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Hunter Munitions

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Hunter Munitions
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 38d3
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 8d69
Max Rank Description
+30% chance to apply on Critical
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 3c47
General Information
Script error: The function "Pol" does not exist.
Max Rank
Endo Required To Max
Credits Required To Max
Base Capacity Cost
Update 22.3 (2017-11-15)
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX fed4
Vendor Sources
    Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 6f98

    Hunter Munitions is a set mod dropped from the Hemocyte during Operation: Plague Star and Ghoul Purge bounties, that grants primary weapons a chance to force a Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist. status proc upon a critical hit, alongside any other Status Effect(s), that would have occured from Status Chance, or a weapon trait.


    Rank Chance Cost
    0 +5% 4
    1 +10% 5
    2 +15% 6
    3 +20% 7
    4 +25% 8
    5 +30% 9


    • Ideal on weapons with high critical chance and low status chance such as the  Lenz, in order to help it scale better against armored targets.
    • Pure elemental weapons such as  Synapse can trigger Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist. procs using this mod.
    • Works with Exalted Weapons such as  Artemis Bow.
    • Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist. proc damage scales with damage multipliers. As such, headshots, orange and red critical hits, or weak spots generated by  Sonar or  Detect Vulnerability will greatly increase the damage dealt.
    • Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist. is affected by status duration mods. Using  Hunter Track in tandem with Hunter Munitions will increase the base 6-second duration to 7 seconds, allowing for 8 ticks of damage rather than the normal 7 ticks.
    • The 30% trigger chance is independent to itself and is not affected by the weapon's status chance, or damage type distribution, besides being indirectly affected by its critical hit chance.
    • If a critical hit procs the mod's Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist., any other status proc(s) from the weapon can still occur normally in addition to it.
      • However, only one instance of Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist. can occur if both the mod and the weapon procs it. One will override the other, despite Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist. being a stackable status effect.


    • Along with  Vigilante Armaments and  Hunter Track, this is one of the only primary weapon mods that can be used on rifles, shotguns, bows and launchers.


    • It is possible to apply up to three unique status effects per pellet with Hunter Munitions. This can occur if the weapon has an innately forced status effect proc such as Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist., and Hunter Munitions procs Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist., in addition to a status effect proc from the weapon's status chance.
    • Combining this mod with  Concentrated Arrow will allow the arrow's explosion to proc deadly Slash procs for potentially more than 3,500 Script error: The function "Proc" does not exist. damage per tick.


    Patch History

    Update 22.3 (2017-11-15)

    • Introduced