 0,
bit_rshift(value_high, rshift_amount)
local function getCode2(bitfield_high, bitfield, field_len)
if field_len >= 2 then
-- [bitfield_high..bitfield]: bit 0 is right most in bitfield. bit <field_len-1> is left most in bitfield_high
local b1, b2, remainder_high, remainder
for i = 0, field_len - 2 do
b1 = i <= 31 and bit_band(bitfield, bit_lshift(1, i)) or bit_band(bitfield_high, bit_lshift(1, i)) -- for shifts, 32 = 0 (5 bit used)
b2 = (i+1) <= 31 and bit_band(bitfield, bit_lshift(1, i+1)) or bit_band(bitfield_high, bit_lshift(1, i+1))
if not (b1 == 0) and not (b2 == 0) then
-- found 2 bits set right after each other (stop bits) with i pointing at the first stop bit
-- return the two bitfields separated by the two stopbits (3 values for each: bitfield_high, bitfield, field_len)
-- bits left: field_len - (i+2)
remainder_high, remainder = rshift64(bitfield_high, bitfield, i+2)
-- first bitfield is the lower part
return (i-1) >= 32 and bit_band(bitfield_high, bit_lshift(1, i) - 1) or 0,
i >= 32 and bitfield or bit_band(bitfield, bit_lshift(1, i) - 1),
return nil
local function unescape_code(code, code_len)
local unescaped_code = 0
local b
local l = 0
local i = 0
while i < code_len do
b = bit_band( code, lshiftMask[i])
if not (b == 0) then
unescaped_code = bit_bor(unescaped_code, lshiftMask[l])
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
l = l + 1
return unescaped_code, l
--- Decompresses a string using Huffman coding algorithm.
-- @function LibCompress:DecompressHuffman
-- @param {string} compressed Huffman compressed string to be decompressed
-- @return {string} uncompressed result
function LibCompress:DecompressHuffman(compressed)
if type(compressed) ~= "string" then
error("LibCompress:DecompressHuffman(compressed): Can only uncompress strings")
local compressed_size = #compressed
--decode header
local info_byte = string_byte(compressed)
-- is data compressed
if info_byte == 1 then
return compressed:sub(2) --return uncompressed data
if info_byte ~= 3 then
error("LibCompress:DecompressHuffman(compressed): Can only decompress Huffman compressed data ("..tostring(info_byte)..")")
local num_symbols = string_byte(string_sub(compressed, 2, 2)) + 1
local c0 = string_byte(string_sub(compressed, 3, 3))
local c1 = string_byte(string_sub(compressed, 4, 4))
local c2 = string_byte(string_sub(compressed, 5, 5))
local orig_size = c2 * 65536 + c1 * 256 + c0
if orig_size == 0 then
return ""
-- decode code -> symbol map
local bitfield = 0
local bitfield_high = 0
local bitfield_len = 0
local map = {} -- only table not reused in Huffman decode.
setmetatable(map, {
__index = function (t, k)
local v = {}
rawset(t, k, v)
return v
local i = 6 -- byte 1-5 are header bytes
local c, cl
local minCodeLen = 1000
local maxCodeLen = 0
local symbol, code_high, code, code_len, temp_high, temp, _bitfield_high, _bitfield, _bitfield_len
local n = 0
local state = 0 -- 0 = get symbol (8 bits), 1 = get code (varying bits, ends with 2 bits set)
while n < num_symbols do
if i > compressed_size then
error("LibCompress:DecompressHuffman(compressed): Cannot decode map")
c = string_byte(compressed, i)
temp_high, temp = lshift64(0, c, bitfield_len)
bitfield_high, bitfield = bor64(bitfield_high, bitfield, temp_high, temp)
bitfield_len = bitfield_len + 8
if state == 0 then
symbol = bit_band(bitfield, 255)
bitfield_high, bitfield = rshift64(bitfield_high, bitfield, 8)
bitfield_len = bitfield_len - 8
state = 1 -- search for code now
code_high, code, code_len, _bitfield_high, _bitfield, _bitfield_len = getCode2(bitfield_high, bitfield, bitfield_len)
if code_high then
bitfield_high, bitfield, bitfield_len = _bitfield_high, _bitfield, _bitfield_len
if code_len > 32 then
error("LibCompress:DecompressHuffman(compressed): Unsupported symbol code length ("..code_len..")")
