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User blog:Brizingr5/Weapon Infobox U10

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So who's ready for an all new super awesome Weapon Infobox! I've changed up which fields collapse and added a few new fields that were necessary for U10/needed to be there from the beginning but got overlooked. And most importantly: I've changed the collapsing to happen on mouse over. Clicking anywhere on the infobox will stop if from re-collapsing. Here are some examples:

U10 version on the left, U9.6 on the right. (They're in collapsible divs that you'll have to expand to preview them here)

Ranged Weapon:

This template is archived. The content was relevant to a previous formatting of WARFRAME Wiki. Please do not use or delete this template. It is being saved for later potential use.

Please update to Weapon Infobox U10 or contact an Admin


Mastery Level 0
Trigger Type Charge
Projectile Speed 70 (85 charge) m/s
Damage Type
Base Damage 60
Crit Chance 10%
Crit Damage 150%
Base Firing Rate 1
Accuracy 100
Base Clip Size 1
Base Ammo Size 72
Base Reload Speed 1
Charge Dmg Type Blade
Charge Dmg 150
Base Charge Speed 1s
Charge Crit Chance 20%
Charge Crit Damage 150%
Base Stagger Chance 100%
Polarities 2x Template:Vpol

Please update to Weapon Infobox U11 or contact an Admin


Mastery Level 0
Trigger Type Charge
Projectile Speed 70 (85 charge)
Noise Level Silent
Damage 60
Crit Chance 10%
Crit Damage 150%
Firing Rate 1 rounds/sec
Accuracy 100
Mag Size 1 rounds/Mag
Reload Time 1s
Charge Dmg Type Blade
Charge Dmg 150
Charge Time 1 sec/charge
Charge Crit Chance 20%
Charge Crit Dmg 150%
Stag Chance 100%
Conclave Rating Unknown
Polarities None

Melee Weapons

This template is archived. The content was relevant to a previous formatting of WARFRAME Wiki. Please do not use or delete this template. It is being saved for later potential use.

Please update to Weapon Infobox U10 or contact an Admin

Dual Ether

Mastery Level 0
Damage Type
Base Damage 30
Crit Chance 5%
Crit Damage 150%
Normal Attack Rate 1.25 atks/sec
Charge Dmg Type Serrated Blade
Charge Dmg 100
Base Charge Speed .7s
Charge Crit Chance 5%
Charge Crit Damage 150%
Jump Dmg Type Blade
Jump Damage 35 (25 AoE)
Jump Crit Chance 5%
Jump Crit Damage 150%
Jump Radius 1
Jump Stagger Type Knockdown
Slide Damage Type Blade
Slide Damage 150
Slide Crit Chance 5%
Slide Crit Damage 150%
Max Targets 3
Cleave Radius .25
Polarities None

Please update to Weapon Infobox U11 or contact an Admin

Dual Ether

Mastery Level 0
Damage 30
Crit Chance 5%
Crit Damage 150%
Attack Rate 1.25 atks/sec
Charge Dmg Type Serrated Blade
Charge Dmg 100
Charge Time .7 sec/charge
Charge Crit Chance 5%
Charge Crit Dmg 150%
Jump Dmg Type Blade
Jump Dmg 35
Jump Crit Chance 5%
Jump Crit Dmg 150%
Slam Dmg Type Knockdown
Slam dmg 25
Slam Radius 1 meters
Slide Dmg Type Blade
Slide Dmg 150
Slide Crit Chance 5%
Slide Crit Dmg 150%
Max Targets 3
Cleave Radius .25 meters
Conclave Rating Unknown
Polarities None

Feel free to leave any feedback, request, questions, concerns, or non-rage complaints in the comments.

Implementation[edit source]

So, down to business, here's what we have to do:

  1. Copy a blank template for the U10 infobox onto the weapon page. (can be found in the collapsed sections bellow)
  2. Fill in the values that are either on the page or you happen to know (leave all unknown values blank)
  3. Delete the old template. PLEASE NOTE:
    • The "Type" field has been re-purposed to automatically add a category based on the weapon type. Please only use "Primary", "Secondary", and "Melee" for this field, as it now has some background functions it does based on input (adds categories).
    • Do not hyperlink the Damage Type field, and make sure you spell it correctly. It now does some things based on input as well (categories and such).
There, easy as that! Enjoy your new infobox.

