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Revision as of 12:06, 20 February 2021 by KaliVasquez (talk | contribs)
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About Me

Hi! My name's Kali. I've been playing Warframe for the past four years. I incubatea lot of Kavats and Kubrows, and also try and update wiki pages about them as soon as something new shows up.


I'm an author of a handful of fan-made resources about Warframe companions (focusing on Kavats and Kubrows) for other fellow players to use freely. Below are things that I made:

  1. An In-Depth Guide to Kavat Genetic Code Farming, a handy guide detailing everything needed to properly and efficiently farm for Kavat Genetic Codes ; I try to keep it up to date.
  2. Kavat Energy Color Table (+direct imgur link), which is meant to help players determine the energy color of their pet Kavat. Currently there's no other way to know other than eyeballing it, but I'm hoping that the table I made might be helpful to you.

If you end up using those, please credit me by including my name (KaliVasquez) and a link back to my profile on Warframe forums.

Kavat Genetics

Below is an example demonstrating how traits in kavats are passed down. If you have any questions regarding this table and Kavats/Kubrows in general, feel free to drop me a message!

Slot Name Parent #1 Parent #2 Possible Child
Primary Fur Color Sequence Blue + Hyacinth Blue
Sequence Blue 50%
Hyacinth Blue 50%
Secondary Fur Color Mesa Yellow + Mesa Yellow Mesa Yellow 100%
Tertiary Fur Color Mesa Yellow + Executioner Grey
Mesa Yellow 50%
Executioner Grey 50%
Accents (Fur Color) Asteroid Grey + Harkonar Orange
Asteroid Grey 50%
Harkonar Orange 50%
Energy Color Green + Blue
Green 50%
Blue 50%
Breed (Type)
Smeeta Kavat
Adarza Kavat
Smeeta 50%

Adarza 50%

Head Type
Tufted Ears
Fennec Head
Tufted 50%

Fennec 50%

Tail Type
Mermaid Tail
Peacock Tail
Mermaid 50%

Peacock 50%

Fur Pattern
Hyacinth Fur Pattern
Hyacinth Fur Pattern
Hyacinth 100%