c, cl = unescape_code(code, code_len)
map[cl][c] = string_char(symbol)
minCodeLen = cl < minCodeLen and cl or minCodeLen
maxCodeLen = cl > maxCodeLen and cl or maxCodeLen
--print("symbol: "..string_char(symbol).." code: "..tobinary(c, cl))
n = n + 1
state = 0 -- search for next symbol (if any)
i = i + 1
-- don't create new subtables for entries not in the map. Waste of space.
-- But do return an empty table to prevent runtime errors. (instead of returning nil)
local mt = {}
setmetatable(map, {
__index = function (t, k)
return mt
local uncompressed = {}
local large_uncompressed = {}
local uncompressed_size = 0
local large_uncompressed_size = 0
local test_code
local test_code_len = minCodeLen
local dec_size = 0
compressed_size = compressed_size + 1
local temp_limit = 200 -- first limit of uncompressed data. large_uncompressed will hold strings of length 200
temp_limit = temp_limit > orig_size and orig_size or temp_limit
while true do
if test_code_len <= bitfield_len then
test_code = bit_band( bitfield, lshiftMinusOneMask[test_code_len])
symbol = map[test_code_len][test_code]
if symbol then
uncompressed_size = uncompressed_size + 1
uncompressed[uncompressed_size] = symbol
dec_size = dec_size + 1
if dec_size >= temp_limit then
if dec_size >= orig_size then -- checked here for speed reasons
-- process compressed bytes in smaller chunks
large_uncompressed_size = large_uncompressed_size + 1
large_uncompressed[large_uncompressed_size] = table_concat(uncompressed, "", 1, uncompressed_size)
uncompressed_size = 0
temp_limit = temp_limit + 200 -- repeated chunk size is 200 uncompressed bytes
temp_limit = temp_limit > orig_size and orig_size or temp_limit
bitfield = bit_rshift(bitfield, test_code_len)
bitfield_len = bitfield_len - test_code_len
test_code_len = minCodeLen
test_code_len = test_code_len + 1
if test_code_len > maxCodeLen then
error("LibCompress:DecompressHuffman(compressed): Decompression error at "..tostring(i).."/"..tostring(#compressed))
c = string_byte(compressed, i)
bitfield = bitfield + bit_lshift(c or 0, bitfield_len)
bitfield_len = bitfield_len + 8
if i > compressed_size then
i = i + 1
return table_concat(large_uncompressed, "", 1, large_uncompressed_size)..table_concat(uncompressed, "", 1, uncompressed_size)
-- Generic codec interface
--- Prepends "\001" to uncompressed string to mark as uncompressed.
-- @function LibCompress:Store
-- @param {string} uncompressed Raw uncompressed string
-- @return {string} Uncompressed string prepended with "\001"
function LibCompress:Store(uncompressed)
if type(uncompressed) ~= "string" then
error("LibCompress:Store(uncompressed): Can only compress strings")
return "\001"..uncompressed
--- Returns uncompressed string without prepended codec (e.g. "\001" or "\003").
-- @function LibCompress:DecompressUncompressed
-- @param {string} data Raw uncompressed string
-- @return {string} Uncompressed string without prepended codec
function LibCompress:DecompressUncompressed(data)
if type(data) ~= "string" then
error("LibCompress:DecompressUncompressed(data): Can only handle strings")
if string_byte(data) ~= 1 then
error("LibCompress:DecompressUncompressed(data): Can only handle uncompressed data")
return data:sub(2)
local compression_methods = {
[2] = LibCompress.CompressLZW,
[3] = LibCompress.CompressHuffman
local decompression_methods = {
[1] = LibCompress.DecompressUncompressed,
[2] = LibCompress.DecompressLZW,
[3] = LibCompress.DecompressHuffman
--- Generic method that tries all compression codecs (LZW and Huffman) and return the best result.