Usage Ranged[edit source]

| name                = Name of the weapon
| image               = The image of the weapon. Usually WeaponName.png
| masterylvl          = Minimum mastery level required to equip
| type                = Type of the weapon
| trigger             = Trigger type
| projectilespeed     = Projectile Speed for projectile weapons
| noiselvl            = Numeric value for noise (do not fill in if you do not know what it is).  

| dmgtype             = Damage type
| damage              = Base damage
| critchance          = Crit chance
| critdmg             = Crit Damage

| firingrate          = Base attack rate
| acc                 = Accuracy
| clip                = Base Clip Size
| ammo                = Base Amount Size
| reload              = Base Reload Speed

| chargedmgtype       = Damage type for charged attacks
| chargedmg           = Charge Damage
| chargespeed         = Base Charge Speed
| chargecritchance    = charge attack crit chance
| chargecritdmg       = charge attack crit damage

| stagchance          = Chance enemy interrupted or stunned
| conclave            = Base Conclave rating for the weapon
| polarities          = The polarities that the weapon has
| notes               = Notes for the weapon

Blank Values Ranged[edit source]

| name                = 
| image               = 
| masterylvl          = 
| type                = 
| trigger             = 
| projectilespeed     = 
| noiselvl            = 

| dmgtype             = 
| damage              = 
| critchance          = 
| critdmg             = 

| firingrate          = 
| acc                 = 
| clip                = 
| ammo                = 
| reload              = 

| chargedmgtype       = 
| chargedmg           = 
| chargespeed         = 
| chargecritchance    = 
| chargecritdmg       = 

| stagchance          = 
| conclave            = 
| polarities          = 
| notes               = 

Usage Melee[edit source]

| name                = Name of the weapon
| image               = The image of the weapon. Usually WeaponName.png
| masterylvl          = Minimum mastery level required to equip
| type                = Type of the weapon
| projectilespeed     = Projectile Speed for projectile weapons

| dmgtype             = Damage type
| damage              = Base damage
| atkrate             = Normal attack rate
| critchance          = normal attack crit chance
| critdmg             = normal attack crit damage

| chargedmgtype       = Damage type for charged attacks
| chargedmg           = Charge Damage
| chargespeed         = Base Charge Speed
| chargecritchance    = charge attack crit chance
| chargecritdmg       = charge attack crit damage

| jumpdmgtype         = Damage type for Jump attacks
| jumpdmg             = Jump damage
| jumpcritchance      = Jump attack crit chance
| jumpcritdmg         = Jump attack crit damage

| slamdmgtype         = Slam Damage Type
| slamdmg             = Slam Damage
| slamradius          = Slam Radius

| slidedmgtype        = Damage type for Slide attacks
| slidedmg            = Slide damage
| slidecritchance     = Slide attack crit chance
| slidecritdmg        = Slide Attack crit damage

| finisherdmg         = Damage dealt when attacking a knocked-down target.  
| maxtargets          = Maximum amount of targets the weapon can hit in a single attack
| cleaveradius        = Attack range of the weapon
| conclave            = Base Conclave rating for the weapon
| polarities          = The polarities that the weapon has
| notes               = Notes for the weapon

Blank Values Melee[edit source]

| name                = 
| image               = 
| masterylvl          = 
| type                = 
| projectilespeed     = 

| dmgtype             = 
| damage              = 
| atkrate             = 
| critchance          = 
| critdmg             = 

| chargedmgtype       = 
| chargedmg           = 
| chargespeed         = 
| chargecritchance    = 
| chargecritdmg       = 

| jumpdmgtype         = 
| jumpdmg             = 
| jumpcritchance      = 
| jumpcritdmg         = 

| slamdmgtype         = 
| slamdmg             = 
| slamradius          = 

| slidedmgtype        = 
| slidedmg            = 
| slidecritchance     = 
| slidecritdmg        = 

| finisherdmg         = 
| maxtargets          = 
| cleaveradius        = 
| conclave            = 
| polarities          = 
| notes               = 