-- @function LibCompress:Compress
-- @param {string} data Raw uncompressed string
-- @return {string} compressed string if the resultant string is smaller than the original input,
-- otherwise returns the original input since compression does not result in smaller size
function LibCompress:Compress(data)
local method = next(compression_methods)
local result = compression_methods[method](self, data)
local n
method = next(compression_methods, method)
while method do
n = compression_methods[method](self, data)
if #n < #result then
result = n
method = next(compression_methods, method)
return result
--- Generic method to decompress either a LZW or Huffman compressed string.
-- @function LibCompress:Decompress
-- @param {string} data LZW or Huffman compressed string to be decompressed
-- @return {string} uncompressed result
function LibCompress:Decompress(data)
local header_info = string_byte(data)
if decompression_methods[header_info] then
return decompression_methods[header_info](self, data)
error("LibCompress:Decompress(data): Unknown compression method ("..tostring(header_info)..")")
-- Encoding algorithms
-- Prefix encoding algorithm
-- implemented by Galmok of European Stormrage (Horde), galmok@gmail.com
Howto: Encode and Decode:
3 functions are supplied, 2 of them are variants of the first. They return a table with functions to encode and decode text.
table, msg = LibCompress:GetEncodeTable(reservedChars, escapeChars, mapChars)
reservedChars: The characters in this string will not appear in the encoded data.
escapeChars: A string of characters used as escape-characters (don't supply more than needed). #escapeChars >= 1
mapChars: First characters in reservedChars maps to first characters in mapChars. (#mapChars <= #reservedChars)
return value:
if nil then msg holds an error message, otherwise use like this:
encoded_message = table:Encode(message)
message = table:Decode(encoded_message)
GetAddonEncodeTable: Sets up encoding for the addon channel (\000 is encoded)
GetChatEncodeTable: Sets up encoding for the chat channel (many bytes encoded, see the function for details)
Except for the mapped characters, all encoding will be with 1 escape character followed by 1 suffix, i.e. 2 bytes.
-- to be able to match any requested byte value, the search string must be preprocessed
-- characters to escape with %:
-- ( ) . % + - * ? [ ] ^ $
-- "illegal" byte values:
-- 0 is replaces %z
local gsub_escape_table = {
['\000'] = "%z",
[('(')] = "%(",
[(')')] = "%)",
[('.')] = "%.",
[('%')] = "%%",
[('+')] = "%+",
[('-')] = "%-",
[('*')] = "%*",
[('?')] = "%?",
[('[')] = "%[",
[(']')] = "%]",
[('^')] = "%^",
[('$')] = "%$"
local function escape_for_gsub(str)
return str:gsub("([%z%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%]%^%$])", gsub_escape_table)
--- Builds an encoding table.
-- @function LibCompress:GetEncodeTable
-- @param {string} reservedChar String of reserved characters with no spaces between each unique character
-- @param {string} escapeChars String of escape characters with no spaces between each unique character
-- @param {string} mapChars Sting of characters with no spaces between each unique character; used for encoding reserved characters
-- @return {table} Encoding table
function LibCompress:GetEncodeTable(reservedChars, escapeChars, mapChars)
reservedChars = reservedChars or ""
escapeChars = escapeChars or ""
mapChars = mapChars or ""
-- select a default escape character
if escapeChars == "" then
error("LibCompress:GetEncodeTable(reservedChars, escapeChars, mapChars): No escape characters supplied")
if #reservedChars < #mapChars then
error("LibCompress:GetEncodeTable(reservedChars, escapeChars, mapChars): Number of reserved characters must be at least as many as the number of mapped chars")
if reservedChars == "" then
error("LibCompress:GetEncodeTable(reservedChars, escapeChars, mapChars): No characters to encode")
-- list of characters that must be encoded
local encodeBytes = reservedChars..escapeChars..mapChars
-- build list of bytes not available as a suffix to a prefix byte
local taken = {}
for i = 1, string_len(encodeBytes) do
taken[string_sub(encodeBytes, i, i)] = true
-- allocate a table to hold encode/decode strings/functions
local codecTable = {}
-- the encoding can be a single gsub, but the decoding can require multiple gsubs
local decode_func_table = {}
local encode_search = {}
local encode_translate = {}
local encode_func
local decode_search = {}
local decode_translate = {}
local decode_func
local c, r, to, from
local escapeCharIndex, escapeChar = 0
-- map single byte to single byte
if #mapChars > 0 then
for i = 1, #mapChars do
from = string_sub(reservedChars, i, i)
to = string_sub(mapChars, i, i)
encode_translate[from] = to
table_insert(encode_search, from)
decode_translate[to] = from
table_insert(decode_search, to)
codecTable["decode_search"..tostring(escapeCharIndex)] = "([".. escape_for_gsub(table_concat(decode_search)).."])"
codecTable["decode_translate"..tostring(escapeCharIndex)] = decode_translate
table_insert(decode_func_table, function(self, str)
return str:gsub(self.decode_search..tostring(escapeCharIndex), self.decode_translate..tostring(escapeCharIndex))
-- map single byte to double-byte
escapeCharIndex = escapeCharIndex + 1
escapeChar = string_sub(escapeChars, escapeCharIndex, escapeCharIndex)
r = 0 -- suffix char value to the escapeChar
decode_search = {}
decode_translate = {}
for i = 1, string_len(encodeBytes) do
c = string_sub(encodeBytes, i, i)
if not encode_translate[c] then
-- this loop will update escapeChar and r
while r >= 256 or taken[string_char(r)] do
r = r + 1
if r > 255 then -- switch to next escapeChar
codecTable["decode_search"..tostring(escapeCharIndex)] = escape_for_gsub(escapeChar).."([".. escape_for_gsub(table_concat(decode_search)).."])"
codecTable["decode_translate"..tostring(escapeCharIndex)] = decode_translate
table_insert(decode_func_table, function(self, str)
return str:gsub(self.decode_search..tostring(escapeCharIndex), self.decode_translate..tostring(escapeCharIndex))
escapeCharIndex = escapeCharIndex + 1
escapeChar = string_sub(escapeChars, escapeCharIndex, escapeCharIndex)
if escapeChar == "" then -- we are out of escape chars and we need more!
error("LibCompress:GetEncodeTable(reservedChars, escapeChars, mapChars): Out of escape characters")
r = 0
decode_search = {}
decode_translate = {}
encode_translate[c] = escapeChar..string_char(r)
table_insert(encode_search, c)
decode_translate[string_char(r)] = c
table_insert(decode_search, string_char(r))
r = r + 1
if r > 0 then
codecTable["decode_search"..tostring(escapeCharIndex)] = escape_for_gsub(escapeChar).."([".. escape_for_gsub(table_concat(decode_search)).."])"
codecTable["decode_translate"..tostring(escapeCharIndex)] = decode_translate
table_insert(decode_func_table, function(self, str)
return str:gsub(self.decode_search..tostring(escapeCharIndex), self.decode_translate..tostring(escapeCharIndex))
encode_search = "([".. escape_for_gsub(table_concat(encode_search)).."])"
decode_search = escape_for_gsub(escapeChars).."([".. escape_for_gsub(table_concat(decode_search)).."])"
encode_func = function(self, str)
return str:gsub(self.encode_search, self.encode_translate)
decode_func = function(self, str)
-- Decodes each encoded character
-- (inefficient, but this is a workaround if loadstring() is not available
-- in Scribunto environment due to security reasons)
for _, decode_single_char in ipairs(decode_func_table) do
str = decode_single_char(self, str)
return str
codecTable.encode_search = encode_search
codecTable.encode_translate = encode_translate
codecTable.Encode = encode_func
codecTable.decode_search = decode_search
codecTable.decode_translate = decode_translate
codecTable.Decode = decode_func
codecTable.decode_func_table = decode_func_table -- to be deleted
return codecTable
--- Addons: Call this only once and reuse the returned table for all encodings/decodings.
-- @function LibCompress:GetAddonEncodeTable
-- @param {string} reservedChar String of reserved characters with no spaces between each unique character
-- @param {string} escapeChars String of escape characters with no spaces between each unique character
-- @param {string} mapChars Sting of characters with no spaces between each unique character; used for encoding reserved characters
-- @return {table} Encoding table
function LibCompress:GetAddonEncodeTable(reservedChars, escapeChars, mapChars)
reservedChars = reservedChars or ""
escapeChars = escapeChars or ""
mapChars = mapChars or ""
-- Following byte values are not allowed:
-- \000
if escapeChars == "" then
escapeChars = "\001"
return self:GetEncodeTable( (reservedChars or "").."\000", escapeChars, mapChars)
--- Addons: Call this only once and reuse the returned table for all encodings/decodings.
-- @function LibCompress:GetChatEncodeTable
-- @param {string} reservedChar String of reserved characters with no spaces between each unique character
-- @param {string} escapeChars String of escape characters with no spaces between each unique character
-- @param {string} mapChars Sting of characters with no spaces between each unique character; used for encoding other characters
-- @return {table} Encoding table
function LibCompress:GetChatEncodeTable(reservedChars, escapeChars, mapChars)
reservedChars = reservedChars or ""
escapeChars = escapeChars or ""
mapChars = mapChars or ""
-- Following byte values are not allowed:
-- \000, s, S, \010, \013, \124, %
-- Because SendChatMessage will error if an UTF8 multibyte character is incomplete,
-- all character values above 127 have to be encoded to avoid this. This costs quite a bit of bandwidth (about 13-14%)
-- Also, because drunken status is unknown for the received, strings used with SendChatMessage should be terminated with
-- an identifying byte value, after which the server MAY add "...hic!" or as much as it can fit(!).
-- Pass the identifying byte as a reserved character to this function to ensure the encoding doesn't contain that value.
-- or use this: local message, match = arg1:gsub("^(.*)\029.-$", "%1")
-- arg1 is message from channel, \029 is the string terminator, but may be used in the encoded datastream as well. :-)
-- This encoding will expand data anywhere from:
-- 0% (average with pure ascii text)
-- 53.5% (average with random data valued zero to 255)
-- 100% (only encoding data that encodes to two bytes)
local r = {}
for i = 128, 255 do
table_insert(r, string_char(i))
reservedChars = "sS\000\010\013\124%"..table_concat(r)..(reservedChars or "")
if escapeChars == "" then
escapeChars = "\029\031"
if mapChars == "" then
mapChars = "\015\020";
return self:GetEncodeTable(reservedChars, escapeChars, mapChars)
-- 7 bit encoding algorithm
-- implemented by Galmok of European Stormrage (Horde), galmok@gmail.com
-- The encoded data holds values from 0 to 127 inclusive. Additional encoding may be necessary.
-- This algorithm isn't exactly fast and be used with care and consideration
--- Encodes data using values from 0 to 127 inclusive.
-- @function LibCompress:Encode7bit
-- @param {string} str String to be encoded
-- @return {string} Encoded data using 7 bits
function LibCompress:Encode7bit(str)
local remainder = 0
local remainder_length = 0
local tbl = {}
local encoded_size = 0
local length = #str
for i = 1, length do
local code = string_byte(str, i)
remainder = remainder + bit_lshift(code, remainder_length)
remainder_length = 8 + remainder_length
while remainder_length >= 7 do
encoded_size = encoded_size + 1
tbl[encoded_size] = string_char(bit_band(remainder, 127))
remainder = bit_rshift(remainder, 7)
remainder_length = remainder_length -7
if remainder_length > 0 then
encoded_size = encoded_size + 1
tbl[encoded_size] = string_char(remainder)
return table_concat(tbl, "", 1, encoded_size)
--- Decodes data that has only values from 0 to 127 inclusive.
-- @function LibCompress:Decode7bit
-- @param {string} str String to be decoded
-- @return {string} Decoded data
function LibCompress:Decode7bit(str)
local bit8 = {}
local decoded_size = 0
local ch
local i = 1
local bitfield_len = 0
local bitfield = 0
local length = #str
while true do
if bitfield_len >= 8 then
decoded_size = decoded_size + 1
bit8[decoded_size] = string_char(bit_band(bitfield, 255))
bitfield = bit_rshift(bitfield, 8)
bitfield_len = bitfield_len - 8
ch = string_byte(str, i)
bitfield=bitfield + bit_lshift(ch or 0, bitfield_len)
bitfield_len = bitfield_len + 7
if i > length then
i = i + 1
return table_concat(bit8, "", 1, decoded_size)
-- Checksum/hash algorithms
-- FCS16/32 checksum algorithms
-- converted from C by Galmok of European Stormrage (Horde), galmok@gmail.com
-- usage:
-- code = LibCompress:fcs16init()
-- code = LibCompress:fcs16update(code, data1)
-- code = LibCompress:fcs16update(code, data2)
-- code = LibCompress:fcs16update(code, data...)
-- code = LibCompress:fcs16final(code)
-- data = string
-- fcs16 provides a 16 bit checksum, fcs32 provides a 32 bit checksum.
--[[/* The following copyright notice concerns only the FCS hash algorithm
Copyright (c) 2003, Dominik Reichl <dominik.reichl@t-online.de>, Germany.
All rights reserved.
Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.
This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness
and/or fitness for purpose.
--// FCS-16 algorithm implemented as described in RFC 1331
local FCSINIT16 = 65535
--// Fast 16 bit FCS lookup table
local fcs16tab = { [0]=0, 4489, 8978, 12955, 17956, 22445, 25910, 29887,
35912, 40385, 44890, 48851, 51820, 56293, 59774, 63735,
4225, 264, 13203, 8730, 22181, 18220, 30135, 25662,
40137, 36160, 49115, 44626, 56045, 52068, 63999, 59510,
8450, 12427, 528, 5017, 26406, 30383, 17460, 21949,
44362, 48323, 36440, 40913, 60270, 64231, 51324, 55797,
12675, 8202, 4753, 792, 30631, 26158, 21685, 17724,
48587, 44098, 40665, 36688, 64495, 60006, 55549, 51572,
16900, 21389, 24854, 28831, 1056, 5545, 10034, 14011,
52812, 57285, 60766, 64727, 34920, 39393, 43898, 47859,
21125, 17164, 29079, 24606, 5281, 1320, 14259, 9786,
57037, 53060, 64991, 60502, 39145, 35168, 48123, 43634,
25350, 29327, 16404, 20893, 9506, 13483, 1584, 6073,
61262, 65223, 52316, 56789, 43370, 47331, 35448, 39921,
29575, 25102, 20629, 16668, 13731, 9258, 5809, 1848,
65487, 60998, 56541, 52564, 47595, 43106, 39673, 35696,
33800, 38273, 42778, 46739, 49708, 54181, 57662, 61623,
2112, 6601, 11090, 15067, 20068, 24557, 28022, 31999,
38025, 34048, 47003, 42514, 53933, 49956, 61887, 57398,
6337, 2376, 15315, 10842, 24293, 20332, 32247, 27774,
42250, 46211, 34328, 38801, 58158, 62119, 49212, 53685,
10562, 14539, 2640, 7129, 28518, 32495, 19572, 24061,
46475, 41986, 38553, 34576, 62383, 57894, 53437, 49460,
14787, 10314, 6865, 2904, 32743, 28270, 23797, 19836,
50700, 55173, 58654, 62615, 32808, 37281, 41786, 45747,
19012, 23501, 26966, 30943, 3168, 7657, 12146, 16123,
54925, 50948, 62879, 58390, 37033, 33056, 46011, 41522,
23237, 19276, 31191, 26718, 7393, 3432, 16371, 11898,
59150, 63111, 50204, 54677, 41258, 45219, 33336, 37809,
27462, 31439, 18516, 23005, 11618, 15595, 3696, 8185,
63375, 58886, 54429, 50452, 45483, 40994, 37561, 33584,
31687, 27214, 22741, 18780, 15843, 11370, 7921, 3960 }
--- Initializes FCS-16 checksum/hash.
-- @function LibCompress:fcs16init
-- @return {number} Value for an unsigned 16 bit integer that has all bits set
function LibCompress:fcs16init()
return FCSINIT16
--- Updates FCS-16 checksum/hash.
-- @function LibCompress:fcs16update
-- @param {number} uFcs16 FCS-16 checksum/hash
-- @param {string} pBuffer Data input
-- @return {number} Resultant checksum/hash
function LibCompress:fcs16update(uFcs16, pBuffer)
local length = string_len(pBuffer)
for i = 1, length do
uFcs16 = bit_bxor(bit_rshift(uFcs16,8), fcs16tab[bit_band(bit_bxor(uFcs16, string_byte(pBuffer, i)), 255)])
return uFcs16
--- Performs the final bitwise XOR operation for FCS-16 checksum/hash.
-- @function LibCompress:fcs16final
-- @param {number} uFcs16 FCS-16 checksum/hash
-- @return {number} Resultant checksum/hash
function LibCompress:fcs16final(uFcs16)
return bit_bxor(uFcs16,65535)
--- Creates a FCS-16 checksum/hash based on input data.
-- @function LibCompress:FCS16
-- @param {string} ... Input data
-- @return {number} Resultant checksum/hash
function LibCompress:FCS16(...)
local hash = LibCompress:fcs16init()
for _, data in ipairs{...} do
hash = LibCompress:fcs16update(hash, data)
return LibCompress:fcs16final(hash)
Copyright (c) 2003, Dominik Reichl <dominik.reichl@t-online.de>, Germany.
All rights reserved.
Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.
This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness
and/or fitness for purpose.
--// FCS-32 algorithm implemented as described in RFC 1331
local FCSINIT32 = -1
--// Fast 32 bit FCS lookup table
local fcs32tab = { [0] = 0, 1996959894, -301047508, -1727442502, 124634137, 1886057615, -379345611, -1637575261,
249268274, 2044508324, -522852066, -1747789432, 162941995, 2125561021, -407360249, -1866523247,
498536548, 1789927666, -205950648, -2067906082, 450548861, 1843258603, -187386543, -2083289657,
325883990, 1684777152, -43845254, -1973040660, 335633487, 1661365465, -99664541, -1928851979,
997073096, 1281953886, -715111964, -1570279054, 1006888145, 1258607687, -770865667, -1526024853,
901097722, 1119000684, -608450090, -1396901568, 853044451, 1172266101, -589951537, -1412350631,
651767980, 1373503546, -925412992, -1076862698, 565507253, 1454621731, -809855591, -1195530993,
671266974, 1594198024, -972236366, -1324619484, 795835527, 1483230225, -1050600021, -1234817731,
1994146192, 31158534, -1731059524, -271249366, 1907459465, 112637215, -1614814043, -390540237,
2013776290, 251722036, -1777751922, -519137256, 2137656763, 141376813, -1855689577, -429695999,
1802195444, 476864866, -2056965928, -228458418, 1812370925, 453092731, -2113342271, -183516073,
1706088902, 314042704, -1950435094, -54949764, 1658658271, 366619977, -1932296973, -69972891,
1303535960, 984961486, -1547960204, -725929758, 1256170817, 1037604311, -1529756563, -740887301,
1131014506, 879679996, -1385723834, -631195440, 1141124467, 855842277, -1442165665, -586318647,
1342533948, 654459306, -1106571248, -921952122, 1466479909, 544179635, -1184443383, -832445281,
1591671054, 702138776, -1328506846, -942167884, 1504918807, 783551873, -1212326853, -1061524307,
-306674912, -1698712650, 62317068, 1957810842, -355121351, -1647151185, 81470997, 1943803523,
-480048366, -1805370492, 225274430, 2053790376, -468791541, -1828061283, 167816743, 2097651377,
-267414716, -2029476910, 503444072, 1762050814, -144550051, -2140837941, 426522225, 1852507879,
-19653770, -1982649376, 282753626, 1742555852, -105259153, -1900089351, 397917763, 1622183637,
-690576408, -1580100738, 953729732, 1340076626, -776247311, -1497606297, 1068828381, 1219638859,
-670225446, -1358292148, 906185462, 1090812512, -547295293, -1469587627, 829329135, 1181335161,
-882789492, -1134132454, 628085408, 1382605366, -871598187, -1156888829, 570562233, 1426400815,
-977650754, -1296233688, 733239954, 1555261956, -1026031705, -1244606671, 752459403, 1541320221,
-1687895376, -328994266, 1969922972, 40735498, -1677130071, -351390145, 1913087877, 83908371,
-1782625662, -491226604, 2075208622, 213261112, -1831694693, -438977011, 2094854071, 198958881,
-2032938284, -237706686, 1759359992, 534414190, -2118248755, -155638181, 1873836001, 414664567,
-2012718362, -15766928, 1711684554, 285281116, -1889165569, -127750551, 1634467795, 376229701,
-1609899400, -686959890, 1308918612, 956543938, -1486412191, -799009033, 1231636301, 1047427035,
-1362007478, -640263460, 1088359270, 936918000, -1447252397, -558129467, 1202900863, 817233897,
-1111625188, -893730166, 1404277552, 615818150, -1160759803, -841546093, 1423857449, 601450431,
-1285129682, -1000256840, 1567103746, 711928724, -1274298825, -1022587231, 1510334235, 755167117 }
--- Initializes FCS-32 checksum/hash.
-- @function LibCompress:fcs16init
-- @return {number} Value for a signed 32 bit integer that has all bits set
function LibCompress:fcs32init()
return FCSINIT32
--- Updates FCS-32 checksum/hash.
-- @function LibCompress:fcs32update
-- @param {number} uFcs32 FCS-32 checksum/hash
-- @param {string} pBuffer Data input
-- @return {number} Resultant checksum/hash
function LibCompress:fcs32update(uFcs32, pBuffer)
local length = string_len(pBuffer)
for i = 1, length do
uFcs32 = bit_bxor(bit_rshift(uFcs32, 8), fcs32tab[bit_band(bit_bxor(uFcs32, string_byte(pBuffer, i)), 255)])
return uFcs32
--- Performs the final bitwise NOT operation for FCS-32 checksum/hash.
-- @function LibCompress:fcs32final
-- @param {number} uFcs32 FCS-32 checksum/hash
-- @return {number} Resultant checksum/hash
function LibCompress:fcs32final(uFcs32)
return bit_bnot(uFcs32)
--- Creates a FCS-32 checksum/hash based on input data.
-- @function LibCompress:FCS32
-- @param {string} ... Input data
-- @return {number} Resultant checksum/hash
function LibCompress:FCS32(...)
local hash = LibCompress:fcs32init()
for _, data in ipairs{...} do
hash = LibCompress:fcs32update(hash, data)
return LibCompress:fcs32final(hash)
return LibCompress
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